You can't even samefag on Holla Forums anymore because of the IDs. I mean, you can if you switch IPs but it's a long tedious process and shouldn't be necessary. Holla Forums has always been a board when you could casually astroturf and samefag in peace, now it's a shithole.
Samefagging was a tradition, now it's seen as bad.
Michael Powell
Juan Jenkins
Nice kennedi dubs.
Blake Cook
Yeah, I don't really know why samefagging is a big deal. And it's not like the ID's do anything to cut back on the cp or spam. When we took a vote, most anons wanted to keep the flags but lose the ID's… so, of course the faggot ass mod decided to keep the ID's and lose the flags.
Lucas Ramirez
and that's how little the mods care about us. what does it matter to them if ids are implemented? seriously think about. mods always know which posts belong to a certain ip address. so they turn on ids just to shit on their users. that's the only reason. they fucking hate us and it shows
Adam Turner
I mean, IDs suck, don't get me wrong, but samefagging should be tedious, because we should reserve samefagging for those who really are dedicated to samefagging. So, shitpost on, my faggot friend.
Chase Cooper
Yeah and it doesn't even matter if ids were turned off it would be about a week or 2 until dysnomia did something else to fuck with the users
Logan Jenkins
i hope your murdered tonight asshole
Christopher Reed
coming from a guy using tor
Zachary Wright
It is a mouse click, and it takes 10 seconds, you complete fuckwagon. The whole reason IDs are stupid is because switching IPs is so fucking easy! IDs accomplish NOTHING anymore, except keeping the ignorant from whining.
Ian Bell
you're the ignorant one faggot. ids are cancer you stupid fucking asshole!! it's an anonymous board!
Matthew Johnson
Ethan Cruz
he can't keep getting away with it.
Jayden Cooper
Joshua Phillips
who mentioned cuckoldry? Are you projecting?
Ryder Hernandez
no. ids are great because it BTFO shitty OPs who can't make a relevant thread but rely on retarded comments to survive.
Jaxson Rodriguez
I just like shitposting
Isaiah James
that doesn't happen and by the stupidity and complete irrelevance of your post i'm quite sure you already know this through years of experience. drop dead asshole. i have yet to see a valid reason for ids. a bunch of morons seem to love them though.
James King
They like them because half the posts are probably bots set up by dysnomia
Oliver Bailey
Christian Young
stupid fuck even shitchan prevents ops from bumping their own threads. this place though? tell me their too stupid to enforce that. anyway the solution is simple except for a simpleton like you: you prevent thread op from bumping their own thread! duhhhh. fucking asshole kys!!! you're too stupid to come to the correct answer
Benjamin Nguyen
ask codemonkey, i forgot if it does or not. HAHHAHAHAHAHAH HOLY SHIT LAD keep ids in place. this fucking 15 year old retard is so retarded he can't use a VPN or spoof his IP to covertly samefag.
i know this isn't ironic because the fact he types like the average cuckchanner of 2017.
Landon Perez
This is why we need ID's so we know that it's just one irrationally angry autist who hates them. ID's will make b great again.
Gabriel Cruz
They've been on for a bit now and it's still utter shit.
Lincoln Stewart
the lack of IDs was what made Holla Forums great back in the day. You're like a progressive shouting that hate speech will make free speech great again.
Hunter Barnes
I care what some poo-eating sandnigger thinks.
robble robble
Joseph Green
I keep forgetting his name. Is it Dan "suck on my corn cob for a job" Schneider or Dan "get in my van and use your hand" Schneider
Jonathan Harris
It's Dan "get in my van and i'll hide her" Schneider