Tell me about your fetishes, /b.
Tell me about your fetishes, /b
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I really just can't get enough of
data mining
It's a solid market. Practical fetish
Why is 8ch becoming pedo mecca?!
Lolicon ≠ Child Porn.
I think so too.
In all seriousness, your pic and things of a… similar nature.
Post more slut.
I've posted here plenty of times in the past.
and I'm lazy
pretty please?
It's a fairly common fetish: gorgeous women who smoke.
My preference is for women who smoke cigarettes.
I prefer girls who pee themselves without a diaper
ugh that's degenerate af and the one of the left looks like a fucking trap
fuck of
this is an imageboard. you're pointing out the obvious
each to their own. variety is the spice of life.
Come across a few people who share this. Can see the appeal, even if it's not a kink.
I like touching my pemis
that'f fucking disgusting mate
always happy to make an impression
well that makes me feel remarkably vanailla
This is a pretty fleshed out fantasy. The inflatable suit is almost comical
That's some fucked up shit.
Good thing my needs are much more normal
I'm not going to be able to scrape this from my memory for a while. Impressive.
I love hearing people fart while they fill their diapers. Your boss is odd.
Reported for not disclosing data mining in the thread subject
I wish I was doing this for something practical, but I'm just here for the attention.
I wish I was a chubby girl sometimes.
That's genuinely intimidating.
Jeez, you all have the worst fetishes out there.
what's your fetish buddy? Cuckolding?
I bet it's something vile like homosexual missionary fuckery
Huh….not my cup of tea, but I think I can understand the appeal of this kink.
Just gotta not look at porn, and you will never be tainted
That will entirely depend on your definition of porn.
cigarettes are cheap and smell bad.
so's your mum
I always feel vanilla as shit when I check /d/ fetish threads.
Thank you for making me realize I'm not a complete degenerate.
I meant Holla Forums but /d/ works as well
I'm sitting here in diapers and even I feel remarkably vanilla after half an hour on here.
dats pretty damn hot user, any more?
Nigga that's gross
A grown man shouldn't be shitting himself
Don't you fucking dare faggot
then I'll just make another thread. this recent CP shit is killing 8ch for me.
It's not recent, they've been here for awhile. They keep saying "the mods will regret it when the pedos are gone!" even though absolutely everybody wants them gone.
Vanilla affection to the hands and head, monstergirls, and the occasional romp of incest.
What type? Mother/son and brother/brother are the best imo.
how the fuck are they getting away with it?! VPNs do only so much.
Father/Daughter. Usually something to the tune of '12-15 year old monstergirl daughter needs sexual release, moans to father about her plight, reluctant assistance, progressively ramping up the perversion until she needs her daddy's cummies so she can finally have a baby'.
daily reminder that porn is the reason why theres so many gays
lel fuck of halfchanner
I've been here since 2013 you faggot
I was one of the wizards that came with HW when he left WC.
The pedos were a problem back then as well.
sure whatever buddy ;)
Thank you for not saging man I appreciate it
fuck it. it's an idea. put 'em all in their own barrel. let them dig their own graves. we don't want to see this shit.
every day is a history lesson here, even if it is shit
How could you betray me in my time of need
Tell me about user, why does he wear the diapers?
As far as I'm aware, fetishes are seeded in childhood. And mine was seven shades of shitty. Not enough attention? No love from Mummy? Chasing a childhood I lost? Fuck knows, but escapism plays as much a part in it as sexual gratification. Maybe more so.
I'm sure I've given myself headaches in the past trying to self analyse
you mean more by that girl? Nah, more of those spy cam vids? Just torrent this:
end of thread
Thank you based user
finally some good porn
you have to be pretty lowly a whore to want to get fucked by a dog
It's even grossing me out
Get out of my board you fuckin normies
You're god damn right.
No normies allowed.
not hatin' the content, just stating the fact that there aren't too many well adjusted girls getting railed by animals.
Well, I think it's like that with every fetish.
Some like it, some not.
I don't see any correlation between a girls situation and her sexual desires.
I'm sat in a wet diaper. Total normie
the only girls that i knew personally that did beast stuff came from rough upbringings: one was routinely sexually and physically abused by her father and the other was in and out of orphanages and foster homes. granted that isn't all girls that do beast, but i haven't heard many happy tales on the homefront.
come visit us on /abdl/ some time ;)
Already there
i want to lick a girls bungus
that's relatively tame
gross, she's a fake blond, old, and her holes are dark
i find it weird CP is illegal to post here but this fine.
And literally no one seems to give a fuck
All holes are dark when you go deep enough :^)
because one of them involves fucking children
Could it maybe because beastiality is legal and child porn is not?
Just because you don't like something, doesn't mean that is needs to be banned.
