Why would you get a tattoo of something like that?This is now a bad tattoos thread.

Black men truly are kangs

Can you imagine being someone who thinks it's a good idea to deface their body with pop culture garbage? Christ, I imagine these people must eat at McDonalds daily and line their homes with sportsball team logos and portraits of super heroes.

dont put those people in with us everyday mcdonald eaters

You're a horrible person.

Is now cannon that Grampa Abe is an Octon

Did Cronald Plumpf write this? How racist!

I never noticed before that Herold's shirt has the number 33 on it.

Save your self from obesity before it's too late, were already neckbeards, being fat is a massive step!

Is pretending to be a SJW the new hip thing for bigots to do? That's right, I'm into you…You aren't quite as clever as you think reddipol.

actually, its r/the_donald

user, I…



He's a pig guy

for jew

Is that alf?




drumpf btfo

that looks like a middle age woman…that has to be photoshopped..

I honest to God hope it is.


Well.. he's never going into a church building…

So the tattoo has one benefit?

That image is pretty funny, but I'm not sure why you'd get it tattooed.

Fujoshi are sad people.

*tips fedora*

Wow he sure showed Trump.

this one is kind of good