Do you think mods should be able to delete whatever they want? Or should they have guidelines to follow like the users do?
Mod Rule
There is literally nothing wrong with totalitarianism
If a mod oversteps his bounds, and starts fucking around, they'll find that their board will become empty pretty quick. As long as the administration and global mods do what they're supposed to do, I'm fine with them only obeying a set of global rules. Whatever some little dick asshole with a glimmer of authority does .. well, the side effect is that if they start to be retards, it could result in a dead board. Remember that the exodus had a reason.
Mods should delete this shitty board so we can all be freed from our misery.
The mods have been getting more than a little out of line lately. Anyone funposting, shitposting or god forbid talking about pedos or posting lgs gets insta-banned. I never thought this place could go from being so great to being so utterly shit so incredibly quick.
no need to lie, anyone can go look at the board log
If you want to be a pedo, go to reddit or that one SJW service that refuses to moderate itself aside from a really bad shadow ban bot. Boards have policies about what they deem acceptable on their boards. Global bans and mod bans aren't the same thing. Global mods don't ban you from specific boards, that's something to take up with the mods of the board you get banned from.
And I don't know what "lgs" is. But honestly, I didn't come here to see little girl (or for that matter little boy) porn, I came here to get away from 4chan's totalitarian policies forbidding us from talking about GamerGate, you know, corruption in the video game industry. Reddit lost their legal protections from what their users do because they wantonly had little or no moderation for pedophilia and predatory content. Holla Forums's admin clearly don't want to lose their protection, and I don't want to have some law enforcement asshole show up at my doorstep because I've been browsing a fucked up website that would allow that kind of content.
So if your problem is that the mods are banning for pedophilia, my response is "good, and fuck you for being broken."
Site was founded on free speech, mods should stay true to that. Delete illegal content/spam. I think it may also be reasonable to delete certain topics as well but thats a slippery slope and who exactly gets to say what those topics are?
I don't like pedo threads but thats in their free speech to talk about pedoshit as long as they aren't posting illegal content. The problem is most pedo threads lead to that, bait for it, or subtly request it. I'm also worried of them taking over the board, Holla Forums is supposed to be random. I fear the old days of cyclical pedo threads a numerous others branching out from it shitting up the rest of the board. I feel like pedoshit should have their own board for that topic so not to shit up this place.
I've noticed a few threads i liked have disappeared, they may have just been bumped off the catalog but it looks to me like they may have been deleted. I understand shit like the 3bear shit, as i would classify that as spam. And maybe even really bad shitposting threads or stupid threads where OP makes a thread to ask a stupid question or something. But threads about the one guy who was taking pictures at a party or the mod appreciation threads were ok but seemed to have disappeared out of nowhere.
Pedoshit is illegal, fuckface. It falls under conspiracy to commit a felony. Eat what you are; shit.
the catalog is 5 pages
it autosaged and slid off the catalog
Wrong. Mods are just triggered by cute things because they are homosexual community
i'm a goldfish cracker :3
I'm also not a pedo, fuckface. Is posting pictures of young clothed girls illegal though? Work on your reading comprehension m8. Or don't get triggered like a faggot SJW and actually finish reading my post. It's fags like you ruining Holla Forums.
I can't ruin a board I never go to.
Thats what i thought. I sort of get suspicous sometimes because i'll go to sleep and wake up to threads i liked being gone and looking at the bump order of other threads i think theres no way they could have slid off the catalog but its probably just in my head.
Reported for CP
then stop coming to Holla Forums :^)
That's not CP. It's neither nude or suggestive. Little girls in bathing suits with part of the fabric cut out to create camel toes is one thing, but that picture is girls who could very well be anywhere between 16 and 24.
i was hoping to post some more in the anime thread today but it slid off too. the good threads gotta stay bumped
You first.
Mods are out of their fucking minds here, holy fuck. Run for the hills anons…
Any picture of young girls is CP.
mods have an obligation to delete every post they see
That doesn't really make sense. By that logic, a mother or a father posting pictures of their children on vacation at the beach is CP.
mods = gay community
Yes parents posting pictures of their children are aiding and abetting thoughtcrime pedophiles who masturbate to these pictures.