There are reasons why CP is banned, and there are reasons why letting your dog fuck you is not illegal.
why the fuck can that be legal, but CP is illegal? it's so stupid, just legalize CP so it doesn't make a difference.
legalise CP
well we all know what you pull your dick to in your spare time
Why live?
I find it weird that you still breathe, pls stop it
Why live?
if you think licking shit is tame, i dont know what to tell you
i'll tongue the dark out of them
if you think licking shit is tame, i dont know what to tell you
I'm currently sat in a shitty diaper
i dont want to lick shit just their bungus
I thought the point of not fucking kids is that they don't understand and are not mentally developed to partcipate.
But animals are?
I'm not even a pedo and I find it a weird logic.
why did you cut yourself so much
The point is that they aren't even sexual developed. They are physically not ready for sex, not even to mention the mental aspect and the damage you pathetic fucks cause them. Being attracted to kids is a mental illness.
looks developed to me
she is developing and most of the girls the pedo's post have not even begun to develop. Hebe's atleast have that argument on their side. Between the age's of 16 to 25 are womens most fertile years. So being attracted to girls in that age range is natural. Even if impregnating a young teen (16) in many ways disadvantages your offspring (younger girls may not be as good of caretakers/protectors as slightly older more experienced young women. And there are plenty of social implications that can cause harm to you, the mother, and even if indirectly, your child.) It's still natural. Pedo's are basically the same as people who are attracted to literal grannies, or even gays, except its more harmful. None of those things are natural, they are nothing more than perverted sexual fetishes created for one reason or another in your own mind and not something you were born with unless you were born with a mental deformity. Being attracted to young girls serves no evolutionary purpose nor advantage. If it did we would all evolved to be pedo's, and young girls would have evolved to bare children. Perhaps you pedo's were born this way, perhaps you are part of evolutions genetic variance, testing the waters to see if being sexually attracted to young girls might have an evolutionary advantage. However i have yet to see any, and pedo's have yet to show any. I think it's more likely that you go after little kids because can relate to them more so than an adult. You're still in many ways a child yourself. Maybe mentally, maybe physically, or maybe both. And so the thought of connecting and confronting another adult sexually, intimidates you.
Well apparently they were
While the general age of consent is now set between 16 and 18 in all U.S. states, the age of consent has widely varied across the country in the past. In 1880, the age of consent was set at 10 or 12 in most states, with the exception of Delaware where it was 7.[2] The ages of consent were raised across the U.S. during the late 19th century and the early 20th century.[3][4] By 1920 ages of consent generally rose to 16-18 and small adjustments to these laws occurred after 1920. As of 2015 the final state to raise its age of general consent was Hawaii, which changed it from 14 to 16 in 2001.[5]
You know what porn is, mate.
I'm just saying apparently back then it was socially and legally acceptable to marry and have sex with a 12 year old, so humans must've been doing similar things before that.
If grass is on the field play ball must've been the adage back then.
The better question would be how is beating the vast majority of males to the punch and securing a top tier mate before theres huge competition for them NOT an evolutionary advantage?
how do you know that
um… because it was the law?
right lol
Or MAYBE the thought of connecting with someone whos been with so many other people that its proven they can never properly connect with anyone ever again isn't very appealing and the only way to ensure they're untainted is to start when they're too young to be sought after by the rest of men.
But hey you're the armchair psychologist, clearly you know better.
Oh apparently if you go to the right countries its still fine to marry that young.
Infact child marriage was outlawed in New York only this year. Apparently the courts thought it was fine as long as you promise not to bang the kid on the wedding night.
Actually no I'm a pedophile so my take on my own fucking mind isn't armchair psychology while some normalfag talking out of his ass about all pedophiles being children on the inside that are scared of the big bad women is armchair psychology.
what a load of horsecock
get yourself a cat
You assume they were having sex
Sorry but theres actual facts behind what I'm saying unlike normalfag armchair psychologists like yourself.
Well the wedding night must've been dolls and playhouse then.
no i mean it's impossible to get an unsullied girl these days.
Yes, it helps your narrative so it MUST have happened
And you fail to see how pedophilia is an evolutionary advantage how?
your deluded argument is that they didnt fuck at their wedding night, but you talk about his "narration"? your suck a shithead, kys retard
in that particular case? maybe not, but I'm just saying examples like these plus the age of consent of the time suggests this wasn't a rare thing.
I'd say rape is a better evolutionary advantage, evolution doesn't care about your "emotional connection" evolution is about offspring.
How many examples do you have?
they are hard to find. I'm still looking, going through the records of marriages in 1890 and onwards isn't that fun.
