Twitter VAPORIZED this post within minutes, good friends of the truth they are!

Twitter VAPORIZED this post within minutes, good friends of the truth they are!

Here's a warp speed censored beauty!

And WHY would Hillary drop out after the FBI release? How about "they pulled no punches and said her mail server was hacked by a link in a mail that was soliciting porn!"

That mail also proved she was using TOR, and is NOT computer illiterate, as she has claimed repeatedly to cover her butt!

Why is he in jail after doing the world such a favor?

Other urls found in this thread:

what kind of porn?

Hillary is TOAST

Hillary has two choices - Admit to being too mentally damaged to be President, or admit to being a bold faced liar

Hillary Clinton is irrevocably trapped by the following:
"Clinton told the FBI she "could not recall any briefing or training by State related to the retention of federal records or handling classified information," according to the bureau's notes of their interview with Clinton. The documents indicate Clinton told investigators she either does not "recall" or "remember" at least 39 times - often in response to questions about process, potential training or the content of specific emails."

My comment: 1. If Hillary can't recall any briefing or training by the state related to federal records, she is mentally incompetent and cannot be President. The briefings happened, she signed for them. 2. The other option is that she is a bold faced pathological liar who creatively lied about this 39 times during questioning, and therefore lacks the moral authority to be President.

Catch 22, there is NO WAY OUT, I can't believe I missed this simple observation for so long, SHE IS TOAST.

Even CNN gave up and did a 20 percent honest report which is more than enough to burn her, SHE'S TOAST.




FACE THE FACTS HILLARY: You used computers all through your adult life just like anyone else your age and you are completely computer literate, if not even tech saavy. You are a bold faced liar about ALL OF IT, and JUST GOT COMPLETELY BUSTED. TOR? GRANDMA DOES NOT USE TOR, IF YOU USED TOR YOU KNOW HOW TO LOG INTO A SECURE GOVERNMENT E-MAIL SERVER, PERIOD.

Evidence Clinton Was Speared In Phishing Attack
FBI report details "multiple" attempts to breach accounts

Anti-slide bump-erino


Hard to believe but have a bump anyway. Who is this source? Has she killed herself with a nailgun yet?

How do we know this isn't fake?

You really believe this or are you just morale boosting?

The American people are incompetent, dimwitted, and shamelessly corrupt themselves. The rest are barely literate. 100 million+ aren't even White and a huge chunk of them don't even speak English.

Don't be so convinced that what resonates to you has the same affect on this "nation's" "citizens".

Its probably fake but who knows

shut up, faggot

How new to this board are you where you still hold this childlike ideal of America?

It's true though. With what they've already accepted and live with every day, why would they care about this? They just don't care.

Top fucking kek.

You do realize that her poll numbers are dropping. Polls rigged in her favor are falling apart for her. The people are stupid but even they have a limit.

This is the best part. And if Hillary's numbers continue to drop, her handlers may get rid of her. I don't see her dropping out, but I do see them killing her off and using her death to give a Kaine led campaign some weight.

So it's time to trust the polls now? They're okay to believe in?
If they had a limit they wouldn't be voting.

And to add, that may be their best option if shit hits the fan. Trump is ready for Hillary, so Kaine may be a curveball for them. He could probably handle it but it would be a lot harder in many ways.

can't wait for the debates

Found the Jew.

Polls are rigged in her favor via overpolling of Democrats. But the sentiment has shifted so far away from her, they can't make it look like she is winning without just completely fabricating the results.

Reuters themselves stated that they changed their polling methodology. This change caused a sudden shift in favor of Hillary by 7+ points which other polls magically relayed as well. Many other people commented on how retarded it was that Reuters was doing, one long time pollster saying he had never seen such a thing done in decades. The reality is Trump is winning despite being given a handicap in the polls. If you still cannot understand this, then you should kill yourself.

People like to exhaust all their options before turning to violence. If you think violence is the only option, then feel free to live by your own creed and do something.

We heard the same narrative during the 2012 election. Some of us are old enough to remember that far back.

During the 2012 election, polling methodology wasn't changed like this nor was there such drastic shifts in the polls as we are seeing.

You're terrible at this.


What if someone else set up tor for her. What if she was using tor because the link was .onion? Who looks up porn on .onion sites?

Fuck you hot wheels post my fucking image.

The exact line we were fed in 2012 is that polls were oversampling democratic voters.

Do you really need to ask, goyim?

That would be wonderful if that were the case. I'd love to see leftists try and defend her now.

I'm going to laugh if Huma is tied up in all of this. She did have access to her e-mail account too.

