Guys christian existentialism isn't spooky at all

Guys christian existentialism isn't spooky at all

i swear

it isn't

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Do you really need to make a thread for this e-drama, sperg?
Kill yourself.



You're full of shit and a useless hooligan.

That's always better than a pretentious attentionwhoring redditor.


Well that convinced me

Not trying to.
Your petty e-drama amounts to less than what a "pretentious attentionwhore" offers. At least they have some dignity and common sense when creating threads. This is just pathetic, and no matter of convincing you will make it less so.

What fucking e-drama?
Reddit obesity wants to be king of leftypol. Many here don't want that.

Rebel pls go and stay go

"I speak for the trees, maaan."

I'm not.
I just don't want these cancerous threads here. It's even worse than namefagging.

what the fuck does that even mean

As much as I appreciate your paying attention to me, I fear that if you make this thread an autistic mod might ban you thinking you are actually me.
Just a word of warning.

Anyways, as for the topic: Is christian existentialism spooky?

First of all: what is a spook? A spook is a fixed idea, one not dependent on ego. What is christian existentialism? An existentialism IE essence derived from the individual relationship to God.

So if the entirety of the philosophy is based on the ego's *relation* and desire to maintain the relationship to God, and the individual changes over time, how can we possibly call christian existentialism a spook?

Fedoras BTFO'd.

Return to reddit immediately

Why? I'm far too handsome for reddit.

Return to reddit immediately

Fucking kek. Good going comr8.

Hey Prickly, when you see this thread and re-ban me because of your…well your being fucking batshit insane, please also delete this thread. It doesn't have anything to do with this thread, and I'm sure you'd love to preserve the purity of your high brow theory of socialist sports and veganism in the catalog.



When you finally read the state and revolution and the state withers away just right

I'm not sure why he's banning you but I love it. I hope you never post here again.

No, spooks are essences, and the highest spirit (i.e., God) is the spookiest of all spooks.

Doesn't mean jack shit if you aren't capable of leaving your room. But I guess you can take refuge in believing that in the eyes of le god everyone is bootiful.

I'm still here, you know.

Kek'd. You fell for the meme.
Abstraction != spook


Fuck meant to sage



Yes, you need to read a fucking book.
"Le stirner was a nihilist" meme needs to die.

Back to reddit with you

Well, this easily:

Christian existentialism is a spook.

Religious anything is super spooky


ITT: Rebel pretends to know what he's talking about.

Man, your head is haunted; you have wheels in your head! You imagine great things, and depict to yourself a whole world of gods that has an existence for you, a spirit-realm to which you suppose yourself to be called, an ideal that beckons to you. You have a fixed idea! Do not think that I am jesting or speaking figuratively when I regard those persons who cling to the Higher, and (because the vast majority belongs under this head) almost the whole world of men, as veritable fools, fools in a madhouse. What is it, then, that is called a "fixed idea"? An idea that has subjected the man to itself. When you recognize, with regard to such a fixed idea, that it is a folly, you shut its slave up in an asylum. And is the truth of the faith, say, which we are not to doubt; the majesty of (e. g.) the people, which we are not to strike at (he who does is guilty of — lese-majesty); virtue, against which the censor is not to let a word pass, that morality may be kept pure; — are these not "fixed ideas"? Is not all the stupid chatter of (e. g.) most of our newspapers the babble of fools who suffer from the fixed idea of morality, legality, Christianity, etc., and only seem to go about free because the madhouse in which they walk takes in so broad a space?

For the record I have finished state and rev. Just not the last chapter because I dont consider there to be anything in it that is relevant today. I'm also gonna read revolution at the gates after my exams so that will be fun.

"Depicy to yourself a whole world of gods that has an existence for you"

What does this mean to you? It sounds to me like the exact fucking OPPOSITE of christian existentialism.

YOU are the one who doesn't know what on earth you're talking about. You see "God" and automatically equivocate that with spook, without even seeing the nuance in what a genius like Stirner is saying. You're a joke.

Return to reddit immediately

Hey! I'M supposed to be the cancer killing leftypol. What are you doing trying to take my job?

Nice straw man. I dislike murder and that's not spooky.

please stop harassing me. I have made it clear time and time again I do not like vegans or sports.

And what about christian existentialism is spooky then?

I already laid out why God doesn't necessarily have to be a spook.

A spook != an inaccuracy

Return to reddit immediately

Then stop being a fascist and banning me.

Go on prickly, why don't you tell people what actually happened?

You do seem to have vegans and sports on the mind. You've bitched about them in like 3 other threads

Because it's what prickly considers hard hitting theory. We gotta talk about it all the time man.

If Stirner advocated literal denial of reality then he says literally nothing as one could counter that it is in their ego's self interest to pretend they live in a world where all their spooks are real.

there's gotta be someone that can see what he is doing right now is harassing me right? Except it's not just him, his entire clique does this to me all day long.

Stirner was a Hegelian you dunce.

C l o s e y o u r e y e s h a h a h a h a

Calling people totalitarians without evidence is bullying, don't you think?

In the sense of being in the "young hegelians" group or in the sense of literally believing what hegel believed?

In the sense that he was an idealist and believed in pure negation. The breaking down of the barrier between individual (localised) and universal (infinite) consciousness.

"Reality" doesn't factor into it.
That's literally the whole point of idealism.

You guys like n1x right?

Take it from him, he agrees: Kierkegaard and Nietzsche are relatively similar. They both opposed bourgeois nihilism and essentialist structures of faith.

To say is a spook means you either
1. Don't know the first thing about existentialism
2. Are referring to existentialism without active nihilism. Which I know you're not.

