… have you actually read Marx? Or you just watched these two videos and thought that = Marxism.
Videos related:
I think you should read Das Kapital if you haven't already.
To anyone here using cultural "marxism" meme
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Stick to your own board >>>Holla Forums
According to the Communist Manifesto, traditional, patriarchal family units are bourgeois and must be abolished.
That's more or less what Cultural Marxism has fulfilled.
I'm asking a serious question here. C'mon, I'm a more of conservative myself but I don't think I should base all my political thinking on basis of two videos I watched on youtube.
Do they only think about this for the families of big property owners = the bourgeois? Or all families in general? Like the proleteriat family
Yes we have read it.
Why are you using this Muslim tactic?
It hasn't been working for them, why would it work for you?
Of course i have.Why do you think im here?
He has nothing but pure unfiltered hate towards the west,its culture and accomplishments.The very concept of Nation,family,tradition and even the concept of what it means to be a human must be destroyed according to him.He hates nature and the natural state that produced our unique cultures,ethnicities and races.He was nothing but a shithead who made a ideology for jews who want to destroy everything around them because they dont like the society around hem and then redesign everything in a way that benefits them and only them to the fullest.It is the ultimate destruction of not only indentity but meaning,structure and purpose itself,given to us by the land we are bound to.
Many of us have read it yes.
Anyhow, "Cultural Marxism" means taking this logic of equality being just and applying it to culture. It conveys the concept relatively neatly even if it confuses some people unaware of how this is an ideology seriously practiced.
Marxism seeks to destroy all cultural identity in favor of implementing its unnatural ideology. Cultural Marxism is just a more accurate form of Marxism as it has evolved over time. The longer people hold on to this foolish belief, the more disgusting and insidious the form will be; Cultural Marxism today, something even more cancerous in a few years. The only solution is to wipe out Marxism and leftism off the face of the earth.
listen you commie shitstain, i have no interest in reading a book written by a piece of shit leech who died mired in huge debt, who let at least one of his kids STARVE to death before he got a labour job to feed them because his shitty political articles weren't being bought by newspapers.
A man who leeches off a rich friend his entire life is not someone who should be listened to with any degree of respect, fuck marx you cuck.
So wait, if Marxsim was only about material conditions and it did not want to destroy any culture, ethnicity, race or tradition, would you still consider it as valuable philosophy?
stay uneducated then kek
Even if Marx himself had attempted to distinguish bourgeois and proletariat families as separate, none of his followers ever did. According to Marxists in the 20th and 21st centuries, a husband leading the household is a type of class oppression. The famous feminist mantra of "smash the patriarchy" is to smash the family unit. There is no matriarchal family that can function since women are inherently repulsed by submissive men.
user, plz.
Plz, user.
One of the major core elements of Marxism is Centralized Banks.
"Centralized Banks" is a euphemism for Rothschild-controlled kike banks.
nice response you fuckwit.
I've read more books by the age of 20 than you ever likely win in your life faggot.
Getting through mein kampf as we speak, now THATS advanced literature.
That would be like strasserism which is cancer too.
But what if that family just switched the gender roles then? Also some women want to be in control more.
Stay ass blasted commie faggot. Nobody cares about your kikery.
I actually read on several leftiest forums that they're against banking. I don't know how they figured that into marxism tho…
I thought strasserism wasn't that bad of a ideology tho, too bad he died
stay assblasted
Right after you read Mein Kampf
I will even lend you my copy
i've read das krapital and the commie manifesto, check mate faggot
Yeah i have read his work. It is completely devoid of logic.
mein kampf is entry level tbh. It's still a must read and a brilliant book but it's still an entry level book.
Put your fedora down and get a job you pathetic excuse for a human.
So we are not allowed to criticize Marxism until we become Marxists? This is the same tactic the mudslimes use, only mudslime are allowed to criticize islam.
By the way. many European anons here have suffered under socialism or (((social democracy))), they don't need to read Das Kapital to know Marxism is pure cancer.
This repulses women. The husband would have less power, less status. Women are biologically attracted to high status men. Hypergamy is a real thing. If you switch the gender roles then the women will just seek "polyamorous relationships" and want to fuck some alpha male Chad on the side while their beta sits at home in the cuck shed.
