Because the world is backwards.
D a e r h T o d e P
404 incoming
mods are asleep :)
That 18 year old looks very good for her age. Moar.
Duckface forever. (I don't know who that is, though. [And I'm okay with that.])
erase yourself pedonigger
its real tbh
keem hates pedos
it sure is halfchan in here
She is already reveling in perpetuating the dogma of being the forbidden fruit. How sad.
thats what they all say :^)
because it's true, you deserve a slow and painful death
Then I feel sorry for him. That level of ignorance and crassness is the sort of thing that's going to get him disowned (and maybe sent to prison).
in my country we only kill gays
I don't know where to start, but you have to end your life in some way
fug the law tbh
Then I feel sorry for us all. Laws against love and nature are oppressive.
What's going on in this thread
gays dont want to go away >:(
at least one thing you're doing right
I was told it was real? Also, I don't know her situation. It could be that he went full-on creep mode for that picture alone, but that he has limited contact with her otherwise. Too many variables are unknown about the pair to make a snap judgment like that.
fug of nigger, liking teens is normal and healthy
how new are you user?
Mods never delete the threads anymore, just the illegal content.
If they aren't veiled you have to stone them, you know right?
dys nukes threads all the time wtf u on niggee
I've been lounging around /younglove/ for a little bit, but I've come here recently.
that shits prebby dead
Mostly, yeah. A small group of like five dudes, myself included, keep that place going. That's why I came here.
I dont know much english so idk what tf your talking about, btw im from a country where you can legally marry a 14 yo and theres nothing you can do :)
Well not straight away at least. Usually takes a few days.By then the damage is done.
That's fine if you marry a 14yo as long as you don't have sex with her. She is way too young to be able to give informed consent. High-fives, headpats and sidehugs until she is 18 imo.
But you still haven't married one yet? Are you too ugly?
probably not enough money
Yeah, I know. Me too.
Last thread 404'd in under a minute. One before that took about 5. This one staying up for some reason so far.
not marrying until im 24
Dysnomia and hex went to bed a few hours ago.
because niggers are jumping the gun. just be patient and then we can have our fun
That's good user. The brain doesn't stop growing until your 25 anyway which of course means you are incapable of coherent thought before then and thus preventing your ability to consent to rape sex. Carry on.
next time use a different title that has no relevance to lgs and use a different image that also doesn't have a relevance to lgs.
i'd still give sonya a hug tbh
me 2
We all know your true motives, you in denial fucks
I will never penetrate someone under 15 tbh
and ted bundy pleaded innocent.
you're stuck in here with us
if i'm truly honest i'd probably go down on her
if your going to compare me to some criminal atleast compare me to a some based criminal like warren jeffs
I will always think pedos will resort to rape. there is no other route for them, which is why I say purge them all. None can be trusted, and thank you for proving me right.
there's no different between scum.
oh hey its you :3
warren jeffs is one of the few infidels(christians) that i respect so neck yourself tbh
this user knows. pedo genocide when?
do you fags even know what pedo is
stfu you fucking sandnigger, go fuck your 8 yo shitskin bride but stay away from real humans
you share the same desires jews and muslims have. that in itself is worthy of punishment.
going to stay here in america for another 2 yrs and probably going to fug a few white qts while im here tbh :)
dont compare us to filthy kikes tbh
burgers are dumb tbh
Oh boy if you'd end up in an american jail for anything pedo related that'd be infinite justice. Please god, let it happen.
there is nothing that distinguishes you from them, know that.
fuck of tbh
it's good you feel disgusted.
I feel like you're climbing up on the feds priority list
she needs to be fixed up with rape. I volunteer - ill take that burden on myself
you pedos finally acknowledge it as rape, that's good.
not only we didnt, but also i didnt
anti-pedo kikes cant even take a joke
delusional to the nth degree.
every time you use my rhetoric it warms my heart.
everyone knows you're a rapist by default, you have it in the genes
srsly just go back to reddit
im gonna say it once, u retarded nigggot
if i say "this woman behaves badly, she has to be punished with rape" it doesnt mean sex with women is rape. same as if i say "this underaged girl behaves badly, she has to be punished with rape"
am i mean't to be surprised a pedophile attempts to rationalise his degenerate tendencies? you all blend together; all degenerates.
stay in denial. U find her attractive too
females should not have equal rights therefor should be raped when they misbehave
you need to fuck off sandnigger
nothing more pathetic than resorting to picking at my bogan slang.
you're desperate. you base the justification of your sick desires on your opponent opposed to the greater morality. pigs.
u yourself dont know what u r writing, u filthy pedo
we had this same 'discussion' yesterday
antipedokike or based shill get some better material because its stale af now
only when the pass age 18.
glad to see you agree pedos are filthy.
I might be a shitskin but atleast im not a retarded burger like you
the aoc is 16 in most places in the world, only retards like you think its 18 worldwide
too bad science, the elites that rule the world and the entire motherfucking left are on our side, bitch.
glad u agree u r a pedo
This is a CP screencap, the video has been posted here multiple times. Mods should know, why the fuck is this thread still up?
fug of shill, elites might fuck lil boys, but they will never legalized pedophilia because they still want people in prison
where the fuck did i speak aoc?
i like me some hebes. i'm tasteful.
go back to Israel
the fact you cant discern the difference proves you're a confused individual. lock yourself up for the safety of children, please. we all deserve to live without fear of being raped by pedophiles.
fug you nigger, anything under 18 is literally the same thing
wow, u r pathetic, u pedo. Living in denial, just, like i said
is everyone just larping now