Don't be fooled user. Mods without a doubt delete threads they don't like before their time.
Prove it.
Jim is my god
Kill those who post images of girls
Everyone knows that jews are the biggest proponents of pedophilia, and that they're also responsible for leftism, and multiculturalism (except in their own country of course). Calling someone a "censorkike" because they oppose pedophilia makes zero sense.
Lurk moar, satan.
posting reaction images of little girls != pedophilia
also, you are the one that wishes to censor speech which is very (((SJW))) of you
Kill yourself pedophile.
You're gonna need a bigger bait.
Not an argument or proof.
this. requesting dysnomia to delete Holla Forums and end this once and for all.
good goy
10 shekels have been deposited into your accounts for keeping the internet free of hate speech.
This girl is borderline pedo looking kys
mods ban this guy
Wait are you saying she looks like a pedo or looks like something a pedo would like?
Either way, best to play it safe and ban. In fact, let's just ban all images. You never know when one some sick fuck might sprout wood and start thinking about impregnating a fetus through their asshole. Yep, based mods are cucked.
Go back to your home pedokike
4chan is way better than this sote, I just come here to hunt pedophiles.
So now that we all know how useless it is to stay on this site after the epic failure that was /bbbb/ where shall we set sail to next, Holla Forumsros?
This is not an issue of being pedo but rather of being free amidst others who are also free. I'm not interested in a containment board as that sounds boring as hell. Is the internet completely fucked now or do we have a chance somewhere else?
4chan is the last vestige of free speech.
Kek, normies are so dumb. It's fun to listen to you, acting like you can make a difference.
I will hunt you down pedo
go back to reddit. the only thing you can hunt is a bag of cheetos
I'll be waiting, because you're hunting down a innocent man.
You know you've fucked your own board when the only popular thread is about how terrible the mods are. Good jorb team.
how new are you? we have these threads every day
go back to 4chan, censorkike
Prepare to see something you never saw, modcucks
That's what I'm saying, retard.
newfag detected
kek nice try pedokike
pedokike > sodomite/LGBT community tbh
I stopped reading right there.
It doesn't matter what I think.
Or what you think.
Or what anyone thinks, except for Dysnomia.
It is his board and he makes the decisions, not us.
Yes, most the time when the users voice their opinion he does the exact opposite because he thinks it is funny. That is his right as BO.
As far as the mods go, Dysnomia changes what few guidelines he has for them as often as he changes everything else around here, and he is equally vague about them as he is with the general board rules. So to ask whether mods ought to have guidelines is a pretty stupid question if those guidelines are going to be shifting all the damn time anyway.
A better question is why continue using a board if you are not happy with the way the BO is running things, or if you are not getting out of it what you would like to get out of it? There are literally hundreds of millions of other websites to go to. Surely one of them has what you are looking for, you just have to find it. But you won't find it here. Because nobody likes it here. Nobody thinks Dysnomia is a good BO, and nobody thinks much of his mods. But it doesn't matter what we think. Not on this board. The users do not matter here. And until you accept that, you will never understand Holla Forums.
Your question reveals that you do not understand the problem. There is no "we". There is no "next place". That is what everyone came to Holla Forums thinking they were getting into, but that is not what happened. This didn't pan out to be the "next place" any better than /bbbb did! And only a fragment of the 4chan exodus bothered coming here, it wasn't a "we" then either.
Each user has to venture out on their own to find the "next place" for them alone. If you bump into ex-8/b users then you can commiserate, but it isn't going to be an organized relocation to a single specific place because it can not be.
Everyone just has to strike out on their own and find a new place for themselves.
The days of the chan are over, that is for sure.
You're the cancer killing this board.
