So, these cockroaches are getting media attention now but we still don't have Right Wing Death Squads? Maybe because entire country is Right Wing Death Squad?
What's the situation with right-wing groups in Croatia?
So, these cockroaches are getting media attention now but we still don't have Right Wing Death Squads? Maybe because entire country is Right Wing Death Squad?
What's the situation with right-wing groups in Croatia?
Other urls found in this thread:
Ustaša here, from the 3 people I've met that I know are in Antifa, all of them were drug addicts who use Soros' shekels to get access to more drugs. They're lucky they've got state backing otherwise we could even send children to beat the shit out of them.
Mali rahiticni pedercici koji su na studiju u Zagrebu pokupili "napredne" ideje, kao i svi ostali "antifasisti", edgelordovi koji misle da rade nesto konspirativno iako in cila drzava i svi mediji drze ledja, a sekele dobijaju od Sorosevih organizacija. Ima onaj dobar counter-signal meme koji opisuje njihovo stanje uma - toboze bore se protiv kapitalizma, ali uredno primaju dotacije od "belosvetske" plutokracije.
Sta se tice RWDS, svidja mi se "Urbana desnica" u Splitu, ali mislin da su bluepillani ili zasad skrivaju svoju osvijestenost glede JQ no svakako imaju potencijala jer su ptakticki jedina desna NGO u HR.
Inace, Sibenik je moj rodni grad, ali ne znan tocno ko se nalazi u toj antifa sta je poprilicno cudno jer u malom gradu svako svakog zna. Dosta su tajnoviti u ovom trenutku, ali pada mi na pamet dobra ideja za razotkrivanje o kome se radi.
Naime, mislia san napraviti hrpu naljepnica sa "fasistickin" sadrzajen, polipiti po gradu, ali nekako impregnirati sa trajnon crvenon ili crnon bojon pa kad ih ovi supci pocnu skidati - bit ce ih vrlo lako identificirati.
Samo triba piti par dana zaredon kave na mistima di se okupljaju degenerici s tetovazama, opituranon koson i dreadlocksima pa promatrati ko ima obojane prste.
Eto ideja za sve Holla Forumsake u HR.
Sieg heil!
The media creates its own heroes whenever neeeded.
The media also creates anti-heroes, so I guess they'll follow this article up with a horror-story about skinheads or hooligans.
(Pic not related)
Just like antifa anywhere in the world.
Probaj deti žilete mesto boja, onda buš ih mogel identificirat po zavojima na ruka.
ZDS, čakavski prijatelu!
It's a difficult situation. Shit storm internally thanks to a combination of left over brainwashed jewgović drones from the jewgoslav era, foreign backed subversion creating modern SJWs and standard EU backed shenanigans (current president Kitarović is part of these shenanigans). Externally if the right gets control our (((friends))) have already got the Serbian populace on a steady propaganda diet of 'Ustaša are on the rise in Croatia and will use serbosjeks to kill gorrillions of Serbs'.
Then there's the militant Mohammedans in BiH getting bolder with each month thanks to all their fresh meat imports and foreign funding to local militant Muslim zealots.
Shit's fucked yo.
Bosniak here living in a foreign country.
I can assure you that I hate islam more than you do.
ćemo se udružit?
Splitski Holla Forumsacks?
Kill them.
Kill them all.
Soros (along with the Balkan Trust for Democracy and British foreign office) has also invested in an initiative calling for reforms of our educational system (Hrvatska moze bolje - Croatia can do better), meaning they want a new set of ministers for science, education and sports and introduce (((new structures))) ->> everything necessary to shape the minds of young goyim. Many were critical of this, but others welcomed the idea with open arms, unfortunately.
Most university professors were against this (in my experience from talking to my professors) because they deemed the (((reforms))) which were proposed to be stupid and that they completely missed the point of how to teach children what they are supposed to know. Guess they didn't get the memo that it was supposed to be Common Core-tier shit which would (((educate))) our young goyim to become shabbos goyim.
Didn't stop the (((media))) and other groups to shill for that shit non-stop and get the gullible goyim to protest for what they think is a good cause, but for the average normie reading what the reforms are about is too much work.
Just convince the serb to remove kebab again, better yet join in on that.
Will you guys be kind enough to report all perps to Judas.Watch?
It's not really a thing outside of Holla Forums or Polandball related settings.
You know what, this is a good idea.
Fucking this. Contrary to the meme, Serbs aren't exactly Kebab removers.
How the fuck.
Antifanta is a joke. Related - my country's traitors.
Kill yourself
Can't speak about other ex-yu countries, but there was never a lustration performed in Croatia so you've got a lot of ex-commies running around, some even pretending they're now right wing.
thanks bro, but it's still an issue to consider.
letting serbs indiscriminately remove brainwashed croats is not going to happen.
embed related
Meh, there's not really anything right or left proper here.
I seriously think we need a different approach here because we don't have neither shitskins nor significant Jewish population.
Croatian trouble is over-regulation and EU trade deals (as in accepting cheaper foreign goods while destroying our own). What a paradox it is that we import cheap milk from Austria, while our own government has to fund every liter of our own milk, that still can't compete with foreign goods - our budget loses, our countryside is poor and only foreign companies profit.
It is clear from that that we are EU's bitch.
To those of you who say that things are not that much worse since entering EU - I will remind you that we have been implementing their norms long before we officially joined in. Stepping in officially was just paperwork.
Honestly, the one party that even remotely addresses this is Živi Zid. It's a sad thing.
That part starting at 05:35 is so fucking ebin
Fucking this.
Have you heard the newest song by Thompson and co.? Christ, definitely one of my favourite ones now.
Friendly reminder that the commies and commletes will never win while this man gathers the biggest crowds in Croatia.
I'd vote for them if Sinčić didn't seem so weak.
In contrast to what?
Pozdrav zagorski prika.
Bad idea since those could hurt innocent cleaning ladies or children. I'd rather go with the paint…
I've already made a group, let's meet up!
Go ahead.
Ne znam zakaj bi klinci išli to skidati, al sad razmem da zbog čistačic nije dobra ideja.
I'm just saying he speaks too softly. A kind of feminine voice as well as the look he holds. His deeds might inspire people, but his presence doesn't. I think he would've received a lot more presidential votes had he held a more masculine, leader-like presence. It would also translate into more parliament seats. I also can't stand long hair on men.
Our country is bursting at the seams with "proper" leftist parties and our media is undeniably leftist. To say that Croatia doesn't have a real left wing is real communism has never been tried tier bullshit.
Come to Zagreb, friend.
Man, everything about that guy reminds me of the DUDE WEED LMAO.
He was probably beaten up in school.
Don't even make me start talking about that Pernar edgelord. He used to throw himself at the riot police almost begging them to arrest him so he could look like some kind of a badass a few years ago.
It's a shame that Paraga withdrew from politics a long time ago and chickened out last year when he was supposed to return on the big scene.
Tbh I wouldn't even mind croatia take over the bosnian administration.
(My secular muslim father, who grew up in split fought together with croats)
based croats
This is a better look.
We don't and won't soon because of our history. What is our left would be perceived as right-wing in most of cucked parts of Europe. See UK's Tories, their stance on progressivism, healthcare etc. for example - even more cucked than our SDP, and they're Britain's Right.
I am not trying to say that they are not left-wing from our perspective, but HDZ is not much different from standpoint of policies either.
The whole of our establishment right-wing is based on Catholic identity. While I will take that over our left any day, the difference is small and dependent on time (i.e. - always going left with the times).
The only useful manifestation of nationalism in Croatia would be anti-EU nationalism for reasons that are (ironically) libertarian in nature. We have inherited the structure of socialism (healthcare, gibs for poor and vets…), and committed suicide with EU norms.
Yeah, go vote for manly man Karamarko, I'm sure he'll pander to your sensibilities and gibs for vets and shit.
Bug-eyes Karačmarko isn't running this time, but Plenković isn't much better.
You had to pick the most pozzed country in Europe to make your case and even then, there is essentially no difference between SDP and Labour. Both support poz agendas, both use minorities and degenerates to bludgeon the majority population. The only significant difference (for now) is that SDP hasn't figured out a way to attract more minorities to Croatia to vote for them. Unfortunately for them, even Serbs are leaving this godforsaken hellhole.
And the Torries are pretty much HDZ, especially Plenković/Sanader HDZ. The Torries are possibly less corrupt, I'm not sure, but they both give zero shits about their voter base and both do precisely jack shit to stem the tide of leftism once elected into office.
What do you guys think of Ruža "For Home - Ready!" Tomašić?
I literally don't know whom to vote for.
Who even mentioned Karamarko, debilu?!
I hate that fucking fucker as much as every other CRO politician in Sabor today.
Unfortunately, there are no based parties in Croatia. HSP is ruined and fractioned and every other party wants to continue to suck Bruxelles' circumsized dick. I didn't say that Zivi Zid don't have some nice ideas but I don't believe they have the balls or brains to put their money where their mouths are.
If they ever get into power they would chicken out on EU bureaucrats like Tsipras did in Greece.
I guess we just have to do something ourselves and make a true RWDS party like Jobbik etc…
You wouldn't be a Jew, now would you?
Im on it
You mean the same Ruza Tomasic that said that there is no longer a need for a Croatian Rights Party since we have supposefly fulfilled our right when we achieved "independence" and then went on to create a full blown, Canada style, "modern" cuckservative party because apparently the EU is the future. Topkek
Also, she was involved in the disassembly of the original HSP and Paradzik murder case.
Why are Croats always greater Catholics than the Pope?
It's just how we roll.
Of course they are, Mr. Goldsteinovic
HDZ is way too pozzed, they will never be able to properly reform themselves. Too many people, too many scandals, and wrong foundations since the conception of the country.
I could make the case that there is no difference between HDZ and Labour. What is the significant difference between HDZ and SDP other than in rhetoric? They are our cuckservatives - no economic difference.
The only difference between the parties is in attitude they exude while doing literally the same things.
I thought they were dead in the water since the last parliament elections? Not following their situation tbh. Historically HSP was pretty good.
Do you suffer from autism? My point is entirely on your objection to Sinčić. Yeah, he's completely fucked up with his ticks and stuff. But if your basis on vote is who is baja or not, then you're going to vote for complete cucks or HDSSB who are sadly regional.
Yes, it would be the best if the man was both smart and baja. But show me that, or I'll risk with a character issue, rather than a completely wrong foundations.
Because the Pope is a cuck.
Well that's the big problem, people want change and someone with some balls to do it, but only see HDZ and SDP, yet they're both two sides of the same shit coin.
I da, jel ima netko Pavelićeve Doživljaje u digitalnom formatu?
Trejdam za Liepu Plavku, Hrvatsko Pitanje i Strahote Zabluda.
Did she really say that about HSP? All I recall is her saying that there is no true HSP today, there are only people. How is she a cuckservative? She literally left a cuckservative party.
Point taken on that.
They formed a coalition with HDSSB for elections taking place in a week. Ditched the HSPrs.
You can't hide your despisal for our vets, Krajinaboy, otherwise you would first addres the issue of 200 000 bureaucrats first.
Also, a huge portion of those vets were forced into retirement from the CRO Army after the war because the prewar factories were robbed and destroyed so they gave them large pensions to ensure tens of thousands war hardened men (Also heavily armed) don't start asking questions or pointing fingers (or aim) at those responsible. Fucking educate yourself.
I'm sorry to be the baron of bad news, but lolbergism will never work in Europe, or anywhere else for that matter.
Our healthcare system if fucked regardless of any policy. There are too many old people, too few doctors, too many idiots going to the doctor for no reason whatsoever.
Neither of these are left/right issues.
If vets were living the high life on the taxpayer's dime, they wouldn't be killing themselves in such ridiculous numbers. Are you a Serb or a Jew?
What are Croats thinking about the latest regional "tensions" ? Apparently a Croat spy got arrested in Serbia recently, and there are problems in RS.
There's been evidence of vote rigging since 2000. It's unlikely the people actually voted for any of this shit to happen.
Croats were also the only Roman Catholics the Papacy allowed to hold mass in their own language.
So many loan words. May as well speak English.
Serbian media making up shit again, I guess
That's just implying it bro.
Literally every state-funded healthcare system everywhere. The poorer the country, the more it looks like that.
Big taxes are very much against the economic right, and very much good with economic left.
Giving up your sovereignty to transnational organization is very much against both cultural and economic right. It is completely opposed to nationalism.
Both are very much left/right issues.
Don't be so dense. I'm not implying they shouldn't be helped, but trying to demonstrate that there is no difference between our mainstream left and mainstream right.
While HDZ might boast for it's support to vets, it's just a shit-show. While SDP hates the vets because they created a country which they as crypto-commies hate, they would not dare to do any proper cuts themselves.
Gibs for vets is just an election gimmick because the outcome is never different.
There will be blood… Again…
Biti će ovdje. Fotoaparat u ruke.
As dumb as planned Homeland War. However nobody here has willpower or resources to start any kind of shit.
Problems we have, unlike Westerners, are economical and educational.
People are retards who vote for former Communist Party of HDZSDP who still run on half-a-century old Socialist schemes.
Probably a scheme for us to throw ourselves into the meat grinder so that it's easier to get rapefugees in once most of the young men are either dead or not able to work anymore.
But someone is spinning it regardless. Amerikikes are afraid that RS doesn't become a Russian zone of influence, so they could use Croats as cannon fodder, or cook up some artificial tension between them and Serbia.
That's what it looks like. They won't us to kill each other so we don't kill Albanians (Jew's Neanderthal brothers from Caucasus) and rapefugees
Thinking of the left/right paradigm in terms of economics is a Judeo-Communist scam in and of itself.
Given enough time to research I could find boatloads of leftist organizations that oppose the EU for one reason or another (it would mostly be Marxists butthurt that their specific brand of Jewish lies isn't being implemented precisely as they want it). The shitskin Greeks elected a far-left party that ran on an anti-EU platform. Obviously the wider left will be more in favor of the EU than the right is simply because the EU is run by leftists, but that doesn't make opposition to or support for the EU, or any such organization, inherently left or right wing.
