Never trust a Jap
Other urls found in this thread:
Japan can suck my dick.
fuck japan
Not seeing the problem here.
As a GP, it is only natural for Japan to try and secure what they believe is in their interests.
That means meddling in other countries and global affairs, whether you agree with them or not.
t. 英国
really nigger?
This thread will be filled with 125+ posts defending the Japs.
Weeaboos would defend the japs even if it meant their own deaths.
Why don't they just abandon their plants and cut their losses? Where else are they going to go?
1. Great Cuckstain; the United Cuckdom
Fine by me. Bye!
they're doing this because obama told them to dipshit
Japanese are just really neurotic over details. I've done business with them, it's a pain in the ass. The West is much more different in that aspect we shoot from the hip and then work out the details by comparison.
Just nuke both these island kikes and get it over with.
Have you met Germans, ever?
The Asians are so ridiculously overrated on here it beggars belief. Those slimy scheming cunts can all go fuck off, even the Japs.
Careful not to cut yourself kike.
Abe is a globalist shill.
Hopefully they go all Nanking and kill a few hundred million chinks before the Russians wipe them out.
Just because I like anime doesn't mean I like the Japs.
and yet the netouyo and the uyoku dantai love him
maybe they aren't exactly a good compnany for the likes of Holla Forums?
Japan has been a puppet state of the U.S. for decades. No surprises here.
is it because of their horrible brittle yet sharp and displaced teeth?
I am learning how to do business with the Chinese and I must say they are better to deal with than the Japanese (you just need to know how to do it properly).
i don't like japan
Not necessarily. It's called Capitalism.
When companies feel unwelcome in a certain country, they just move to another, more welcoming country.
I fail to see the problem with this.
Why wouldn't companies consider relocating foreign branches in response to changing business regulations?
But the anime is still okay, right?
most of it is garbage, with a few exceptions
I don't doubt the existence of the list, but I sure as fuck can't trust the presentation in that particular article.
t. tasteless faggot
t. moeshit lover
From the perspective of the companies, that makes sense. Their economic interest to keep European headquarters in the UK could be lost if the UK's trade agreements with the EU don't turn out the way they want them to.
All they're really saying is
Finally someone gets it.
I watch moe, so what?
It's the least degenerate form of media that exists right now.
Kenshiro's alright, there's a lot of anti-Aryan, anti-Christian propaganda in it though. (I wouldn't be surprised if Jews had something to do with/)
Where exactly? I watched HnK (both series) in 2010 and can't remember any of it.
Basic exemple on why OP is again a faggot.
Don't care about anime or even japan itself, but OP is still a massive faggot.
May the wapanese chans cleanse their own shit when SHTF.
Thread over, everyone go home.
user can I get some manly anime to watch. ;^)
I just watched the original. I didn't like how they made the main bad guy (Shin) have blonde and blue eyes and a "bloody cross" as his emblem. But I could be reading to much into it.
blonde hair*
fujoshi-pandering yaoi is also degenerate
there's a fuckhueg overlap between feminazis and fujoshis actually
Weeaboos and anyone who likes or posts anime WILL defend this.
Do you people not understand that Japan is a ZOG country. Its government is occupied by the Jews.
well you responded to the wrong person and still didn't give me any decent anime to watch.
methought that's what you meant with the whole "manly" part and spoiler tag
just pick any old shonen
Yeah but they also made a trans degenerate a bad guy and Raoh kind of looks like a kebab.
Also, in the second series, several good guys are blonde.
As someone who visited japan, weaboos =/= japan
anime is escapist culture for their extremely disciplined and highly nationalistic way or organizing.
Also Ethnically homogenous.
But that's how they say it in my anki.
You're low-test, you're a mess. Sad!
I've worked as an international expat for years and I can say without a doubt that Asians are more assblasted about details that DON'T MATTER ONE SHIT, in fact most of their posturing and arguments are bullshit lies which are ends justify the means-tier (from their perspective). Yes germans are anal retentive when it comes to details but they are actually concerned with details that MATTER. So IMHO dealing with Germans was only a pain in the ass if you don't care about important details.