You can be hunted too.
i think 8/b/ users simply moved on from imageboards because i don't see another 'habbening' chan site coming soon
Mods should modulate the user experience for variable shitpost cycles.
wew lad
fuck of kike
cyclic pedo tread when
Well done, you bastards! Look what this thread has gone and done… it made Donald Duck have a fucking stroke!
tbh mods should ban whoever they please
starting with you
I would like to remind everyone the mod values that this board started with:
If it's not illegal we won't ban you for it
There was no rules against "spam", users were banned for "flooding" however (posting so much that no one else could post as well or had to scroll through your wall of posts/threads before finding a post from a different person)
Mods would ban very very illegal content, anything that was in the "gray" area of legality was usually untouched
This all means that we had a crap ton of different content and styles of posting.
Guro to puppies to doxing threads to animal abuse to random acts of kindness and anything you can think of was posted here. We had tripfag anime circlejerk threads, we had people who would post the same thread everyday, people who frequent on the "dark web" we had "regular" users, spammers, 4channers redditors and timestampers.
Now this board has a 4chan moderator and naturally he brought his 4chan following here (who hate the original values of this board).
If they want 4chan they'll just go to 4chan, not this shithole. The only people here are the ones that have nowhere else to go.
Literally nothing except pedophilia has action taken against it. You can still post dox and crush porn and whatever else you want. Stop trying to make this into a slippery slope scenario, the purging starts and ends with you alone.
Pony thread/content? Anime tripcancer thread? Travis spam? Cuck porn? Daily swimsuit thread?
Need I go on?
i might give up on imageboards after this one dies. i'll probably give life another go
i just miss the variety of content 'we' use to have
Are you listing things that get posted daily? Because it sounds like a list of things that are condoned
Its always a slippery slope scenario, it always starts with pedos because they're the easiest target and then it never stops.
Just like awhile after banning the official pedo thread and all the pedos they then banned the official pony thread and all the horsefuckers.
what did he mean by this? Care to elaborate
Pedos are the most stigmatized group in modern society so they'll have the least amount of people to stick up for them making them the easiest target.
Back when Holla Forums was actually a bastion of free speech pedos were commonly known as the canaries in the coal mine of free speech because once they go then free speech is dead.
Firstly, the horsefuckers were banned not out of morals or principal, or even general dislike, but because dysnomia thought it would be funny. The evidence of such is the fact that they are allowed back. Face it, pedos are cancer of imageboards and every other group, while being stigmatized, it at least tolerable becausr they don't destroy whatever community plays them host.
I agree with you but how come the vast majority of our board is still filled with pedophiles, hebephiles, ephebophiles and teenphiles? If they were really that easy wouldn't they all be gone by now?
they've always been welcome here on Holla Forums if they behave
I was much as I hate pedos once they're gone the whole idea of freeze peach goes with them. They're inherently problematic, there's no way you could have them without causing huge issues.
But that's the whole point of free speech. Without them this place is just another version of 4chan. Gamergay is allowed but ponies aren't.
And here we see a wild Holla Forumsack confronted with reasoning which suggests that maybe the Jews can't simultaneously own the media which promotes anti-freedom feminist ephebophobic bullshit and promote lowering the age of consent. Its expression "fuck off kike" indicates its confusion and inability to reconcile this new information with its previous worldview.
somehow i dont think your agreement hold much weight.
am gone if that happens
gone for good
This is step 1 in the jewish handbook. Lead both sides in order to have complete control over the battlefield.
bitch, fuck off. i know who you are and you ogle and drool over cp of prepubescents. stop lying
lol who is he
Violating someones freedom of speech "because its funny" goes against everything this site used to stand for, and like it or not pedophiles are inherent in chan culture and them being ousted is the beginning of the end.
4chan no longer allows pedos and now its a normalfag shithole and Holla Forums no longer allows pedos and it'll go the way of the dodo because all the normalfags already have 4chan.
The problem is when jim took over as admin and started banning people for disagreeing with him a load of mods here left realizing this place was no longer a bastion of free speech and those mods were never replaced by anyone.
So even though we have a couple faggot mods here banning us for the most inane shit all the time we outnumber them by orders of magnitude and by virtue of being pedos have more VPNs than they could ever ban.