If the EU was significantly more conservative than Croatia, I would be in favor of them meddling in our politics. I'd certainly be in favor of foreign governments executing our elected officials and instituting a fascist dictatorship. If not being run by members of the nation is what is best for the nation, as increasingly seems to be the case for Croatia, then the nationalist position should be to seek out competent and benevolent foreign rule.
možemo umisto toga pronać jebene cigane koji su lutke Sorosa i židova?
Babić u zadnje vrijeme dava prostor anti-socijalističkim libertarijanskim piskaralima, pa ga čak i toleriram dokle god miče ljevičare koji mu čitaju portal od jugonostalgije i Radničke Fronte. Znam da je Kapović pisao neke prosere pa su ga brutalno ispljuvali.
Ipak Soroš = purge. Doduše mislim da je Soroš u Hrvatskoj propao. U bilo kojoj "normalnoj" zemlji bi nacionalizam bio na lošem glasu nakon što je Thompson opjevao Jasenovac, no jebiga, naš je mentalni sklop čudniji, pa je desnica ojačala iz čistog inata, ne iz znanja kao na Zapadu.
I disagree mostly, but it's good that we can finally throw this in here good to have cro-thread tbh, balkan thread become shit fast.
While right/left paradigm is not the only thing to go by, it does represent something real, as does the "conservatism" you mention later on.
The leftist organizations, while some may be anti-EU, they will almost invariably be pro as they grow in size.
The reason for that is because a leftist (as an internationalist) sees nationalism as an enemy, and therefore nation-state as an enabler of the enemy. So I would dare to discard your objection completely.
Reason: While EU may cause some division in leftists, it will invariably always be 100% against the right (the one you call a scam, not "our" "right"), and against nationalism.
I strongly object to your use of "conservatism". In practical sense it means nothing but conserving the current state of affairs - that is why conservatives always lose and things go in direction of "progressivism". There is literally nothing real behind conservatism because there is no proper goal to achieve.
Now, what is our "goal"? The only goal a leader ought to have is 14 words. Read every word of it carefully and you will understand what I mean.
Is the existence of our people preserved with:
If yes - good. We'll have it. If no, we won't.
If yes - good. We'll have it. If no, we won't.
If yes - good. We'll have it. If no, we won't.
I am of opinion that free market has it's uses. Read Pavelić, "Strahote Zabluda" (chapter on land-workers) and you will see that he shared very much the same opinion. The only exception being the media and even that is completely depended on who is in power.
"Big State" and "Small State" and their programs are not goal in themselves. The goal is the existence of our people - we ought to use whatever secures it. In that sense, they are just a tool.
Big state, healthcare and welfare provided neither a good existence of our people, and with debts it ruined the future of our children. You can reject this if you like, but it is the truth.
koliko sam vidia samo sere po nacionalistima, al dobro i da to čujem…
Šta u vezi onih soroš leaks?
Nisam vidia al trebalo bi vidit jel ima šta
to je onaj "eksplozivni plamen", ja barem tako vidim.
Brz i jak, al brzo se ugasi. Važno je da se hrvatski nacionalizam drži kao plamen dugo vremena učeći dicu šta je bilo u domoviskom ratu (ja se sićan da nismo ništ učili o domovinskom…)'s sole purpose lies in D&C, I see no reason to not put them in body bags.
Get that Godless heathen off my land!
Funny how it comes 2 days after Croatia gets:
This tbh.
The very idea of balkan/pol/ is repugnant and in direct violation of CRO nationalist principles. There are a few OK Serbs but most of them parrot out Deretic tier bullshit and it makes me cringe so hard.
So, I guess it's time:
To je zato sto je vas nacionalizam nastao "po potrebi" stranih sila, a ne organski. Zato se i ugasio cim su ostvarili svoje ciljeve na Balkanu, a vi ste postali samo jos jedan protektorat cionisticke EU. Pali ste sa konja na magarca.
Amerikikes are definitively cooking up something again.
Somebody named him in the Facebook comment page, so it shouldn't be difficult to find him. There are few places in Zadar where he can hang out, so I'll scout out when I get time.
Praised he be!
I'd just say that our national interests and mentalities are just way too much opposed to have anything constructive in that thread as a result. It simply can't last.
The police units might have not partaken in it but the militias did and I know that from my own two eyes.
Best time of my god damned life.
Može biti.
Ipak, nitko nije išao ratovati za očuvanje Jugoslavije, tako da je nacionalizam na svome mjestu.
Čedo pls go.
I didn't fight the Croats. I lied through my teeth to get into and out of your fledgling country.
I have no hard feeling towards you period. I fought Bosnians and Bosnians alone.
So the "economic right" then. The one that's in favor of free trade deals and importing cheap labor? I don't really see how the EU is 100% against this. The EU benefits the economic right at least to some degree and works against the "economic left" which would include policies like protectionism, if we're going with the Marxist/lolberg definition of left/right politics.
I guess this is correct, but I was referring to the implied meaning of "conservatism" rather than what it actually is, since there really isn't a word for a pro-natalist, anti-degeneracy, pro-in-group preference, pro-not-being-a-cuckold-weakling set of ideas that I'm aware of.
Not necessarily. it could theoretically support pro-European nationalism. The whole of continental Europe could essentially unify like Germany and Italy did, while retaining regional identities. Not necessarily something I support, but also not something that I would consider in opposition to nationalism any more than Croatian nationalism is in opposition to "Istrian nationalism."
I will reject this, because I am of the opinion that no combination of policies or ideologies would provide a good existence for our people, as long as our country is overflowing with traitors and hostile minorities and our political scene is dominated by ex-Yugoslav officials. Croatia as a country simply cannot work. Because there hasn't been a purge after the fall of Yugoslavia, the situation here will never improve.
Croats are extremely lethargic and apathetic people and I have no confidence in them ever asserting themselves in their own country. It could have been done in the mid-90s when the Homeland war was just won and we had a wave of nationalism, but it was misdirected and rendered useless by our leadership, because they understood that any real purge would also have to include them. The only way this place can now be fixed is from the outside and because I believe this, I also support Westerners in fixing their shit and then increasing their influence on our country. It's a pretty long shot, but it's the only scenario in which we aren't doomed to a slow and humiliating death.
Ah yes, here I agree, that is a libertarian fallacy (meaning, you have to be free trade with other shit-tier states if you are yourself on the economic right). Yes, a large degree of protectionism is needed. No importing of goods that we produce ourselves is a must.
Honestly, I'd ban (or massively tax) the import of even foreign technology completely. I think we're producing some shit-tier smartphone - but hey, they wouldn't remain shit forever should they recieve our shekels.
Sadly, such coarse of action is against the EU trade laws. The big eats the small in this scenario.
Perhaps. But that's not what we have today. As Hitler said, any alliance that is not for the purpose of war is obsolete. What remains in the peace-time is economical alliance. And that by definition means our destruction by more developed states.
Yes, but you need a vision too. Otherwise you'll just repeat their mistakes. The situation will not fix itself - not with the fuck-up we have now.
Indeed, we are very apathetic. But I ascribe that to our division of commies-ustaše, and that is what the discussions boils down to every time. I see no reason not to be proud of our people in any of those eras. And by our people, I do not mean foreign elements. Tito for example, could be used as Croat that ruled over a large area. Wrong in his beliefs, but still a Croat of huge importance. inb4 replacement theory
Yes, your hope in the west is a long-shot. The West is Jew-controlled directly, we are only as a consequence of dependence on the West. Our revival has to start with us. Both with concrete outlook on things, and ruthlessness to the traitors.
The West will not stand for it - we need the nukes
Slovenija/Obala tukaj, lepo je slišati kaj takega.
Lokalni anti-fa degeneriki se zbirajo na predvidljivih mestih, in tudi so dokaj odkriti glede svojega delovanja, vsaj za zdaj, dokler ne bo pritiska na iz strani RWDS.
Kar se Ljubljane in Kranja tiče so pa bolj organizirani in financirani (hvala (((Soros)))), in imajo pogostejša zbiranja, Rog in TrainStation na primer.
Je kakšen fashy goy z Obale ki lurka tu naokrog? To bi mi polepšalo dan.
Zar i to postoji?
ima koga s Gripa ili Blatina?
ja sam iz okolina splita tbh fam
Ehh, it would take some heavy re-writing of history to turn Tito into a figure that Croats can be proud of and incorporate into their national identity.
Even not cassifying him as a foreign element is a bit of a stretch. He had a Croatian father, but that's basically where his connection to our nation ends. He fought to destroy a Croatian country and killed a shitload of Croats to build a country dominated by non-Croats, which Croats then had to fight a war to secede from.
I guess it makes sense for someone to respect him if he's from a place that would not have been a part of Croatia under NDH, but even then the mentality of those people tends to be a little fucked up, to say the least.
You'd think they'd hate him the most, but nope.
Really makes you think.
Outside of replacement theory he serves an example of just how much damage traitors can do.
In replacement theory he serves as an example of the consequences that can arise when Croats are unable to control the destiny of their own nation.
These are his best roles. Any other interpretation requires hypocritical doublethink to work when combined with the totality of Croatian history.
Istra has been shit ever since the merchants got a hold of it.
only bosnians love tito because they have no national identity.
They are what sholomo wants you to be. A nation of people with no roots, perfectly fit for communism.
Since the 90s they adopted islam as a substitute for their national identity and flooded their cuntry with shitloads of sandniggers from saudi barbaria. In Sarajevo around 40k of them are residing there. They have stores where everything is only written in arabic.
Alija wanted islam and now he can have it. The secular bosnian sheeple will have a nastier war with those goatfuckers than they had with anyone until this point.
Damir Kajin + Ivan Jakovcic = Sorosites
can we kill jewtin pls?
do we have any balkans region infographics?
While on the Istria topic I can give you this.
FOR and AGAINST votes on the referendum for same-sex marriage.
Actually, what I said was completely incorrect. It was the referendum for recognising marriage as a union between a man and a woman. I apologise.
Gripe, al ne očekuj da ću izać iz kuće.
Actually it was the referendum to put that into the Croatian constitution, marriage being a union exclusively between a man and a woman was already in our family law, so that visitors from other countries don't think you could marry animals and anime pillows before the referendum.
Heh, I guess you're right. Tito being considered Croat is a major fuckup for us.
Anyway, any networking considered for cro/pol/? Tox/some form of social network?
so that visitors here don't think*
man I should've gone to bed earlier last night.
if I were a croat I would annex bosnia and kill every turkroach LARPer there
I'll be asleep within the hour myself.
Here's the voting on the EU referendum. Colours work exactly like in the previous.
Eh, that's a double-edged sword. Reclaiming Herzegovina, yes. Everything else would have to be dealt with as Poland.
Wait, fuck, it's confusing as shit now, does green mean for the EU or for leaving the EU?
no more easier than reclaiming east prussia, eh?
For the EU. We're a bunch of cucks on the EU matter.
Who knew no research was the most accurate research?
I guess most people expected the economy to skyrocket or some shit, and most younger voters probably just voted yes so they could get out of the country easier.
sup SOA
We are fucking nihilists
Which part of regular people aren't and in a sane society shouldn't concern themselves with politics you don't agree with?
We're western, but barely so. We can expel the idea of muh freedoms and democracy under every cost easily. Only thing we need is to create a web of right wing activism (not as in revolution, but various projects) and connect with each other until our ideas become the vehicle of culture rather than the electric jew. Then it's only a matter of deciding who to support in politics.
Agreed. How about we share contacts?
Finally listened to it. Everything he touches turns into out pure energy.
What's this have to do with mineral deposits?
At this point the internal politics are a complete cluster-fuck but it seems the main thing is that they've got everyone focused on anything but leaving the EU and improving their primary/secondary industries.
Send your contact here. It's temporary. I'll get in touch.
I don't know how whatever you put in the email field works. If you want, put in a 10min mail, and I'll mail you there. Will post here with initials so you know which mail is mine in case you receive more than 1.
nvm, will mail you, I had to enable cloudflare javascript.
sent from p…@t….
Just a reminder that Croats know how to war.
Croatian painting.
Croatian video games.
Cathedral in the capital.
Among the purest in the world.
I seem to recall Hasanbegovic promoting Holocaust revisionism.
In fact, i seem to recall the previous government that fell apart actually doing alright until the media took them down over some trite bullshit
They weren't doing fine. They lacked the will to pretend politically correct, but they weren't good. They had absolutely no idea what to do on the economic plan and Hasanbegović, as based as he may be in some aspects, thinks Bosnian Mohammedans are part of Croatian identity. So, I'm relieved he's gone.
Well I mean, they did actually get economic growth going. Remember the years of economy shrinking under SDP? I dislike both parties, btw, but it seems like last time MOST got HDZ to actually to do something positive
On another note, anyone got a torrent or link to "Jasenovac - Istina"?
Croats are just conquered serbs who forgot they are (almost all) illyrian
za koga ce te glasati na slijedecim izborima
And here we can see a Serbian jew in his native habitat. He bursts in into a fine thread and starts shilling the idea that we're all the same one people. This is usually followed by "your evil religion, culture and language have to go" before attacking, getting his shit pushed in and pretending it's the evil west that ruined his Greater Serbia.
I dislike democracy in general. I usually don't vote on principle, nor will I this time. But if there's something nice I can say about MOST/HDZ is that it keeps right wing memes in the mainstream. But they're cuckservatives without a spine.
Shame HČSP fell apart. I'm eager to see what the right wing young will create in the following few years. Might get into it if it looks promising.
Neću glasati jer nemam za koga glasati. Čekam Kralja Tomislava ili barem stranku s društvenim vrijednostima od prije sto godina.
A jebiga brate, nisan ti ja kriv šta nisi moga izvadit Muhamedov kurac iz guzice 600 godina.
HDZ is once again being run by the same scum that destroyed it in the first place. Everybody that got removed from the party in the past couple of years was invited back in.
About a month ago I saw Prgomet on TV praising the work of Ivo Sanader in reply to some idiotic accusation that "his" party is "extremist." Obviously, nobody in the world is stupid enough to think that would be a good move, nor is anybody stupid enough to think inviting that shithead back in after what he did during the formation of the previous government. HDZ as a party, and the Croatian right in general, has been and continues to be intentionally destroyed from the inside.
seriously considering zivi zid tbh
With the recent rise in usage of fashy memes, I think Croatians feel the west and its liberal values have failed them.