OTOH dealing with Japs (and Asians generally) with their bullshit lies and their bullshit "face" culture is a hell of a lot more annoying than dealing with Germans who just want to get shit right. The japs aren't the worst to deal with though, I would give that title to the Koreans……..
She's only a coalburner if you want her to be, unspecified things in 2D follow your own personal canon.
HnK was pretty good though, I agree. But here is no reason to shit on things you don't like
The jews infiltrated the samurai.
;.; I cri evary tiem onii-chan
What's the problem? It's just being honest.
If you wouldn't care you wouldn't be complaining or even shitposting about it.
Checkm8 m8 :^)
The Jews fear the Samurai.
He wasnt the bad guy, he was tricked by Ken little brother.
Holla Forums everyone
The D/C kikes are out in full force today.
Brits just need to learn they are in the current year and get use to it
All Asians need to be exterminated not just the sandniggers
Compared to the UK, Japan is $3,000 poorer per person.
It has no military, isn't allowed to declare war, and it has no UNSC seat either.
They couldn't beat the UK in a war..
GG Tojo.
And they are doing so much better economically.
Wew, I love the weekend. I'm not sure if this thread is full of shitposters, shills, or westaboos/anti-asian culture fags with an axe to grind.
So is China doesn't mean they aren't made of glass
No, the average person is $3,000 poorer than a Brit.
most of Holla Forums hates britcuck weeaboos
China is pretty much the most powerful nation in the world given the current state of the American military
And they are still able to force a list of demands on them, that should tell you something
Yes, with debts up the ass. Not to mention impending demographics apocalypse in which the elderly will be left without pensions due to their numbers. That and millions of young people are NEETs with no skills or employability to speak of. Japan will have to undergo some serious demographic, political and social changes if it is to survive as a state.
Sounds just like the UK to me
Lad… with their super high population and extremely unequal distribution of wealth all they are is one disaster away from a complete collapse even if you ignore their fertility rate problem.
Are you saying that compared to the united states?
>>>Holla Forums
There's like 3 times more people in Japan, it's proportional to population, if Bongland would have an economy rivaling Japans with that population then they would be much mire than 3000$ richer.
They aren't forcing anything. Japan is just complaining about its companies.
What a horrifying thought. Though i'm glad my weeb IPs I like are either so obscure the normalfags won't ever see it or the IP has been dead for over a decade.
China has over a billion people in their country America has a whole continent for 300,000 people and there isn't a huge fertility rate issue.
How do you even know most of Holla Forums, much less what they hate?
I can not tell if you're agreeing with me or not, in either case, Bongland is overall not as well off economically as Nippon.
What the hell are you talking about there are over 300 MILLION people in the US alone and continent of North America (the US isn't a continent fyi) has over 500 million
I meant 300,000,000 my bad, but USA owns North America if a crisis hits it could rebuild much more easily than if China collapsed.
dat lack of trigger discipline tho
i saw more comedy shows that did it right
Fertility rate means the economy could crumple, the high population with low living standards means the need for food could cripple the population is disaster hit.
you basically have millions of men with prince syndrome with no female to marry with
this leaves china to 2 problems:
And at most there would be a huge culling of their race but I doubt they would all die off. At the very least, it's just nature dealing with a glut of one species that thrived without thinking about their resources. Granted, they might have bamboozled earlier in their history but I find it hard to believe their own government doesn't have a plan to deal with this issue. Worst case scenario would be the richer class cull the lower class but at that point how is that different from a civil war in the US. The only difference is that if China were to collapse on it's own I doubt most nations besides Russia would give a shit.
>mfw China could see itself invaded (((liberated))) if this trend continues
Yeah they've got a lot of people……a lot of old and aging people. A lot of grand parents with 1 grandchild between four of them. Things are going to get rough for a little while while they balance out their population.
