Ask them your questions about any of their shows.
Ask them your questions about any of their shows.
no fuck you mom
Inb4 World Peace season 2 and Metalocylpse finale.
sam hyde isn't very funny tbh.
i'd prefer if they finished their fucking old shows like stroker & hoop, or metalocalypse
which new show?
World Peace.
link me to the (in your opinion) funniest episode.
so far everything i've seen of sam is nothing but Holla Forums shit, its good and he's right, but its not funny.
Episode Three was the funniest,IMO.
Tell me FLCL is getting cancelled.
Main that stream was a waste of time! Those developers are nothing more but a bunch of hipster faggots looking at hipster faggot art.
alright, i've watched episode 3, from embed related.
start to 2:50 he randomly speaks like a nigger and then is lifted up with cords at the end, what's the joke?
2:50 to 5:55 is "commiefornia is gay and commie, the (((politicians))) are poisoning the water and making everybody gay and docile", got a single chuckle out of me when he starts pouring toothpaste on the water yeah, i get the joke, fluoride on tap water, thanks uncle Holla Forums
6:00 to 7:40 more lerandumb shit, attempts at jokes were unfunny
7:50 to 8:05 was slightly funny, it didn't need the other 2 drawn out awkward and unfunny segments to set the joke, it would have been funny on its own.
8:10 to end, teacher is tired of teaching kike propaganda to kids and wants to kill himself, i get the """"joke"""", but its just not funny
its unfunny, its awkward, wouldn't rate above 3/10.
why do people praise this garbage?
Because sometimes, the truth isn't always funny
Sounds more to me like YOU CAN'T HANDLE THE TRUTH.
yeah, i get it. jews put chemicals in american tap water, and schools only teach anti-white shit. where are the jokes?
I bet you avoid the news.
When are they going to stop dedicating themselves so hard to sucking?
yes, so a comedy show that goes out of its way to show the truth therefore isnt always good (as a comedy show)
Does everything have to be a joke?
How fucked must your shit be?
Well the alternative is literally just stating the obvious.
I mean fuck, there are about a dozen youtube professional culture critics that can not only do that but at least offer SOME kind of insight on the subject.
Such as?
Such as… anyone on youtube?
I mean jesus with what passes at adult swim as 'content' you'll get more insightful social commentary from a god damn Pewdiepie or DSP video.
And not the good ones either, I mean the shittiest videoes they put out will ahve at least something.
You better not be subscribed to one motherfucker showing his face, unless he's a goddamn devout white nationalist.
Well, you'd better not be subscribed to anyone not Anita Sarkesian, sounds like you have a lot in common with her. You could just spend hours with each other determining what content people are allowed to enjoy.
Remind me why the German right and Holla Forums decided to adopt a slogan from the Third Reich's uprising?
Wouldn't it be a smarter move to distance themselves from the indoctrinated 'evil' to try to gain more followers.
Honestly, from a PR angle, you guys don't do well with recruiting.
They seem to be doing alright these days.
You're not even trying to be subtle. God, I wish the cuck owner of this board would enable IDs already.
Ideology obfuscates reality.
There are people that legitimately think that just because Brexit and Trump happened. That it is 100% because of white nationalism, just like the MSM presented it.
Not for, you know, the myriad of reasons that it actually happened. Not least of all was the stagnation of political leadership leading us to an economic collapse only envisioned by Carl Marx as globalism and automation stand to eliminate the need for most jobs. Coupled with a ruling wealthy class that seem content to try and ignore the problem hoping it goes away as they continue to propagate the business practices and investments that further the inevitability of worldwide economic collapse.
Nope, a bunch of people suddenly just really want to scapegoat any and all minorities because white power.
What the fuck are you even going on about?
Scapegoat implies they aren't actually a problem.
Watch out, user. You're about to get educated on the wonders of nonpartisanship™.
I would rather it be wrong and funny than just handfeeding us propaganda like these Holla Forums types always do. Serious business plus insulting the audiences intelligence makes for shitty humor. It's like the only kind of jokes they know to make are "Lisa Simpson" jokes.
That being said, the guy is not that bad.
Nah, not even samefagging, you just don't like it that two anons don't agree 100% with you.
I'm the user from and while I agree with most of the anons from Holla Forums
, I just don't like how you guys market yourselves. Hard to convince a man to join your cause if you just scream buzzwords all day. Not that the left does any better, but they're predominantly in charge worldwide, for now.
>>>Holla Forums
Because it's appropriate and cuts right to the point.
And there's no reason to worry about being called a Nazi when you're already being called a Nazi just for standing up for yourself.
People should keep shitting on that Tim fag and that one guy who wanted to get rid of anime from adult swim since it triggered him and apparently only Trump fans liked it.
Shitting on them won't do a damn thing.
The whole point of (((Hollywood))) isn't to actually make money. Hell, it isn't even meant to entertain, if you ever got that idea. Believe me. If they ever run into financial trouble, which they won't thanks to tax benefits, congress'll bail them out, anyway.
The whole point is to keep all the avenues of information clogged up with "truth". If every film and tv program's kosher, then it's all okay, even if absolutely nobody's watching any of it. All that matters is that it's there, and isn't going anywhere, or to anyone. All streams must be filled with shit, or else.
I know that it is meant to spread ideology and leach tax money, but I just want to see the asshurt and another one of Tim's famous "I am totally not mad but you are" 24 hour sperg out.
The thing about Trump is that he's such a wacky cartoon character, which I don't think lines up with how his supporters and detractors see him as. He lacks the "threatening" aura of Hitler that both Holla Forums and the left claim he has.
I never really ever saw Hitler as threatening. Just very outspoken and admirable.
Why? They'll just pick another collegiate, and move on, if he ragequits.
Lugenpresse was used during the Third Reich just like Gesundheit, but there were both terms that preceded the Third Reich.
If you think that german words are "nazi", then you're not bright at all.
pls email [email protected]/* */ if you're a cat named sakamoto and want a cute furret to lick your paws
pls email [email protected]/* */ if you're a cat named sakamoto and want a cute furret to lick your paws
Pretty sure they did this in one go and decided to split it into two parts. Reason is of course… ¥¥¥
Pretty common in the animation industry
Really depends on the lens you'll be using. If you're shooting a 28mm or a 35mm then the focus accuracy will probably be about the same, but when you start getting to longer focal length lenses like 90mm where the depth of field is much shorter it'll be harder to get spot on focus with the bessa.
If you're not using super fast or long focal length lenses then the Bessa will not be noticeably worse.
Actually, she doesn't seem to have a neesan, so it's
Japanese is fun like that.
Deposited a lvl 16 female Paras in a pokeball for a Minior
IGN : Adrian
Classic message
Thank you OP !
Never even heard of anidb until now.
So I guess that's probably why right there.
literally why tho my man like how why damn dude wtf
If Adult Swim can make a not shit season of FLCL then and only then should they try to do another season of Big O. But if they can't do it then I would rather they not shit all over a great series. Also, Tim should shoot a video of himself sodomizing Eric for 56 minutes because Tim has become a giant fag.
Reminder that if you have anything you want to pitch them, there is a development meeting at 8pm EST tonight.
oh gee i wonder what this thread is going to derail into~
yep, just as expected