A teeny, tiny minority of women like to be in control. The overwhelming majority don't. If you look into the femdom community it is like 99% men and 1% femme dommes.
lad, MARXISTS haven't read Marx
textbooks are meaningless
look at the rhetoric and look at the actions.
they are what count
Nice strawman, asshole. I can tell you think very highly of my intelligence. Yeah I was convinced that Marxism is the worst tragedy to ever happen to humankind by 2 Youtube videos, not 100+ million deaths.
I said don't criticize things so bluntly until you at least read one of his works, you faggot. I never told you to become a Marxist.
Sure, I was planning on reading it.
people dying is not an excuse to be critical of a theory
if this was true then pol wouldn't have any nazis cuz nazis killed people
No need to read it when you see the results of his ideology.
It wasn't until Marx was dead that Kautsky came up with that idea of democratic socialism (eurosocialism) as opposed to dictatorial communism.
When Russia went full soviet dictatorship, that was exactly how Marx thought it should go.
Anyone who says Marx was a peacenik doesn't know shit.
i wanted to say, he got killed*
I'm from TRS. I made an honest effort to go on Disqus comments sections of lefty websites LARPing as a classical Marxist. I'm familiar with classical Marxism. I'm one of those guys that doesn't just read Mein Kampf. I want to know my enemy, so to speak.
It turns out, after spewing Marxist responses, stuff that Marx and Engels actually said, got me banned for racism, sexism, homophobia, YOU NAME IT, BY MODERN LEFTISTS.
So, there is a lot … an entire galaxy of difference, between traditional Marxism and Critical Theory. Critical theory is identity politics, which traditional Marxism doesn't engage in.
that's not possible, Marxism's material conditions can only be achieved by the population believing in the big lie known as "blank slate theory," which says that everyone is born equally – effectively that nature does not exist, only nurture matters. otherwise there is no way you can make the successful watchmaker believe that he is on the same footing as the half-wit railroad worker, and thus deserves the same pay.
marxism is an ideology used to turn people into slaves. weird how jews have that effect on everything
Fuck off faggot.
yeah I know, this is why I'm blown away by people disregarding everything regarding marxism when the main idea of it was behind material conditions and not identities
Something I like about Marx is that he saw the revolution inevitable. It was more a matter of when than how for him. But the Frankfurt School was more interested in reshaping the world into what they wanted it to be. They knew they were aiming for something unnatural and they correctly identified that capitalism would perpetuate the bourgeois if not actively opposed.
Summary of Karl Marx all ideas into one sentence: "There is a law of decreased profits"
Marxists use this as an "axiom and the basis" of the "Marxist school of thought".
It's well known that several financial instruments do not decrease in profit such as Options, securities (or anything else modern used in trading).
Marxists will casually wave this off as just "a coincidence", as they always do in their delusional minds.
Daily reminder: Marxism is a mindpoison, devoid of logic used to subvert the working class against the ancient noble houses of a nation.
Holla Forums doesn't read. At all.
By whom?
It's those "ancient noble houses" that are now fucking you over with the kikes.
Its a socioeconomic system from after the "Enlightenment", "Humanism" and the Freench Revolution. Of course its going to be pure concentrated shit. Equality is a false God = the ultimate denial of marxism
t. Julius Evola
There was the "to each according to ABILITY" clause in Marxism. If women aren't as able as men at a job, they get paid less or don't get the job.
I have and Labour Theory of Value is absolutely and utterly fucking retarded and debunked by every single economist and real life itself.
But to add more from others
1) In the rise of Industrialisation, the proletariat (= factory workers) were a majority. Nowadays, the majority belongs to the bureaucrats (= office worker) and this is a completely different situation. Why?
Because the problem of communism was a problem of propriety. The factory worker produced, but his product was taken away by the bourgeois. So, the communist solution was a restitution of the product to the producer. (as I see it, the main point of Marx/Communism. This problem of restitution does not only apply for the factory worker, but also for the artist and thinker [who both also produce] which is why I oppose the critique that communism is anti-intellectual.)