Reuters did not come out and announce and then alter the polling methodology while oversampling at the same time during the 2012 election. They did that in this election. Your excuses aren't working and you have no leg to stand on. Go hang yourself.


What excuses? What are you babbling about?

You are the one that is babbling, CTR shill.

Get out.

You want to provide the slightest bit of evidence for that?

Like Hillary, you're either stupid or full of shit. Go kill yourself.

The entire post history is available in the thread so anyone can trace it back reply for reply.

Or they can look at the IDs you fuckwit. What excuse do you have for nit knowing that Reuters was rigging the polls in Hillary favor? What excuse do you have to not have actually looked at the actual sampling data that shows more democrats being sampled than republicans? How can you be this ignorant and this stupid unless you're doing it on purpose?

inb4 a bullshit non-answer post.

it's the [current year] retard, Hotwheels does not code, own or do anything for Holla Forums except for when he helped change the filenames from numbers to letter and number hashes, his position as admin was booted by Jim Jew this January.

If you have a meta complaint then take it to >>>/sudo/

Did I ever dispute your assertion and label it false?

I should point out that this entire discussion kicked off when, for whatever reason completely unfathomable to me, someone took offense at me denigrating the Kwa's corrupt and non-White population.

In Hillary's case, it would have to be interspecies porn.

Yeah, replacing Hillary with Kaine would be a game changer. Just like replacing Jack Thompson with Anita Sarkeesian was a "game changer".

Confirmed for scat porn.

This is your quote. Either you are ignorant or stupid out the ass or deliberately arguing against the idea of following polls.

How anyone that frequents this board or has followed this election to any capacity can be this mind-blowing. This is common knowledge. Again, kill yourself.

Probably femdom… but not even the decent kind. Just the really shitty kind with old grannies and bestiality.

I want this to be true. I want to see people try and defend her on this.

sounds legit, OP.

Yeah and?
Try not to appeal to authority.
On which site? This board? Some other board? Let me sift through the catalog full of remedial WN 101 and crypto-Zionist agitprop to find the exact thread you're talking about.


Pressing this is a good angle of attack.

With her previous concussion and the current rumors surrounding the state of her health, the notion that her being incapable of recalling so many things indicates very strongly that she lacks the aptitude to be president. Or, as it's been said, that she was lying when she stated that she could not recall, which threatens to stain her character all the way to a prison cell.

Given her elderly appearance, it shouldn't be difficult to force the association between Hillary and a frail, old woman in her deathbed. Even Hillary supporters would be susceptible to such memetic programming, as it would reinforce the notion that their candidate is "too good for this world".

Again, either you are ignorant of Reuters changing their methodology and the fact that they are oversampling democrats or you are a fucking idiot. Those are your only two options because this information has been posted on Holla Forums a number of times in other threads (I bet one is up right now with this info), has been reported by other news sites, and anyone can look it up elsewhere.

Also, thanks for proving me right. If you continue to say nothing of worth and continue to be boring and flounder around like a nitwit, I might as well filter you already. You're just embarrassing yourself now.

second gif always makes me giggle like a little kid being tickled

I never said you were wrong. That's why your whole conservation is bizarre.

This. Being asked this same shit in current times will look extra bad for her. Wikileaks hasn't even revealed the October surprise yet too.

I'm sure you didnu nuffin. Thanks for the bullshit non-answer post. Filtered.

Pretty textbook paid shill right here for all of you lurkers. Don't think it's just Hillary's people here.

Are you shills not aware how filtering works? I present to everyone, one and all, a person so stupid he must be a shill, one so stupid, he did not realize that Reuters had changed their methodology. Either he truly did not know or feigned ignorance. When pressed, he continued to dodge the question. I have to wonder if Hillary is doing her own shilling now. Talk about low energy. Sad!


Stop replying to him, he'll never stop.

True but he's not saging so he is helping to keep the thread bumped. Another reason why he is bad at his job. If he is butthurt, then that's fine too. As long as the thread stays bumped.

Stop what, though?

Where are you getting this from? From what I read, the email was sent from a Tor exit node. I haven't read anything about the link in the email being an onion address.

Even more so. I don't think a slot of the people there even read the shit. Thy made themselves look like fools. They tried to damage control for her as well.



AND FILTER (((32db73)))


Thanks Mods.

Who's the guy on the left savaging the shills? He does good work.

Perhaps it was:

And that is why Hilary replied:


I have oven on the mind

What if it was bill that was using TOR on here server

It's a hoax, you gullible fucks.

And we're done here.

