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here's a bump fam
can someone explain to me why he always has the Portuguese flag?
The San should not be considered "black" as they're extremely divergent from Bantu speaking populations.
Pic 3 looks fine for me
this would stop if we didn't send billions of dollars of food to them every year. just imagine how much better America, and whatever other nations do this stuff, would be off if they just kept the food for themselves or actually sold it for a profit.
We don't need to discuss white on white crime because it's not a problem
If a lot of Germans started killing Italians randomly around the world it would be a problem, but since generally they don't much it's not a problem
Black on black crime is a problem
no it's not.
Biblically? Uh, let's see. The earth, the air, the sea, the animals…
Yeah, I'm pretty sure that's it. Are they implying they somehow colonized Earth from their space pyramids and then God showed up and stole it from them?
And he doesn't look very unhappy AND the white guys are letting him sit with them. Fuck the faggot who made that so-called "infographic."
Can we meme this please? Use it to explain BLM, Islam, Africa etc, pretty much anything.
Fuck it spliced weird on the voice for some reason I fixed it in this one
But muh 'Gunz Germz n' Steel'!
So where they KANGZ?
dunno why I posted twice same one. Meant to post the original text version too
Fuck, what was the original tumblr of this shit again.
Monarchy is the oldest form of government and has existed throughout the entire world.
Oh my god that fourth image, it's all my favorite kangz memes.
USA and UK seems to be competing on who can release the most cucked racemixing propaganda.
and yet both are trailing far behind Sweden.
is that 5th one an edit of the Hawaiian guy from Rocket Power?
Which series/movies have they released glorifying racemixing lately? It seems to all come out of UK or USA. Sweden is cucked to hell, but it doesn't seem like they're releasing movies. It's just the usual "Jamal is just as much a swede as you, goy".
We wuz Gods n sheeit!
I had a friend drag me to watch Suicide Squad. The Joker killed a black guy for not fucking his girlfriend in front of him. It seemed to tacked on I was simultaneously confused and recoiling from the blatant cuck propaganda.
The TV commercials here are way over representative of interracial couples, and it's always a black guy and a white girl.
Fucking hell, this is absurd. And I'm not even new to these delusions by these roaches.
We wuz Mexicans n sheeit!
Wheres here?
I've started just turning off any movie/series as soon as racemixing is implied or just pushed in ur face directly (which is often the case).
Utter cringeworthy.
Members of the "Five-Percent Nation" literally referrer to each other as "Gods".
We got da power of melanin n sheeit!
"But if thought corrupts language, language can also corrupt thought." -Orwell
I have a feeling niggers are especially vulnerable to this
DARK energy. It's gotta mean us kangz are the kangz of the universe yo, And that we can use our bodies as hyperdrive fuel. (i wish, imagine if nigger bodies turned out to be a more effective fuel source, we would jump right on that and start extracting their dark matter.)
Sorry to hear that. Stop watching TV.
-Rev. AL Sharpton
I don't usually watch it, the mrs has it on in the background sometimes.
i'm not swedish though, just live here for the time being
Ancestors are all from england from what I'm told. I'm not a nu-swede anyway.
UK is practially as cucked as sweden now adays from what I've seen.
You should go back to your homeland and do something political, or help the swedes by doing something political there.
Shitpost on walls, remove hostile commie propaganda from the streets etc.
The muds have to go back.
this can't be real
I'm not from the UK myself. I don't have any friends here so I'm pretty limited with doing anything political. As for the leftist propaganda around here, someone's already torn down the little of what was around here.
I freely speak my mind, but always have the risk of deportation hanging over my head for wrong-think. Either way, I'm not 100% decided whether I'll live and die here or back home.
Where's home?
I print my own propaganda, with a printer and sticker paper + occationally patrol with a paint scrape to remove leftie propaganda.
Pic related, my role-model.
This makes me wonder if there are any other forms of WE WUZ. I have never seen a people so in denial about the fact that they contributed nothing to higher society. I never hear Mexicans say, "WE BEELT DE PEEREEMEEDS".
Though in fairness, their mixed race heritage of Latin and Indian would give them some reason to claim some part of both the Old World and New World culture as their heritage.
Equally, since many niggers are around 30% White, they do have the right to claim that part of their heritage and celibrate it.
I remember in my history 101 class the teacher read these exact quotes. She did so as part of her broader narrative that the Ottoman Empire mas magically tolerant and the best society ever, though I can't remember exactly how this fit in with it. All I know is I lol'd out loud and people got bugurt.
I'm sure in the US she'd have lost her job merely for circulating hate-facts, even if it was intended to be in the service of enlightened multiculturalism. And I probably would've been tied to a wall and shouted at.
Gotta love compulsory fluff subjects, had a great time getting drunk in class and rustling the assburgers
I wish i could find a free copy of the Isis papers, seems like a funny read.
kek what is this, a theme park? I'd really like to get some actual Egyptians' take on this.
Indigenous nation of ImhotepWeWaz, Louisiana, USA.
