Arguments against a nationalist Socialism?
Arguments against a nationalist Socialism?
Arguments for a nationalist socialism?
Meeting adjourned.
take it to the FAQ
There are none comrade. Come to Holla Forums. It's funnier than Holla Forums and we have more fun there.
this is your brain on Holla Forums
The burden of proof is on nationalists, why should we organize the world in nation-states separated by invisible lines?
Tell that to your fellow Holla Forumsacks please
To begin with, hitlerism is not socialism
he's correct in saying that Holla Forums is not funny
There's nothing funny about global capitalism.
Holla Forums needs to stop shitting up every single board with their stale memes
A lot like Holla Forums I guess.
there ain't none tbh.
wew lad
Case and point, wew lad, the tiredest memes of the age.
tbh fam
Thanks for the compliment. Politics aren't meant to be funny, if you look funny while talking about politics then it means your opinions are fucking retarded.
I don't make memes, retard.
I know, no one on this board does
National Socialism under Hitler was not real Not Socialism. Gregor Useful Idiot was the true Not Socialist. He was and is the one true anti-capitalist. Anti-capitalism can only be true when combined with anti-Semitism. Otherwise it's just a Trojan horse.
jesus christ you faggots really cannot into bantz
Absolute insufferability, Holla Forums.
>>>Holla Forums6370092
Arigatou, Holla Forums sama! You've shown me the way home. Honto Arigatou!
they are sexier than us and thus must be exterminated
hitler did nothing wrong
he ebin meme nufifn?
I don't get it.
Leave this earth kike.
*tips meme*
they shut down whenever they're confronted with the most base level bantz. it's fucking weird. it's like a chemical reaction. add a dash of Holla Forums, put in a spoonful of insults, and bam, salt
Yours truly, spurolando spurdadini, went on a trip to Holla Forums. I brought back some friends!
I take it back, being unintentionally funny is as a good way to make people laugh as any
Leave this earth kike.
fuckign leftpoly can't handle the bantz xDDDd
our memes are superori that's why TRUMP
hahaha you guys can't win bcuz wer waking up to BIG gubbermend and u'll never take r guns n shiiieeet
it's the muslims trying to subvert our way of life, sheeeeple, Nazi masturbation fantasy naoo!!! : DDD
Please refer to
>>>Holla Forums6374270
Leave this earth kike.
It's true though.
leftypol sounds frustrated as fuck
UGHHH. Seriously with this? I'm seriously thinking that maybe you guys are literally living wrong. Like literally wrong. Like this is literally stupid what you're doing here and shoving your literally retarded political agendas where they don't belong is going to literally come back and bite you in the ass you fucking nazis. I literally hate you and hope you die.
but you really can't. see: this thread
So frustrated you followed the thread here, right?
I can't speak for that user, but I am a salt farmer so yes :)
Leave this earth kike.
I like how this thread is getting more action this hour that the average Holla Forums fagnon gets per year.
This thread didn't even start with an argument and it doesn't deserve to end on one. Kill yourself.
Holla Forums OD'd on the memes
Calm down, relax. Be one with your inner hitler.
This is why you will always be a faggot.
Really makes you think…
How redundant.
I didn't but your mom did.
Holla Forums got nothing on that there Holla Forums banter tbh.
Redundant to what?
I am calm. But you should follow your leader, Hitler, and kill yourself.
T-trump will mag animeg greb again : DDD
You know OP I can't think of one
Only after I've killed at least six billion jews.
Well at least I'm not Jewish…
You mean communist faggots?
but user, unions are corrupt as fuck
commie, jew, same shit
Fam let me give you an uncircumsized tip. This is why you're losing. Nobody finds this funny. It's cringey to most people, and to 12 y/o's my main age fam it's base level. You have to hit harder. Right now you're slapping me with some problem-hair twitter-whiteknight level shit. You have to HIT HARDER. It's ok, your wrist won't break. This is internet, not daddy trying to teach you how to stand up for yourself by hwacking a bunch of potatoes with your girlish ghoul arms.
Sorry you can't be bothered to read, Wilhelm
Nazi, useful idiot, same shit.
shamefur dispray tbh
jews love commies fyi
I've read plenty of Julius Evola lately.
top fucking kek user was right
Commies just call this "socialism in one country". It needed not be called "nationalist" in the past because there was no large scale movements of people at the time and thus no real reason to reinforce the nation in the state.
The answer is there fucking isn't
Triggering Nazis is as easy as 1, 2, 3.
shhhslhslhslhs the people and my fat gut shshssghlsshlhl get offended over people calling me names
oh wait he never said that
so what are you doing here?
idk fam all I see is Holla Forums salt
Are you autistic?
The turd position is superior to both, why do we care?
where is the creativity? this is why i could never be a leftist faggot.
Kikes are the reason I can't get laid tbh
oh yeah? well you're a virgin neckbeard. check and mate, sucker.
I figured that was just because you're a faggot.
It's not a Holla Forums meme though. It was created before your autism latched on.
Why do I care if you care?
Well roasted, my man! Holla Forums really is the king of banter
but user, both the top capitalists and top commies are kikes
fam now you're just spraying and praying.