What does the bureaucrat produce? Nothing. Paper, files - they do not bring up the question of propriety. So in the modern world, there is no problem of restitution of ownership, which is why a communist revolution is unthinkable. The proletariat is, at least in industrialized countries, a minority and hence not a revolutionary force. (I'll leave the question, if a (real) communist revolution is still possible in countries that are still industrialising open - but I think the international community won't allow it) Bureaucracy and its dynamics was geniously satirized by Terry Gilliam in Brazil.
2) In the beginning of Industrialisation, the proletariat was miserable, which is a pretty good premise for a revolution. Of course, Marx hoped that the pro-proletarian intelligentsia and the proletariat itself would see and seize the potential of revolution - but what also happened was that the bourgeoisie saw the threat of revolt, so, intelligent as they were, they gave the proletariat rights and commodities, which made their situation better and choked off any revolutionary threats (at least in western Europe). Instead of a revolution, there was a proletarian movement - which was also good, of course. So by showing the worker the way to communism, Marx also showed the factory owner, how to stabilise capitalism and make it better and stronger. Nevertheless, the restitution of ownership did not happen, so the proletariat, at least according to marx-ian principles, remained suppressed.
He underestimated the ability of rich people to make deals. He had no way of imagining the transition from an industrial to a post-industrial society. He didn't realize the amount of creative work that capitalists do, and the fact that any sort of wealth increase has to be driven by technology and entrepreneurship. He lived in a period of colonialism, and so was unable to imagine a world in which trade would be economically beneficial to a developing country rather than explotative. From Marx you get practically every modern social philosophy either as an heir or as a counter-ideology. He created a way of looking at history as progress that can be argued against.
So Communism, at least in its original form, is strictly bound to the early Age of Industrialisation. It was bound to a time, where a) the proletariat was a majority and b) where the proletariat was miserable enough to be revolutionary. He got wrong that social revolution would be necessary in Europe.
As for Cultural Marxism, this was the result of the failure of a Communist Revolution materialising after en.wikipedia.org
So they once again, Marxists changed their MO. The wait of Marxists for a global proletarian revolution and capitalism to collapse failed to ever materialise so they turned to implementing an intellectual vanguard which created the likes of industrial marxism (Leninism) and agrarian marxism (Maoism) which both also failed miserably so they tried once again which culminated in the events of 1968 and that failed as well so they decided to move marxism again by changing their mantra to include things such as multiculturalism, environmentalism, sexuality, promotion of political correctness, and promotion of terrorism. Look at all communist movements today and compare it with the communist movements of the past. An excellent picture would be the one of Stalin holding his head in his hands looking at the neo-rainbow Cultural Marxism and the Hitler looking smug and laughing at him in the background.
yeah but evola was more of a metaphysical plane and discussed things like tradition n shit
i don't think he was very economically literate
kek any more rogan reactions?
No its not. Critical Theory is about literally being illogical and delusional about how logic actually works. It's basically schizophrenic jewry at work and is designed to avoid conclusions, assumptions and deductions. I would call it the antithesis of honest constructive conversations.
"Critical theory is about never using any statements as if they were absolute truths" - Karl Marx
The literal mind poisoner king, poisons minds of those unknowing of how logic actually works.
Nice try schlomo. In my country we earn our respect.
You have just shown yourself to be uttrely retarded. Evola didn't concern himself with economics because he didn't think it mattered as much as culture or tradition, which he was entirely right in. The economy is just another tyrant invented by the jews, the communists and the bankers to stop the aristocrats from organizing the people in a system where things aren't focused on wages, pays and banking
Khmer Rouge killed people for wearing glasses, never mind for being an academic.
You really are retarded aren't you? Im not a fan of Evola, but this is just beyond stupid.
Think i only have one more.
You're so fucking dumb that I don't even think you're a shill.
No one actually reads Marx, not even self-proclaimed communists (see >>>Holla Forums); his literary diarrhea is impossible to get through and sill stay sane.
The Frankfurt School (proponents of cultural marxism) knew this. They devised a pattern of thought called "critical theory", which was used to render the western man to the same level of intelligence as the Russian peasantry was century ago.