Hmmmm……… I wonder.

Who gives a shit if the Tweet is fake? The FBI files aren't, and that's largely what's being discussed.

We're less concerned about the tweet and more concerned about the how this key dilemma of being stupid or lying has put Hillary in a bind. Also,


Hannah. wtf, I'm retarded today.


Hoping for adult baby/diaper love.

We can claim she owns the board on this site too if true.

Go back to the second reply in the thread.

The supposition for the thread is that this is some smoking gun that will make Clinton drop out, retreat, her campaign fall apart, rather than just something that will be ignored.

Calling them narrative naive bullshit is what set the various paid shills in this thread off.

But the screencap says it's from two days ago.

I'd say that twitter account shouldn't spread that info but then again, it may demoralize Hillary's faithful and force her to say something and thus address the comments before she is ready to because I'm betting she will try and weather the storm and hope this all goes away (we'll make sure it doesn't).

(checking for kek)
when all of your OC is already being used
is there a way i can stilluse a file when it says that file already exists

Ha! You've posted a shopped copy of the tweet which is made to look fake!

Here's Bill Still. He's scrupulously accurate and he hasn't retracted.

-modify it a bit (worst solution)
-add another picture or simply a 1x1 pixel (best solution)

I saw you pushing this in another thread, fuck off and provide an archive or proof its real.

oh thats why i see those dot wondering whuat that was about thanks

Only like 2% (and this is the most generous estimate) of the entire country actually trusts anything the government tells them.

Stay delusional.

How do you know Hannah Chingchong didn't delete her own tweet, nigga? Not that it changes whether or not it's true

Yes all the polls have the race +/- 1, its weird that the fox poll has her up 6 from not too long ago

How does it feel to be winning Holla Forums?

The polls right now are rigged to make it appear like the race is tight than what it really is. All the tight race bullshit is set up for being used as plausible deniability when (((they))) try to rig the election.


Twitter quickly deleted this. I wonder why?

I am stupid with technology. Where does it say Hillary was using TOR?

They like close polls so you will come back for more. They also like to take small polls frequently so it will look like whipsaw is going on.

The FBI said HRC was using Tor to look at porn sites.

CNN Fact Check Confirms Clinton Aide Destroyed Mobile Devices With Hammers

Tor for porn? Seems shillary got wet to pizza fam. Grim AF tbh fam.

this was my conclusion as well, there's only a certain type of person who uses Tor for porn


Who the hell is stupid enough to believe this?


Thanks for correcting the record :^)

Well, why would HRC need to look at porn online when Huma Abedin was always handy to satisfy her every lustful lesbian desire!!!

you cannot feed to satisfaction the insatiable lust of the mature lesbian

Maybe Hillary bopped her head and "couldn't recall" that Huma was there.

I wonder what kind of porn it was?

you are fucking brain dead

It's just fun to turn it around on them after all CTR's early August "Will Trump drop out?" spam. Remember that their base is big tent dregs of society and are easily confused. They'll need to waste time assuring them that she's still healthy enough to stumble her way to November, and this forces them to talk about her health which they've been trying very hard to avoid doing. Push it hard.

drown in semen

the look on that shill and that cunt's face when they get btfo

I heard it took a while to find the right porn.

What's taking so long, anyway? And by that I mean, what's the official reason and not the "We can't build a diaper with current technology that can contain your fecal output, ma'am!" reason.




Phishing Attack Clickbait email porn spam
"See what is in Hillary's email [click here]"

Why don't they do it? If you have the info why not use the existing email spam systems to spread it?

Well, I guess you could say, "Don't send a woman to do a man's job!"

user, it's not as much about the American public anymore. Sure, lots of zombies will still vote for her. However, that group continues to shrink.

My main point, is that it's not the public she has to worry about. It's the insiders. The people age works and deals with everyday. The educated people, her peers. They all know what's going on now.

That is were hilldog is falling apart the worst, in the work place.

Makes me think to take a deeper look at Guccifer's Archive.

LEAKED Hillary Clinton Tax Return

The people Hillary works with are just as corrupt as she is. If they are agitated about anything it's that she's bringing too much attention to it.

Is there any archive of it? Tweet save? Anything? I want to believe, but I need something a bit more concrete than a single pic to go on.

Even the fellow corruptos she works with will smell blood in the water. The people outside her inner circle are not her friends.

vietnamese model elly tran ha

Guccifer != Guccifer 2.0


Sounds way to good to be true, probably just bait.

Post your face when senile bill gives his wife one last (metaphorical) fucking before dropping dead of aids.