I'm glad you have some humility, faggot.
Why do I care if you care if I care?
I thought that was because no one outside this board can decode your autism
Nah, you're just a faggot
Sure. Whatever you say.
But I don't.
Who is a faggot? Who is a good faggot? You are, you are!
ew even their shining edits are boring
you're already starting to talk like a Holla Forumslack tbh. the transformation has started, my work is done. see you one the other side fam >>>Holla Forums
I don't care.
is this a Holla Forums meme that signifies saltiness?
that's the only thing i've taken from this thread.
smacks lips
not even once
it's like an autistic kid getting bullied and retreating to a happy place in his head until the bullies go away.
And here we have a native Holla Forums trying to be relevant. Watch it go.
am I doing it right?
that's exactly the vibe i was getting
No. Trolling is a art.
*an art
he knew. that was meant to be a troll.
Not an argument.
Have I done well, my KGB handler?
Holla Forums: is this a meme? Our memes are actually funny, this isn't funny.
everyone else: get over yourself.
we're already making Holla Forums a better place tbh
i thought it was well known that Holla Forums is where Holla Forums goes to play devil's advocate. are you saying there's legit retards here who believe this marxist bullshit and also where is there google hangout again?
Yes, I implied that.
How would you know what tumblr is like if you haven't been there yourself?
Checkmate atheists.
can't handle the bantz xDDd
all these flavors and you chose salt
posting actual good memes
whooppps lol wrong board haha
typical commie
top jej
just bumping so ppl can see this thread bcox i think its improtant to see what we're up against. truly bestial individuals. especially when they call us names i personally think that's uncalled for
Kill yourself.
who is we, this board is just Holla Forums playing devil's advocate, you know that right?
i was the guy who said that faggot. i was trying to give you an out and i'm glad you took it. now go read some books and be a big boy. it's not society's fault you're fat and black.
ohhhh, damn, BTFO, he told the dude to go read some books!
this, we need to show everyone what the enemy does. reply with 'k' if you agree
salty dubs checked
Consider yourself SAGED
it's been fun
If some natios are still lurking, pls answer this : .
Those lines aren't invisible.
You just earned yourself a SAGE.
my aryan
I don't see your burden of proof. Why should we fight against already set lines? What advantage does that give us?
But they are.
Because I don't see any reason for them, except maybe for locating a point on the planet.
you do realize the average European nation consists of a people that share a common history, culture and language that can be traced back for at least well over a 1000 years, right?
historical ignorance is not an argument fam
gay and cucked tbh fam
There are very obvious reasons those lines exist. There's arguably a reason why the lines held by whites should expand.
Sweden's only go back about 40 years, retard.
ebin :DD
But for example Texas is a state with a common culture and history, same with Brittany in France. Yet the borders are not guarded and people can come and go, so yes it seems arbitrary.
Then state those reasons.
neither Texas nor Britanny is a country. also internal borders aren't arbitrary, they're based on local government and land ownership. and the national borders of the US and France sure as fuck aren't arbitrary.
just one, it's not socialism
oh I love BO
but what is socialism? I mean it's never been tried
socialism has been tried many times. Ussr is a good example of existing socialism
LOL socialism =/= communism
but all existing instances of socialism point to it being shit. why would anyone argue for socialism?
because it's the way to communism.
workers not receiving all the money created by them in the process of production =/= socialism
We must argue for Communsim.
is it? existing data doesn't seem to support your argument.
which workers in which part of the process do you refer to?
are you some kind of autistic LARPer?
you mean people on welfare?
The ones working for wages rather than fully enjoying fruits of their labour
no, I'm asking where you get the idea socialism will lead to communism even though there's many instances of socialism not doing that.
then who do you mean?
kek is that the anarco-autist flag?
I'm talking about the workers who worked for wages and didn't receive entire profits from their work as part of the profit was extracted from them to the capitalist party member. You know, the basic socialist theory
but how else would they even get paid if not from the profits? also, why should the workers get the entirety of the profit? it makes no sense for the owners/investors of a company to own/invest in a company if they don't get paid because the workers get all the profits from their investment.
I recall our discussion began with me calling USSR a shit example of socialism for having wages. You are aware you've just explained why?
oh boy here we go
first off you probably have locks on your doors and cars to protect people from invisible ownership of your shit
More importantly you're putting the cart before the horse. If large states are going to exist (and aside from places where infrastructure is a fucking nightmare, ie afghanistan, history has proven they will) these states should serve to exist nations because otherwise you get unstable cosmopolitan empires that constantly fight off social unrest in a variety of ways(The Ottoman empire, for instance, imploded explicitly because nationalism fractured it). Since we exist in a 3D, physical world where people live in places, and nations tend to form around people who live close by to each other (shared history and that), there tends to be geographically identifiable tracts of land (geographers call this "country") where nations exist. The state, serving the nation, tends to protect this land. Actual "invisible lines" where you are no longer in a country is more or less an artifact of legalism and treaties and so forth. I fail to see the problem with them.
but what's even the point of that argument? there's no non-shit example of socialism.
but we weren't talking about the USSR anymore were we
They served a purpose when this ideology was being put in place and still honestly does.
they're really just a corrupt middleman though.
