So how does Holla Forums feel knowing Bernie has sided with Hillary?
No troll, man. Just wanna know.
So how does Holla Forums feel knowing Bernie has sided with Hillary?
No troll, man. Just wanna know.
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Fucking masterwork.
I'm sad that it's expected of him by his party to support that witch
It's time for real socialism. Not that authoritarian nonsense that killed millions, nor the chaotic anarchy that will regress humanity into the dark ages. I fully support Bernie Sanders and if he supports Clinton, then so be it. Let's bring practical socialism to America; Nordic style.
social fascism strikes again
Obviously you've only met Stalinists and primitivists.
kill yourself Holla Forumsyp
What's with all the raiding tonigh?
He's engaging in satire dumb asses.
for god's sake, I at least hope he is.
He's dead to me.
This is exactly what I am talking. Hardcore communists can only engage in insult tossing (also known as ad hominem.) I support logic and reason over any infalliable ideology, and can put together the best of both worlds. If we have a mix of socialism and capitalism, the world will enter a new era. Unregulated socialism is communist totalitarianism and unregulated capitalism also known as Fascism.
Should have never trusted a socdem tbh.
I don't like socdems but socdems =/= fascists.
Leftist scum are all the same.
Fuck off retard.
We're a nation of lumpens.
He's pushing the overton window to the left and made the word socialist not a forbidden word in the most classcucked nation in the world (now its our job to properly teach them the definition) but he was never going to shoot all the porkies single-handedly or anything.
Bernie's organization is grooming people at local levels of government (like where he started) and I think that is a great way of grounding class-consciousness in the USA.
China, maybe. Although we definitely beat Russia in terms of being classcucked.
Russians are just autisticly nationalistic
Really? So the average Russian isn't a classcuck in Russia? I live near a lot of Russian immigrants and their big supporters of porky propaganda here in America.
No, man. Russians are turbocapitalist. Yes, the plebs too.
Russians are slavic scum.
Even if that were true, what kind of argument is that?
The difference is that the Mets could win again, communism always fails.
No, they're both completely irrelevant to the fact that you are a retard.
nice argument, you really showed me
Voting doesnt change anything… rothbard 2016
And fascism worked so well, right?
Actually I'm not even a communist. I'm a /third.positionist/ who's opposed to communism as a concept but even the communists here seem smarter than you.
Thanks for your testimony, it means a lot. Btw, I'm the queen of france.
Jesus Christ. At this point, I just feel sorry for you.
You can't really say. It was never given the chance to flourish. Capitalists and commies freaked out and killed it when it was just a baby. Only for it to be reborn in the 21st century.
That means a lot coming from a total stranger.
France no longer has a royal family.
That's not true, I'm the king of France.
in other words, like the rest of his posts.
This is why leftypol can't meme.
And so it comes full circle.
I literally just said I was the king of France and one of you user's took me literally.
Just drop him like a bad habit.
He was good for memes, he was good for raising political awareness on the left, but he's now served his purpose and it's time to sever ties with him.
At least, I hope that's the direction the Left goes in. We got some new interest, it's time to take that momentum and turn it towards more revolutionary politics rather than ride Sanders' coattails forever.
So you're saying you're a liar and all of your posts can therefore be discarded?
See, I can do it too.
Oh please, you will take whatever you can get. Pathetic.
Really, you should just stop posting at this point.
Yes user, I was never actually the king of fucking france. Can you believe it? Who would've fallen for such a thing?
You mad?
I'm fully opportunist. No shame here.
Even if he was just controlled opposition, he still brought our side tons of new interest, and that's all we were looking for anyway. It's doubtful Sanders could have gotten much done during his presidency anyway.
wow much funny, very humor
Your sure showed us leftists
No m8, we've had our fun. It's time to stop.
Like I said, you will take what you can get. And you will take anything. As far as I'm concerned he's as embarrassing as this board. Talk him up all you want.
How sad is it when someone says they are the king of france, and the response is genuine disbelief. I find it to be pretty depressing actually. You faggots are so pent up that when someone says something that ridiculous it doesn't even cross your mind that it's a joke.
I don't see the shame in using Sanders to advance our movement.
Holla Forums is calling Trump the God Emperor and he's a New York liberal with a couple of reactionary opinions.
The guy is endorsing Hillary Clinton . . . you're pathetic.
Trump endorses Jews.
You're a cuck.
kek, you sound mad, I don't care what he says about jews
He literally didn't
You might be right. I'm calling it now, he'll cave in because he's a massive faggot.