The problem with comparing that to the US is that our high "birthrate" is almost entirely spics which doesn't exactly bode well for our future economy. 50% of hispanics in LA schools never finish high school. THOSE are supposed to be the future workers of our "knowledge" economy. We're just as fucked as China but for different reasons…….
The one upside to US demographics is that when you look at whites it's Democrats and leftists who are having very few children while conservatives are still having well over replacement level. Meaning the next generation of whites will be far more right wing than the millennials (recall there is a ~80% correlation between parents and children vis-a-vis political orientation).
Oh they wouldn't all die off but the country would be economy crippled, the rich who own most the wealth would jump ship and China as a superpower would disappear.
It probably has a larger military than post-2015 Britcuckistan.
Their military budget is much smaller than Britain's, so the ASDF is more of a large, primitive force.
Considering the fact that Israel is hording gold and the kikes are fleeing the US, I could see them eyeing a nation like China.
after living in China for 5 years I would say this is how they will "fix" the problem. The guys who can't find brides will be the poor migrant worker with zero money or political influence. Any city dweller or person with political influence has problems finding women in China. The "cosmopolitan" Chinese that I knew already viewed the migrant workers as a lower caste/2nd/3rd class citizens/subhuman etc. even though they were all Han. So I don't them flinching for a second to steal brides away from Vietnam/cambodia/laos/philippines etc. etc. to placate their blueballed lower caste masses.
I see more of a Russian land grab tbh
Meant to say NO city dweller…….has problems finding a woman not any.
I'm torn, I could see it go either way depending on how fast the kikes work their jew magic on China. If they are too slow to take this opportunity then Russia, if we see Isreal being buddies with China soon then we might see the US in a new (((axis of evil))).
all that work to keep chinese under one race united race went to shit from the very thing they used to achieve that
kind of sad
It is already solidly formulated in their backup plans. The very (((interventionism))) (((they))) instigated in the last decades is already demonized in (((their))) "non-mainstream" media and Murka is already increasingly presented as an oil-thirsty racist bully.
People who cuck for any non-white are disgusting race-traitors. Anyone who pretends Japan is any kind of ally needs to blow their brains out. They don't care about us any more than the chinks or niggers do.
Our race will never know true peace from the non-white hordes until they have all been eradicated.
You need to be a LOT more subtle in your D&C. Try something like "Is japan REALLY our ally after this?" or "Why would our own ally betray us like this!". At least up your (1) count before blowing your load like that.
D&C applies to whites, Japan isn't white.
>implying you are white
Japs and whites have never been a united force with common interests. Your bullshit about "D&C" doesn't apply. They are non-whites and will always put their own interests before whites. You weebshits need to fuck off with your cucking for Japan
Next you'll tell me talking shit about niggers is "D&C"
Japan has been good to whites for years. How are you not tryibg to d&c?
The rest of the asians are niggers though
Pick one faget
What exactly have they done that has been explicitly in favour of white interests? Just one thing.
Everything non-whites do is always for their benefit first and foremost. Don't think for a second they wouldn't fuck our people over if it meant they could benefit from it. You are a massive cuck for even thinking "D&C" can apply to two groups who have literally never been and have no chance of ever being a single united force with common long-term interests. Japs are no more our friends than chinks, gooks, flips, or any other non-white.
t. best goy ever
Letting america have a huge military base in the asian pacific theater to keep china in check is something.
when the said media emasculates you mentally into being a sissified boy then it's degenerate and it must be discouraged
I'm confused what the fuck you're trying to imply here. Are you implying that Whites and Japs have any kind of long-term interests, or that we have ever been a singular group?
Your cucking for nips is unhealthy
I don't see how this is specifically beneficial to the white race, or something Japs did as a means of explicitly helping our race.
The main reason for that though is that 99.9% of the characters are white.
I would pick an F-15J over a TornadoADV every single day for the last thirty years. Britcucks decommissioned their only carrier that was like half their naval tonnage and rendered their whole fleet of Harriers effectively useless (half of it officially retracted from service too). UK might had been a class above JSDF up to the last decade but right now it's getting demilitarized to shit, literally to feed pakis, while Japan is reforming its isolationist dogma and expanding its military and especially its projection capabilities.