Nice try, fucker

WAIT A MINUTE! Could AIDS medication be causing hillarys health problems? It all fucking fits…… Jesus wept, it was so obvious.

So it really is fake then.

He tried this shit in another thread before making this one, he still cant provide an archive so im going to assume its fake


Accusing contributors of 'spoon feeding' D&C to stall cooperation.

That's right goyim! Don't share information and resources, and definitely don't help each other! You must stay divided! Stop red pilling the normies uh I uh erm Stop Spoon feeding newbs! Yeah that's it!



What's the URL? Are these girls nice?



I'm going to laugh my ass off if they just smacked it till the screen broke. You'd think Hildebeast would have enough foundation dosh to pay someone who knows how to disassemble a mobile device and put the storage under a drill press.



Hotwheels is dead, mayn.

I predicted months ago that Hillary would drop out if her poll numbers are not good enough in the weeks before the election. Her Braincancer rumors provide the perfect cover to sick Jew Biden on the unsuspecting public.

Putin did it.

Thank you for correcting the record shills.

The OP posted some fake shit

fell on a broken glass bottle, decapitated herself, tragic.

Provide evidence, post archive of the tweet


Read the article, he even says it's a composite image that he made because he had to recover it from google's web cache.

**>newfags who haven't seen jimstone before

Stay skeptical, but at least read some of his material before calling bullshit on him. I thought was batshit crazy until I realized I couldn't debunk any of it.

Honestly, Tim Kaine or Joe Biden or any fucking white male would have a better chance of beating Trump than Hillary.

and this is the 100th or so time that the mods stickied a misinformation thread.

OC unrelated.

Image of twitter post, no link to original tweet, tweetsave, or capture of the tweet. Extreme low effort and not even a cursory attempt to verify it's authenticity.

No evidence of Hillary using TOR anywhere. Not in any of your citations. The word "TOR" is not even found in the documents on TSG you linked. TOR is mentioned in the actual FBI report, which you couldn't bother linking. I broke up the link so none of you will send a referrer header to the FBI by accident.

vault .fbi .gov/hillary-r.-clinton

Mirror of both PDF files on the FBI's site: 1 of 2 2 of 2

On page 29 of report document 1 of 2, the report mentions an e-mail account hosted on was infiltrated by 3 IP addresses belonging to known TOR exit nodes. The e-mail account belonged to an as-of-yet unnamed Bill Clinton staffer - the name and e-mail are redacted in the FBI document - not Hillary herself. There is no mention of Hillary using TOR herself, despite OP's assertions without any evidence.

The incident where Hillary was potentially e-mail phished is completely separate and is also documented in the FBI report.

Cite this claim. Refute what I said above.

This is the overreacting poster. It's possible he is OP as well, not sure. Posting style is very similar.

You guys are smarter than this shit. If the OP doesn't put any thought into making a post like this, without any archiving of the source material or any substantiation (i.e. backing up their claims by referring to original source documents like the FBI's report) it's probably bullshit.

Ok but if she drops out, what then?

Aren't there rules in place to prevent someone from coming into the race this late? Does it default to Trump? Or do the (((powers))) that be force Shilldawg to run in the hopes they can either rig it enough for a win or let her crash and burn in the attempt?

Or does Obongo suspend elections? Go for a 3rd term for life? Or is there some more plausible scenario that we are not aware of/imagining currently?

We don't have to source anything. We meme it and it becomes true.

Expect Hillary's gross porn habits to leak soon. She'll also physically leak too, during the debates.

One other thing I forgot to add to my previous post.

OP's entire post is lifted from the site in this archive capture, but the OP didn't attribute the fact he copy and pasted the entire thing from this site.

OP's first two posts: poster (different ID than OP) links directly to sketchy as fuck IP address site, where the entirety of OP's first two posts can be found.

user posts an link to the sketchy IP address site

He deletes videos after he gets shit wrong. Bill scans the chans and tin-foil hat sites and gets hoaxed just like any other channer.

Anthony Wiener actively involved with online sex> wife Huma Abedin has a shared computer with Wiener that interacts with Clinton private email server> easy exploit to access classified Clinton emails

Just go to the hospital Hillary, you can't go to the White House.

I agree to an extent, but at the same time, if we're going to go around trying to convince anybody of a claim found on here, it's pretty stupid for the claim to be entirely baseless and disinfo. Anons need to get better at remaining open minded and questioning everything, without immediately throwing support behind a claim just because it suits them.

In other words, if you're gonna go talk to normies about the latest Clinton scandal, you'll look like a fucking idiot if you repeat what OP claimed and anybody actually fact checks you, like I did to OP.