The HČSP youth quit the party because they felt old farts running shit were useless.
Then there's the new Obnova časopis i udruga, which flirts with fascism and monarchy, but focuses on culture rather than politics.
The potential for rejection of cuck values and western politics is there. We need to build new parties, not change the old. And we need to do cultural activism.
First time I heard of this. I'll look into it.
That's a good thing. Croatian politics is fucked for generations to come.
The only thing I'm uncomfortable with is the rejection of the West, because that opens the door to Russian shills, which opens the door to brotherhood and unity with the turbofolk people to the east.
I rightfully stopped posting after that due to the topic being unrelated
Also read some books
i madarski kurac?
That rat-faced faggot deserves a hammer to the head.
Shitposting with my kvart bros on a Sudanese goatmilk exchange forum.
Nemanja, bar mi nismo turske rape-babies.
Jel ovo nas ekvivalent DUDE JUST WAIT FOR HITLER! ?
Dečec ja stvarne pojma nemam o čem ti tu baljedzgaš. Evo prošle lete sem prasnul 2 Mađarice. Mi se jebemo ž njimi a ne oni z nami. Ojdi dimam slušat turbofolk.
As trivial as it sounds, being Catholic is our biggest shield against Russia. While I don't believe Dugin has that much power, I do think he got one thing right - non orthodox European countries aren't going to cooperate with Russia and as such should be left alone as they're more trouble than worth. This leaves Poland, Slovakia, Czech, Hungary and Croatia on the border. And we should aim to join Višegrad group because it'll help us stay independent of both east and west.
We need to create a right wing culture by bonding, making groups, initiatives, fraternities. Reestablish a reactionary narrative that works today. Eventually things will fall apart until we'll be the only ones offering a valid culture, meaning we or our kids will be offered a place at the top or politics will change to fit our world view.
It's a long term thing. Basically boils down to live what you want to preach.
Ja sam ozbiljan. Za dvadeset ili stodvadeset godina, kad budu stvari potpuno u kurci i na vrh dođe krvavi vođa i uspostavi red - nazovimo ga Tomislavom drugim i nastavimo s monarhijom.
Catholic Croatian Kingdom predates any union with Hungary.
Nemamo vremena. Natalitet nam je u crvenom, i potrebno je samo nekoliko stotina tisuca 'migranata' da nam nepovratno sjebu demografsku sliku ionako oslabljene zemlje. Dodaj tome Srpske pretenzije na Bosnu i komade Hrvatske (uz pomoc od strane Rusije, naravno), i jasno je da smo zec u loncu. Za razliku od Njemacke, Francuske, Engleske i ostalih pozzed zemalja, mi nemamo nekoliko desetaka milijuna ljudi, niti industriju, niti ratne mornarice i tvornice oruzja.
Jedina nada nam je bila etno-solidarnost i militarizacija (u uzora na Izrael) al su Tudjman i ostale budale iz HDZa dopustile da ih nadmudre i izigraju komunisticki elementi kojih se kao drzava nikako ne uspijevamo rijesiti. Iskreno, ne zelim napustit Hrvatsku, ali nije da nam se smijesi svijetla buducnost. Jadna djeca koja se danas radjaju, ceka ih pakao.
Stvarno mislis da cemo izdrzat 20, a kamoli 120 godina?
Addendum: their program is basically eurosceptical/anti-globalist lolbergtarianism (even using yellow and black as their colors), which is better than anything else on our scene at the moment.
I'm kinda hoping for another "Sinčić insults literally fucking everyone" debate.
Nije lose. Malo naivno i definitivno nedovoljno ostro prema parazitima, izdajnicima, i kriminalcima, ali nije lose.
Steta sto je Sincic takav mekusac.
ima netko od vas volje pridruzit se Zivom Zidu, i Adolfat ga kako je Hitler preuzeo NASDAP?
Mislim da nećemo uzeti migrante. Ono nekoliko kolko su došli smo poslali dalje u Europu. EU neće tolko dugo izdržati da nas kulturno "obogati".
Sve Europske zemlje imaju problema s natalitetom i morat će proći kroz pad. Kako stvari idu na gore, promjene će morati biti radikalnije. Najlakše će se ovo moći rješiti kad bude očaja da se ženama zabrani rad i pošalje ih se doma. Kad dođe do toga za više desetljeća.
Neka si Srbi uzmu Bosnu kad se raspadne BiH, samo neka nama Posavina i Hercegovina ostanu. Time ćemo održati čistoću. A Srpska gledanja na djelove Hrvatske, toga se treba pazit. Ali mislim da Rusija neće u rat s Srbijom za to nikako.
Before you can have your Nationalism the kebab, yids must be dealt with first and it isn't I can do it myself task. This goes for everyone when I say this, you need to bury old hates and revanchism for the time being because quite frankly everyone will bleed white then nobody will have the strength to stand when its time to stand.
Ne moraju. Kad pukne bure baruta u Evropi, i dodje do gradjanskog rata u Zapadnim zemljama, Srbija ce vjerojatno napravit ofenzivu na Bosnu i Hrvatsku. I za razliku od njih, mi necemo imat nikog da nam pomogne s oruzjem i ljudstvom, jer ce sve Zapadne drzave bit zauzete vlastitim sranjima (nesto tipa: nacionalisti vs. vlada + migranti + antifa + placenici).
Sljedecih 25 godina ce bit jebeno.
Imaju i problema s Kosovom i Albanijom. Valjda će i njih. Nadam se da nisi u pravu. Vidjet ćemo…
I ja. U prosjeku imamo rat svakih 30 godina, vise je jebeno vrijeme da i mi dobijemo malo oduska i pokrpamo ovu namucenu zemlju.
E sad da je jos nekako dignit natalitet na 3+ po obitelji, bili bi na konju…
Dovoljno je da nam utrpaju 50k i već imamo problem. To je itekako ostvarivo u sljedećih par godina.
Iskreno, mislim da nam treba potpuno nova stranka s ekvivalentom Glavaševih crnaca na državnoj razini.
Btw, sendajte mail tu [email protected]/* */ da se imamo, već sam pokupio jednog s threada.
Kad stvari odu u kurac, mislim da ćemo imati pogrom. Istjerat ćemo ih. Nazovi me optimistom ali misim da hoćemo.
Sto godina liberalizma ne miče nacionalni mit niti rane od turske.
Ste iz Splita, ili nekog drugog grada?
Ne, ali pošalji mail pa ćemo napraviti mailing listu.
Is crno bijeli svijet worth a watch or is there too much jugo-pozz in there? I don't follow talmudvision much these days.
Seriously though, do you think they even know about this place being a bunch off faggots with fake diplomas which only got the fuckin job in the service because od nepotism?
Our security service is a fucking joke and it's sole purpose is to be engaged in petty
political quarrels while sucking on CIA/BND/MI6/MOSSAD cock (Depends on the agent).
We truly are the lesser sons of better Lords…
I know Hasanbegovic personally and he is a great guy, great historian and Holla Forumstier but hides his power lever as much as he can. There is nothing to cheer for in his mandate being over. Let me tell you a secret…
Although Ministry of culture seems pretty unimportant, it is far from being so and the main reason for this statement is the fact it has jurisdiction over our state archives, including the communist party archives and UDBA, SDS as well. UDBA archives are classified even today only for the sole purpose of keeping the most powerful, ex-udba politicians in power (Hence Perkovic etc). Hasanbegovic was determined to open those archives to the public therefore to execute a quiet lustration since no Croatian government has the balls to a proper one. Unfortunately, we all know ehat happened.
Also, he stopped the NGO gravy train.
Who is Nihad beg-Kulenovic?
There are still Muslims that kept their Croatian identity and didn't fall for Tito brainwashing. I don't like Muslims but I don't hate white Muslims that have a strong sense of national identity. You are allowed to have a different opinion.
What is wrong with you fucking people? Is your existence so fucking pathetic that you have to show your hook nosed Turk faces on every Croatian news portal, forum and thread vomiting your bullshit mythomaniac bullshit everywhere you can in an eternal quest for a cheap self confirmation? Because, everywhere I go on the fucking internet there is a butthurt Serb on a digital tractor spilling his autism.
Didn't you have enough beating already, you moron?!
Maybe there is a Serb under your bed?
Dnevni podsjednik da instalirate noscript ili umatrix addon.
Pogledajte sav ovaj botnet. definitivno najveće zlo
So today's game vs turkroach @ empty Maksimir. Any predictions?
Greeks are just North African/turkroach mongrels who speak a dialect of old hellenic
nije slučajnost
Do you think there's any chance of BBB chasing and beating turk fans in ZGB today?
I want some habbennin
There is nothing more I hate more than europeans who roleplay their durr I hate the other european nation while importing a shitload of niggers.
I'm the wrong guy to ask, but BBB are known to do that kind of thing, yes.
what, do you expect croats serbs and bosniaks to say "fuck it" and become friends like a disney movie or some shit?
I'll just leave this here
Whatever, slavshit.
To put away their differences for once and remove kebab instead of more brother fights.
Iskreno, kad razmislim, ne bi me čudilo da je to "naš" špijun, zapravo u službi NATO-a.
You already did yesterday. Looks like "Hey, we need a reason to agitate the people. Let's make up a case of espionage to cook shit up."
I don't really give a shit about serbs, it's the turkroaches and jewin i'm worried about
Actually, I didn't. Unless you know more than me.
To whoever suggested Croats and Serbs stop fighting, I welcome it. I think most Holla Forums acks here share the same opinion. For instance look at balkan threads, if there is no provocation, we get along just fine
That doesn't sound too solid tbh.
to deny that the catholic church is to hell and back is pure delusion my friend
*cucked to hell and back
Nobody around these parts likes Francis, really.
False flaggish as hell. The kikes are trying to provoke a new war, that's as clear as a sunny day.
You don't spectacularly arrest a foreign spy, this is not a James Bond movie or something like that. You either feed him false information, try to obtain his services (Double agent) or just do it quietly. This arrest sends a political message, and that message is not good for either of our people considering that shit is about to hit the fan in BiH regarding the RS referendum, Bosniak Muslims radicalization and an increase in appeals to reinstitute Herceg-Bosna.
We are being torn into war again for no valid reason at all and the only winners will be kikes.
Also, wtf. is there to spy on these days?
Both of our armies are underpayed, malnourished, filled with yes-man bots who can't run for 10 minutes straight. Also, we inherited all our military bases and infrastructure from JNA so there is no secret there at all.
This entire espionage story is fishy as hell. They found a guy from village that no one really knows of, released a 40 year old picture in the (((media))) and introduce him like motherfucking James Bond. I wonder how much they payed him….
I welcome the prospect but they have to stop with their pointless irredentism. Let's just split Bosnia and call it a day.
The bosniaks are muslims, yes?
Then they are kebab.
You're welcome to try. This time we will have a proper army.
Or ISBA (the Islamic State of Bosnia & Albanian)
The gates of hell will never prevail no matter how hard the times. Changing religion depending on convenience is something I'll leave to the jews and English.
Leaders are more often than not stupid and don't represent what is. It's just common sense and is almost as likely to be in the Church as is anywhere else. And everyone knows this. The institution of Church is nowhere in question, only the leader. Francis isn't even changing any dogmas, just spouting inane personal opinions.
Croats are strongly Catholic, our national myth is based on ye olden Catholic Kingdom and nothing will change that. We don't care about Orthodox or Protestant reinterpretations nor any neo-pagan shills. Arguments such as
have no place in a Croatian thread unless it's among Croatians. It's just stirring up shit.
Until you faggots step up and remove Francis, you will always remain cucks.
Sorry Haso, trips tell the truth.
What are you doing on Holla Forums anyway?
And which army do you mean? Your sandnigger mujahideen friendos?
I'm shilling for New Croatian Vatican for some time, with Saint Kek as casual deity.
Call me when your country is 99.6% white. Then I'll actually take you seriously.
It doesn't matter how white you are if you yourself are cucked.
Sweden was 90% white until it cucks itself.
do christians on this board still get triggered by the kek shit?
The only ones that do are generally very devout. But they also do not see race as an issue (as is proper in Christianity) so I suppose there's an issue by default.
Did Sweden ally itself with Hitler of their own volition?
Do they yell nazi salutes on football matches today?
Kek was a funny meme until actual demon worshipers took it over. Ironic demon worship is still demon worship.
Kek is chaos and destruction. Nothing good will come out of it.
It was 100% before it cucked itself and they did not have a religious leader kissing the feet of rapefugees.
that's the problem with most christians on this board, they put their religion before their race
Sweden was actually friendly Hitler and provided logistic support despite their neutral creed.
The christcucks on this board are hilarious.
Tomislav Sunic on religion/paganism in nationalism (24:35)
KEK is both Tiamat and Marduk, the Chaos and Destroyer of Chaos.
Builder and foundation.
Haven't seen this interview before, but I have something to say about him. He's a really nice guy, but you need to understand that he lived in the US for a long time and his views do not reflect the views of the average Croat. He's more of a westernized European than a native Croat. He doesn't reflect our culture.
no. normal Bosnians are ok. They are not what you perceive as kebab. Traditional Bosnian islam is ok.
With drivel like that you are only pushing them into radicalism. Which is already trying to conquer them via Saudi Arabia sunnis.
Bosnians ARE NOTwives and children beating, sharia living, anti drinking, blowing themselves up, jihadi camel fuckers.
Bosnians are pretty cool guys who got dealt A REALLY SHITTY HAND in the 90's.
I'm Slovenian, I'm speaking the truth, I have no interest on any side.
can't let those hitler dubs go unchecked
Until they renounce Islam and eat pork and drink wines, there's job to be done.
Bosnia ? ISIS? Nice serbian disinformation.
Enjoying good commentary for news events, just like everybody else.
No I'm atheist. And I actually hate the wahabis.
The people can be okay. But the religion is a nasty leftover from Turks and a heresy. We need to stop tolerating Mohammedanism so things can get fixed.
I agree with your previous argument, Catholicism and Croatian culture are very much intertwined. I like listening to his perspectives anyway.
that link was supposed to be
An atheist is still better than an islamic, provided you are not the the cucked kind.