Yea cause keeping the boot on China didnt help Japan in any way at all
Japan got lucky that we let them surrender. If they didnt and surrender wasnt an option we woulda nuked them off the planet. What choice did they have? They lost to white superiorty and know what cones when they fuck with us.
I would let them militarize and have them join our forces to stomp Chinas advances on foreign territory
So you listed something that whites did to help American global ZOG interests, and also happened to help Japan.
Now show me a single thing the Japs have done explicitly in favour of white interests
Yeah and worse is that many the real city girls are obsessed with mixed white/asian babies. Good if you're a racemixing h'white male….
Jews are moving jewlywood to Shanghai as we speak…….they've got all kinds of problems……
No im just explaining why ibused the term let instead of force. We helped them and they helped us like we had a common goal. God your dense.
Just take a good look at /cuteboy/
First it's your typical anime kanojo
Then pettanko
Then loli
Then shota
Then it's all about becoming your own damn degenerate fetish
Did not the Chinese provide White Tocharians of Xinjiang yellow fever bait to convince them to stay and remove mongolo proto-kebab in the past?
Oh put otokonoko between shota and the final stage
There are a lot of misconceptions in this thread about Nip politics.
Compared to the rest of the world leaders, Abe looks like a bad goy half the time but in reality he is basically cuckservative-tier along with something like a fourth of the LDP.
Unlike America and Europe, they can't go full self-hatred and shitskin importing because Nip politics are so far to the right that the rest of the party would lynch them, the shit they pull has to be way more subtle than what happens in the west.
For example, Abe and his allies want to open up immigration up to a million foreigners to offset the aging population. Now when the average Nip hears foreigner immigration, they think of white Burgers/Bongs/Krauts and don't mind too much.
But the reality is that the foreign workers in his plan will be mostly chinks/gooks, a large pat of the party is already pissed and I think they are still fighting over it.
Here is a video about it.
I'm talking about long-term racial interests of both our populations. In such a case there is absolutely no common ground. They may prove useful to contain the chinks, but that is merely a coincidence that both our personal interests overlap. It is ultimately the goal of any racial or ethnic group to expand and conquer and colonise foreign lands, and the nips are no different.
My interests are with ensuring it's whites that come out on top
The faggots that read kanojo garbage were already lost. The same kind that would watch Big Zimbabwe Bang in the west.
Now i know your retarded
Japan only went violent when they were betrayed by Koreans and Chinese. The amount of hatred they had for those subhumans was justified.
When I say kanojo I mean as a typical girl in ayynimu
Not the genre
I need context for this
That's right, nigger, and guess what happened once they realised that isolationism leads to subjugation and destruction by outsiders? They went full expansionist racial supremacist mode and began conquering most of East Asia for the purpose of colonising it with Japs.
Japs "went violent" when they realised that Europeans could curb stomp their brains in if they didn't modernise and also expand and conquer. It is ultimately in the interests of any group to conquer and colonise foreign lands. The more lands you fill up with people of your own race, the less hostile the world becomes to your interests and the greater power you are able to project worldwide.
Dont have time to educate you, ingrate.
They also learned that to expand and conquer you need to form alliances that can backfire.
They cant do shit until they militarize which hasnt happend since the end of ww2. What your refering to is the fighting over original japan lands that china took
Sometime after the war.
America cant do shit cause China owns most of our production so we pretty much cucked ourselves. Thanks to greedy jews and boomers.
I don't know what exactly you are arguing against (or for) at the moment. What I'm trying to say is that ultimately in the long term and on the large scale, Japs and Whites have no common interests and have contradictory survival strategies. To consider them anything more than a circumstantial ally against the Chinks would be idiotic and self-defeating. I guarantee you they don't see us as anything more than a means of containing China
Top kek if anything it's the other way around niplover.
It's always the japs that tries to fuck over the east asian hegemony.
Japan never really wanted to fight america until we blocked off major trade routes due to their alliance with germany.