Exactly, this is why capitalism is anti-meritocratic. Capitalist shareholders are parasites through extraction of surplus value.
this is a good point
it's not bad to be critical of capitalism tbh, it's the current system we live in
I thought I'd heard it all
He's right though
It is. Explain to me how the concept of inheritance is not just totally arbitrary? Tell me how some shareholder that is an Russian oligarch or an Arab sheik is somehow entitled to the profits of a company that produces real value?
something about that bald ass mother fucker makes me want to kek everytime
I know exactly what you mean.
No, please, go away. This level of discourse is just, stop. Please stop.
TOR Jew pls go
No. Read this and then ask yourself what Frankfurt School jews were doing in the OSS influencing US policy during WW2.
Description page:
Download page:
if everyone started on a level playing field capitalism would be a meritocracy…
I guess you're right then. I'm not a libertarian but capitalism has always struck me as at least MORE meritocratic than communism. In capitalism those with a higher education/ more intelligence at least get more money for their labour then in communism/ socialism where wages are leveled to equality
Simply due to respecting the merit of the trustor to his or her inheritor.
Besides, capitalism fixes this itself naturally archive.is
Or are you going to start a triad against Vanderbilt?
You are technically not wrong either.
Read it and bought into it for a while but if you look at it from…
While it's a nice pipe dream it's simply put Atlantis - an unobtainable utopia bound to drown in the waves.
I believe it's a requirement to read Das Kapital to even be here on Holla Forums
Look, I understand the nepotistic and tribal nature of jews that is dangerous to mankind but you cannot seriously tell me you do not work to give your own children a good life. Capitalism is not a perfect system but that is because humans are not perfect. If humans were perfect, then we wouldn't need states or governments and communism would actually work. But men are not angels and even angels are not perfect, they fall to earth and become the ultimate evil.
I can agree with this at the very least.
You need to view and know both sides, you come to Holla Forums after you are struck by reality.
"Curiouser and Curiouser" said Alice…
Fuck off
In my cocoon phase (The phase where you've been redpilled and withdraw for a while/go through the stages of grief etc) I just read everything I could get my hands on and it helped so much.
Unfortunately you get an appetite for it a little too easily…and so when people want to know about "x" you end up giving them homework
This is the danger of equality of outcome.
It is natural why certain individuals would find his ideology attractive but others would find it unbearable, like Harrison Bergeron.
Remember, Marx in his own writings said nobody would have a house larger than another. Can you imagine such a world?
wait a few minutes til I get on my computer. I have a whole folder dedicated to you guys
I'm waiting fam :D
Well that explains a lot. I think it would be best if the mods closed this thread.
ok here now ;^)
I studied Marxism for four years at a left-wing university, so I have an incredibly good grasp on its effects and goals.
Marxism states outright that marriage is a bourgeois institution built on inequality and must be abolished in favor of 'communal' sharing.
Marxism has no understanding of 'post-revolution' earth because they state it must be created by the Proletariat, in this case a 19th century factory worker.
Marx believed 19th century factory workers would reject God, marriage, and parenthood in favor of a new world which he couldn't describe. In the end, that stuff wasn't really important. The Revolution where everything burned was the fun part.
Marxists are gleeful about killing the religious, destroying marriages, ripping children away from their homes, and completely annihilating western society which, for varying reasons, had angered them. Its the ideology of the 19 year old rich cuck who is mad at Daddy, or the jew angry that there are crosses everywhere, or the woman who ages into spinsterhood because she's disagreeable and homely, or the faggot who is aroused by the smell of shit and is angry that not all men are.
The thought of killing and terrorizing the 'normals' is intoxicating to them, and was the draw of Marxism.
Cultural Marxism is simply Marxism dropping the silly prophecy that a guy who sits at an assembly line can draft up a utopian society. It evolved to this because Marx, then Lenin, the. Stalin, then Mao, were all shown to be wrong about their ideas about the Proletariat Messiah.
Cultural Marxism is just Marxism without the Proletariat, with just the freaks who always pushed it in the first place.
Here's a much better video.
So he believes World War I will ignite the Communist Revolution?
Not even lenin was a leninist when he died.
