With all the medical advancements shouldn't fewer people be disabled?
What is happening here?
With all the medical advancements shouldn't fewer people be disabled?
What is happening here?
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The human species, as a whole, practices dysgenics.
It's fraud by GenY faggots with self-diagnosed fibromyalgia.
You got it reversed. The system is milking disability. State government offices actually help their unemployed get disability.. Why? Because it gets them off the state welfare rolls onto Federal funded disability and gets them reclassified from "unemployed" to something else. This looks great on paper so governor so and so can say he reduced unemployment and poverty in his state.
dysgenics? Really.. How could you change the gene pool this quickly?
Really.. What else are they going to do? Work two jobs, do a sixty hour week or have the same standard of living and not have to take shit from anyone.
There it is. Musculoskeletal (Fibro) and sadbrains.
I don't have any sources for my proposed reasons, but I would think that the big reasons are:
yup. Easy to say hard to disprove problems. Back pain and anxiety. nationalreview.com
and it's a way to hide unemployment and economic decline so we can all pretend things are okay.
Back in the day they would die off
Now with the medical advances even those who are ought to be dead are kept alive
Thus higher percieved number of disability
Question has been answered.
The biggest increases in disability settlements were not life threatening conditions.
This is a shell game to move people off the unemployment rolls.
That's just the how? Why is it happening? Most people never get off disability once on it, and it's not an upwardly mobile career path.
payday for niggers
A combi action of multiple factors.
Because in the past, when someone was unhappy with his job he was told to fucking man up. Today he's diagnoses with depression.
greed has become a virtue
you might ask how did this happen, when did this happen, but there is no doubt in your mind that as far as popular culture is concerned GREED is good!
too easy to get gimmedats
too many brainwashed followers of the cult of the victim
too few followers of cult of the cowboy
Because being a NEET is the true revolution against the Jewish system.
You should probably kill yourself fam
What Job? They feel hopeless because there is no way to get what their parents had.
Because autism and disability in general is becoming bad to see as a disability and thus more and more people are allowing it. Society as a whole is becoming okay with disability, seeing them as "unfortunate" rather than having a problem, serious ones too. So instead of getting their disabilities checked out, taken care of, or being taken care of by someone, people are encouraging them to get jobs as if they're normal people.
Being a docile NEET is exactly what the Jewish system wants. Do everyone a favor and kill yourself.
niggers have figured out that welfare makes you look for a job, but disability is just checks for life
Jews have been poisoning us(and themselves), simple as that. Monsanto shouldn't be running the fda and the epa. Most of these new diseases everyone is getting were originally tested on soldiers during desert storm in 1992. High serotonin makes folks docile, afraid of confrontation, lose focus easily and their bodies fill with inflammation which leads to autoimmune disease.
GenY faggots who tricked themselves into thinking being on disablity is socialism or some shit. These people are so weak, physically and mentally, that they don't even consider anything but sitting on their asses and receiving gibs.
As said: Thread's over. Lock this shit before retards like shit it up.
How 2 i sagessss????
Poison in the land, water, air….gmo's, vaccines, etc
I wonder why disability is on the rise…
I suffer from a debilitating neurological issue called Torsion Dystonia. I cannot use my right arm and shit like that. No one wants to hire me so disability is going to get me through college.
It's fraud, my Aunt is "disabled."
Because they're now allowing things like chronic depression and alcoholism count as disabilities
Overdiagnosis, obesity, people milking the system, and people that would have previously just died now living a tortured life.
The same reason cancer rates keep increasing, the government poisons the food and water. "Preservatives" destroy your cells and fuck your shit up, fluoride fucks your shit up, the hormones and antibiotics in dairy and meat products fuck your shit up.
A populace who is unfit to fight is easily controlled. It doesn't matter if you have a gun if you can't use it properly.
Instead of taking away guns they take away your mobility.
Yeah, the Jewish system wants you to leech their resources and not pay taxes. But they really hate it when people work 60 hours a week and pay half their salary to the government. Sure thing buddy.
What kind of shit-tier racist are you
Combination of factors are creating this clusterfuck.
I started linking to each post that described one/some of these factors, but the list got stupid long.
both mention the fact that we're keeping people alive who would've just ended up dead in the past: a factor that I think is important but hasn't gotten much attention in the thread yet.
This, but also dysgenics and probably this:
it's called the Cloward Piven strategy
FAT PEOPLE: Not really disabled, just fat.
What would be so bad about that?
Everything is a disability these days. Feeling down? You must have PTSD from the internet, bipolar disorder, or any number of mental diseases! Take these pills and apply for disability, goy!
Just, hehehe, ignore the increased burden on the remaining workers and the seemingly positive effect this will have on unemployment numbers, hehe, stupid goyim.
"guaranteed annual income". Isn't that what welfare is anyway? It didn't work then and it won't work now.
What makes you assume those things are mutually inclusive?
Who said its not working? And its different then welfare since everyone would be receiving it and the same amount, the welfare queen phenomena would be much more difficult to pull off
the period of breakdown isn't pleasant
we're living through it
You get more of what you subsidize, and less of what you tax. This is an ironclad law of economics.