I think you think that Japan is secretly plotting to conquer to world or something.
If anything Japan would want to kill of all the other gooks before they wanna start shit with whites again. We kinda wanna do the same so there is a common goal.
But i guess im playing chess with a pigeon. Im not sure how anyone can make a briad statement like that which is purely conjecture and think they have an argument.
let's not forget about death camps for japanese, which don't get recognition because they weren't the (((chosen ones)))
Every country has skeletons, user.
But some have far more than one usually has
Why else would you think most of east asia isnt so friendly to japan despite the fact they're the biggest connoseurs of their modern media and culture?
Think of the coalition mechanic in eu4/ck2
East Asia is hostile to each other.
Every fucking Asian country hates each other so I dont see your point.
Yes but they all hate japan more than everyone else
But they dont lol. Show me your hate meter source.
You cant precisely quantify hate, but you can determine which one is more hated than the other
I see Trump triggered Holla Forumsmblur.
but what about anime?
It's got to go
but why?
It's degenerate and diverts attention and dedication from self-improvement
It's pretty degenerate check this out
oh okay
I kek'd.
Your average Holla Forums guy cant into cookie magic
Provide him the mirror site
This SomethingAwful meme needs to die. Anime is the last bastion of anti-post-modern romanticism that articulates its subject matter in highly idealized fashion. I don't care to watch moe, but where the fuck else do you get an utterly pure idealized depiction of femininity and innocence? Where else are nationalistic messages common? Where can you find popular 2D animations that still actually try rather than crank out soulless "Amazing World of Gumball" Flash animations that are less impressive than shit that was on Newgrounds in 2007? THEY DON'T EVEN USE BASIC PERSPECTIVE.
It was the Marxists that tried to destroy beauty. That's why they're against anime; it's a loose end they never managed to tie up, based on pre-kike Disney and classical art and actually trying to evoke the beautiful rather than drown in brown, grit, and bloom.
tl;dr there's a reason anime triggers kikes. Smug it up.
/m/aggot here, there's a reason why we have our own board and share the board with tokusatsu kids
Instead of /a/
I don't exactly know who you're bringing WWII into this discussion when my argument never relied on it.
And no, I don't think the Japs are trying to conquer the world, so spare me your drivel. My argument is that the long-term interests of Japs and whites, as we are both two entirely different racial/ethnic groups, is fundamentally opposed. small-scale Common goals may exist, but on a grand scale, they will always follow their own interests, even if it were at the expense of the white race.
The point I'm trying to make is that considering Japs as anything more than a circumstantial ally is retarded and self-defeating. We are not natural allies nor are we ultimately after the same end-goal. The end goal of the white race should be total global supremacy and colonisation, just as the end goal for the Japs should be global Jap supremacy. If a temporary alliance with them suits the immediate interests of the white race, then I have no reason to oppose it, but the moment we start viewing Japs as our "friends" and forego our own interests in order to accommodate them is the moment we harm ourselves and betray our posterity.
You're a grown fucking man. You shouldn't be watching anime anyway, even if it is "superior" to the utter shit pumped out in the West.
But muh anime
This literally reads like a post off SA, go back there at pay another 10 bucks you pathetic cow
Screencapping this shit. God, anime faggots are humorously pathetic.
To us? Who the fuck do they think they are? Also, why is Japan even fucking relevant? This was about us, the UK, leaving the EU. They can go fuck themselves, and they'll probably enjoy it too.
More like a bunch of island monkeys who couldn't even take on the chinks during and before WW2.
You're a fucking retard. A grown man should be out bettering himself, starting a family, and working for the betterment of his race. I don't care how horrible western cartoons are in comparison to jap cartoons. As a grown man you shouldn't be watching either of them.
Non-whites who do not give a single shit about white interests. Welcome to the redpill, my friend. Everyone needs to realise that absolutley no other race will ever have our backs. Island monkeys are no exception
Sounds like a reasonable business move to me. Why wouldn't they act in their best interests?
You might as well be a brony, tbh.
