/g/ user and Uni professor making public videos on linux

Have you heard or seen luke smith?

Im really suprised he is shitposting IRL as a uni professor. I came across his videos today on jewtube, and wanted to shill for him here and see what /g/ thinks, about seeing one of their own, on jewtube using their public name.
FAQ about making videos - lukesmith.xyz/faq
His Channel - youtube.com/channel/UC2eYFnH61tmytImy1mTYvhA
His video on the libreboot drama - youtube.com/watch?v=FQCwYAhZnQg
Vidme, for anti jewgle anons - vid.me/lukesmith

Do you think he posts on Endchan /g/, using the xyz domain for his personal website?

what he is gay something?


Kind of weird to see a user being a professor shit posting and posting his office hours.

It's not gay if it's free as in freedom.

Endchan uses .xyz for its domain name because it's really cheap. I have no idea why you would think this implies anything about whether he uses Endchan or not.

Not to mention that Endchan /g/ barely exists.

At this point I wonder why do we even have top-level domain names. Like only organizations use ".org" and only companies use ".com". I don't really remember the original purpose neither.
Language codes as TLDs make sense in some way but then again --- many websites are multi-language nowadays.

The original top-level domains were things like .arpa, .gov, .mil, .edu -- for mutually exclusive organizations. ".com", ".org" follow the same scheme.

Hi Luke

It’s not gay unless systemd's are touching

It's not me

The language codes are country codes.

Ok, Luke.

get fucked Luke, nobody cares

I watched a few of his videos and they aren't anything remarkable, just your typical softcore tech-channel with a bit of imageboard culture mixed in. I watched his Vim+LaTeX video hoping so learn something useful, but it's just some guy's hacked-together snippets. He's not even using a real snippet plugin. OP is gay and probably Luke Smith.

Where are your videos faggot?

Luke, we know it's you. Fuck off or stop pretending you're someone else.


[spiler]Luke, there are too many faggots in here.
U good[/spoiler]


jewtube not even once
even when the channel is a chan user it's cancer

Fuck off luke.