To make thinsg a bit more challengkng, the rules are
1. Show must be animated
2. you need 572 minutes of material in your season, spread out as you wish, but the premise needs some malleability.
3. You must be able to get a TV-Y7 rating
What is the show about? and, of course, whats your fetish?
How do you design a show to appeal to your fetish?
Cute goblins doing cute goblin things.
Take any show, but make it so at leat one girl was dating/making out with a black guy every episode. It could be a main character or a background character, it doesn't matter.
Cute girls doing three-gun.
There, something that could get a Y7 but would never air on any network.
Didn't we have this thread last month?
Did we, and does it matter?
It isn't exactly a secret.
I'm /abdl/.
It's a slice-of-life show about a village of girls with the intellect, interests and fashion of Rugrats characters, but who are inexplicably drawn with teenage bodies. The village is also designed as more or less a giant playground.
Romantic comedy about socially awkward monstergirls trying to get boyfriends
Help those fellas out, you can get all the smut discussion you want with out looking like an autist necro-bumping threads
Most of the main cast, if not all of them, are girls, and most of them walk barefoot. Those girls who don't take off their shoes on a regular basis. I can't get off to super deformed cartoons, so I guess I should spend some extra money in the animation to get something more stylized.
Muslim/brown women, preferably one that's antagonistic (at least an anti hero) with a white hero- and sexual tension throughout the series.
It's another "user wants Holla Forums to be his fap factory" thread!
So much fun! Totally not played out at all. Definitely not an attempt to push actual discussion of comics and cartoons off the front page, nope, no way!
How do you necrobump a thread that was created the day you posted in it?
You know what, have another bump cunt.
Easy mode is a show with anthro characters that has mild looney tunes elements such as wacky inflation shit or an episode where one of the characters tries to pass themselves off as a babby.
The episodes would have to be 10-15 minutes long (depending on how many commercials are played during intermissions) so you can fit two quick fetish plotlines into the half hour time slot they give you.
fuck off
we are not here to help you masturbate
Didn't you make this thread before?
My fetishes are guro tier, so i have absolutely no fucking idea how i could pour that in an TV-Y7 tier rating.
ITT: Faggots and pedophiles oust themselves trying to insert their degenerate fetishes onto cartoons to pollute the minds of children.
What was it with 90's cartoons that inspired so many fetishes anyway?
I don't know…I'm not sure how "strong heroine getting dominated by villains only to be rescued by the non-assuming guy who turns out to be this badass" can be done in a Y7 rating
I don't since I'm not op
Sounds great
Action show with a cute tomboy. She's regularly humiliated by losing her pants and showing off a cute pair of men's underwear every episode.
this guy is suspicious, he is probably the same guy spamming links to his shitty board in almost every thread claiming its illegal to talk about comics and cartoons on Holla Forums're right. That does sound like a self-insert.
How is "coming up with a television show that appeals to a specific sexual fetish" Holla Forums related when most of the posts talking about it, aren't even posting images, they're just posting whatever makes there dick tingle. This doesn't even need to be on Holla Forums, you can have this exact same thread on Holla Forums or Holla Forums and have better results and posting frequency. Plus its really just some highly autistic user necro bumping this thread whenever this garbage it the 5th page, along with the panties and that one guy who keeps spamming the same spider-man thread every morning whenever he finds a new vpn to bypass his ban.
I guess a show of a guy who is like the shadow except crossdresses a lot for disguises and personal reasons. Also, has this female vigilante persona and uses agents to gather intel for him.
This thread is less than a day old you sperg
Superhero show about a woman who gets stronger the fatter she gets. Radiation fucked up her metabolism, so she's hungry all the time and her weight resets between episodes.
my fetish is insatiable hunger
pls email [email protected]/* */ if you're a cat named sakamoto and want a cute furret to lick your paws
Goy Division
pls email [email protected]/* */ if you're a cat named sakamoto and want a cute furret to lick your paws
A blockchain sends information back and forth, right?
pls email [email protected]/* */ if you're a cat named sakamoto and want a cute furret to lick your paws
WTF, I love JAV now!
T. Beardlet
The answer is because 17yr olds usually cant frow beards
We can dream, user.
Literally how I discover music. There is so fucking much that besides genre, how else am I going to pick the next thing I check out?
deebly goncerning
How long do we have until winter sets in?
If winter is coming soon the focus should be on gathering food and building shelter. Otherwise we should focus on food and exploring.
If you insist on refinishing it you need to blue the parts. Don't use polyurethane or some tasteless shit like that. Use the original oil finish.
And don't bother trying to blue the buttplate, it will wear off immediately.