I'm getting stared at because I'm at work on my phone and I keep breaking into laughter.
Good for you. I don't care.
He's going to build a wall on the border of a nation that we have below net zero immigration with.
He's not going to do anything about domestic Muslims.
He has a gold digger trophy wife that probably cheats on toupeed, 70-year-old ass all the time.
You talk to your future president with more respect young man. Otherwise the right wing death squads will come after you.
I think it's an unfortunate case of someone giving up their principles because of negative cohesion.
"You don't like this guy; neither do I so let's team up." Lesser of two evil bullshit and a sad state of affairs. It's going to make things worse off in the long run. Negative cohesion is exactly how nazis got into power.
Uhm socialist is the preferred term.
And here we have it. All you have is memes.
Trump isn't a Nazi and he has no interest in right-wing paramilitary organizations.
He's a New York liberal who managed to entrance Burger right-wingers with some basic demagoguery and a strong-man act.
And what are memes good man?
What are memes?
what the fuck is "t."?
i can't google a one letter long term
Totally, used ironically as if they are that person.
Capitalism forever
t. Karl Marx
Trump cancels multiple events due to BLM, if sanders is a cuck then trump is a bigger one
I don't care about bourgeois bread and games.
I'm not surprised.
I dislike Hillary, but she's as bad as all the mainline Democrats. He knows that any other option is political suicide, and he'll be remembered as a villain for not playing by the rules.
This way, Bernie Sanders remains a lost cause in the eyes of an entire generation of Americans, and bowing out like this gives him some miniscule sway over the Democratic platform.
dat salt fam
bathing in it tbh
feels gud
no you're right, getting bombed into the ground truly showed the error of their ways.
Off with her head
Hope you guys aren't dumb enough to vote hillary
is such a thing even possible?
People actually believe this? Hillary is scared to death of Trump
Bernie Sanders should have run as an independent for president.
So what if he splits the "left" vote and gives Donald Trump the presidency? Hillary Clinton is not progress.
Welcome to Holla Forums
This tbh, at least with Trump we'll get an even harder leftist in 2020
might as well
being more autistic than Holla Forums is truly impressive tbh
so where are the berniefags on this? I mean they got completely fucked over and sold out.
so Trump train?
Yeah if Hillary Clinton gets cuckolded in 2016, the Democratic Party will be forced to regroup an reassess the party's direction. And they will elect a more left-wing candidate in 2020. If not Bernie Sanders (since he's getting old), maybe a young candidate in their forties or thirties. Maybe a millennial.
There are a lot of pissed off unemployed millennials at Bernie Sanders and Donald Trump rallies. The Democrats need a candidate that resonates with that crowd.
I am a "berniefag".
Honestly I'm rooting for Jill Stein. But I think Donald Trump is going to win. And I'd rather Trump win than Hillary.
A Republican sweet of the white house, house and senate is the wake up call that the Democucks need. 2-4 years of pain. But things will get better in 2018 if more progressive Democrats get elected in the house/senate. And 2020 with the next presidential elections.
I don't really see "ARE YOU KIDDING ME???" winning debates
Couldn't keep your bait to the general thread, eh?
I have aspirations to run for Canadian parliament in 2019. And I'll be 34 then. I don't see a millennial candidate as being far-fetched for the Democrats in 2020. Mid-late 30s is young for a presidential candidate. But it's not that crazy of an idea.
I'm tired of Third Way socdems (NDP) selling out their hard-left constituents. 15.7% of men my age are unemployed. 21.2% don't have full-time jobs. And many people who are employed are paid shit wages and working 40+ hours a week. Even though the reserve army of labour is so large that there's no reason why we should have 40+ hour work weeks anymore.
I am part of the reserve army of labour and I am pissed the fuck off. I need to run because no one in parliament is representing our interests. Ideally the workers should seize the means of production .But failing that, I want a $19.34CAD/hr ($15US/hr) minimum wage, 30 hour or less work weeks and a universal basic income of $20kCAD/year. The private sector won't move towards 30 hour work weeks voluntarily (hence the need for basic income). But we could move all public sector employment towards a 30 hour work week max so as to give the reserve army of labour a chance at employment.
Also we need to reduce immigration and visa workers because I'm tired of Indians taking our jobs. I want a larger paycheque and shorter work weeks. I would do well with the working-class white vote and cuckold the shit out of the Conservative Party.