The communist manifesto is only 50 or so pages long, it's easy to read in terms of length but horrible to read in terms of content. The thing that sticks out to me the most is a line that goes something like
which is then followed in the next paragraph by something along the lines of
And basically the whole thing is full of contradictions and bullshit that's hidden by Marx's horrendous prose. The guy can't write coherently at all. Here's a direct quote from it:
Silly goyim, there's nothing wrong with the destroying the white race because race doesn't exist, now let us take over your country because countries don't exist.
And he actually recognizes that the majority of the world is innately opposed to his ideology, to which his solution is to force communism on every country in the world until no one is left to oppose him. Fucking kikes.
I read the first two chapters of Das Kapital and decided it wasn't worth finishing. It was complete bullshit and it just came off as some stupid faggot over analyzing capitalism to me.
Marxism is implicitly white. Both Marx and Engels thought of the "workers of the world" as whites and their diaspora. Non-whites were incapable of industrialization and thus not included in the Proletariat. They were "racial trash"
This is like his argument for why they will destroy marriage: oh, your bourgeois marriages are prostitution anyway because of capitalism.
He tried to play both ends, saying its capitalism's fault morality fell apart but that he will continue it.
any leftist here want to dispute that? I know many of you lurk here.
This isn't a bad thing you fucking idiots. Individualism is as cancerous an enlightenment meme as equality. The merit is your family's as well as your own, it's still a "meritocracy". Nothing is arbitrary about some families rising to the top, despite whatever insecurities you might hold about your own low position in the caste structure - wherever you are, you deserve to be there. Accept it and contribute back to society, not whine and find some abstraction to push the blame on.
This thread is fucking cancer. Anyone who replied without a sage needs a 2 year ban since obviously they're still massive fucking newfags.
I don't understand why you seem to believe it's a capitalistic concept when it's obviously prior to it. I've talked to ancaps who are autistically opposed to it. The most meritocratic thing you can do with someone's goods after they die is burying that person with them and that's an obvious waste of resources, so don't get lost thinking about how pure ideas are incompatible because they're usually downright impractical. A meritocracy isn't the end goal of a lot of us. The tested reality is that providing a future for your own blood is a decent incentive for preserving a future.
As fun as all the Trump stuff has been I really want it to end because we've kind of become a gossip magazine that willfully ignores most of the damage has been cultural. The only requirement to be on Holla Forums at the moment is a Pepe folder.
Not a leftist, not a Marx admirer, but that doesn't make him less influential.
The Communist Manifesto is one of the most assigned lectures for economists in college. You're free to ignore him and trust that you alrady know all you need about him but you do that at your own peril.
He's a jew who invented a scheme to trick the goyim into murdering their leaders and turning all of their money over to the jews
Communism is like the holohoax, a bunch of absurd lies that only exist to manipulate the goyim and make kikes more powerful
I've read the manifesto and parts of das kapital. I've also read plenty on the man himself. I see no reason whatsoever to hold Marx or his ideas in high esteem. In fact the only reason das kapital isn't toilet paper tier is because so many modern economists see much of it as foundational truthisms even though they are really nothing more than rudimentary predictive tools.
But what if our (((leaders))) are kikes?
friendly reminder that only lifting weights and reading mein kampf (or natsoc literature in general) cures your daily dose of autism
Not true communism.
Cultural Marxism
Same shit different pile.
Didn't seem to cure yours. Coming here posting youtube videos then going straight to admitting to never reading the communist manifesto.
kike shill detected
>>>Holla Forums
fuck off
Thanks for proving me right, autist.
He's just a leftypol fag
>>>Holla Forums
Get the fuck out of Holla Forums you filthy kike.
This. Why would anyone waste his time on reading something made by a NEET if they could read something from a self made man who had to survive on his own since he was basically still a kid?
It caused countries to kill over 100 million of their people bud, do you really need any more evidence than that?
OP you huge faggot, it is very simple, and does not require reading marx or frankfurt school and comparing them.
No communist citizen in any country has the freedom to ever own guns unless they are incredibly rich.
The true psycopaths at the top of communism know that its ideology is meant to be defiled.
everything is doublethink, everything is conflicting with everything else while both are still held "true."
It is the biggest farce since the last 200 years.
yeah theres "no banks" because theres just one giant bank which is the government and only the government can be the bank.
That's a double negative.