Juden in Action

Based Mel's new flick hacksaw ridge is coming out to rave reviews, but has the press kvetching over questions like "can we separate the man from his art?"

(((Roger Friedman))) who wrote the trash above, is surprisingly forgiving of another director who fell afoul of public opinion: kid-fucker (((Roman Polanski)))


The only real crime in pedowood is saying something mean about jews. Fuck kids all day and it won't have any impact on the perception of your "art".

Look who else got in trouble with this fucking kike: Gary Oldman


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Yeah, well, what's a few anally-raped teenagers compared to making a drunken off-hand comment about (((them)))? I'm surprised they didn't plant dead black babies in Mel's mansion in order to get him hanged.

Hasn't pedowood been hemorrhaging shekels for a while now?

Fucking Kikeywood reporters trying to shut down Mel's film before it is released. Just shows how much Mel is being blackballed by the kikes.

Looks like Mel is going to get some gold teeth from this film if it does well. The Jew salt will be flowing!

Hymiewood must be shitting itself right now

Its impossible to tell.They just use movies that shit the bed as tax write-offs, so they literally cannot lose money no matter how shitty the trash they force down our throats gets. And the actual books are never released.

Suicide Squad has made 675 mil so far. And it is fucking terrible.

they won't panic until they start running out of little slave boys to peddle.

That's because normies love capshit


Hold up! hold up gentlemen!

Who is funding Mel's new film?

I haven't seen Passion of the Christ, but Apocalypto was fantastic. Mel's got a real talent behind the camera.

Has Will Smith (outside of biopics) EVER managed to play a role that wasn't meant for a white actor?

Bump for Mel


How have you not seen Passion of the Christ? It was the movie the Jews Shoahed him over.

Anybody watch "Blood Father" yet?


Lionsgate is distributing in the US

A group of Australians IIRC

He had to work outside of the Hollyjew system

I enjoyed it. Mad max vibe with the chase scenes.

It's a pretty generic action thriller.

Mel's performance was good though.

I shame these dubs… I will make sure I see it this week.
I thought his jew problems started with his DUI incident, apparently not.

They started running a smear campaign against him before he even made the comments, it was disgusting. I know South Park did a hit piece on him and the ADL was all butthurt and accused him of antisemitism for how he portrayed the rabbis.


I remember seeing the south park episodes about him back in the day, but I originally thought they were just making fun of him for no particular reason.

I also remember a lot of reviewers were trashing Passion when it came out, referring to it as 'torture porn' or something, saying they went too far with the crucifixion. I'll have to see it just to see how many reviews were just hit pieces.

Buff Mel for relevance.

Which means it's pretty much better than 95% of the pozzed leftist garbage that Hymiewood puts out nowadays.

To be honest, the South Park and Family Guy smear attempts only made me love him more.

I don't think south Park smeared him so much as they gave their usual lolbertarian send up. I used to love it until I realized that even they were on the edge of something bigger, but you have to admit, for guys who won't go anti-nigger, they'll do just about anything else.

Yeah. I laughed my ass off when they turned Chef into a pedo after Hayes quit over ripping on Scientology. He had no problem with sending up the jews, the Christians, the muslims, etc, but he feared for his anal virginity when David Miscarriage called up and screamed at him.

(((critics))) hated it because it showed that jews were responsible for the crucifiction of Christ

The BIBLE does that. They can hate him all they like, but it clearly shows that the Romans were willing to let Him off with a "warning" (ie. ripping him to fuck with scourges) and the jews were all like "Oh hell NAW! He told us we were all sinners and that we can't stone that whore we all fucked! Crucify his ass!"

Jesus asked God to forgive them, but I know how I'd feel if I'd just watched some fucks torture my child.

Hacksaw Ridge looks like pacifist christian bullshit.
If you want a good WWII movie, I recommend Saving Private Ryan. It even features an eternal Kraut steamboat willie.

Saving Private Ryan? The war-porn by Steven Shekelberg? No thanks.

Fuck Jew Park, it has some Libertarian views but for the most part it is a Jewish propaganda outlet and controlled opposition.

The "but" wasn't necessary.

The 9/11 made me lose all respect for them, and the one where they made NSA leaks seem like not a big deal because everyones on social media was the icing on the cake. (Sry if this is getting off topic don't mean to derail.)

Its true tho.

Of course, but the libertarianism is part of that.

At least SPR didn't get into Holohoax nonsense. That surprised me, considering the filmmaker.


I don't like how they fall into the leftycuck corner of always being willing to make fun of the right but the moment the left needs mocking it's both suddenly being targeted.

The lead is a jew.

Sometimes i wonder if this is just a huge sham, these shitty-ass movies becoming blockbusters and earning millions i mean.

Like maybe it's actually empty theaters after the first few days BUT everyone is onboard to make sure media and normies get the message that it's earning dosh but instead the dosh comes directly from government/Soros-tier villains etc to fund more propaganda shit-shows.

And with something like Ghostbusters flop those are just calculated flops to make sure goyim wont start suspecting too much.

wtf i hate mel now

Polanski only raped a goy, it is like raping a mannequin. It's not such a big deal.

If she was a good Jewish girl, then they would have taken care of it. Relax Holla Forums, the Jews have this.

She is a play thing, nothing more. All these skiksas are meant for Jewish cock.

yes but people don't read the bible any more

they watch movies

I love Mel for introducing me to this insult.

Band of Brothers did, a little bit.