I'll admit I respect the church but I feel that we should preserve the old pagan tales of our forefathers, it's a part of our history after all
Only their early albums are worth listening to :^)
The Church has never been worthy of respect, not even in Crusades era.
The christian kings were, not the Church, just greedy priests who want the wealth of the world.
marduk is overrated tbh
Slažem se. Staroslavenska vjera je naša kulturna baština i treba se zaštititi.
Preporučio bih ti da pročitaš četverologiju knjiga od Radoslava Katačića:
Božanski Boj, Zeleni Lug, Gazdarica na Vratima i Vilinska Vrata.
Možeš ih posuditi u knjižnicama grada Zagreba ako si u metropoli.
What are you still doing in this thread?
Because I want to.
Jews target vulnerable kids from homeless shelters and foster homes ect and brainwash them with antifa ideas. I'll never forget the story of this one kid whose family had made him go see a therapist for """gender identity disorder""", the therapist ended up giving him an antifa pamphlet and a meeting schedule!
Okay, so you're an atheist, good for you…
Do you have a Muslim, Croat or a Serbian surname root?
Was your grandfather Orthodox, Catholic or Muslim?
I presume you are a Bosnian nationalist. You do realize that particular string of nationalism is heavily tied to Islam? Very few Croats or Serbs consider themselves to be Bosnian nationalists.
Also, don't you see a rapid rise of Wahabbi radicalism among your Muslim peers?
Can you really feel "at home" amongst them if a war breaks out? You, an atheist?
Don't Bosnians have to exist first before that happens?
Oh, sorry, forgot the
It's a strange things. Bosnians always wanted to pretend they're between east-and-west, not realizing they're neither capable nor that this was already claimed as Croatia's thing.
I remember when they tried to create their own church independent from both Byzantium and Rome, just to fail. They always failed. Because they're not capable and a very small number of people since most Bosnians are either Croats or Serbs. Nowadays they're trying to pretend being Bosnian is being a European Mohammedan. Bullshit.
they are best described as serbo-croatians LARPing as turkroaches
They're also inferior genetic material to regular Croats and Serbs tbh fam
I don't really want them in my country. Even more so due to their religion. Which is painful because its our clay historically. Can't win it all, I guess.
Pffft, we drink more beer and rakija than both the serbs and croats combined. Ask anyone and you will see.
I've managed to start eating pork hotdogs and ham. But bacon is still hard for me to start eating. I feel anxiety when putting it in my mouth, I don't know why.
My name is musllim (Adnan). My grandfather was pretty secular too with a muslim name and none of his daughters used any type of headscarfs (nor did he participate in the communist party either).
Well, its tied to Austrian architecture too. Its tied to the latin letters. It's tied to alot of things concerned to our history. Islam is just one of those things.
Eat shit cetnik fuck.
Daily reminder that serbs are the jews of europe.
Daily reminder that serbs had war against der Fuhrer.
Daily reminder that serbs have always been anti western.
Dream on. Serbs have less of the native european haplogroup I2 than both croats and bosnians.
I agree we need lebensraum but we should definitely deprot them back to their masters on the anatolian peninsula
Svojatanje is srbo-dialectics, I'm not going to go autismo mode and post "posunićeni Hrvati xD" under every Bosnjak video on youtube. They are going to succumb to infighting with Wahabbi-Pakis anyway.
Is it time to start with WE WUZ REAL EUROPEANS yet?
back to KC you go bernd
Slovenci literally mulattos
You guys really should think about starting a right wing organization with a focus on meta-politics so you'll be able to gain influence in academia, media, so that'll you prevent your elites selling out the country/leftist infiltration.
Get that shit outta here, I actually favor anti-intellectualism since intellectuals never do shit anyhow.
Less talking, more action.
We're trying to do something like that in Zagreb, but things like that take decades. We're probably the first generation in a long time to start creating an alternative right wing narrative. It'll take time.
bit late for that one bro.
Zagreb is a shithole tbh, can we meet up in zadar?
I heard Tito was always concerned that the Ustaša would start a revival from the Zadarska.
Ako si se javio na mail(ove) ranije, da. Dogovorimo se kao grupa.
Well, you seem like a nice fellow so I have a proposal…
We take back Duvno, Kupres, Siroki, Capljina, Neum and Mostar, and you can fight with the Serbs over the rest of that god forsaken land.
Seriously, though, you have to agree that BiH cannot live long in the Dayton system, and only a fool would think that an unitarian state will work. Isn't it for the best for Croatia and Serbia to annex their parts and for Bosniaks to get their ethnically homogenous state?
Humane resettlement of population based on ethnicity included…
who would you rather wake up as: a brit, or a Serb?
A Serb might be of another culture and religion, but at least Serb is a European and kind of a racial brother even with all the tensions.
tough one
I rather wouldn't
That's the thing though. Mostly they are atheist or follow their own (moderate) version of islam, most also drink / eat whatever. For example see this song it's about getting drunk.
We shouldn't generalise and say oh Bosnians are like Saudis /sunnis. They're worlds apart, although Saudis /sunnis would like to make whole Bosna a no fun sharia land full of mujahedins. They want to take control / conquer it and we shouldn't let them. Protip: Majority of Bosnians are also against it
serbs are like a race of special ed kids that everyone can laugh at, brits are like that kid in class who tries so hard to be funny but everybody hates him
Biggest mistake Tuđman made was not getting Neum. How many fucking years have we been hearing about
I mean, come on.
Can't wake up
My Jameses: crumpled
You're a few decades too late here, mate.
O jebemu koja katastrofa. Kako je moguće da takve pogranične površine nemaju niti 1%?
Ostali smo bez Bosne osim ako ne odemo u rat s Srbijom, što je loša ideja. Najbolje bi bilo da uzmemo Posavinu i Hercegovinu, pomognemo drugih Hrvatima da se presele u Hrvatsku, a onda ostavimo ostalo na miru. Reci mi da sam cuck, ali zemlja nije vrijedna toga… a ni većina "bošnjaka". Plus, NATO će se raspasti s vremenom a Srbija će imati Rusiju na svojoj strani. Ne dirati u to.
Cheers m8! Also it's fucking hilarious seeing Serbs and Croats ITT dreaming about "Great Serbia" or "Great Croatia" when in reality they're both nato/eu bitches who won't do shit all. Bosna to Bosnians! Kick those vehabije out they have to go back.
Also, Piranski zaliv je naš
Trebalo bi potencirati seljenje iz centralne bosne u slabo naseljene pogranične dijelove, tako bi se moglo preuzimati.
Ali to je gotovo nemoguć zadatak.
Not to offend either, but that's your current reality. Croatia just got into EU, Serbia is trying to get in. They can't afford to be bad goys
Spotted the mongrel.
What's your name? Janez Hadžiavdagič imo
This, tbh the big kebab removers were Austrian Germans.
Miha Kordiš. Ti skeniram osebno?
zadarbro here keep me posted
(add me on facebook)
Doslovno Hrvat.
I'm the leader of the young Slovenian radical nationalist party
I pitam se kako ovaj degenerik ide na Holla Forums
možd na Holla Forums, pa onda malo pregledava Holla Forums , al teško vidit da ovaj autistički debil izlazi iz podruma
Sad bar imamo novi mem.
This is a very good idea. Note, they're probably connected with slovenian antifa, I could post names but i don't think it's particularly relevant to croatia-bros.
our antifa is good at cazching beatdowns, latest example google attack on rog factory.
Kad smo kod Sorosa, Hrvatski suradnici su mu:
Jozo Rados
Tonino Picula
Biljana Borzan
Ivan Jakovčić
Davor Škrlec
Bilo u procurenim podatcima od prije par tjedana.
It does. But it takes a lot less time today because of the Internet. I don't know what the situation is like in Croatia, maybe a more action orientated group (like National Action or Generation Identity) might be a better fit. But ultimately you need both. I am of the opinion that it's essential for the Right in Eastern Europe to lay an ideological foundation ASAP even if your country is generally non-pozzed, because if you don't, the left and the kikes will.
It's a good idea to post the names of national traitors as far and wide as possible. Let normies see who the scum is. Also, identify their bases.
I get what you're saying but you need to grab a hold of the culture and control it. It's important. CasaPound in Italy is a very good example of how to do so without deteriorating into intellectual fart sniffing.
Pohvalite 500 od Turci
pic related.
Ne tražimo rat s njima ali njohov vijesnici spremaju njihov narod za rat. Samo pogledajte naši vjesnici i njihovi. Naši narod opče ne misli da če rat biti.
Don't worry, Trump will make Slovenia great again too. gotta keep the in-laws happy
slići se meni da ne izgledaju kao pravi hrvata
That's the acquiring and dissemination of information. There are other factors to consider.
It's an active cultural battlefield. Nationalists are fight an asymmetric campaign against entrenched charlatans and marxists. We have control of the cultural situation (see >>7362361) as the cultural fight has never stopped since before WW1. This isn't a 'caught with your pants down' situation like in the west. What we're dealing with are groups that were imposed upon the people by foreign powers over the last century. The SJW elements are only their most recent offensive.
I'm probably stating the obvious but your ultra firms, namely BBB and Torcida already have good intel / love for antifa. You can:
1. Gather that intel from them given you have some in and willing to take action yourself
2. Deliver intel to them and enjoy the show
That's very good to hear. I think there is a lot of potential in Croatia
If you wanna know what's the situation here like, you need to understand the last 100 years. I'll assume you're from the anglo-sphere and thus, utterly clueless. Less then a century ago, we were still under a monarchy, a tradition lasted longer than a thousand years. Then we ended up on the losing side of WW I because US entered to turn the tide. Our monarchy is dissolved and we try south Slavic unity. Only, it ends up being a trap with Serbian nobility dissolving our ancient titles and ruining what's left of the old ways in the name of progress and imperialism.
Then comes WW II time. In order to preserve values, we join uncle Hitler, only for America and communist Croats and Serbs to destroy fucking everything and slaughter tens of thousands of best men we had. Then we're forced to endure communism which once again, in the name of progress destroys culture and identity. So, we finally break free and communists re-brand themselves, sell everything to international jew-ery and enter us into the EU in the name of making money in the EU parliament. Now, after bleeding for over a century to save ourselves, we're being served rotten liberal values that are destroying the west in front of our eyes.
Our aristocrats are either dead, degenerated or in hiding. Our politicians are interested only in money and will sell the country to the highest bidder, US in this case. The media are pushing liberal degenerates everywhere. And the people are confused and bitter. "Have we really fought off turks for centuries just so Germans can let them in?" is our current mentality.
He's the ultimate cuckmeister, no?>>7371376
I fully support you, lad. Make Bosna great again. During the war Slovenians took over 70.000 Bosnians in, mainly women and children. Never did they make ANY trouble. And never was anyone mean to them. Nothing but love.
You finally got peace and your own country now the vehabije are trying to ruin it again.
Always 100% support for native Bosnians, you're good people.
This is all pretty well known to anglos, m8.
So Turks are white?
More like rape babies of Greek women. They cucked themselves, either dying in battle or marrying Greek girls. It's more that Turks have some white genes than Greeks being mudshits.
"Have we really fought off turks for centuries just so Germans can let them in?"
That's a mighty good question you set there.
Do we really want turkroaches roaming our lands again? Our ancestors would turn in their graves. My answer is:
before that happens, Slovenians, Serbs, Croats, some Bosnians?, Macedonians will unite and murder everything in sight. After that we can resume the normal business of hating eachother. But hopefully it doesn't come to that.
Croatia vs. Turkey 2018 World Championship qualifiers starting now
Football? I quit caring about it after the Euros. We blew them the fuck out at Euros. Shouldn't be different tonight.
It's being judged by a Pole (Marčinjak).
Stvarno bih mogao njima dati glas. Ne znam kome ću, a ne dolazi u obzir da ne glasam.
Serbian army is also full of faggots and women lately, in accordance with our "progressive" dictatorship.
And there is really nothing to spy on as both of our armies are more or less 100% under NATO control, even if Serbia is not officially a member.
Yes, this is an obvious political message.
Depends, some parts of Bosnia have people with Nordic/Germanic phenotypes, they are purer than both Serbs and Croats ironically. They can be unbrainwashed from Islam in a single generation if there is a will for it.
In here it's usually spoiled, rich children who don't know what to do with their lives. The poor ones are getting paid to push for kike propaganda.
We need to unite to remove kebab and liberals, and then go back to our century old blood feuds. Killing each other would be rather stupid as our populations are very small and dying out, but we can organize shitposting contents.
What kind of question is that. Serb obviously
Ja cu im definitivno dati glas, veliku stetu ne mogu napravit. A uvijek se mozes opet vratiti HSP-u ili HDZ-u.
It's quite surreal watching an empty Maksimir tbh. I know a couple BBB. Rowdy/violent as fuck. To return on topic, should be the answer for your antifa "problems"
nemoj zaboraviti isto moraš dati ih malo ćevapi i rakija.
You make it sound like we were happy with the idea. It was envisioned as a confederation instead we got a constitutional monarchy that went total monarchy. The original sabor didn't even ratify the agreement.
Good joke.
He also gave the censored Disney version.
webm bump
1:0 Croatia lead after penalty, Modrič sending everyone to pička materina
1:1 by turkroach in last second of ht
My mothers family lives outside Zadar and theyre equally fanatic about Hajduk Split, Operacija Oluja, and Ustaša
t. Deutsch-Hrvat burger
It appears that Croatia has some turkroaches to squash, again
Brings back bad memories from '08
Kek it's still a draw, rooting for Croats tbh, same as I did in 1998.
Other updates:
Serbia v Ireland 2:1
Guys, I know it's a maymay and counter communist signaling, but Serb hating in this thread has gone a bit too far.
Yes, their government may want potentially another war. But we musn't forget Serbs are fine people and should be our ally against Nato in the future. If only our politicians acted smarter.
>Yes, their government may want potentially another war. But
You're trying to provoke a thread escalation, aren't you? Kys, shill.