Because pedo's don't make these children their mates, they don't reproduce with them and don't want to. They want to molest them until they are too old and they no longer fit their twisted fetish. And in cases where pedo's have groomed a child until adulthood and eventually reproduced with, their offspring are still at a disadvantage. Most cases of something like that happening that come to mind are backwoods people living in seclusion and isolation. In which case that choice is more based off necessity, they simply don't have many mates to choose from… or they do and just take every mate they can. I wouldn't classify that as pedophilic though, more like the instinct of men to just fuck everything they can, as apposed to pedo's who only want to fuck children. Regardless children born out of these homes will be at a disadvantage to children born from two healthy adults of a similar age range.
That still is not an example of an evolutionary advantage.
So because you failed to obtain a girlfriend at a young age (highschool sweetheart) that you could lose your virginity to the next logical step is to go after children? do you honestly believe these statistics hold up when its a virgin you groomed from childhood? or when you and your wife have a double digit age difference?
Maybe not women in particular but you are, you can say its because of divorce rates but the truth is they and past/possible future sexual partners intimidate you. She probably has more experience than you. Maybe one of her ex's was better at sex than you. Or maybe you're afraid she won't like you when she has plenty of other mates who are better than you. I understand the reason for wanting a virgin wife or gf. I don't want a girl thats taken a bunch of dicks but we missed our chance buddy. When the highschoolers and college students were falling in love me and you just let it pass us up. Maybe you had body issues or problems socializing that made it so you couldnt compete. Learn from past mistakes and improve yourself so you actually can compete for whats left. You're only going after children is because theres no real competition for them. Doesn't matter if youre still the autistic faggot you were when you were younger because youre still better then the rest of the boys her age right? idc what you say, you choose pedophilia because your scared of being an adult.
Citation needed
i thought pedophilia was a specific attraction ONLY to children, if they aren't a child anymore, you aren't attracted to them. That's the philia part.
Dude go do your own research if I brought up evidence you never heard of, and then demand more evidence to change your mind, im not your fucking helper monkey.
I don't need evidence to prove that it happened, which that picture does prove. I wanted you to prove your next claim that this wasnt rare. I find that slightly harder to believe.
also pedophiles can be attracted to both children and adults
i don't like exclusive pedos
My fetish is braces on young, cute girls.
You gave me a giggle mate, oh wait you're serious? Yeah I wasn't interested in all the sluts in my school that were having on again off again relationships with all the horny guys that would do anything to get their dicks wet, what a travesty.
Why would it not? Grooming is just a derogatory term used for falling in love with someone before the society you live in deems you eligible to fall in love. Whats considered grooming in one prudish country is a perfectly legal and socially acceptable relationship in another not so prudish country.
I know more married couples with a double digit age differences than ones without, I fail to see how having a double digit age difference would somehow impact the likelyhood of your marriage failing, and like always normalfags like you will fail to provide any statistics what-so-ever and instead continue to pull shit out of your ass acting like some expert when you're anything but.
So are you admitting that you're a heartless bastard that will divorce your wife the second she gets old and you aren't attracted to her anymore and are just projecting that onto pedophiles because everyone has to be as heartless as you are?
no because i don't have a agephilia. Pedophiles do.
So you consider grannies as potential sex partners then I take it?
mother son incest
monster girls
don't really want to go on because it would be a long list
some of them sure
And if your wife turned into the type you wouldn't fuck you'd drop her like a sack of bricks and find someone new?
If not then what makes a pedophile staying with the person they fell in love with after they grow older any different?
Hardcore christianity needs to comeback
The ages when the relationship starts is more important than the distance between them
So I'm guessing everyone who has a different idea of whats attractive than you do is wrong then?
Looks like someone didn't play this growing up :^)
how many pedophiles and child molesters have had children with their victims? do i really need to provide you with a study that proves its not very many?
people born in nearly to different generations couldnt possibly cause problems down the line. When she's young and energetic and you're becoming an old man, essentially her father…
you weren't interested in girls your age when your hormones were at their peak? maybe you're just gay then.
you mean in a civilized country vs a primitive one full of immoral, violent, savages?
hmmm… i wonder which country is right about this whole pedophilia thing.
the pedophile part
Pedophilia or paedophilia is a psychiatric disorder in which an adult or older adolescent experiences a primary or exclusive sexual attraction to prepubescent children
Providing studies like that is like providing studies for the witches that survived during the witch hunts, if the couple that now has children ever admitted that their relationship started when one of them was underage their lives would be ruined and the older of the two would be put away as a rapist.
Are you still not getting my point that just because your dick can't get hard to your partner anymore that doesn't mean its impossible to still love them?
I don't know how I can explain it any differently.
thats a fair point, i guess it depends on how prevalent you think pedo relationships are, how far they go, and how long they last. I'll agree to disagree because i need to take a poop and i'm tired of arguing. You Pedo's definitely brought up some good points.