Culture is culture is culture is culture. We as a species create visual mediums as a matter of course. You're never going to get rid of art. That it is a given, and knowing how badly it can influence the impressionable population, why on earth should we not safeguard its quality and standards? You're right, cartoons are more for children, but that should be all the more reason to keep them good, because the most malleable minds in the world are the ones consuming it. You want to turn the world towards nationalism? Put it in your cartoons.
Additionally, you're going to need adults that know how in order to do any of the above. So as it's my talent, I prefer to refer to the following quote.
“Critics who treat 'adult' as a term of approval, instead of as a merely descriptive term, cannot be adult themselves. To be concerned about being grown up, to admire the grown up because it is grown up, to blush at the suspicion of being childish; these things are the marks of childhood and adolescence. And in childhood and adolescence they are, in moderation, healthy symptoms. Young things ought to want to grow. But to carry on into middle life or even into early manhood this concern about being adult is a mark of really arrested development. When I was ten, I read fairy tales in secret and would have been ashamed if I had been found doing so. Now that I am fifty I read them openly. When I became a man I put away childish things, including the fear of childishness and the desire to be very grown up.”
― C.S. Lewis
I used to hate that my only skill was art. After years on Holla Forums, I've realized that there's nothing more important, and not out a limp-wristed "muh art is life" sense. In a "create the memes that create people that create society" sense.
With all this in mind, anime is currently the least degenerate art there is. If you know of another source of idealism, let me know.
>>>Holla Forums
Fuck you weebshit, even early jewgrounds content is better than your not art chinktoons.
The difference is in the UK those NEETs are degenerate drug addicts compared to the hikkikomori nips.
There's differences in taste, and then there's lying.
Besides, you read my post wrong. My comparison of Newgrounds was to current Cartoon Network, not anime.
You thought wrong, user.
He's right though. You should be bettering yourself and raising a white family, instead of watching chink cartoons design to appeal to virgin autismos.
There is no reason to spoonfeed.
>not https
Why not nhentai though?
What would you expect from a race of hive minded insect monkey people?
The UK is filled with pakis and niggers anyway. This is a good excuse to pull out. Who wants to deal with English speaking pakis?
Classic Sailor Moon is still great, modern Sailor Moon with Usagi's weird Brainiac-hair and Kotono Mitsuishi pretending she can still voice a convincing 14-to-17-year old is garbage.
If their are going to attempt to intervene in internal politics, the UK should just seize all their assets.
If this was the Chinese or Koreans doing the exact same thing instead of Japan this thread will be filled with posts railing on them
Nobody's defending them on any grounds except that this is a reasonable response in a global market, and even that's just "well that's how it goes because international investment".
Your bait is weak.
But I don't care about Brexit at all and the UK is full of faggots.
Tbh, I prefer nips over britcucks. But, kinda sad to see Abe cucking.
Trump tariffing Taiwanese tapestries.
They're descended from horses and thus are another species.
I just really don't like Britistanis.
let them do what they want, unfortunately the EU is alreadyover, we have touched all 5 of their power points
Japan has been in recession for decades
t. non-economist
look up "abeonomics" essentially printing money and buying your own bonds
pretty much an admission that no one else trusts your ability to pay them back
interest rates at 0% for years
it's not the sign of a healthy econmy
Hasn't the whole world been in recession for a decade now?
Israeli's have been deeply embedded there since at least the 80's. houses full of them supplying them with shitty assembly line art and whatever is the trend du jour they hock door to door or on spots they rent from Yakuza on the streets. Kikes have definitely marked them for subversion. Hopefully they can kick them out before they get too far.
Fuck off, mixer.
I'm not seeing the problem here. It's the obvious and honest thing any capitalistic enterprise would do in the face of uncertainty
Can someone explain to me what exactly the problem is here?
You're not even trying to stop the anglosphere.
Guys were you expecting that Japan is not a sovereign country or what? Were you expecting it to silently support Brxit just because of your delusions?
Explain to everybody how your shitposting is bettering yourself, starting a family, and/or bettering your race. If I wanted to hear a woman nag at me I'd move back in with my mother.