More importantly:
What is the Balkan Trust for Democracy?
improve citizen engagement with government, monitoring of
government performance, and improving citizen understanding of
their rights and responsibilities;
governments, NGOs, civic initiatives, and other institutions working to
improve understanding and cooperation throughout the region;
the region-wide political, social, and economic development
necessary to ensure long-term stability for Southeastern Europe
Notice that this is a project trying to bind everyone from Greece to Slovenia. It's not what I talked about in the post. Also, yelling shill makes you seem like a lunatic rather than someone willing to discuss stuff.
yes indeed
So let me get this straight. NATO is getting ready to orchestrate a new war between Croatia and Serbia. And you want Croatia to side with NATO like a good goy instead of fixing relations with Serbia, while working to stay outside Russian sphere of influence?
Splendid plan goy.
reminder to contact me on [email protected]/* */ so we can make a mailing list
Kek. It coulnd't possibly be the Serbian Radical Party and others trying to spread paranoia in in order to gain support
Get off my lawn and stop threatening to invade us again, then we can talk about being good neighbors.
Implying Croatia should somehow be in Russia’s sphere of influence.
how do I good luck myself behind 7 srbosjeks so I can send you mail?
Just make an email on service that doesn't track your shit.
like the one in post related, or
Vince got a new host in Romania ? so there shouldn't be new problems for new emails.
Serbia and Russia would love to get Croatia under their thumb.
"if you don't hate serbs you are a serb"
You're insane.
ok, now what?
just get
Did you forget Trump is about to become president of the United States? Fuck off and take your Russian manlet with you
nez šta je sam ovim glupim antifa kretenima ozbiljno….
ova kurva me blokala jer sam reka "govor mržnje je subjektivno mišljenje, ja mislim da to što ti govoriš je govor mržnje"
Also Moar
Frapira činjenica da je antifa svugdi ista. Ka da su iste jebene ljude slikali u cilom svitu. Degenerici!
putin is kosher but not worth starting war over
fuj, odvratni buržuji
Just do the same, gather all the fascists and occupy some abandoned buiding, restore it.
Townfolks will easily fund it, just go home by home, most people like fascists in our countries.
Be a good fascist and catalogue every movement, name, relatives etc of the lefties.
Then just monitor them, they will fuck up. They always fuck up. They have no ideology, no discipline, no morals.
What country are you from m8?
I think he might be italian, I believe that il duce is still popular around there from what a friend of mine who lives there says
helena puljiz deserves the gas chamber treatment
Last week someone drew these graffiti in Zagreb. The antifa pages reported it and it was on all the news portals. Was this a false flag by antifa? Just look at those poor swastikas. And who the fuck supports Šešelj in Croatia? It makes no sense.
serb hooligans on the loose?
Dobro da sam nedavno očistio pečnicu.
Probably, what the hell happened to that swastika?
In either case, graffiti should be punishable by death no matter who put them.
Također evo popis shabbos goy političara iz Europe, ima i naših guzičara među njima.
is there a reason lefties refuse to draw swastikas properly?
Looks shady to me
Maybe leftards in Croatia hate our country as much as Šešelj, so the name of their hero slipped them when they were writing this high on drugs.
Agreed. Graffiti are the degenerate art at its worst which serve for nothing but D&C and urban decay.
Drugs and cowardness, I guess.
Not necessarily, you would be surprised as to how dumb the average ustaša Croat is. Next to them skinheads look like intellectuals.
Vid related
Ikakvo mišljenje o stranici sa slike? Dosta su šilovali kod prošlogodišnje izbjegličke krize, mislim da su čak i distribuirali letke s frazama u prijevodu imam negdje u arhivi.
Koliko pamtim, pišu im i neki iz EU institucija pa treba nadzirati.
tbh most people with hardon for ustaše look like gypsies
Maybe it's just a meme that gets stuck in your mind, but god damn, did I see many memes.
with every group there is bound to be bad apples
They are our equivalent of white trash. Probably because they are almost exclusively jebene bosančine i hercegovci
Ustaški regime was shit tier. And todays representatives are just as shit tier as original. Because their entire political beliefs can ve summed up with 'fug le serbz ZDS XDDDDD'
well what the fuck did you expect? this is the balkans we are talking about, we are basically the equivalent of the deep south in the US
Seriously bro, read some Pavelić. He had a pretty decent outlook on things. Sadly, virtually the whole of it's existence was war-time and any regime under war is shit.
Is this the new Serb shitposting method?
Except our 6gorilion serbs holocaust was not a meme unlike the german one.
No sane man should even consider defending that god awful regime, let alone think of it as a viable political option for our country.
Ustaški režim nemože biti ni sluga nacional-socijalizmu.
Also not to mention how hard we got cucked by the fucking italians of all people.
Serbs go home
oyyy breeeeeeeeee
Instead of just shipping their dumb asses to serbia, we gassed them and made them into lampshades and soaps. Only edgy domobrani will try to defend this.
Yeah, and Pavelic had a bucket of eyeballs on his desk, right nemanja?
go back to hague slobodan
Koja pička materina? Krv nije voda?
Ne, ti
Dečko jel se ti drogiraš? Vidim da ti je poanta mojih postova preletjela preko glave. Odi si poslušat mpt-a da se stabiliziraš.
get me the fuck out of this hellhole please
antifa is just false flag controlled opposition
Ta riječ me stvarno jebeno izpizdi, zato šta tu riječ koristi svaki jebeni peder koji misli da je bolji od svojih roditelja i ostatka države. To je ko "problematic" samo još jebeno gore.
Ja još navek pojma nemam kaj to znači zbog razloga šteri si navel, svaki čmarojebec to koristi za bilo kaj, pa uopće nemrem skužit kaj bi to trebalo značit. Iste tak z ostalim "urbanim" purgerskim slengom, šteri kurac im znači pol tog kaj vele? Jedine kaj morem razmet je one kaj je posuđenica npr. E kuiš ono e ono jučer sam bio tolko zbediran kuiš ono e kuiš!?
Gradovi su bila pogreška
t. Pentti Linkola
Wow ono, zvučiš ko najzatucaniji seljo koji sluša TUPSONA hehehehehe.
Koliko katolibana ovdje :^)
moje ime je helena puljiz i odobravam ovu poruku
*snif snif*
jel ja to miršem mesnu štrucu?
Neznan kako se ovoga dosad nisan sitija, al jedini otvoreno antifa lik kojeg znan religiozno sluša Green Day i ima Edipov kompleks. Znate, samo ako ste ikad posumnjali da je ijedan clan antifa organizacija mentalno stabilan.
volim ovaj me~em
obviously false flag. there's been a lot of similar graffiti all around croatia recently.
ones in my city are definitely false flags because antifa forgot to write letters differently, so you can see it's written by the same person.
Dubs confirm it. Do you have any photos maybe?
pic related are some recent ones, the ante pavelić one is only partially photographed, the rest is referring to some partisan communist, where you could've seen the same handwriting in effect.
anyway, unlike cucks in other cities, it has been erased quickly.
Assaulted by imperial and expansionist empires on all sides, lefties decide to criticize Ustasa for giving away some of the coast? It was either have a country or don't in those times, of course you'll make some tradeoffs for fuck sake.
How many of these same lefties give RH shit for leaving Croats in BiH to rot?
But that's different. Croats in BiH are right wing and we don't need bigots : ^)
Dumb antifa faggots, they should all be exterminated. There are lots of commie graffiti in Zagreb which fortunately usually get oversprayed with nationalist writings which expose their communist crimes giving me faith in our people. Who do I report them to for removal? MUP or Čistoća?
Also, pic related: can these shitty stickers be reported too for littering? Giving them the taste of their own medicine.
Why do they keep doing this? Do they think that they're sending a message or something? Even if all graffiti were to align 100% with my views I'd still think they're a hideous eyesore - because that's all that graffiti are.
I want Herzegovina back. Feels like Croatia isn't complete. Both spiritually and literally.
It's generally the top reason to criticize Ustaše, although the contra argument is the same, Communists making BiH a country and cutting off other parts of NDH, but since Communists won, it doesn't work that way.
teenage angst and even in some instances, geriatric angst.
I feel how you feel
Part of me really fucking wishes Antifa had an active presence in the US.
Myself and my mates would have a grand old time cracking their skulls.
Of course, can't expect these titanic fucking pussies to actually have a presence where people tend to be armed and willing to defend themselves.
Does anyone know if Antifa is actually active in the US, and if so where?
If they have an outpost in Chicago well… I may have some fun yet.
recently they've been popping out everywhere, together with the blm monkeys. just google antifa philly, seattle, or whatever.
coincidentally, they're located in the urban white areas, and almost none to be found in basketball-american ghettos.
the only scenario in which I would pick up smoking
And they wonder why US stereotype is being a dumb fat lazzy faggot…
Good, then I'll almost certainly be able to find some near Chicago.
dindus and outside enemies such as kebabs are one thing.
But coddled, cowardly traitors of this sort… they're something else entirely. And I'd argue their punishment should be substantially worse.
There's a difference between self proclaimed activity, and actual activity confirmed by third parties user.
Also learn to use spellcheck.
Hey man, expand your horizons, there's bound to be some more cuck organizations similar to antifa you can practice your martial arts on. Wish you luck on your hunt, Ameribro!
Go search for it yourself fagget
like wut?
better focus that teenage angst to burn some antifa squats and "libraries"
Kaj oni imaju protiv medvedov? Medvedi su plemenita bića za razliku od ovih rogonja.
Wait a second, if they are receiving government shekels, why not join antifa and fuck it up from the inside?
I don't subscribe to this logic and I'd be just as eager to hurt the young ones, but I love the idea of just having commies at my mercy all day almost every day and that's more or less the only realistic way it could actually happen.
it's the most limp-wristed thing I've ever heard.
those pensioners are poor middle class people who are on their death throes. they know as much about communism as you do on tantric yoga.
even if you manage to burn billion cigarettes on billion old ass commies, you won't achieve one percent of success that you would have if you went to the barricades to beat up antifa.
it's gay.
not too mention the real perpetrators, all the nomenklatura already has best private care possible, and won't be anywhere near public retirement homes.
yes, i know, irony of communism.
wrong response?
It's not about achieving something, it's about having fun.
This also achieves practically nothing. Street level antifa are totally irrelevant both as individuals and as an organized group. They are the rock bottom of the leftist hierarchy.
If you're going to larp about using violence to achieve something, you'll have to at least assassinate leftist journalists. Any use of force less than that is only useful as propaganda for the left.
yeah, it's meant for autist up there who is afraid to fix the real problem but wants to achieve erection by extinguishing cigarette buts on literal rocks and near-vegetables in wheelchairs
Do this creatures only come out in the dark? I have never seen one of these directly in my country Spain.
bullshit. they are left journalists. i wasn't specifically talking about hooligans but the entire spectre.
antifa goes to borders and cuts up fences to let in immigrants. then jihadists infiltrate these spots and blow themselves up.
tell me what's the last time some pensioner went and blew shit up and beat up someone?
it's a weak fantasy. but whatever, dream on bro. i have smarter things to do.
As a Croat who lives in Zagreb for most of the year because of university shit, I can tell you that I have almost never seen antifa faggots in the flesh either and I'm out at night almost daily. Given how much they shit up buildings with their graffiti and my college's notice boards with posters of their shitty punk concerts and cuck meetings you'd think they'd be fucking everywhere. Guess you don't actually have to do anything other than sit on your ass all day when the traitor government and shekelmaster Soros put bread on your table anyway.
Let us, once again, thank based Hasanbegović.
To add to this, I literally would not be surprised if he browsed Holla Forums occasionally.
Ayy lmao
Most people in European countries indirectly finance the drug habits of leftists by paying taxes, which in turn get used to fund Antifa groups.
Let that sink in.
Hobos are too broke for coke. I'm calling speed or flour on pic
What's your favorite thompson cro/pol/?
Like Dzafer-beg tier?
wrong pic
Bretty good!
top tier performance.
Honestly surprised crobros have so little knowledge on your enemy, but understandable since you aren't in armada / bbb / torcida
Let me let you in on a litlle secret:
afa are shit tier fighters. They compensate by getting high out of their rotten skulls on amphetamines (run anywhere from 30 to 40€/5g from what I've heard) and attacking in packs. Now I'm not saying you should have your local dealer mix them rat poison in, I'm just saying they have shit tier fighting discipline. It is very rare to actually have your average afa trained in urban hand to hand combat, if you are organised and know what you are doing they will scatter at the first sign of things not going their way.
This isn't a secret, antifa being blown the fuck out anywhere in the world even when they outnumber their opponents 10:1 is common knowledge.
Here in Germany Antifa likes to show up with fighters "for hire"…often second generation immigrants from the MMA scene.
That is the second thing I wanted to emphasise.
Although rare, you will eventually run into some that are trained in martial arts or bring hired muscle as german user said. It is important to never underestimate, and be fully prepared for any scenario, and have full tactical plan before engaging
I can't stress this enough: croatian footbal firms are one of the more vicious, violent fighters. Learn from them / join them.
It's good that they're here but they will all succumb over time. We need more fanatical, cunning and efficient.
Skanderbeg even converted back to Christianity. Fucking šiptars are retarded.
Lad I see you aren't familiar with the ultra world. Honour of club is on par with love for your country. Meaning, it is for life
Let's just say they will be neutralized. They will never be a force for what we need them to be, as they weren't in today-cucked countries.
Your "honour" isn't worth much if it doesn't produce.
I'm willing to bet that shiptars have more turkroach DNA than the greeks or serbs
Oh wow.
Tell me all about it.
Do you even know what you're talking about?
Do us a favor: Enlighten us or stick to things you actually know.
I have no fucking idea what you're even implying I should learn or absorb from this.
This everlasting low-level fighting with scum is none of my interest. And the fact that it's ever present and situation always going for the worse shows that it's ineffective.
We're talking about completely different things.
Yes, if one day I decide to go over and fight with the scum, I'll get a tattoo, grow a beer belly and get a local dealer to poison them. And I will ask those more experienced for advice, they are better than me for that.
But until that point, I don't give a flying crap about your fascination with that lega buraz bracika hools shit.
Waiting.. .
Were you refering to England? One single country that managed to curb the hools?
Let me tell you about balkan hools: I suppose you realise Polish and Russian position of apex predator on ultra scale.