Why not read about how the Dimona Dozen murdered the Fukushima 50.

Well lad, I don't trust your faggotry.


Well you can get the fuck out of here you nigger. You are the worst shill I've seen in awhile. You post memes from jewbook and spout the same shit over and over again.

Not saying that it isn't fake, but you are either the most autistic newfag on here or a shill.

Did 100+ million shitskins suddenly evaporate from the US? Is Israel a radioactive hole in the ground?

Damn fam that is an impressive pepe.

What is up with you nowadays?

They will be.


Another sadly blue pilled user who doesn't understand the stupidity of liberals. Liberals are not even human, they literally cannot form any independent or rational thoughts. They are just human shaped meat programmed to advance the leftist agenda. That agenda is all that matters to them.

On the subject of Tor, at this point nearly 100% of exit nodes are compromised. You use Tor to send nonspecific data without revealing your identity, because you have to assume that someone else can see the data. If she really was sending state secrets over Tor then all of that data was likely stolen unless it was sent with a 2pc encryption.

Hahahahahahahaha, they got her with phishing? Hillary Clinton is actually a retard. No wonder her campaign strategy seems to be avoiding all contact with the media. Any unscripted events and she would give away her stupidity.

So, you're saying she fell for the TOR meme?

All that matters is making liberals suffer. Imagine how many liberals will be self harming or commuting suicide after a Trump victory.

How do you know this?
How do you know she didn't delete it herself?
Posting sensationalized stuff like this without proof brings the quality of the entire site down just a little bit each time it's done.

What board am I on?

Fed by who exactly? Fed by Reuters themselves or is a right wind conspiracy theory?

Once you go back home and get yr black pudding is when I'll listen to your gob young lad. (i still love you pal)

Seems like some dis-info anons. If you look at the original tweet in the article it has a star instead of a heart.

Calm down son, it's early doors mate. I'm no shill. Just want stuff out there to be wholesome facts is all.

I did not mean to offend you, but at the same time you need to just calm down a bit. We all on the same side here. So are you OK? Is someone with you?

We need proof not CTR 'facts' to finish this 'argument'.. I notice you have brought nothing to the conversation… Want to contribute?

Why do I keep seeing this more frequently on Holla Forums? This isn't reddit, user.

I love you brother., I don't see how you think i'm a jew or nigger or something?

But would yo give dad a warm kiss?

Kek no. It's too late to find a replacement and the DNC shot themselves in the foot fucking bernie so hard in the ass.

Fake and gay.

nice freudian slip

I've watched the death of many boards and I can say this with absolute confidence.

Any community that doesn't take the stance of "adapt or die" and instill a sharp fear of being outed as someone not "of the group" will degrade to the point where natives having discussions like usual will be pushed out be the unwashed masses of normies trying to look cool posting on the hip new board.

Any community that DOES take a stance of "adapt or die" and spends its best efforts on enforcing boundaries will entertain itself with ever-more elaborate expressions of contempt and will degrade itself into total uselessness.

Roast in hell, kike. The opposite has been proven true by all human history.

this guy made me lose $1200

It apparently wasn't twatter who deleted it. It looks like she was told to nix it and had to delete it. CBS covering for Hilliary. Either way, we know twitter censors people, that's not the story or the problem. ((((OP)))) is trying to throw us off the real problem and the solution to that problem. The problem is the media ignoring this, the solution is spreading this so normies see it.

It's funny you should mention Jews.

Jewish communities often destroy themselves by becoming addicted to contempt.

However, nothing I write here will make you start making evidence-based arguments; you're going to assert blindly and rely on indignation rather than rationality.

You are useless for any purpose but expressing your contempt. Unfortunately, your contempt is so ignorant that you can't turn it to any purpose that will benefit the group. You're a drag on the more rational members of your community. Making them carry your weight isn't fair to them.

Nice pilpul. Meanwhile in reality, we’re not discussing that. Roast in hell, kike.

Her mutilated corpse was later found in a swamp outside Washington D.C.

Authorities spoke of a relationship-related crime but refused to give any further information.

AP / Reuters

Who says it’s even true?

really? not multiple head wounds from shooting herself from inside a duffel bag and hands zip-tied?

But the media coordinates with the DNC camp ad proved with the hillary emails

Hillary is a torpedo

We'll see.