(((they))) are not rational creatures
(((they))) are not National creatures, and (((they))) like to fuck children
Let me explain better, because the changes between a child and an adult are more pronounced than say a 30 to 50 yr old.
Imagine if someones partner you'd been going out with regressed to a 9 yr old physically as you dated over the last 10 years.
Yeah because as little as a 10 year age difference makes one an energetic young person and the other a decrepit old person, thats retarded try again.
Its called being an exclusive pedo and its not a choice just like being a faggot isn't a choice.
Theres places outside of the middle east where the age of consent is under 18, dumbass.
The U.S has one of the most prudish age of consent laws in the entire world.
So because the changes are more subtle in a normal relationship than a pedophilic relationship that makes it impossible to love someone after they become unattractive to you in the latter scenario how exactly?
fucking burgers
I honestly don't believe this. These fucking faggots DO choose to be faggots. They could repent, but they won't.
Pedophilia is an attraction primarily towards children.
Pedophiles only have a 5 year window or so where their relationship partner is physically attractive to them.
Compared to a regular relationship which goes from say 18-40+ where the person is still physically attractive.
Just because you think you are different than all the other pedophiles and will still stay with them and love them, doesn't mean every pedo is like you.
And just because you think that for some reason theres something to do with pedophilia that turns people into shallow assholes that will dump the person they love the second they become unattractive to find someone new that doesn't make it the case.
shallow assholes are everywhere, I just think having a 5 year attractiveness period makes it more likely someone will cheat.
People take the easiest path with the least resistance, every time.
Well I sure am glad reality isn't dictated by what you just think.
it's clearly dictated by what you and you alone think
I have my own personal experience to work with on the subject which is infinitely more than you have.
Why does every thread need to end up in a discussion about pedophilia and child porn?
Because all the pedophiles that left 4chan to come here back when this site was about free speech aren't going to leave here now that its no longer about free speech since theres nowhere else to go and there aren't enough mods to run as tight of a ship as 4chan anyway.
Because pedos need people to reaffirm them. Most pedos are pedos because they are weirdos who don't fit in with any group, and can't get 20-25 year olds or even late teenagers. They hate feeling like they are wrong/don't belong so they push their beliefs in hopes that people will think they're "normal"
No but it's still pedo shit made for degenerates
my my so sure of themselves
Lolicon is legal art. Everyone who doesn't like 2D lolis is a fag tbh
Because it is the most popular subject on this chan and mods won't allow pedo threads like the baseless cucks they are.
create own board?
situations like this were the exact reason why board creation was implemented by hottires
niggers have tried but they've failed countless times. it didn't work then and it's not going to work now.
sounds like a plan
Just because it's legal doesn't mean normal people will like it you sick freak
i don't wanna fug that loli tbh
Haha, everyone who doesn't like lolicon is a faggot :D
I'm sorry, but your are officially gay.
Don't worry user I'm of the belief that its okay to be gay.
bump lol
I think that some of those images are underage but who cares tbh.
Btw, doesn't anyone have a fetish of women dying by lack of oxygen? I once saw a vid here on Holla Forums of an asian women screaming while slowly dying by lack of oxygen?
sounds hot to me, dub dubs
Fetish discord/ 77wrrsa
spam bot posting in multiple threads
You mean like Detroit? Or Chicago? Or basically any major American city? But no, I'm sure those European countries with higher happiness rating, human development index and lower age of consent are just full of school shooters and serial killers. Oh wait, that's America. You stupid fucking nigger.
Jesus, you people are thick.
our ghettos are much better than yours
Well, my dick's thicker than yours. Does that count?
Look at this fucking idiot reaching so hard to try to justify his conception that any country that doesn't believe his prude bullshit is "uncivilized". Whatever the fuck that's supposed to mean. Most of those countries provide decent education for their citizens, unlike America, so they barely even have ghettos.
Maybe if you had a decent education you'd be able to read a map. Then again, Americans have trouble identifying any country they're not bombing.
except our greatest ally of course
Exactly. And Americans still have the fucking audacity to call any other country immoral, violent savages despite starting more wars than any other country in living memory. Now which group is more likely to be right about the age of consent, peaceful countries with high human development or bloodthirsty warmongers who'd rather build bombs and fighter jets than take care of their own citizens?
Yeah, we all knew that.
I don't know quite how this would work, but it can't possibly be good.
the same way its working right now? 99% of europe has a birth rate below replacement level, while the arabs breed like rabbits. They get welfare, while you have to work. They can rape and kill whoever they want and get away with it because any racist who says something about it will lose their job and be thrown in jail.
Poopers. I fucking love playing with a ladies clean, tight little turd cutter. Also, I'm an ephebe, but who isn't?