If not for anything else the Euro 2016 which brought a little insight to normies.
Polish and Russian ultras are vary of Balkan ultras. That should tell you something
Nice stereotypes bro! Did you pick them up from MSM? Last time I recall, OP was about:
What's the situation with right-wing groups in Croatia?
Friendly reminder Bulgaria already has RWDS capturing rapefugees every single day.
And what the fuck did the "right-wing" groups you mention do for my country in the last 20 years? "They were scary to poles and ruskis"?
Jebote u kojem ti svijetu živiš.
I really tried to be nice tp you, but you give no argumentation to your posts. Mine were always relevant to the OP. I asked you politely to stfu about things you know nothing about. Now I will tell you in your own language: Šuti ako nemaš pojma o tome šta se priča
Jel ti nisi Hrvat?
You do realise Arkan Tigers were Delije? You do realise the first to go to war are ultras?
I precisely said in the last 20 years to avoid war argumentation, of who joined the war and that you should not ascribe it to club-allegience rather than to patrotism - as the rest of the fighting power.
Can you answer the question?
I'm not a Croat, but I have a fairly good knowledge of your firms and some aquaintances.
Let's end this civil, I reiterate partaining to OP, a very good solution to kill afa in your country is to learn from / join zločesti plavi dečki / 101 dalmatinaca or armada. They're all right wing.
Alright, point taken. I was going way out of topic.
For some reason I misread the title as "Ancap in Croatia" and got disappointed.
Np fam. All good
Možeš dodati i želju da Hrvati postanu protestanti li da komunizam proradi. Nemoguće, Hrvatska duša je nekompatibilna.
tbh dobar stupanj lolbergizma uz protekcionizam bi preporodio državu
Although Croatian situation is different than the rest of Europe. Croatia is already very homogeneous and doesn't need to be too concerned about this as the rest of Europe.
Croatia should consider on building up its industry, it has been very reliant on tourism lately, and tourism isn't a safe way to build up a nation.
1,76m. Živiti je patiti.
Croatia does need to be worried about it. Just 20-30 years ago, other nations in Europe were just as homogeneous as Croatia and are now multi-cultural shitholes. Like Sweden. Always be aware of these kikes pushing multiculti, it doesn't take much time to radically change the demographic make-up of a country, especially an aging one
The elections are this Sunday.
Who should I vote for?
Koalicija Pomak or HDSSB-HKS?
You should take guns and storm the Parliament with hand grenades.
Bazirani Bandić.
Think different
Ne znam sto da mislim o tome Zivom Zidu i Sincicu s jedne strane inzistiranje na Ne-ideoloskom stajalistu mi je uzasno mlako i preotvoreno mogucim kompromisima s komunjarama i ostalom ljevicarskom bagrom.S druge imam taj nekakav jadni tracak nade da ako vec stalno prica o Nacionalnim Interesima,utjecaju globalizma i nevladinih organizacija da donekle razumije da je JQ stvaran ali ne bi se dao uzdati u to nikako.
Zašto nisam iznenadjen da je sjediste ANTIFA u Hrvata u dijelu Dalmacije koji je najlijeniji i najnepoduzetniji?
Koliki god sinčić bija redikul, on mi se čini najlegitimnija opcija u usporedbi sa ostalim strankama, iskreno meni izgleda ka neko ko ima previše strasti a premalo energije da ispuni tu strast. Vrime ce pokazat.
Do nedjelje jos imas vremena za razmisljanje. I meni je Glavas jaci baja od sincica, ali ne radi se o tome. Ne zelim vise hraniti te stare mehanizme koji ne vode nikuda…Zid bi mogao biti zanimljiva opozicijska stranka u saboru i mislim da im treba dati priliku da se dokazu.
ayy guys, why have you gone away ;_; from irc channel
welp okay
Online now?
Forever alone?
t. Chrisypuss
da fug
Aj na irc
išo jest picuuu
vratih se nazad :(
Di imamo IRC?
Btw, što nije bio Živi Zid na sučeljavanju na HRT? Taman stigo na kraj.
otidi na /meadhall/ i vidit ces na prvoj il drugoj stranici croat thread
You're probably aware we also have a balkan Holla Forums. Please for fucks sake Croats, do not get swindled by Merkel/Soros henchmen again these elections
2late bro ;_;
H-Alter sam odavno prekrizio kao ljevicarsko smece kad sam vidio kakvi ljudi su shareali te clanke na facebooku bilo mi je jasno sve o stranici koju nikad nisam otvorio.
Sad but true. Fuck them all. We're gonna need a better solution.
I was just reading the (((balkanpol))) and
Man, I really try not to hate Serbs, and I know some of them who are pretty realistic and great people overall but some of them here on Holla Forums are fucking disgusting with their blatant lies and damage our credibility greatly along with our reputation as a nation and as Holla Forumsacks and when some of us our foolish enough to play their wicked game and try to refute their "arguments" we get called D&C Shills when they are the only ones doing the D&C.
Frankly, I've had enough of their bullshit fables:
And so on…
pls go
Yeah faggot, you do that. Go ahead accuse others for your wrongdoings.
You are the only ones doing the D&C with your mindless irredentism and imperialism for which you completely lack cultural and manpower credibility. Go shitpost in your (((balkan))) thread and be gone from cro/pol/.
Return when you grow enough balls to stop claiming our clay, history and people so we can talk like adults and focus our energy on a much more important issue of purging the kikes and communists.
Until then, get the fuck out, faggot!
OK, but kill yourself
In case someone missed it
Daily reminder that the top clergy of the orthodox church is no less cucked than the Pope Oy Vey Francis.
Also, be prepared for a shitstorm of Serbian cognitive dissonance in reply to this post.
forgot the
Still waiting for canonization of Stepinac as a Saint despite Serb shills calling him an evil nazi killer.
Daily reminder.
S mog računala, negdje skinuo prije
Ako ko ima request kakav, neka posta, imam svašta.
Al Jazeera Balkans brought a short on Sincic last night.
Jel znaš zašto nisu bili na HRT sučeljavanju jučer?
Bili su, predstavljao ih je Dominik Vuletic iz Udruge Franak.
Ah, vidio sam samo kraj.
Recite mi nešto o Pomaku - HSP & HČSP grupi.
Da li se vrijedi za njih dati glas? Ili da ne izađem na izbore uopće?
Worst thing you could do.
reactionary, Pravasi in name only mostly, meh.
If you hate the idea of voting for ZZ so much and it's either Pomak or nothing for you, vote Pomak, or better yet HDSSB.
Ne glasaj za nikog. Pušku i bombe u ruke. Kakvo glasanje bokte, treba umarširat u Sabor i samo čistiti prljavštinu i crvotočinu vatrom i željezom.
Or just wait for Trump/Hitler.
Ej USKOK, šta ima?
Nismo u Americi. Uskok bi umarširao s tobom.
Ma da, iden sad organizirat državni udar na web stranici koja je vidljiva svima! Šta ti misliš da smo Turci? Ili Srbi?
Jebote koja tuka ova koju su stavili da predstavlja HDZ.
Why didn't the parties in Pomak and HDSSB-HKS form a coalition together? They'd be stronger that way. Every day it's bugging me that there is no real right wing nationalist party in Croatia that will actually do something. Živi Zid has some good ideas and will, but I doubt they have the balls or ability to oppose the establishment. And the fact that leftards believe that we live in a fascist state… LMAO I wish!
izgleda da neću moć doć na irc večeras, idući put gospodo
Glavas had a fall out with Pomak irc
We'll never know if we don't give them an opportunity. Besides, their presence messes with the current dynamics in our parliament, which on its own is already good enough. If SPD and HDZ ever form a coalition together (which is not impossible), we'll never break out of this retarded continuum again.
Chart confirmed for bullshit.
Sincic na RTL-u prekjucer
apsolutno baziran
Reminder that by not voting you are giving your vote to the establishment (SDP/HDZ).
jeste vi ostali osim keka ikad poslije otvorili taj mail? Tu vlada tišina, jeli stvar stidljivosti ili nitko više ne otvara mail?
ja ga nisam ni izaslao.
gdje da pokupim jednokratan mail
Ne moraš jednokratan, samo napravi na nekom servisu za ovu svrhu.
Tipa ili
zapravo vidi >>>/meadhall/5543
i spoji se
ništa, otišli svi off
Izaberi jedno, I samo jedno
Sorry sine, aspergerov sindrom više nije klasificiran kao pravi autizam.
Uvik otvoren al ništa ne pišen.
Napiši bilo šta, nemoj se stidit.
Nije da se stidin, nego, ako neman ništa za dodat razgovoru, neću govorit.
ok kul žap
da je neki NSHRP u pitanju, onda za to, kako toga, onda za meme u hrvata
Prijatelji, pitanje.
Sutra u mojoj izbornoj jednici na listi je Zlatko Hasanbegovic. Znam da je HDZ i sve sto to znaci, ali kad se sve zbroji, isplati li mu se dati glas jer ispada u nekim stvarima prilicno…nas?
On ce i dalje ostati ministar kulture, glasovao ti za njega ili ne. Tako da bolje ne.
Formira se nova vlada. Neće ostat ministar kulture ako HDZ ispuši, što je vrlo vjerojatno.
inb4 nekin jebenin interdimenzionalnin jedan put u deset tisuća godina Kek čudon Živi Zid satare svih na izborima
Upravo sam otišao pročitati njihov program zato što ih ljudi tu hvale, a ne znam ništa o njima i
nema teoretske šanse da glasam za ovo.
Što je pozitivno u NATO paktu?
Propustia si važni dio.
Ne košta nas baš ništa, a manja je vjerojatnost da će nas istočni divljaci napasti dok smo članica NATO-a. Čitaj malo njihove medije, svako malo neke priče o ustašama koji ne postoje (i Milanović je ustaša u Srbiji) i mukama Srpskog živalja u rvackoj. Njih se upravo priprema za rat.
Necemo ispasti iz NATO-a ili EU-a samo zato jer je Sincic dobio par glasova. Vaznije je da stav koji je kritican prema EU postane mainstream i bude zastupan u saboru.
Naravno da nećemo, niti će on biti dio nove vlade tkogod pobijedi sutra, ali neću doprnositi širenju takvih stavova. Hrvat koji želi van iz NATO-a je mentalno bolestan.
U slučaju eskalacije odnosa između istoka i zapada baš ćemo zbog NATO-a biti prisiljeni ovdje imati frontu.
Ne kažem da treba pizdunski sredinom ceste, nismo Švicarska pa da to možemo izvesti. Nama treba naša vojska i naše naoružanje.
To je da ne uopće ne pričam o ideologiji i moralnoj odgovornosti jer taj aspekt za nas ovdje manje bitan.
Koji je ovo semen demon?
To s trenutnim stanjem u Hrvatskoj nije moguće. Niti si možemo financijski priuštiti tako nešto, niti možemo biti sigurni da nas prosvijetljena ljevica neće opet razoružati pred napad. Američki geopolitički interesi su nam jedina prava obrana i tako će to i ostati još barem par desetljeća.
Ali imaj na umu da je Ivana Maletic iz HDZ-a bas prekjucer izjavila kako smatra da nije potrebno braniti granicu vojskom i zivom od imigranata i da se treba, sto se tice tog pitanja, uzeti pristupak zapadnih zemalja treba kao uzor. Major red flag.
Migranti ne žele u Hrvatsku, to nije naš problem. Jel Sinčić želi sagraditi zid i staviti vojsku na granicu, btw?
zašto bi pomaga mentalno hendikepiranima koji koriste kurac za razmišljanje?
šta ja time dobivam?
Za sada nece, sta ce biti za 5 godina? Sta ako nam EU naredi da u Rijeci i u Splitu primamo jebene camce iz Afrike? Sta ako Njemacka vraca jedan dio svojih imigranata preko balkanske rute? Ima puno mogucih scenarija.
Reci mi koji je ovo semen demon il' te bum našel i streljil.
Fala, jebač
zašt pomažeš debilima?
Za 5 godina će stanje u Hrvatskoj biti još gore nego sada. Svaki ozbiljan plan za redistribuciju tih podljudi kroz Europsku Uniju neće kod nas smjestiti više od par tisuća, što je neprijmijetan broj. U Zagrebu već ima više Kineza nego što bi nam uvalili tih čamuga.
Pa onda će opet proći kao prošli put, napraviti smeća i potrošiti resursa kojih nemamo, ali to neće biti nikakav dugotrajan problem.
Filtriranje izbjeglica i ekonomskih migranata je praktički nemoguće, ako puštaš ikoga, puštaš i migrante. Ne vidim ni konkretan plan za kontrolu granice, samo "treba se napraviti" i ljevičarski talking points on NATO-u, ali dobro, možda je negdje drugdje dao detaljniji odgovor. Zašto direktno ide u arhiv, kad se tu stalno dijele goli linkovi na yutarnji?
Kak si morem drukčije pomoči kad mi je sva krv mam s mozga ušla v kurac?
Pa radi onda sta hoces jbt
iskreno se nadam da nisi debil, al sudeći po ovakvim postovima ( >>7428743 ) vidim da jesi.
Tebe samo instinkt navlači na reakciju, nikoja moždana funkcija većeg reda….
Nadam se da ćeš se izdrkati do besvjesti, da će svi neuroni u tvom centru zadovoljstva biti sprženi. Tek onda ćeš poćeti tražiti nešto zanimljivije.
Ostavi se židovske pornjave
Ne gledam pornjavu
kak ste komšije? :)
Dobar odgovor. Inače za Rijeku, što se mene tiče mogu tamo baciti i pola milijuna najtamnijih crnaca iz srca Afrike.
Hello Mujo and Haso, which way is Mecca?
čiji si ti
Jel si ti upste iz Balkana? Ajd zajebavaj se samnom na Srpskom, pa da vidimo..
Let me guess, another 2nd generation Croatian refugee who can't even speak to his grandparents.
Uncuck yourself.
What exactly is the joke? explain yourself
Serbia borders Bulgaria.
Nemoj ni da mu obnjasljavas brate, dete je ocigledno kreten koji ne prica jezik (pogledaj sve njegove postove).
Filter i pusti ga da se znoji.
