I'm at a party but the dude who drove me is asleep because he did a bit too much marijuanal and I cant fall asleep (been trying). So what do I Do Holla Forums?
Pic related, some dude dropped and forgot his fidget spinner.
I'm at a party but the dude who drove me is asleep because he did a bit too much marijuanal and I cant fall asleep (been trying). So what do I Do Holla Forums?
Pic related, some dude dropped and forgot his fidget spinner.
any hot babes there? snap some pics
Not that kind of party.
Just some gross ass stoners.
no stoner babes?
Nope. Just smelly people.
this is really gay, do these stoners have female siblings that are attractive or something?
Theres the one dudes girlfriend upstairs but shes a 46 year old chain smoker and certainly looks it.
They do have cats around though, I could give those.
Ooh check my get!
Still beter than being homosexual, well, you already made a choice, its your life.
They kept blowing at this guy after taking a Hit THEN giving him catnip.
I'll see if I can find the others.
Check em.
But nah, only went here for the free booze and to watch king of the hill.
Found this dude. He's been pretty chill.
Inhale zyklon B immediately.
It's more enjoyable when your cross-buzzing.
I have never been able to sit through a single episode of it. All the characters piss me off so bad for some unknown reason that I just can't.
That's what the weed and booze are for.
Also have you considered taking ADHD medication. That might help.
I use those almost daily. Responsibly, but daily.
If you do it too much you'll build a resistance. So use weed at least only once in a while.
That's the best way to do it.
Yeah, sure. Its your body, your rules, nobody cares.
Despite my hatred for that show, that made me laugh. Well done.