Pretty soon, I guess.

why does this feel like a jimstone post/article? i bet you it pops up VERBATIM on cuz dude loves to EMPHASIZE certain things and Hillary is TOAST sounds like the header/title for one of his updates.

this is somewhere around the 5th-10th time i've seen a jim stone bit dropped on here, but nobody ever links to him…. is there any reason for this? j-jim is that you? are you a lazy cut-n-paster?

the mind boggles

(yep, it turns out OP and this post here are directly from…. is this akin to a retweet/reblog by jim "Himself" ?? or is someone just lifting his stuff and bringing it here like it's their own? again >the mind boggles

It's actually on the front page of that site now that you mention it.

oh whoops i guess this time people mentioned it, but hey that's still the first time out of the appx 5-10 times i've seen hsi stuff pop up on here (usually as posts within another OP, as this is the first time i've personally seen one of his updates show up here starting its own thread)

j-jim is that you? are you in the thread calling out the shills calling you a disinfo controlled oppo honeypot?

i just call it "infotainment" and consider it the "fringey" take on the news of the day. nowadays i reckon you'd be a fool to take anything as 100% gospel / tr00f

Gas yourself

jimstone is shit you tard

There are three or four sources of utter garbage online that are never to be trusted

VT has occasionally had good info but far more often is obvious disinfo. All four of them continually publish pure fiction with no evidence at all, and make predictions that don't pan out, yet every time time they publish something new 10K GLPtards spread it to the far corners of the internet

Kaine takes to the podium after news of hilary's death

He publishes some of his articles here as a backup, and also covers some things that come up on Holla Forums.

And yes, I'm shilling for him.

My favorite thing was what Phil Schneider said; "Wear your skepticals, not your spectacles."

Show me one place any of jim stone's reports have been factually debunked that he did not later admit he was wrong.

You newfags/CTR shills/general tards need to see his older articles like the Fukushima Report, his Jenin Report, and his Environmental Terrorism report.

hey now the jimstone story is awesome!

IIRC, he used to work for the NSA or something but then the fukushima thing happened and he had to tell the truth, which put him on some kind of shitlist/hitlist/etc and then he fled to mexico, where he's been riding around on little motorcycles from cyber-cafe to cyber-cafe updating his website (which now perpetually claims that you can't see it in america) while ducking obvious assassins here, there, all around the square singing "catch me if you dare!"

i think last year he got poisoned by some kind of super-31337 secret little thing that had him under the weather seriously for a week, but he's always got some kind of radically simple medical shortcuts that work (and he'll tell you what to stock up on for when SHTF) and i think outside of the chemical/viral infection attack he's had one of his safehouses raided and sketchy people trying to fuck with his little honda motorcycle and stuff…. i mean comeon, if you're gonna check the barometer of fringey "news" don't you want your guy on the run from "them" constantly looking over his shoulder as he dips into coffeeshops where he prays he can get today's update in?


yeah dude, seriously, i'm not saying he's right or wrong or anything other than ENTERTAINING. i mean comeon, do you think alex jones is in exile riding around the mexican countryside on a little honda motorcycle ducking anonymous assassins who wanna kill him for, amongst other things, blowing the lid off of the berenstain/berenstein universe thing? WEB AI IS CHANGING C3P0'S LEG DAMMIT! HOLONET HOLONET HOLONET!!!!!

incidentally, RIP HOLONET, haven't heard about that one in awhile.

TLDR = the dude is ENTERTAINMENT and i personally love the feeling that he's always ONE SECOND AWAY FROM SCREAMING THE TRUTH IN THE NAME OF GRAET JUSTICE!!!! DID I MENTION HE SURVIVED A CHEMICAL ATTACK!??! if hillary is TOAST than clearly jim stone is an ENGLISH MUFFIN with just the right amount of butter on it, but maybe you're not into his flavor of jam? gotta go seedless black raspberry btw, FTW!!!!

I'm not going to prove anything to you, moron. Keep enjoying his disinfo if you want. His stories on MH370 are certainly a dozen times more entertaining than the truth: nothing happened at all

well said! truth is above my paygrade, but i honestly don't care about "truth" as much as i care about "a fun lighthearted read about the imminent end of the world" which basically dovetails into what you just said: his stories are often way more entertaining then the "truth" =)

and yeah wasn't MH370 or whatever the flight that got diverted to taht tiny little island called diego garcia or something? i remember good ol jim was convinced that MH370 was repainted and going to be used to crash into some sort of super important environment meeting or a nuclear reactor…. but then didn't he casually find it repainted/repurposed in an israeli airport?

plus i dont care if it's over 9000% BS: i wanna read websites that can tell me with conviction how to beat "ebola" with only stuff i can easily waddle over to a strip/mall and get (IIRC wasn't it vitamin C?) — that's right, dammit, my websites better be 100% confident that they can beat ebola like *fingersnap* otherwise you lost this reader!

