Ever thought that a lack of newfag influx is making an imageboard lose its sharp? Whenever i browse 4chan for the few couple of boards that are dead here like /biz/ and /fit/, i see so much more OC and new permutations on contemporary horseshit and so on, it's making me think. Holla Forums might've gotten the far better part of the users at the exodus, but the sea is calming too much. My hypothesis is that while newfags and cancer from undesirable websites are the enemy of the native userbase, their existence is a necessary evil, sort of like an ecosystem where an animal becomes weak and withers away if it no longer has to fight his enemies.
Thoughts on this?
Austin Clark
this is an interesting theory. i hadn't really considered that point of view. you should go undercover and browse 4chan and reddit exclusively for about 5 years to test your theories. you can't come back here during those 5 years ok? otherwise you might blow your cover and ruin your research. see you in 5 years bro. good luck.
Chase Young
We all know newfags are good. Imageboards have shit user retention; only the most autistic anons stick around for the long haul. Most users last three months to a year at most. But that doesn't mean newfags aren't cancerous. The whole point of bullying them and telling them to go back to reddit is to condition them to be like us.
Adrian Diaz
shut the fuck up
Jack Evans
lurk more newfag. it is "stfu" in our chan language.
Christian Jones
the only reason i stick around is because everywhere else is dead but i still post on other chans its just that in this place you can expect a reply within a day of posting
Adam Morris
see . don't come back.
Juan Price
Sometimes you need newfags to lighten things up. Too many pedophiles becomes jading.
Luke White
i dont go on 4chan if thats what you're implying
Elijah Nguyen
Yes, but the effects of having to bully newfags are not to be underestimated, it's a point of friction, like resistance training. Imageboards pride themselves with being always on top of the entire internet culture, it's the toughest gladiator fight of r-selected thoughts and only the strongest pull through.
But this fight slows down if there are no new contestants, once the entropy is over and everyone is assimilated into thinking the exact same things, it dulls the users. Take Holla Forums for example, everyone who posts there actively has pretty much assimilated into the open source linux stallman hivemind, the threads are slow and repetitive. There are no newfags posting >mfw you neckbeard virgins will never know the touch of a woman because your laptop looks like it was built in 1992, alongside an image of a slut with a macbook to ruffle any feathers.
The odd newfag is so rare that he is dismissed with nothing but "oh please" tier hipsterism, not even discussing the issue anymore.
Zachary Brown
why the fuck would they make ballistic gel what would the point of it be because it doesn't look like it would provide much cover as a bulletproof material and you cant easily wear it either
Zachary Kelly
are you fucking retarded?
Owen Morris
it mimics the approximate density of human soft tissue to measure the effect of ballistic wounds.
see pic related and my answer in this post. i am smart.
Luke Cox
my dick goes ballistic all on it's own. wat do?
Josiah Martinez
choke on it
Anthony James
Ejaculate For Jesus always helps.
Grayson Morgan
that's pretty accurate i systematically made 'banned from halfchan' threads 2 months ago and basically got the same response which leads me to believe user's are getting weaker with their newfag conditioning
Angel Flores
Thanks for the first real reply in the thread user
Brody Garcia
You need newfags for a sustainable site. You also need microphones and cameramen to make a movie. But when you see the microphone in the frame it's because the sound guy fucked up. You're not supposed to know newfags are there. They're supposed to lurk or make low-risk posts until they're assimilated. If someone gets unironically chastised for being a newfag then they've already failed.
Asher Martinez
or maybe we've just been battling newfags for so long it's been engrained in the culture. There was a time when 4chan was good. There was a few months where Holla Forums was good. Both of these places being proud to call home when they were filled with excelsior users. I suppose the reason people stick around is that they're too proud to leave, or don't know where else to go.
Elijah Lewis
guilty as charged
Brayden Brown
Sure, but the normalfag world is ever changing, and with it the newfags change. The imageboard needs its regular dose of newfags to stay sharp.
Levi Flores
not really tho
Hunter Bailey
shut the fuck up and get the fuck out of here with your idiotic question
Ian Powell
large doses are lethal though. That's when the "any community pretending to be retarded" adage kicks in.
Oliver Lopez
the thing is Holla Forums is already 80%+ "newfags"
Matthew Bell
I've copy+pasted troll threads from halfchan and posted them on here and more users got trolled here than there. You're losing your edge, Holla Forums.
Leo Lopez
Not really I would say that right now since dysnomia is doing such a shit job of deleting cp that there are more pedos than newfags