Actual Egyptians would probably puke at the sight of Niggers thinking they were their ancestors, can't blame em.
We really need more pictures of it.
Ottoman tolerance is a shitty meme.
Knock yourself out.
Wait… are the egyptians, jews, or muslims? Or all 3? I've lost track. Truly the white man has obfuscated history.
They most important part of all is that they are KANGZ.
Also, we wuz injuns too. This is really the site that keeps on giving.
No, they fucking don't. They have no right to claim anything. They do deserve pain and suffering for their malcontent behavior, though. I say we give them that, at least.
On a serious note, this is all these negros want.
They want to wear a funny attention attracting costume and pose as "The boss", pic related was the epitome of this weird sub-section of black culture.
They don't give a fuck about their history.
Never tamed anything. Only succeeded in ramping the aggression of all animals and bees through the roof.
As far as I'm concerned they can believe whatever they want as long as it weens them off ghetto culture and causes them to commit less crimes.
Blacks just want power but they don't know how to get it. They can only make us feel guilt socially through their lies, with of course help from the Jews.
Bhahaha, you can take the nigger out of the zoo but you'll never make him civilized. Are there any blacks you would trust driving your girl home?
That's why I'm a black separatist.
I've known maybe one or two. And one was raised by white parents.
I dont think they even want power, they want to LARP and show off.
The thing about negro LARPing is that they seem to believe their own bullshit more than we do, probably something to do with their lack of self-awareness.
On that note, can someone explain to me why online posturing is referred to as LARPing when since it's online, it's just the normal kind of RPing? Pics in … now that's some LARPing right there.
Oh man I just googled the nigger in pics 3 and 4. He's a real piece of work.
He and his group were long based in Brooklyn, New York, where York exercised control over the community's sexual practices and claimed access to most of the women, married or not. He required members to sell goods on the street to raise funds; it owned an estimated 20 buildings. About 1990 the community left and eventually relocated to rural Putnam County, Georgia, where they built a large complex. York was convicted in 2004 of numerous counts of federal charges of child molestation and violations of the Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act; he is serving a 135-year sentence. An appeals court upheld his conviction; the United States Supreme Court declined to hear his appeal.
York's case was reported as the largest prosecution for child molestation ever directed at a single person in the history of the United States, both in terms of number of victims and number of incidents.
Almost all of these KANGZ LARPers eventually regress to traditional negro tribalism where they as the chief are the top Alpha male with breeding rights to any female of the tribe.
Looks fucking fake to me.
2016 was better.
I say, I say that's the joke, son. Flew right over your head.
lol Kangdum
Top kek be praised.
I don't want niggers to ever leave the ghetto. I just want the ghettos to leave our countries.
I made some OC but it's not that funny yet I guess, maybe someone can improve it somehow?
Holy fuck this entire thread is cringe. Niggers are literally insane. Not even the most imaginative child could come up with even a quarter of this shit.
Niggers are Kings, Gods, Injuns, Asians, Cosmic Deities, Star Trek, literally fucking everything. And they believe their skin color is some sort of hyper advanced power source?
Are they suffering a collective psychotic meltdown over all the drugs they took during the 70s-90s? How else can you explain a level of delusion this insane? You never see ANYONE else doing even a fucking fraction of this.
How deep is their level of self hatred? What else can cause a race to sink so deep into a rabbit hole that they enter another dimension? They took the quackery of that nu-age Wiccan shit and added an ungodly amount of dementia and lunacy to it, it's fucking crazy. I know the niggers in Africa believe in magic and whatnot but not even to this extent, holy fucking shit.
This is actually scary, even the most autistic and imaginative child would die laughing at you if you even told them a tiny bit of this shit. Are niggers really this mentally defective? How else can this be explained? Future generations, assuming we survive that long, are going to look at this have absolutely no fucking clue what to make of it whatsoever because literally nothing can explain this outside "niggers"
Must watch.
I read em both and some related articles. I thought this we wuz kangz bullshit was something new, not just a resurgence of some batshit cult run by a pedonog.
Thanks Shlomo.
This looks hilarious, like a MLG Parody or something
Yes, Black supremacists literally believe that melanin gives you special powers, a sort of "sixth-sense".
All this shit came out of the "Harlem renascence" from the 1920s, when negros and assorted "allies" tried to create a new culture to subvert the original negro culture, which they saw as too docile and subservient to the white race.
pls stop
no wonder they were enslaved…
you can make a black do and believe anything.
Looking for that image of a sheboon looking at a pharaoh, this seemed to be the thread to ask for it.
that's alberto barbosa, ruler of the moorish caliphate and renowed portuguese leader
Pic related.
But if they be kangz, who was the queenz?
Holy shit, one of my favorite bits. I was laughing my ass off and my daughter came running in to see what was so funny. Then I had the devil's time explaining that I was watching an actor pretending to be Hitler pretending to be an actor while other actors helped him or were appalled by him AND AT THE SAME TIME regular people were either cheering him or spitting bile at him.
Fully agreed with pic 3.
What a current year to live in!