Same CTR shill.

And actually, I was the one that dug up Philip Woods iPhone photo from the archives and sent it to him after pulling the EXIF data which showed it in Diego Garcia. I have a CD-R with the original copy in a safe.

This is what outs you, you're gonna be telling me next that it's bernstain bears tier shit going on…

Why is a hoax stickied?

Because mods are compromised

oh cool, i'll add CTR shill to my list of honorary titles. honestly i'm just a fan / regular reader of, but hey i guess since this is serious business i'll back away and let the truth be told!


then at least i can look forward to telling my grandkids that i got to meet a celebrity at least once in my otherwise miserable/menial existence. tally ho good sir! keep the eternal flame of truth burning like a ??? infection you get while seeking out parts for your motorcycle! tally ho!


Yes, seconded.

That look is delicious

The innocent do not destroy evidence :)

top kek

It's stupid to spread something that is disinfo against us. Given that Holla Forums's motto tends to be something like "truth at any cost", sharing disinfo like this with normies is completely counter to the fact we care about the actual truth.

This is different from "muh PR" by the way - I'm not saying we should censor ourselves to cater to anyone in particular. I'm fine with everything we say on here no matter how extreme some anons get. What I am saying is if we spread disinformation to the general public, particularly if we just accept it from random anons and don't fact check anything about it, it diminishes the value of everything else we say that is well researched and is factual. The fact that Holla Forums is always right makes us very hard to ignore, no matter how unsavory the facts we highlight.

More like OP just cut and pasted from Jim Stone's site verbatim and didn't say shit about it. Very dishonest to hide the origin.

Or OP is actually Jim Stone, as you suggested.

I'm willing to consider that Jim Stone might have made accurate predictions or reports, but I haven't looked into it at all, so I can only give you my opinion that it looks extremely fishy on the surface. Conversely, consider that Jim Stone could be continually making what are effectively guesses and issuing retractions after the fact over and over. That kind of behavior DOES diminish the times he might be right about something. I don't know if that's what he is doing or not, but his material comes off as ultra tinfoil and that's a common tactic among those guys.

Oosh. Yep, we've been had.

Kaine is worthless. His main function is to make Hillary look like a less shitty candidate by standing next to her (his other function, which he already fulfilled was to put Clinton operative Debbie Wasserman Schultz in charge of the DNC during the 2016 primaries, to make sure it would be her turn - in an obvious quid pro quo deal typical of the Clintons). Nobody on the left likes her. In the (in my opinion) unlikely event that Hillary either drops out or gets killed (hard for her handlers to arrange while she's under a secret service detail's protection), Kaine is more likely to stand as a key supporter and possibly the running mate to whoever her replacement would be (maybe they'll get Comrade Sanders to leave his new mansion).

why is edward snowden not allowed to be free in the usa?

because this country punishes good because it is evil






That's an intelligent and level-headed way of looking at it. I once viewed him as such. I can only recommend reading through his actual articles, (rather than his stressed out rantings) when you have the chance. I've never seen one of those factually debunked, just some of his rants.

I think Hillary's health is one of the main things that gives her handlers power. If they can fake things like Sandy Hook, knocking off Hillary is a much easier game.

when this was posted on 4chan, the link to twitter wasn't posted, so i found the profile, but did not see any post that looked like this.

that was a couple days ago iirc. after i just assumed it was a troll.

You know what really frustrates me about the whole email scandal? Something specific about the 33,000 deleted emails. For some reason I cannot comprehend Hillary's team of lawyers were allowed permission to segregate Hillary's personal communications from the public record pertaining to a server she was told she was never supposed to have, yet maintained for over a year after leaving the office of Secretary of State. The server was known to have classified information on it, which the lawyers did not have the clearance to view. The explanation FBI Director Comey gave before the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee gave on July 7, 2016 pertaining to how the lawyers could have decided what emails to delete without necessarily having seen the classified information was that they could have searched the headers for emails to delete without viewing the contents of the emails. Furthermore, they deleted the emails without creating a back-up and in such a way that the technological experts at the FBI could not restore the vast majority of the contents. We've also learned from his testimony that day that Hillary's team of lawyers did in fact delete at least three emails (which were recovered, out of the thousands which couldn't be) which did in fact contain classified information.

So this all leads me to a question:
Why did nobody in the position to request a list of the search terms Hillary Clinton's lawyers used to determine which emails were subject to deletion?