Why would anyone want to work in the current regime? You don't even see most of the money on your paycheck, that money goes to Government "Refugee Integration" programs and welfare for stupid fucks who ram their hands into grinding belts. Scam the system, trick those fucking bureaucratic kikes into thinking you're a paraplegic downie with depression and profit off of it.
I don't think they thought their brilliant plan all the way through if this was an actual strategy.
Can't pay for it.
Oh wait.. I thought this was a board about politics and current events.
I HATE NIGGERS! (is that better?)
Ironclad law, huh, then why did American manufacturing disappear despite all the subsidies and tax breaks?
I wonder if the two are related?
It usually takes two years minimum, friendo, and prepare for it to take more since you're a sadbrains-disabled rather than a look-at-this-MRI-and-test-result-disabled.
You'll probably get rejected and have to get it on appeal. It's gonna take you minimum 3 years so you might as well just get a job.
The bad news is that people who genuinely need it because of an obvious illness like rheumatoid arthritis or stroke have to wait 2 years because the system is so flooded with fibro/alcoholism/sadbrains claims.
Can you get it for bipolar and depression?
We invent new diseases to treat. Before high fructose corn syrup there weren't obesity epidemics.
Yes, no, and maybe
Some people have gotten it for bipolar and depression, some people haven't. It depends on what the psych says, how bad you are, how many times you've been institutionalized or arrested for obvious bipolar behavior. Probably easier to do than get disability for fibro since current research on fibro says that inactivity is the worst thing you could do.
sadbrains hahah LOVE that.
Redpill me on the fibro cunts please. I've looked and all I hear is over the top crap that doesn't jive with the fuckers I see claiming it.
What about those bed ridden obese slobs that need to be taken out of the house with a forklift? That pretty much looks like the definition of disable to me ie UNABLE TO MOVE.
What's even better about putting people on disabilities is that you can later revoke their rights, gibs and force them to do stuff they would otherwise not do.
This is currently being rolled out here in Europe. You basically end up working a normal job for about 60% the salary. Good luck finding a job in the normal labor market with that 'disability' stamp, too.
I think what they mean with "a national system of guaranteed aanual income and end of poverty" is just another buzz-line hiding Communism.
that is all
Fibromyalgia is fucked up because there are a very few people who really have it, a few people who have been misdiagnosed with it and really have rare forms of arthritis, obscure neurological problems, or autoimmune problems, and there are a large number of people who are faking it.
There are no clinical tests to prove or disprove whether or not someone has fibromyalgia. The best way to tell if someone really has it is to look at their lifestyle shortly before they got sick. Were they a fat lazy sack of crap? Were they a whiner? They're probably faking, or complaining about the natural discomfort caused by being a fat lazy piece of shit. Of course you're going to have aches and pains and gastrointestinal problems if all you do is sit on the couch and eat. Of course you are going to be depressed and lack energy if this is how you live. This type of person would be miraculously cured if they'd get off their asses, lose some weight, stop complaining, and get an active, healthy hobby.
On the other hand, there are perfectly healthy people who are suddenly felled with it–thin people who are living healthy, active lifestyles who suddenly find they can't jog or hike anymore, they can't do their active hobbies, etc. These people either really have it or are in the misdiagnosed category.
There is some research that shows there are irregularities in the brains of people who have fibromyalgia, suggesting it might be a central nervous system problem, which is why it's still considered a disease rather than sheer malingering. Unfortunately there's no way to test for this without cracking open a person's head, so the malingerers can get away with claiming they have the symptoms and nobody can gainsay them.
I have to admit a lot of this is over my head, but here's a little more about the neurotransmitter in questions, Substance P:
If you feel sad for a couple weeks and find the right doctor, you can get a note that forces the taxpayer to pay your enough money to comfortably live on. (At least here in Canada.)
Just keeps getting worse as we go farther left, hence the unending increase in those claiming disability benefits.
Plus special-snowflaking among kids, you've gotta have one or two "cool" disabilities these days
Also I forgot to add that there's a sort of slow-burn type of rheumatoid arthritis that's often misdiagnosed as fibromyalgia. There's a blood test for rheumatoid arthritis, but they've recently been finding out that some people with rheumatoid arthritis will have it for years before they test positive for it. They will have debilitating pain with no classic inflammatory symptoms, only to develop it later. Another poor victim for the fibromyalgia misdiagnosis bin. The worst thing about a fibromyalgia misdiagnosis is the patient is forced onto unnecessary psychiatric drugs and generally ignored or told any new symptoms they report are fibromyalgia, even if the new symptoms aren't consistent with fibromyalgia. These poor souls won't get a correct diagnosis until their symptoms are SO OBVIOUS that any quack could tell it's not fibromyalgia, such as a knee swollen up to the size of a football or a hand that looks like a catcher's mitt.
In WW1, countries that standardized soldiers wearing helmets after previously having none, saw a massive increase in the number of head injuries and wounds. The reason is that all the people who would've otherwise died from head injuries, survived and were classified as injured.
