Over the past 12 months, stock market investors around the planet have lost trillions of dollars...
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The People's Bank of China, owner of the world's biggest foreign-exchange reserves, burnt through 20 percent of its war chest since 2014, dumping about $250 billion of U.S. government debt and using the funds to support the yuan and stem capital outflows.
Bump. I remember reading coverage of the stockmarket carnage back in Jan-Feb of this year; really had me worried. Looks like I'll have to pay attention again because the rollercoaster is on another downward plummet. Buckle up.
What do you guys think of this?
Workers' revolution when?
IDK, it could just be permanent recession rather than a great crash. Either way the workers get fucked.
It's habbening…
Capitalism has saved itself from crisis before, although each time it is running more and more out of options. The final crisis is only final by human action. Capitalism exists only at the permission of human beings.
Just let me die already
Inb4 negative interest rates
Isn't permanent recession what Lolberts were always looking for? (They claim "booms" are the result of govt meddling and "busts" are a consequence).
This is worse than a crash.
It's much too late for that. Japan and Sweden both implemented negative interest rates already.
Not that it did them any good.
So we must build the vanguard that can, comrade
Finally someone sensed.
Leninism will prevail simply, because it does work, not because of some fancy book.
How about realistical non tyrannical political models?
So is this to say austerity works?
Capital has been fairly stagnant since the 1970s. There have been moments of market expansion in previously unsubsumed sectors of nations and the world and some spectacular events (like the fall of the USSR) to give a sense of a dynamic but the long-run trend has just been stagnation periodized by "financial" crises and rapid and extensive state intervention.
MOD please cycle this fucking thread. There's a thread like this every week and it . Let's not have righties define a blatant fuck up on their end (2008 crisis) again pretty please.
Leftypol-bucks to whoever can name the guy I posted. His prescriptions are bland, but his analysis is spot on. Regardless of what starts it, the bulk of the crisis is gonna be the bond bubble we're in.
I'm genuinely curious about this. How would you prevent a vanguard party from becoming a bourgeois class within a few generations?
The vanguard party != the people making decisions about production in socialism.
The concept of the Soviet decentralizes planning, and allows local communities the democratic control of production. The vanguard party exists only to carry out the revolution, to show people how to get these structures set up in the first place. Members of the vanguard party do not then take up these roles of organization of production, necessarily. I mean they may do, in their own locality, but more likely someone who devoted their life to e.g. steel production rather than revolutionary theory, would be better suited to that actual role of organization once set up. The vanguard is only there to show the way. There is absolutely no need for it to develop into anything further, and now that we understand that this is something to be avoided, we can ensure it doesn't happen, by making sure we engage workers in our systems as soon as we can.
Thanks for helping me understand that a little bit better.
Sage because I have nothing important to offer this thread.
give me a break
It's not a "crash" and is unlikely to be a crash, but a slow decline as more and more capital settles into the upper strata and portions of the economy break down and others move to compensate in a trend of gradual consolidation and ossification.
I hope you like lead in your drinking water because corporate serfdom a la Detroit or Puerto Rico is most likely in your future.
bumping for le happening