You subhumans just can't help it can you?
Japan is cucks
Germany is cucks
France is cucks
Canada is cucks
Spain is cucks
Sweden is the cuckest
Fuck these countries.
The Anglo is immunized against all dangers: one may call him a scoundrel, parasite, swindler, profiteer, it all runs off him like water off a raincoat. But call him an Anglo and you will be astonished at how he recoils, how injured he is, how he suddenly shrinks back: I’ve been found out
The UK and the US are multicultural Jewish nations.
Want to say more bullshit, Shlomo?
The jews were trying to shill open borders to the Japs as a way to fix their financial difficulties at that Central Bank conference a week ago in Jackson Hole, Wyoming. There were no threads about it on Holla Forums. Why? Because everyone is fucking newfags.
By Howard Schneider | JACKSON HOLE, Wyo.
Central bankers in charge of the vast bulk of the world's economy delved deep into the weeds of money markets and interest rates over a three-day conference here, and emerged with a common plea to their colleagues in the rest of government: please help.
Mired in a world of low growth, low inflation and low interest rates, officials from the Federal Reserve, Bank of Japan and the European Central Bank said their efforts to bolster the economy through monetary policy may falter unless elected leaders stepped forward with bold measures.
These would range from immigration reform in Japan
to structural changes to boost productivity and growth in the U.S. and Europe.
Without that, they said, it would be hard to convince markets and households that things will get better, and encourage the shift in mood many economists feel are needed to improve economic performance worldwide. During a Saturday session at the symposium, such a slump in expectations about inflation and about other aspects of the economy was cited as a central problem complicating central banks' efforts to reach inflation targets and dimming prospects in Japan and Europe.
ECB executive board member Benoit Coeure said the bank was working hard to prevent public expectations about inflation from becoming entrenched "on either side" - neither too high nor too low. But the slow pace of economic reform among European governments, he said, was damaging the effort.
"What we have seen since 2007 is half-baked and half-hearted structural reforms. That does not help supporting inflation expectations. That has helped entertain disinflationary expectations,” Coeure said.
Bank of Japan governor Haruhiko Kuroda said he is in regular talks with Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe about opening Japan to more immigration and other politically sensitive changes needed to improve potential growth,
currently estimated at only around one percent annually.
Akita best girl.
Arnt far right nationalists gaining ground in Japan? This sounds like a bunch of shitlibs trying to speak for the entire country. Like that commercial where a bunch of cucks said trump didn't represent America even though he has majority support. The Japs are one of the few races I have respect for.
at least use katakana you fucking faggot, not mainland chinkommunist runes. Fucking baka
Akita best prefecture.
Seems like good old Germany was pretty cuked as well. Thanks for correcting the record, user.
Truth anything else is idiocy
Nice link, it's not working.
Nice link, it's not working.
Okay, NM, it's loading now…
I think the UK has far more leverage in negotiations with the EU than most people realize.
The UK is one of the most powerful financial centers on the planet (City of London Banks, yo)
But lets see about these concerns.
So, basically they are worried that the EU is going to be dickish and try to maximize import tariffs from the UK in order to punish the UK, right?
Honestly this sounds like a tyrannical move on the EU's part, punishing nations that are not a part of the EU in order to strong-arm more nations to submit to their bullshit.
It sounds to me like the EU is holding its member nations hostage from a import/export tariff standpoint in order to exercise political authority over the member nations.
Considering that EU member nations are no longer free to decide their own terms for international trade, and must submit to a central authority that is more concerned with centralizing political power than conducting business, I would submit that most EU member nations are at a decided disadvantage from remaining within the EU.
A corporation within the EU has little choice in negotiating trade and tax deals, and I fear that this leverage will be used to siphon revenue from said companies and countried in order to fund the ever increasing waves of third world immigration into the eurozone, which would have disastrous consequences for business as a whole within that region, as the quality of labor decreases in proportion to the increase in refugees replacing the skilled workers of the EU nations.