If Holla Forums had an army of mods like 4chan does and banned VPNs/Tor like 4chan does then it would be a different story.
if you want to instill some doubt then that's up to you but i've always made it clear There is nothing but their 'personality' I find 'attractive.'
you fuck off
Just go to 4chan m8. You''ll love it there.
The foundation of Holla Forums was the last bastion of free speech. This place will only serve to make you uncomfortable.
You can only imagine what this board was like around 2014/15. Constant cp leaks, daily pony threads, insane amounts of spam/flooding (the the point of the whole board being unusable). I'm sure it would be very unnerving for you.
a pedo
you're the faggot that cried that Holla Forums isnt a safe space for pedos anymore. maybe the guy who says im larping. you always rub your dick to little children, then claim you're a hebe.
If thats actually what I said then you might have had a point
Kill yourself for being a pedo.
For any newfags needing a history lesson read this post .
we'd be another 4chan
they ban 'obvious' jailbait and teen photos but they allow traps, blacked, ex-gf, fb/ig (which includes teens in their fucking bikinis) and 2d loli threads. 4chan's Holla Forums board is a fucking disgrace to what it once was, it's actually fucking sad.
It is….
I miss old Holla Forums so dearly :(
The feels man…
a pedo being emotional is the most disgusting thing to witness. all sad when they are finally the victims of something they perceive to be bad.
We all do user.
I only wish I didn't take it so for granted, I would have spent so much more time here if I had known it would go the way of 4chan at such an accelerated pace.
there's always shitty archives for us to
reminisce upon
i think you're generalizing the 'pedo' community and trying to project it on one user. why are you so upset?
if this board's primary users upsets you so much why don't you simply leave?
Why can't all the pedos and oldfags just move to a new board? 4channers can stay here with dysnomia and everyone else can revive old Holla Forums.
he knows.
there's only so much denial and delusion a human being can tolerate, especially if it comes from pigs.
i hate the majority of humanity so ill just leave earth. i like alot of what it offers, some being incredibly unique to it, but its inhabitants is annoying. i wont bother trying to correct them, ill just give up and move on.
Because jim is the root of the problem and hes the owner of the entire website.
Dysnomia is only the board owner of Holla Forums because he let himself get cucked by jim while literally every other mod on Holla Forums at the time left when they saw that jim became admin and started banning people for disagreeing with him.
New Holla Forums boards have been tried already but if they aren't as cucked as this one they just get nuked.
i say they stop the board creation thing, make a pedo board to concentrate all the pedo content there. it will be good for everyone. i dont get to be exposed to degenerates, they can have a safe space, and the mods can easily focus on that board for pedo content. seeing the same shit pedo threads constantly makes you numb.
4chan allows pedo topics to be debated though, as long as you don't post any pictures of 3d lolis.
Just go to 4chan my man. No board creation there.
Bullshit, I've been permabanned for even admitting I was a pedo with no image or anything.
this place has multiple boards that can house pedo content. this site is over saturated, so all of them flock to Holla Forums where it has a strong user base and allows for it. this is why i said stop the board creation bullshit.
if you think thats a good feature you can neck yourself.
yeah that does happen but it's something like a 10% chance
i havent ever been banned for pedo discussion but i was perma banned on all boards for literally posting an instagram pic of a loli. they denied my appeal, too.
Yeah I totally want to debate a topic on a website where I have a 10% chance (generously) of getting permabanned for wrongthink and proxies don't work.
So the pedos and oldfags are annoyed because of the new moderation but are stuck here because they have nowhere else to go, and the new moderation wants another 4chan but are bogged down by the old users.
Great for everyone.
We need jewwheels back.
I was making a point to him that he should go (back) to 4chan since it's already that way there.
not sorry
Fuck this queer sphere.
no u
tl;dr you want to try to make a difference in a board infested with pedophiles?
well goodluck because you'll need a lot of that
There are people using Holla Forums to rape children RIGHT NOW
i was gonna say what the fuck are you on about.
the illness makes him, not the other way around. he wouldnt care about freedom and not giving a fuck if he wasnt gonna die. the only way he can get people to like him in that sorry state is to please them by letting them run around like the degenerates they are.
tbh you're making it sound better than it is. i just dont like pedo content and would personally be happier to not see it on Holla Forums.