Modern society is getting incredibly good at preventing natural selection from taking place, but nature can't be restrained forever.
I'm crashing the system…
The irony of preventing natural selection is that the population degrades to a point it is no longer viable for survival like in the documentary Idiocracy.
Women doesn't actually want into the workforce.
The real reason why disability is increasing is people with 'depression', 'anxiety' and mild musculoskeletal issues.
People that don't like their job or don't want to work are diagnosed with 'depression' and 'anxiety'.
People that don't like their job or don't want to work are diagnosed with 'back pain'.
Old people are actually encouraged to get on disability if they aren't able to find a job. Someone I know has been encouraged by government workers to apply multiple times even though they have barely anything wrong (mild tinnitus and made up mental health issues).
Other people are getting on it because they have shit like chronic fatigue syndrome a.k.a. I don't feel like getting out of bed in the morning.
We need a big shake up in the west, I really think there needs to be a depression to wake people up.
Full retard.
Pretty much this. Part of my family is this way. I would be too except I have an extreme personal aversion to paperwork bureaucracy and government that I picked up while enlisted.
Life is a hard slog and you just work even if you feel like death all the time. But lots of people don't
80's Amerigan looks like a cool guy.
Life isn't always fun and games. Sometimes life is boring and shit but unfortunately you have to put up with these parts. It seems people in the West have forgotten this and just want life to be one long fun exciting rollercoaster.
Seems easy OP.
Your picture is a ratio of employed workers to people on disability. Figure there is a roughly constant number of disabled people, but more and more people that are out of labor force.
Birth rates are the key. If anyone doesn't understand this, then they haven't read any eugenicist books.
I wish! They let my grandmother die because she had the wrong skin color. They actually told her that that was the reason they could not help, and then her medical issues were never fixed.
Bumping because I recently had an amusing encounter. I have a new female housemate and she likes to bring up her ptsd often. Last time she did this I started playing Buffalo Springfield - For What It's Worth, and told her all about my ptsd developed from being spanked as a child. My sarcasm went over her head and she proceeded to engage me in a pissing contest over whose ptsd is more legitimate. KEK She ended up storming off in a huff once it registered that I was mocking her.
I think the solution to the every-woman-claiming-she-has-ptsd pharmaceutical/insurance scam is comedy. If enough people take this approach and meet these claims with skepticism, I bet females would stop making this claim for attention and pity.
Forgot the song.
Pretty much this.
But if we are considering a possibly more "legit" standpoint:
It's like with helmets in the world war.
As soon as helmets were issued, reports of head injuries went through the roof.
Why? Because the soldiers didn't immediately die from the debris raining on them anymore.
This could be a case of "We now know more disabilities so more are being reported."
But let's face it. Most disabilities are a sham.
If twatter whores can claim PTSD, anything is possible.
I agree that there's a large portion of the disabled population that has questionable diagnoses. They're robbing the system.
But I think a lot of these people actually believe their "disabilities" are legitimate. Therein lies the problem - you can't win an argument from this approach. Not when they would likely pass a lie detector test and there's no shortage of jew psychologists willing to back up their claims.
The sacred cow of victimhood needs to be brought crashing down. Skepticism needs to become commonplace.
I'm classified as disabled. I don't claim any benefits as I am able to have a modest life living off my savings. I'm not expected to live past 40, so I don't worry about running out of money.
What I can say is this. The drugs used to treat my disablilty are usually worse than the condition itself. If I don't take any medication, I am in moderate to extreme pain most of the time but I am still able to think with reason and look after myself fairly well. If I take the prescribed medication, I'm have considerably less pain but I loose the ability to think clearly and make decisions. In this state I can't even look after myself.
The hard drugs used on disabled people are usually worse than the condition itself. These drugs don't relieve a person of the their disablilty, they cause a dependance, on both the drug itself and on the care of other people. The majority of the disabled want to be independant and not thought of as different or special. Rather than offer rehabilitation or lessons on how to live with their condition, disabled people are sedated with medication that makes them life long consumers of healthcare.
If it's feeders stopped giving it anything but water and vegetables it would be able to get up in a matter of months
This. In my opinion anyone who becomes a ward of the state, either on welfare, unemployment or disability should no longer be in control of their lives. Their lives should be totally controlled and structured. Their diet and activity should be tightly controlled. Their time on the internet or TV would be limited. They would be forced to exercise to their ability. Of course this would mean institutionalization.
It wouldn't have to be a grim prison camp but it should be strict enough that no one would wish to enter it lightly. You would only give up control of your life if you really needed help.
The other key is that anyone who becomes a ward of the state would lose their voting rights until the time they were independent again.
It's 90% niggers gaming the system
It's a scam for neet bux and has nothing to do with medical anything. There is a great chart floating around that shows the decline in welfare recipients after they restricted the program and a directly proportionate increase in people getting SSDI.
You can get SSDI for not wanting to leave your house. It qualifies as a personality disorder. Welfare masquerading as SSDI is one of the great boondoggles of our time.