Because of the EU's insistence on spending its member nations revenue streams to decrease the potential financial quality of the Eurozones corporations, through the aforementioned dilution of highly skilled labor, I would submit that business deals with the EU are at best a short term prospect, with minimal opportunities for long term financial growth.
Levies applied to EU buisinesses for export to the UK would also harm EU corperations, for no other reason that to give the EU controllers more political power.
I can't imagine that many EU corporations would sit idly by while the EU arbitrarily imposes trade penalties on their corporations exports, as the resulting reduction in business would have consequences for the total eurozone financial stability, and their corporations profit margins. not to mention the delicate mesh of interwoven economies that has already been strained to near the breaking point, with some EU nations already being submerged in a neverending tide of debt that cannot be repaid due to the centralized monetary policy of the EU, and the wealth extraction scheme that is the Euro.
If the EU does seek to impose such arbitrary trade barriers to non EU nations, it would be a clear indication that the EU directorate are not overall concerned with financial prosperity and stability, so much as they are with total political hegemony.
Such actions would indicate to the world that the Eurozone is not a good place for buisiness, as more and more taxes, fees, tolls, etcetera are placed upon buisiness ventures to either pay for the pet political projects of the EU controllers, or prop up failing EU member nation economies. (Such as what happened to Greece)
Frankly, I think that the lack of EU member nations financial sovereignty is a disservice to the EU member nations, as they are no longer free to enter into trade agreements with other nations that are favorable to them and their own economies. Instead they must enter into trade agreements that are favorable to the EU, which may not be advantageous to the individual EU member nations who are conducting the trade.
tl;dr there is a reason that people want to enter into large trade deals with european nations, and not so much with middle eastern third world countries.
So long as the EU remains intact, expect buisines within its borders to fall to levels simmilar to muslim nations; and individual EU member nations to collapse one by one due to the undermining of their economies.
The EU doesn't care about business, all they care about is fleecing their own member nations in order to cover the cost of destroying them.
They are trying to import third world workers to reduce the cost of labor… and they think that this will somehow not be detrimental to the QUALITY of labor.
Despite the fact that they aren't really doing that much buisiness with those muslim nations, due to those nations economies being shit, propped up by oil revenues.
It seems that these EU companies can't envision the long term consequences of their desperate quest for short term profits at the expense of their own economic base.
Nice try shlomo.
Das rite firthy gaijin, anime is vely redpirred! Don't leploduce, firthy gaijin.
Stop trying to Divide and Conquer, jew.
Butthurt lefties and desperate shills
Why do Holla Forums's intellect get gimped when it comes to japan related topics?
I'm starting to think all of the anti Japan shit on the board lately is a hillary D&C tactic.
Because hillary doesn't know that Holla Forums is a Philippine based image board.
I don't think there's any anime that discourages reproduction.
It's the pro-japan posters I'm concerned about you nimrod.
They are the next adversary to face after the jews.
Try harder, Shillowitz.
It fucks up a man's sense of realistic expectations on women
Cry wolf again, boy, and the next time the shills actually comes and shitposts no one's gonna carry on the discussion earnestly for you.
Women just need to try harder, currently they don't try at all, they just believe that being a woman is good enough.
this will be costly for the japs; They're talking about relocating literally thousands of skilled jobs and a shit load of companies.
Where else am I supposed to gawk at cute girls? God knows the majority of real girls are ass-crack ugly.
Killary and emperator Obongo are representation of the muh'rikan values now.
Japan is pretty based. The whole goverment is part of a movement that wants to revive the Empire.
I don't understand why you autist don't understand that if brexit happens and the new trade agreements and contracts suck they wont do them. Thats self preservation. You expect them to run a business in the reds just to counter signal?
If the brexit negonations suck for japan they will pull out of UK. It's just like Trump pulling the US out of China.
So Japan is literally ruled by people who want to revive the Empire of Japan and want to remove the liberal influence from Japan but because they wont be cucked by bad trade deals (if they are bad) they are some how cucked?
in the end, it's money first
ya need money to LARP