Well I think its safe to say we don't like moralfag content and would prefer not to see you on Holla Forums anymore and considering theres more of us you should settle this democratically and just get the fuck out.
consider me a moralfag yet would like to accomplish my exile democratically. fuck yourself.
try it, cunt.
not that funny. stop jerking each others dicks.
all there is to it.
The joke is that since you're a moralfag you'd be inclined to settle this democratically.
and since you're a degenerate, why would you allow that
Why wouldn't he? it would get rid of someone he doesnt like
if my very existence annoys him, thats all the more reason to stay.
That works both ways you know
unfortunately. so the strongest will thrive, and the strongest people are that with morals. it takes control to not submit to your degenerate desires. all these pedophiles are weak; weak minded pigs.
gramps the internet is not hard
then filter the pedo discussions and be left with the quality threads. i know it's a fucking cliche here but have you ever thought about going to reddit or halfchan because its a nice safespace for 'your kind'
t. torfag
So the pedos and oldfags are annoyed because of the new moderation but are stuck here because they have nowhere else to go, and the new moderation wants another 4chan but are bogged down by the old users.
Great for everyone.
Can more people acknowledge my post thanks.
yes you're correct but i'm not an oldfag nor a pedo
we're not going to spoonfeed you because the nurses in your retirement home are already paid to do that for you gramps
no, just the pedos
I can tell you aren't proficient with a keyboard.
Plenty of oldfags hated it while it was happening but I think a lot of them just went back to 4chan since they have less to hate about 4chan than pedos do and this place is basically a slower 4chan at this point anyway.
If I wasn't a pedo I probably would have just went back to 4chan too so I can't blame them.
there arent any because they all get bumped off due to the pedophile bullshit.
im not insulted that you essentially refer to me as a good person.
your entire comment lacked intelligence. did you even read my prior comments?
Really nigger?
Prove it
you're one to talk
Prove what? You do realize IDs are on, right?
my initial observations/assumptions still stands
hopefully you get even more triggered redditor
So the pedos and oldfags are annoyed because of the new moderation but are stuck here because they have nowhere else to go, and the new moderation wants another 4chan but are bogged down by the old users.
Great for everyone..
reported for spam
fuck off you attention seeking whore.
So the pedos and oldfags are annoyed because of the new moderation but are stuck here because they have nowhere else to go, and the new moderation wants another 4chan but are bogged down by the old users.
Great for everyone…
stop fellow torfag we get it
So the pedos and oldfags are annoyed because of the new moderation but are stuck here because they have nowhere else to go, and the new moderation wants another 4chan but are bogged down by the old users.
Fuck this jew site we need fredrick back.
why dont you stop living, pedo
That was uncalled for user you hurt damn near every feel I got.
nope but from what i've gathered you're just a nobody trying to be a 'somebody' by making it your duty to try to purge the pedos from a terminal board.
He's long gone, his meat fed Jim's pigs and his bones fed Jim's dogs
and his site fed jim's goldwater advertising budget
This is what happens when you let a jew takeover the site. I miss hotwheels so much, It's been so long since I've seen his 11" dong.
may his soul rest in pece
If freedom is to be protected at all it must be protected for those who need it most. In this case it's the pedofags. Freedom of speech isn't limited by topic.
Yeah and that would be cool and shit if
every single god damned
board competing with Holla Forums wasn't banned by admins
if they have rules they won't follow them because there are no consequences for breaking them, so it really doesn't matter at all
Pretty sure that Holla Forums's rules have always included something along the lines of "posts may be deleted for any reason, including no reason at all."
If I had a problem with it, I wouldn't have stuck around for like 10 fucking years now.
Not everyone is deserving of freedom
because there really are so many viable alternatives aren't there?
Fuck you. And I don't mean that in a friendly, ironic way. Get cancer and die.
no u