Mislis da ja te ne razumijem?
And what exactly is your contribution to thread, Serb? Some meme shitpost? Good for you
Serbs shitpost more than Australians and Finns combined
Gdje je sada (((Centar za mirovne studije)))?
Obriši ovo, rasist jedan. To su sve uzorni ljudi, magistri, liječnici itd.
Kad se birališta otvaraju? U 7 ili 8?
Ugledni sirijski kirurg izoperirao nezahvalnog srpskog rasista. Danas u Srbiji, sutra kod nas.
di su gole tete
V čem je problem? To je kirurg samo prakticiral male kirurgiju da se ne zabi preveć kak delat svoj posel, tak dugo je negde putoval do Evrope da nije dugo svoju struku prakticiral.
Your fucking backstabbing gvt sent jihadis randomly over our border at night, across fields, forrests, rivers. This better not fucking happen again or I'll lose the last trust in you.
Ritalinko, is it you again?
Ne nisem, Krunoslav. Sam povem ti da se ne zajebavajte več. Kle prbijate od Srbov, a oni so 10x bolj pošteni od vas. Naslednjič, ko boste probal prešvercat vehabije čez mejo ma naša vojska da vas ppstreli vse, vključno z vašo pičkasto policijo ki jih šverca
Život mi je trenutačno u rasulu.
Pričekajte nekoliko dana da sve sredin. Sorry sta sam vas jos jednom odjeba.
Daily pepe, cut cemo se…
Knowing MSM is following the site, here's some insiggt for you! Croatia last year, smuggled migrants at night across the border to Slovenia. They released them randomly, across fields, river crossings and forrests. This is why Slovenia made a razor wire across the whole border with Croatia. Croatia is responsible for Paris attacks.
smh i can't even right now, Croatia is a nation of peace
When I say randomly, I mean: PLANNED. So that as much could pass through, insted of going through arranged checkpoints. Never wish for Croatian to be your neighbor.
Schengen is going to get reinforced. And you're not in it. Fuck you
And yes, you are responsible for Paris attacks. Your gvt is. I'm not d&c ing but experience shows you're lying, thieving, jihadi smuggling shitheads. This excludes 8p Anons, but as majority, you are.
No one can trust you Croats. If you're not going to build a wall at Bih border, we're going to build one on your border. And shoot you all
Choose one.
You do realize Serbia did the same to Hungary and Croatia right?
This is an excuse? Serbia did it lads, nevermind let's just let the jihadis pass over and try to fuck over Slovenia while we're at it as well.
No. The kuna stops here. You don't deserve to be in EU. Let alone Schengen.
You have alot of islands. Populate them with jihadis. But don't ever try to bring one over our border again!
Thats what you get for stealing INA you bastards
Sure thing Shlomo Žižek. Filtered.
When alcohol meets autism, fun is guaranteed.
Serbs, I can understand them. They have shitty gvt also shitty standards, they weren't in a position to do anything else. But you. You claim to be European. You're not. You're same trust level as šiptars. I'll never forget infrared footage of croatin police setting migrants loose at night on random fields across the Slovenian border.
This is the worst kind of Serb shilling, pretending to be a Slovenian
Daj počni da pričaš na srpskom da te bre ceo svet razume
Pofafaj mi kurac. Če boste še enkrat ponovil to, upam da vas vržejo it EU. NAVADNE PIČKE
Calm down there Luka, go drink some rakija and listen to some roki
Lets see the infrared footage. I'm legitimately interested
Zmotu si se prjatu. Nisem Luka pa tud Zoran ne. Dejstvo je, da Hrvatom noben ne zaupa ker ste backstabbing pičke… Prej bi zaupu Bosancu k vm. Bosanc še nbenga ni zajebu. Vi ste pa vredni zaupanja lih tok k šiptarji. Se prav nč.
I can't justify that. If it were up to me I would have killed them all. Sorry Slovenac
Then you understand us too. Thank you for your understanding and enjoy next year's migrant wave.
odaberite niti jedno
Don't apologize to mountain kikes. Zoki is a retard for doing this, but we owe the Slovenes nothing.
Kad već šitpostamo
That's a nice sheaving knife. It must've sped up the sheaving process for those poverty stricken farmers.
Bože dragi.
Thoughts on Zeljko Glasnovic?
Just because there is that one 9/11 retard making thread upon thread
nevah fohget
Al to je tek za dva miseca :^)
glasao sam za živi zid
My nigga, t. Pole. I'm pretty fucking scared by all the Russophiles that think there's a dichotomy between being fucked by Russia and being fucked by Germany, especially since Russia is bulking again (they're always either having internal troubles or conquering shit, I'm not joking, look up their entire history, it's something the Tatars got into their heads) and Germany is swinging from MUH REFUGEES retardation to MUH PRUSSIA retardation (nevermind that the Teutonic Order, the basis of Prussia, was so hated by normal Germans that in 1454 they literally paid us to annex them).
Also, I wouldn't boil it down to Orthodox vs non-Orthodox. Belarussians, the actual non-Russified Belarussians, eg. the ones who wave white-red-white flags, hate the fuck out of Russia. So do the Ukrops these days, and they pretty much have hated the Russians since Khmelnytsky agreed to annexation by Muscovy. I think these conflicts would be more along the lines of Koneczny's civilization types - Russia is Turanic, which means everything is ultimately military, the only type of relations with weaker neighbors is colonization or conquest (only one country other than Crimea ever asked Russia to annex it - Georgia), and the government is completely above morality. Most Orthodox countries are Byzantine, as is Germany due to the HRE's legacy and the Prussian style of ruling. Note that - the civilizations don't always neatly map to religion, it's possible to be a Latin Jew (Israelis, as opposed to Eurojews, display patriotism, a very Latin trait), or even a Jewish German (the dude who wrote the books argued that the core of Jewry is having two moralities, one for your in-group and another for outsiders, as well as a feeling of being chosen/superior, and strictly following a religious law and inventing ways to get around it, thus the Third Reich was not so different from its enemies).
Not that it's not good for us that they removed the kikes
Basically, it's more like "Mongol-type empire against civilized European peoples", and Russian Orthodoxy is really just a shell for their barbaric shit.
Za šest miseci će opet imat izbore, i opet će završit isto. I onda će nas EU izjebat u guzicu.
Garant će nam EU ubaciti neku vladu jer mi ne možemo svoje osposobiti.
Za ŽZ glasao danas
Kad ćete se ubiti?
Ma SDP će pobijediti da ga jebeš.
Ali mora se reći MOST me jako razočarao, još uvijek mi je žao šta sam glasao za njih na prvim izborima.
Di da vas poljubim?
Ne razumijem zašto jednostavno ne izbace sve te manje stranke iz koalicija i onda mogu uhljebljivati samo svoje ljude, a ne dijeliti plijen sa parazitima. Šta će SDP-u HNS?
Ovoj državi su sasvim dovoljne sljedeće opcije:
Kod mene v selu SDP je debelo pobedil al sam zato kaj su z njima HSS-ovci, više od pol kaj je za narodnu koaliciju glasalo je glasalo za zastupnika iz HSS-a.
Isto zbog nekog razloga Bandić je dobil dost glasov, sad delam statistiku i on je dobil čak 10%. Poznam skoro sve ljude v selu i nemam pojma koji bi od njih uopće za Bandića glasal.
Za kojih par let.
Kaj jest jest, možda je ljakse ali je od Zagreba napravio pravi "belosvetski" grad. Stvarno je spickan i pun turista grad (svaki put kad sam bio sam vidio horde kosookih).
Bar pretpostavljam da je zbog toga.
A što se tiče ostatka posta, stvarno nemamo nikakav pravi izbor stranaka. tf glasovao za SDP
I u Splitu ima pun kurac kosookih patuljaka. Uvik ih ispadne pedeset iz jednog jebenog autobusa, i uvik najviši predvodi grupu.
Vrak ti mater v škopičnjak jebi od kad su za tebe Kajkavci Srbi? Pa jebal ti pop i grobar mrtvu mater tam kam te buju zakapali, ej, kam te buju metali, moju obitelj morem po crkvenih zapisov pratit da su živeli v okolice sela de ja živim već bar sedamsto let.
A sigurno si negde ponosen kaj lepe se znaš na književnome (aka neojugoslavenski) spominjati. Lajbek jen.
Jel to možda povezano s onih 3000 kuna što na izbornim plakatima nude "mladima"? Šta im to uopće znači, hoće vas sve zaposliti u nekim beskorisnim državnim službama ili ti samo daju moje porezcuck pare u ruke?
Valjda to, Hrvatska bu jedina država koja bu živela od državnih službi.
Bilo ih je i kod nas u Karlovcu tu i tamo. Metar i žilet, i od svih starijih zgrada u centru oni slikaju novo izgrađenu banku. Stvarno fascinantna rasa, kao da svi kolektivno imaju autizam.
Sve te razumijem prijatelju zagorski.
Ma glasao sam za njih jer za razliku od HDZ-a ne laprdaju o ustašama, četnicima i muh braniteljima 24/7, MOST su ispali šupčine, a živi zid je gibs me dat / dude weed lmao tier.
Također za vas ostale, pa šta vidite u tom viliboru i sinčiću?
Nemaš ti pojma kolki je to autizam, dok su kosooki došli jedno lete kod mene v grad na manifestaciju, ja sam bil oblečen ko jena povesna ličnost koja se rodila v našem gradu i imala tu imanje i LARPal ko on (najte se smejati ovo je velika čast i to se dela već od gda postoji manifestacija) i dok me je tih negde 30-40 Azijatov našlo negde sem deset minuti tam moral stajat dok su se svi prvo grupne, a onda pojedinačne ž menu slikali.
Valjda su milsili da sam neki tam grof kad sam bil oblečen ko da sam Straight Outta Austria-Hungary.
Kako se tebi složilo u glavi da odeš glasat za SDP, realno?
U kojem ti svijetu živiš?
Jel sad možeš LARPat ko Nikola Šubić Zrinski, uletit u sabor na konju, I rješit Milanovića sabljon da spasiš državu ko Otoya Yamaguchi?
Nemrem baš ko Nikola Šubić, al morem ko jen njegov potomak. Nažalost sablja koju mi daju za manifestacijski LARP je ceremonijska iliti tupa, al imam ja dost lovačkih nožev doma.
Jesi barem jebo koju počasnu arijevku?
Pa napisao sam zašto sam glasao mumsone.
Ma mislio sam da ne povlače raspravu nikada time. Ne koriste to kao neki argument za razliku od HDZ-a.
Top kek. Reminds me of the Slobodna Dalmacija story about "The Revolution Being Online" and how the left wing was winning the online battle. Shit was fucking hilarious.
To sve što si napisao su razlozi zašto nisi glasao za druge, a sve se u većoj ili manjoj mjeri može odnositi i na SDP. Neshvatljivo.
Nazad na reddit.
Cijela hajka na Hasanbegovića im se sastojala isključivo od laprdanja o ustašama, šta je "ustaška zmija" nego jebeno laprdanje o ustašama?
Koji je ovo kurac nego laprdanje o ustašama.
Jebao te vrag, pa jel ti uopće pratiš išta od hrvatskih medija?
opet ovaj trol
To su bili Kinezi, ne Japanci.
I kad sme već kod toga
ubite se famovi
Barem kužim HDSSB, ali SDP? Jebeni dude weed lijevi libertarijanizam? I još ste na Holla Forumsu
Ubite se ekipo, fakat kaj vam je
Da, KMT koji nisu trenirali vojsku. I prije toga degenerični sustav konkubini i eunuha. Ubi se.
Tanke su im šanse. Tko ozbiljno Glasa za Zokija?
Ne ne ne krive si me razmel, štel sem reči da su se turisti koji su se slikali ž menu bili Kinezi, a ne počasni Arijevci.
Dobro jutro, nisam glasao za ostale zbog x/y razloga, ergo glasovat ću za komunjare
A ono tipa, od dva (u ovom slučaju više) zla sam odabrao manje.
Mislim znam da je ovo moje oko SDP-a tipa nije drek nego se pas posrao, ali jebeš ga nema nijedna druga stranka kojoj bi dao glas.
Ne, doslovno sve informacije nalazim na Holla Forums-u, neki dan sam razmišljao kako ja uopće nemam pojma koj se kurac događa u našoj državi. saznao sam da je danas glasanje, negdje oko 4 popodne
Doslovno ništa krivo nisam rekao.
Pa nemoraš je ženit brate mili, samo joj picana razvučeš jednokratno.
Ja iden spavat, ako se ne probudin za sutra, to je samo bonus.
Fug. Krivo sam pročitao tvoj post. Nisam naviknut na Hrvatski na imageboard-u.
ae, noć.
I da se ne spominje činjenica kako se zagorski jedva može smatrati hrvatskim :^^^^^^^^^^^)))
Bog te jeba
Naj se sekirati, svi delamo pogreške.
Aj razmem da su neke druge strankinje, naprimjer Mađaric sem već tri skresnul, al kosooke? Ojdi se mekni z Holla Forums-a i izdrkaj na animee dok ne vmerneš.
Javlja mi se lik koji se na neojugoslavenskom spominja :^)
Ti nisi vrijedan metka. Takve poput tebe treba riješiti sjekirom ili čekićem.
O da da, prijatelj mi je u folklornom ansamblu pa kad je bila manifestacija u gradu poslije nastupa me pozvao na opijanje. Među ostalima bilo je Mađara, i kaj je je imaju pičaka kvalitetnih.
Dok ne dobijemo efektivnu desnicu, glasujem za komunjare. Zaboravljaš da mi za razliku od ostatka Europe nismo imali znatan utjecaj "progresivnih socijalista" , što znači da je naša desnica (onakva kakva bi se tipičnom Holla Forums-aku dopala u društvenom i političkom smislu) ne postojeća. Čekaj da se kod nas socijal-demokrati razviju u ono šta zapadnjaci imaju i naprave dar mar, pa ćemo i mi dobiti nekakve političke opcije kakve danas Švedi i Njemci imaju.
Također da naglasim da ustaštvo/fuk le serbz nije ono ćemu bi trebali težiti. Moje mišljenje barem.
Moje mišljenje je da tebe i tvoju porodicu treba zaklati.
