9/11 is tomorrow
How will you bros celebrate?
9/11 is tomorrow
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never forgetti
by building sand castles
By being a Patriotic American and watching Monday Night RAW on the USA Network
I actually didn't lose anybody in 9/11 so it holds no significance for me
wow you're a bright one aren't you, user?
By dancing in the streets chanting "death to america the great satan", firing cheaply made Ak-47 copies into the air and buggering goats.
There's not much else to do in Bradford.
Isn't Hurricane Jose headed for Jew York? Would be funny if it ended up toppling the New WTC on 9/11 tbh
Thank you, remembered that today is my sisters birthday.
Topple it with spaghetti
i remember this being the first hardcore shit i watched as a kid, when they were jumping out of the tower was the best part.
I was thinking of meeting my good friend, it is my birthday after all.
By praising Israel for sticking it to them sandn iggers
By succesfully making my first physics test.
It's not the 20th anniversary yet.
Nothing special.
what was the last pizza delivery to the world trade center?
7 did not have pizza so he quit
What happened on 9/11? Did I miss something?
It was the day Larry Silverstein committed mass insurance fraud and got away with it. Big fun
Wow, learn something new everyday
I'll whack a piƱata shaped like the towers
Oh no, wait, I did that last year
Spotted the newfag
Larry Silverstein was the properties owner, he insured the buildings mere months before the attack and on 9/11 neither he nor his family members who worked at the WTC were near the building when the attacks happened. But you know, all just strange coincidences
Sounds like a good (((business))) man.
How did he set it all up? Get bush and Cheney and Israel on board? And why was the pentagon hit?
The arms industries, and the petroleum industries, all had incentives, so I don't think it was too difficult to convince them to hop on board
Besides, it's not like the CIA hasn't planned on crashing civilian aircraft to start false-flags before
9/11 is two months from now
What are you talking about? It was 5 months ago, retard, why are you bumping a thread from 2017?
I believe, Sand niggers are to retarded for something that complex.
Did the CIA bring Larry in on it and let him get the insurance my as pay off? Or did he hire out the Jews and the CIA okayed it.
Personally I don't give a shit. Wall Street fucked this country over so many times a few thousand dead bankers ain't nothing to cry about.
Yuropoor pls.
I'll be celebrating 911 by feasting on gefilte fish and Kosher Bagels,while I dance in the treats of New York drinking Goyim Blood.
I've never had goyim blood before. Is it good?
You should know Jew. you've dipped unleaven bread,fruits and vegetables into Gentile blood before. don't be shy now. we all know the truth
I'm dating an underage girl. Tomorrow she turns 17. Seriously. I bought her some presents, we'll celebrate by eating her favorite food (lasagna) and fucking, and I'll eat her out or whatever because it's her birthday.
Extra layer of irony? We're watching one of her favorite mini series, some NBC made for tv movie called The Tenth Kingdom which was actually censored because it contains a scene of the twin towers being destroyed.
is she hawt?
is it worth spending 20 years in prison and sex offender registry? ;)
idk i plan on visiting the roblox 9/11 memorial to shitpost and play habbo to remember the stingraid (from when 4chan was actually good)
I'm going to make crescent rolls and prepare for the Feast of the Holy Name of Mary on Sept 12th, to celebrate the moslem faggots being driven out of the Christian lands by the Holla Forumsacks in 1683.
Assad looks great.
See above.