There's only one non-shit examples of Fascism and then it still ended up with the country in rubble and with millions of people dead.
yeah they made a complete fucking shithole into sort of a shithole. the reason you like that example is because Russia was one of the few countries that was even worse before socialism.
not socialist?
ask the bolshevists :^)
Hahaha, what a classic!
using that logic there has been less successful fascist countries than socialist.
but that's a lie, user
I was joking, but in reality 3 years is not long enough to determine any sort of viability
Care to substantiate your claims?
There is no successful attempt at fascism.
Fascism is a socio-economic failure by it's very definition, arising only when Capitalism goes into steady decline and the masses are mobilized for a common nationalist/militarist cause. It is a "last-ditch" Keynesianism coupled with an internal struggle (the internal enemy)
Fascism came too late to change anything, Italy and Germany wanted to become empires and dominate Europe. But the other powers were clever enough to use global trade and the lend lease to crush them.
Also I would contend how successful the Jesuit backed dictator Franco was as he is almost universally reviled in today's Spain for all the supposed "reds" he killed, tortured, and the cities he leveled with German planes. The legacy he has left behind was that Spain even during the 80's was backward economy barely into the industrial level the rest of Europe was.
Then you have Pinochet, who wasn't really even a fascist, but a propped up dictator by the CIA, to fulfill the opposition to leftist regimes and bring Chille closer to the neo-liberal American market doctrine.
Any examples of successful socialism/communism?
right back at you fam
Communist movements in their history achieved several goals they set out to create.
Lenin removed the Czar and industrialized Russia.
Mao removed Japan and pro-west kai shek
All the African countries Angola, Burkina Fasso, Ghana (under Nkrumah) who were communist achieved independence from colonialism.
Vietnam humiliated the US in the most haunting defeat it would suffer in it's history.
And sure Communism as the regime of Soviet union style leadership does not exist today. But leftists movements still exist all around from Cuba to France. And if you count social democracy among them then the transition to Communism as that "unacheivable" dream is more likely than a repeat of the disasters of teh 20th century that allowed fascism to grow, leaving millions upon millions of innocent dead.
top jej
that's not even presidential term fam
also it's not really anarchy when it's enforced by military coercion
The point was that the only way to combat leftists was with violence because their "theory" was void of real content and they gained power by persuading the masses through jingoism and force, which Cuckservatives like to ignore since they're pussies and hate violence.
Leftism is pretty easy to debate since it's a largely contentless political philosophy which relies on appeals to moralistic, abstract concepts that appear to be self-evident values like "Love of Equality" or "Love of the People" and so on. The point of that picture was that Cuckservative establishments allow Leftism to take hold because their own cowardice prevents them from combating it, since it's an ideology which implements itself through force and obscene appeals to emotion that transcend logic and critical thinking.
This doesn't do what you think it does, lad.
or does it :^)
In either case.
god why are nazi's retarded.
You're thinking of consumerist liberals. The left has long been an ideology of self-interest.
Forgot to turn off my shitposting flag.
Never change Holla Forums
Nihlist scum, you're the reason why something so thoroughly materialistic as capitalism is so successful.
lick my penis
Fresh off the press, lads.
Sounds about right.
breddy gud!
I fucking hate memes – in their current, popularized form, at least.
I love when people give such giant numbers without any evidence.
21% of evidence are false
All things considered, can we at least agree that in OPs pic Adolf is doing the right thing?
Nationalism is a spook.
ooooooooohhhh man me mates!! allo me chapss!!! i think me mates i have just made a major breakthrough in the field of the majestic art of the waggle..!!!lissen closely maties,its not often u hear wagglin tips down the line like what im abouta drop now!!
so u know howdo waggle ur willy.and you now it causes willy pleasure. but did u know what if you stick your finger up your bum and wiggle it around u get bumbum pleasure instead?? combine it with the willy waggle for dubble trubble 0_o whOaAOAOAOaoAOoooo!!!!!!!!!!nows thats what i callsome relief eh esse..mmmhmmm…….stick me finger up my bum……pull it out….hehehehehit smells lilke poopie…eh ey kid,…smell me thinga eheheh smell me smellie fingers kid heheheheheh!!!!!!!!!…..
if u want advanced bumpleasure shove TWO or maybe THREE fingers up ur bum!!!! keep wagglin until ur entire body starts convulsin w/ PLEASURE!!!!!!!!!!!!aaaaaaaaaaaaaAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1MYBUMANDMYWILLY THEYFEELLIKE ITS AN EARTHQUAKE IN ME BUM A AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHAHAHAHAAaaAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i dress up in me sisters school unform.finga me bum and take pictures and post it on the internet!!!!!!!! i always ask me mummy and daddies permission to use the net first 0_o just because mummie and daddie dont wanna see u waggle doesnt mean u can be a freeloader breakin the house rules -_-
well until then.pippip cheerio me wankas!!!im off to finga me mates bums and put the picturegrabs on a website called ""!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!until then waggle it away maties!!!!!!