H-hvala, t-također
Sinčić potrvđen za Judu Iskarijota.
Ovo govorim od početka. Ovaj lik se kandidirao za predsjedničke izbore s kampanjom "DUDE WEED LMAO".
U cemu je problem? Guzobolja zato sto nije pozvana na proslavu?
Ja neznam za vas momci, al ja sam glasao za Pametno™ zato jer su svi koji ne razmišljaju kao ja glupi.
Budimo iskreni, znam da je Puljak ekstremna ljevičarka koja je toliko umišljena zbog svog doktorata u kemiji i nema efektivno nikakvog iskustva u politici….ALI PAMETNOOOO!!!111
jeben in mater nisu trebali dobit nist
Što više čitam to mi djeluje žena bolesnije. No bez daljnjeg bih ju jeb'o.
Oni su, po meni, stvoreni da bi Živom Zidu i Mostu uzeli glasove. I s jednim mandatom će koalirat za formiranje vlade s SDP-om.
Najviše mi se gadi to što većina iskrenih desničara nežele priznat da HDZ nije desnica nego kontrolirana desnica koja uopće ne radi u cilju Hrvatske.
To i što mediji seru što više mogu po Mostu
Ako ostanu ovakvi rezultati neće, a trebali bi ostati. 8. i 3. izborna jedinica (Istra i Međimurje) su već obradili puno više glasova od ostalih, dok se 9. i 10. (Dalmacija) vuku kao vreće govana. Jedino još purgeri mogu izvući nešto za SDP.
Samo imbecili su mogli pasti na živi zid maymay
Zatim mi je ista ta Vladimira sabotirala sve i nisam dobila od stranke financijsku podršku kroz reklamiranje, kako mi je bilo rečeno i što se podrazumijeva kada svog šalješ u takvu borbu.
Bila sam prodana jer je žena koja je privatizirala stranku tako odlučila. Samo zato što joj nisam govorila da je jako lijepa.
Budući ona kontrolira kompletnu stranku, kao i financije iste, njena riječ je Bog u stranci, a kada zaurla Sinčić ne smije zucnuti.
Ta žena odlučila je novce stranke uložiti u svog pijuna Lukanića, u kojega je uložila od plakata i letaka do poštara koji su to raznosili. A sve kako bi čovjeka koji joj tepa i koji se učlanio prije dva mjeseca poslala u Sabor, ravno iz Slavonije, a lik iz Sesveta (ZG). Sve to je radila kako bi uništila Runtića, supredsjednika stranke, čovjeka koji je svoje 3 godine života bukvalno dao stranci.
Da je dotična uložila te novce na moju kampanju a ne u sabotažu Runtića, ja bih bez problema postala zastupnica i narod bi imao nekog na koga bi bio ponosan!
U ovome trenutku dišem za vratom nositelju liste Mišiću! Nitko nema više glasova od mene. Druga sam za sada, sa zadnjeg mjesta!!!! I bez podrške stranke (čitaj Vladimire) ali uz podršku ljudi koji vjeruju u mene!
Što će biti do jutra, ne znam. Hoće li novci Mišića presuditi? Ne znam. Ali jedno znam, dokazala sam i ove godine sebi da sam jebeno hrabra i da imam muda, na kojima bi mi mnogi muskarci u mojoj stranci pozavidjeli! 😎
I još jedno znam. Ako ja ne uđem, ući će Runtić, unatoč svim sabotažama! A kad uđe Runtic, ušao je častan čovjek i idealist.
A kad Runtić postane zastupnik, jebali ste ježa u leđa!
Jel to neki copypasta?
Koliko god da se slažem s tobom sa zdravo-razumskog i lolberg stajališta, opet nije narod kriv što je država u ovoj situaciji.
Ako se imovina neće oduzimati šljamu koji nas je doveo u ovu situaciju, što bi se onda oduzimala jadnicima jer nisu u stanju računati. Nećemo red selektivno primjenjivat.
Kad svi izdajnici i pizde koje su nas dovele u ovakav dug budu visjeli, onda neću imati problem što babu tjeraju na ulicu. A ovako, neka im je.
S ovom nesto nije u redu
Gledam komentare okolo i naokolo i vidim
Prezirem HDZ dugo vremena, ali majko mila jedno je zvati HDZ govnom a drugo u isto vrijeme biti proljev.
Kako čitam žena piše, u slobodno vrijeme, poeziju. Takvi nisu najstabilniji da budem iskren.
Ma sve to stoji, ali brate mili u ovoj državi niko ne uzima odgovornost za svoje postupke.
Ajd u božju mater kad su svi aljkave ljenčine.
Eto ovo nedavno kad je bilo da je mraz nanio ogromnu štetu seljacima. Elementarna nepogoda vele. Pa brate mili prije su ljudi palili vatre u poljima da zagriju i očuvaju usjeve. A šta sada? Čim treba kurcem malo mrdnut samo znaju cmoljiti da im država da shekele za 6 bilijuna tona propalog bilja.
Vid very much related.
stara koka masna juha
Slažem se ali deložacija nema smisla ni sa ekonomskog stajališta, što sam propustio reći.
Deložiraš čovjeka, on izgubi sve i završi na državnoj sisi.
Tko je izgubio?
Tko je dobio?
Eto, na to se svodi. Vanjski interes prije unutarnjeg. I novca i živaca da bi profitirala jedino banka.
Slažem se za vlastitu odgovornost, ali stabilnost nikakva više ne postoji. Ne znaš kad ćeš dobit otkaz, kad će država dati (ili neće) poticaje, kad će se slika s uvozom dobara promijeniti i na kraju bolje s bankom ne imati posla uopće.
Sve je to glupa priča s obje strane, ali eto.
Fali ovaj govor u tom videu (koji je najbitniji za poantu)
Sve to stoji, ali banka mora naplatiti nekako, ne može na lijepe oči oprostiti. Jedina stvar koju bi mijenjao je da te banke koji profitiraju na maloumnicima budu u rukama Hrvatskih poduzetnika ili države.
Inozemno židovljenje ne podnosim, ali domaće da.
Čovječe Božji, pa ima li druga zemlja u Europi koja je gora u ovome od nas? Skoro 2/3 ljudi nije dalo svoj glas.
Prebolit ces
Kažeš kao da je to loša stvar. Naši ljudi znaju da izborima neće ništa promjeniti i znaju da je demokracija laž. Mi smo narod crvene pilule. Ovoga se trebaš ponositi.
Švedi glasaju za sve osim za pravu stranku. Pogledaj njihovu "desnicu" za njih je Zoki Pinochet.
Deprimirajuce je citati upise Svedskih i Njemackih anona.
Neka su. Majku im jebem.
Kako se osjećate sad kad su kukservativci pobjedili?
ko pravi europljanin
Opet isti rezultati kao i na prošlim izborima… BRAVO HRVATSKA!
Jedini plus je što više neće biti Karačmarka i Zorangutana, a ostalo sve dalje po starom.
Druga lica, ista sranja, pa dokle išlo.
Nije baš da smo i imali nekog izbora.
Imali smo pravog NAŠEG čovjeka to jest Baziranog Sinčića.
Što je on mislio pod ovim?
8 mandata je solidno
Nigdar ti nisu druga lica, navek su ti to likovi koji su se bavili politikom još od ranih dvehiljaditih, ak ne i tak puno prije da su bili i jugooficirčeki mali.
Jedino cure na PMSu i ljevičari koriste sarkazam kako bi prenjeli svoju ideju
Ti si vrsta osobe koja je vjerovatno glasala za Pametno
Ovi ljevičari na Holla Forumsu pokušavaju astroturfat kao da Holla Forums glasa za autista sa ženskom kosicom.
Svi mi ovde smo glasali za Petrova i Most.
To objašnjava zašto HČSP nije ušao u sabor.
Odmahujem glavom da budem iskren, rođače moj.
Ajde da netko zna što treba. Zašto su svi ovdje takve pizde? Jebemu, ovo nebi prošlo da naše postove ostatak Holla Forumsa može čitati.
Upucaj se pod hitno za sveopće dobro.
Udiši malo plina, prijatelju moj.
Odgovor na 2016. je 925.
Očito su mengoidi i ljevičari izmislili "SWEDEN YES" i meme poput ovoga na slici.
Izašao sam na izbore i glasao bi za HDSSB jer jedini imaju koliko-toliko šanse od svih ABCČĆDHSP-ova rascjepkanih na milijun stranaka, ali me nisu upisali na glasački popis jer mi je istekla osobna prošli mjesec. Sjebala me birokracija majku im. Ako ništa drugo, barem jedan mandat.
Predrasude ostavi za ove genijalce u threadu koji shillaju za SDP i ŽZ, anone.
To je izrugivanje.
Very interesting. This will be useful
You are aware that this has been all over the news almost a year ago?
Fuck sake. Croats are backstabbing rats.
How do we know the Paris attacker got through in this way? They said he had a fake passport. Are you saying that it's certain or possible?
Daj Slovenac odjebi više. Pomiri se s time da mora više nećeš vidjet.
Correct, I am Italian.
30% Italians hate jews, 71% hate muslims, 35% are still fascists.
One of the few nations that rejected the idea we were the "wrong side" in WW2.
So yeah it's ok here to be a fascist, schools are full of them too.
Curiously, if you do the roman salute to German immigrants (a fuckton of the in the north) they will not respond but bow head / shy away.
Austrians will respond and yell HEIL HITLER instead.
Poor Germans. I hope they get their country back, it makes me sad.
Croatians and Bosnians tend to be fascist too, at least the immigrants I see here.
Two attackers passed through Croatia and then Slovenia in manner seen above. This is Croats, your new EU members! Rejoice Europe!
Oprosti Jankec, al malo mi se činiš vruć, zašto se ne okupaš, to će te rashladit. A, čekaj, jebiga.
Za Dom!
You can see in video above, how Croats smuggle jihadis in Europe. They are co-responsible for Paris attacks. This is where some of EU funds go to. This is who was accepted in EU.
Tvoj sarkazam je bio "pasivno agresivan", dok su ovi jednostavno sarkazam iz inata i izrugivanje kako je netko drugi rekao.
Očito je da si svoj početni post rekao iz ljutnje i živciranja.
Ponavljam, to samo rade žene nad PMSom i ljevičari koji pokušavaju izgledat umišljeno.
Ako si ljut na situaciju u zemlji mislim da sarkazam neće ništa riješit
There is an old saying which goes by "100 Hrvata - 400 tata" or in translation 400 Croats - 400 thieves.
Isuse Kriste, Jankec, ne trebaš bit ovako nekulturan, ipak smo ljudi a ne Slovenci.
Teridax, cool it with anti Croat remarks
They are now backpedalling aren't they? Watch them squirm. This is your new fellow EU members France! Thank them!
Video is self-explanatory
i think this is an authentic case of autismo.
če se to še enkrat ponovi, zid na mejo pa mrš iz EU
This is how the Slovenian expresses his feelings of anal angst due to a mere 12 nautical miles of sea.
Cool it with anti croat remarks.
How about you cool it with smuggling terrorists into Europe?
When is the next shipment of terrorists due?
As soon as you manage to open a sea route, Jankec.
You are going the fuck out of EU and never into Schengen. You are co-responsible for Paris attacks.
I am also personally responsible for both of the world wars, and the deaths of six gojillion serbs and muslims, sue me.
Atop of being a really shitty neighbour you advanced to being key into terror attacks this year. I mourned for Tomislav Salopek, you commemorate him by smuggling ISIS into EU.
I am fucking done with no one taking responsibility. You were responsible, setting terrorists loose upon Europe.
Don't fucking play this game on me.
But, if your police were actually giving a fuck, instead of crying in the corner about half of a tiny bay, they could've stopped the smugglers. But yeah, it's all, my, personal, fault.
The balkan victim shctick. If you read more carefully, you collectively as a country are responsible. Ne pogovarjaš se z nekim amerom zato mi ne seri.
But, are you telling me that Slovenians are so grossly incompetent, that a couple of fat Croatian cops managed to smuggle hundreds of refugees right under your noses? I mean, I knew you were pathetic Jankec, but this is just sad.
Alright, Jankec, have fun in the kiddy pool, I'm gonna go to bed now, and I'll be sure to smuggle some extra refugees in for you while I sleep, since it's apparently that easy to bypass crack Slovenian security.
A return of European monarchs has been foretold for the future, so who knows…
So you're admitting that you did the same shit, yet only WE are to blame? This is some real low-energy shilling, c'mon Janez.
You smuggled them into Slovenia as opposed to delivering the to prearranged checkpoints.
Accelerationism. More terror, less support for EU shit. The faster it falls apart the better. Unless you really like the EU, you commie fucking cuck.
You should have never been let into EU.
I never wanted into the EU.
With Croats it's always the same shit. You can't be trusted. I won't even start listing examples as they're endless. Above video is exemplary.
*Proof enough
So, you try to steal our sea, and then you try to steal our threads too? Slovenia, please.
Hope HDZ doesn't repeat idiot Milanič mistake, or you're gonna see a wall real soon.
I'm withdrawing from debate, bump limit is approaching, use it wisely.
I agree. The EU is fucking garbage, the only good thing we got out of no customs on packages from Germany. How is that Euro treating you? Did it help your economy, goy?
smh fam
Anyways, later.
It's not though.
But it is, now go back to jerking off to your domobranci and pic related.
If nothing else I at least hope for him that he gets paid by post, he won't be able to afford his coke this week if he gets paid by effectiveness.
There's a difference between being given an area to govern by treaties in distant past and actually having a claim to the land thru strong historical ties and demographics. We're nationalists today and Slovenia has no claim on Istra just as Croatia has no claim on Vojvodina and Serbia has no claim on Kosovo… but Kosovo are mudslimes and should therefore be removed and Serbia can take it.
Since this thread will autosage soon, I made a new one:
Ja odsad sam shvatia da se ovih štakora jedino možemo riješit ako cijeli thread bude napisan na Hrvatski.
Svi koji pišu na engleski trebaju biti filtrirani
Lik spama ko nespašen i sebi odgovara. Treba hrvatski isključivo, filter obavezno.
Je, odsad samo Hrvatski.