I would be very interested to find out if the list of terms H's lawyers were interested in permanently deleted looked like the following:

Book Club

as Hillary would have us believe or (what I find to be more likely):

"Clinton Foundation
Open Society Foundation
Debbie Wasserman Schultz
Tim Kaine"
etc. (I consider the last two to be of note because they're obviously integral to the permanent campaign infrastructure she's had since 2008)

shit this bitch is so diabolical she put on her cat lady dress before clicking the link

I also wanted to post this webm alongside the post, but the combined filesize was too big, so here it is.

The thing is, Comey said that her lawyers only searched the headers, as you mentioned. The problem with that is, that still doesn't disclaim the fact that they had ACCESS to classified information regardless. How Comey is able to do the mental gymnastics to determine that Hillary's intention to have good legal representation overrides her intention to share immensely secret information willingly with people she knows have no security clearance is beyond me.

Attorney client privilege is a thing, yes, but I'm of the mindset that just because the client has access to state secrets does not mean the attorneys are conferred that access either. I imagine a lot of three letter agencies feel the same way, especially those with SAP classifications that require the authoring agencies to read you in on a case by case basis. Makes you wonder what kind of games those agencies might be playing in retaliation for Hillary being so reckless with their critical information.

Well that's that innit?

She's going to win because of gibsmedat. Nothing can stop it.

Maybe that has something to do with the fucking blitz of classified information leaking from Hillary's servers and the DNC this election cycle. The press keeps pointing the finger at foreign powers, specifically Russia (because that's their big kosher nationalist boogeyman now that Muslims are a protected class) despite having zero evidence to support it. It seems like an equally likely conspiracy theory to me that mid-level employees in various factions of the government are pissed off at the miscarriage of justice that occurred during the email scandal and as a result decided to leak what documents they could somehow manage to get access to (or put people who want access in a position to get it, or at least turn a blind eye).

Thank you for correcting the record.


Go the fuck back and never return, you worthless cancer


Top kek. I want to see that.


It's a shame that we don't know what classified information she had, nor which agencies owned that data, especially in the case of SAP documents she had. I think we'd know a lot more about what you suggested if we knew who owns the classified documents she had on her server.

I could certainly see a situation where a case manager or ops manager becomes aware that SAP level HUMINT was on Hillary's server and is potentially compromising deep cover field agents. I could certainly see said hypothetical manager being quite upset indeed. Imagine the consequences if she had information about drone strikes on there and the country being attacked now has concrete proof of US involvement. Lots of potential disasters there, none of which are being taken seriously by anybody in the public eye, possibly because of the vast scale of the problem. Considering the immense training required for any intelligence or military personnel to be allowed access to even the most basic secret documents, and considering how more or less all of them consider it a matter of life and death that secrets remain secrets because of the consequences of that information being released or mishandled, you'd imagine there's a lot of hate for Hillary brewing where the public can't see.

Schizophrenic or poisoning the well? Gonna go with the latter. Get cancer.

This year is has been too strange to make up.


That isn't the first time I've seen that exact same post.

2 girls 1 cup remake, starring her and huma.

You'd think she would remember making something like that.

Then again, you'd think she'd remember what [C] means, but I guess she's just not sophisticated enough for that

Please allow me to express some doubts, not to spread doubt, but to strengthen this bullet.

What proof do we have this post existed, and what proof do we have it's Twitter that deleted it? Any Twitter "expert" that could weigh on that- surely there must be some flaw hinting at deleted content, such as this user's tweet count not resetting, a unique incremental ID not being attributed, replies to it that point to nothing…?

Actually I couldn't care more. I'm French, but I still dont want to see her president. I don't like the idea of letting this scheming bitch playing chess with other countries in the interest of the Juden and Saudis. If it's possible to give this more credibility, I can have this spread, but only if it's credible, lest I'd lose my credibility.

sorry guys, didnt you hear? The first debate was changed from a debate format to a QandA format, they wont even be on the stage at the same time, and a clinton supporter will be the one grilling the contestants.

its like a fucking MDE skit.

Hello there, double spacing 2 poster.


is not a thing

There wasn't much on this at the time. Superstation95 was the top article on google. It didn't follow (((OP's))) posts though. I don't know about everyone else, but for me truth at all cost means discover the truth, not spread it. Personally I'd be all for propaganda to get people shaky about Hillary


No matter how this election turns out, it is possibly among the most amusing and scandalous elections in history and by far the most in decades.

This whole ride was worth it. I hope a real Holla Forumsack runs in the next major election cycle.