The reactionaries on Holla Forums don't agree with me when I say that workers need to own the means of production. Nor do they agree with something like a basic income. But just saying that we need to reduce immigration is enough to get reactionaries and Holla Forums to suck my dick. They are useful idiots.
We don't have a Donald Trump in Canada. The Conservative Party here is pro-immigration because big business is in their pocket (they want a steady supply of new cheap labour). So yeah, I would cuckold the absolute shit out of their working-class white base if I ran as a socdem who wants to reduce immigration.
I would lose the SJW vote. But if they care more about SJW issues than worker rights, they should continue to vote Liberal/NDP/Green. Fuck them.
I don't give a shit about SJW issues. I see all these Indian immigrants and visa workers coming here working at Tim Hortons for $11.25CAD/hr or maybe even less under the table at many petit-bourgeois establishments. And it pisses me off. It makes the situation much harder for the reserve army of labour. And the worst part is baby boomers like my dad say it's my fault I don't have a job or a good paying job.
Who the fuck is speaking up for us? The 15.7%. The 21.2%. No one. NO ONE. And whose speaking up for the lowly paid employed crowd? Which is an even greater number?
We get dismissed by Conservatives as lazy and by Liberals as racists. And yet people wonder why working-class white people or minorities who don't think importing more of their own people into this country does any favors for them employment-wise don't vote.
No, it's like the abbreviation for the Finnish for "regards"
Many Russians will happily admit that the USSR was better than the Federation.
In the US, people seem to secretly believe that the USSR still formally exists.
Immigration will always be an awkward issue because it does have problems, but these problems are not what the substantial majority of voters have even considered.
There are plenty of actual racists who think imaginary lines will keep out the marauding hordes, but economic migration has actual detriments.
I know you mean well, but please stop blindly regurgitating this absurd meme. Even if you ignore the fact that emigration from the US isn't actually tracked (meaning it could be due to anything from evasiveness to deaths), and that much non-Mexican immigration flows through Mexico, the most you could truthfully say is that there was a brief hiccup at the nadir of the recession.
The CORRECT response to Trump's wall is pointing out his "great big beautiful door" for legal immigration, given the fact that illegal immigration is an insignificant (and far more recent than most realize) meme issue compared to legal immigration and crossborder commuters.
That's neolib propaganda and you know it. Do you sincerely believe that the majority of people opposed to immigration don't primarily do so because of jobs and overpopulation?
Most of the people that say so also say that the Mexicans are lazy and don't want to work.
Sort of like the immigration advocates who say it works wagesjobs Americans, especially unionized ones, won't do?
My point is that it's doublethink, which does imply some element of paranoia. Maybe not explicit racism, but some kind of xenophobia.
How large is Revolutionary Communist Party of Canada (PCR-RCP)?
So what? Even granting for sake of argument your statement is accurate, as long as these people are mainly motivated by a desire to protect their economy and their population density from the depredations of laissez faire capitalism, they're on our side. The fact that they're also vulnerable to indoctrination from ЅτrásѕêԻᎥst populism by fascists just means we need to get to them first, not that we should join SJWs in puking on them for the sin of defending themselves.
Feels good, maybe now berniecucqs will stop shitting up the board.
Except these people fucking love capitalism because worshiping it is intrinsic to modern American identity. They need to be recruited entirely to be useful allies or they will throw us under the bus the very moment we show our real colors around them.
The trick is, instead of just attempting to indoctrinate people or force agitprop down their throat, we have to start improving their lives in tangible ways, while simultaneously forming them into mobilized activist organizations.
In spite of what neolib propaganda says, Americans are still ripe for class solidarity.
I'm assuming not very large. I don't think they have ever run in an election. You need a certain amount of signatures and you need to pass the government red-tape test in order to get on the ballot.
I looked at the process for starting a political party in Canada and it's pretty complicated and seems expensive to me.
Honest to god this is OP's first time following a presidential election
The same way I feel everytime my predictions are correct: bored.
Bernie "The Police Are a Socialist Institution" Sanders was a sheepdog candidate from the start. He only existed to help coral leftist support to conservative and reactionary causes. The faint prospect of his accidental victory did terrify a lot of people, and that was fun, but this was always his destiny, to say, "I'm Bernie Sanders, and I support Hillary Clinton for President."
Bernie won't even pay his own interns a living wage ($15), they get $12.
Eh, he hasn't quite sold out yet.
If he did, the media wouldn't be bitching about him not endorsing her.
I do doubt he'll hold out much longer, but I'm frankly surprised he's taking it to the convention after California.
Bernie was a Trump plant