Anarchists confirmed for bullies.

Rebel doesn't know about the Young Hegelians.

of course I don't, dear. I'm just a dumb blonde.

And nah, anarchists aren't bullies, but people who are so ridiculous that they want to set up a splinter of anti-fa called anti-tot and then blame the entire problems of a board on a small group of people and then cry and ban them all after getting laughed at for it are.

You are acting extremely cancerous tho tbh

I'm cancerous, absolutely, but that's not a justification for thinking

Unless you meant the whole mod situation, in which I should just say: Yeah, but I'm annoyed that people are okay that they have abusive mods.


Same tbh m8

I hope the other mods look in the report que and ban you and rebel for all the reports you have procured. I'm taking a break from modding for a while.

I can't find barely any mention of pure negation, much less explaining what it is.

That wasnt even me (muke) you fucking retard.

You will be taking a break from modding forever when BO sees the shit you're pulling.

Probably Kat's influence.

I've already talked to BO though. They suggested I take a break.

The spook is not the essence, but a ghost in your head (ideology) that makes you see the essence instead of the unique one in the other. That's why Stirner is opposed to nationalism, humanism, religions, etc., because they see a German, a Human or a Soul instead of Stirner himself. So yes, anything Christian is extremely spooky.

Instead of boasting about being well-read you should learn how to read well:

No, the whole conflict was cancerous. You were being an attention whore like an IRCfag, that anarcho guy was being whiny like an IRCfag, you came into conflict like IRCfags inevitably do, the whole group shits up the board with circlejerking before it happens and drama after it happens.

He used to post lots of cute anime girls before he went insane.

I just wanna say PC, I kinda liked you, but after the shit you have done here I cant really say that anymore. You cant even blame it on your actual autism because these are just the actions of a shitty person.

Sorry for bringing drama into a thread, I couldnt be bothered to find him on IRC and this thread is a shitpost to begin with anyway.

Oh okay, I can give you a brief explanation, but you should speak to n1x about it.

it's essentially what it sounds like.
"a pure negation, a lie. A pure negation, or a pure doubt without any positive reason, would only pretend that there exists a reason, a beyond of the closed space of non-Christianity. It would only make up a semblance of an "intermediate state", being in fact nothing but the present state's empty gestures (or, as Hegel would have said, "ein trockenes Versichern")."


You can't explain what makes me "insane" though?

^ good example of being spooked.


i dont care muke, I don't associate with totalitarians.

t. totalitarian who is pretending to be antifa

Hi Prickly.

Gorm here.
Remember me? I was friends with Kane.

I know these guys were assholes, but I think we should all calm down.
You're abviously upset about this, but I think you might be making it worse.
Do you want to talk about it?

Can't you just ban Rebel again? Please?

sure hit me up on irc if you want. I'll explain to you why everything that happened is justified.



yes obviously that is exactly what happened, nobody was complaining about you ircfags being a cancer shitting up the board.

Yet I'm a market socialist.

Not ideology, a fixed idea.
And "christian is spooky" doesn't follow from what you said.


"a pure negation, a lie.
Is it simply something that is false?
doubt of what?
In what sense is reason "positive"
Is there no reason beyond Christianity? In what sense are you using the word "reason"? This worries me. You argue Christianity isn't spooked based on definitions grounded in the belief of Christianity.
Between what? Why?
I'm understanding almost none of this.

Markets are totalitarian.


It's pure doubt without an alternative

About a premise of a thesis.

He doesn't mean positive in a "happy" or "good" manner. He means positive reasoning, which is the positing of an antithesis.

It's called putting my own beliefs aside for the purposes of education. Pure negation.

sorry just pressed reply accidentally.

between the thesis and the antithesis.

Last part was just a quote. The point is that in the formulation of an antithesis you're only putting up a mirage of creating dialectical progress. That any idea has any truth to it is a falsity of the dialectic.

I.e., it is ideology.

This is impossible Rebel. All communication has a purpose.

Also kill yourself Prickly, you lying, autistic faggot.

That doesn't follow.
You haven't made a link between the two. Pls read German Ideology =(

Pure doubt!!!! =(

I'm aware.

All this just sounds like skepticism, which is very common to many philosophies.

Define "truth". Logical validity? Correspondence to reality?

This is from Revolutionary Self-Theory, by Larry Law:
>Whenever a system of ideas is structured with an abstraction at the centre — assigning a role or duties to you for its sake — this system is an ideology.
I've bolded the part that is relevant for you since you can't read.
And here's again the quote from Stirner:
>What is it, then, that is called a “fixed idea”? An idea that has subjected the man to itself [to the idea].




Reported for Spam, Enjoy your ban.

lewd pls ;_;

A lot of people call an ideology a different thing. If this is what you mean by ideology, I'm happy to use that. In which case…
The object of ideology is the spook, but the ideology itself is not. If the system is the ideology, it's not a fixed idea, but a system used to enforce a fixed idea.

E.G., nationalism used to invoke the fixed idea of "the nation".

No, nationalism is the fixed idea and the spook is the abstraction at the centre, the nation.

No, It's not.
I'll quote stirner.

"An ideal that beckons to you".

Is nationalism an ideal? No, it's an ideology. The nation is the ideal.

A spook is a fixed idea and fixed ideas can take possession of other fixed ideas and use them for the sake of the main fixed idea. The main fixed idea is the Absolute idea. The idea that resolves all the ideas around, the middle of the idealogy. (It can be sed that Idealogy is the structure of the fixed idea)

He's still talking about spooks there, to introduce your relation to the spook, the fixed idea, which is explained in the section.