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Oh vey here we go again
The easiest 9/11 redpill is watching 10 min of skyscraper/house demolition videos and then the 9/11 footage of twin towers and that other one that just collapsed on itself.
We were there to document the Events
…why would mossad warn them?
is this some of that "two factions of jews" stuff going on?
Many intelligence agencies knew about that attack, even Israel's neighbor, Egypt. It would look suspicious if Mossad didn't say anything.
According to Jewpedia, Italy, Egypt and Jordan warned US before Israel.
The SAMS paper attempts to predict events…
washingtontimes, 09/10/2001
Note the date of the article.
9/11 Revisited: Declassified FBI Files Reveal New Details About ‘The Five Israelis’
21st Century Wire, 09/11/2015
This is the one item I have read more on than any other subject in my entire life. I spent years reading articles watching every video I could find etc.
After I finally figured out all roads on 911 leads to the jews and not the moslems it becomes pretty apparent why it happened.
Without 911 we would not have the total chaos in the mideast.
Without 911 we would not have the patriot act and homeland security
Without 911 we would not have 100k's of "refugees" swarming into europe and elsewhere.
Without 911 we would not have a war on terrorism ad infinitum.
This list could just go on and on.
Where de plane be at?
it's been pretty clear for over a decade that al qaeda is a saudi backed terrorist group.
nuclear war with russia and china is the only solution
Indeed, and the Saudi`s have nothing, NOTHING, to do with the kikes. :^)
I agree fellow POLack, we must nuke them for the glory of Isra…euh USA USA USA.
TV licence evader refused to pay because the 'BBC covered up facts about 9/11 and claimed tower fell 20 minutes before it did'
i never understood where the fuck the plane went
i live near and i have tons of family out in shanksville and they saw fighterjets following the airliner
you could smell jetfuel in the air for weeks afterwords
The plane got blown to pieces in the air they found wreckage over a 5 mile area.
They faked the crash site for posterity, since there was a shit ton of other things it was kinda swept under the rug.
In my mind it is second to bldg 7 for out and out fakery and lies and omission
What's the deal with this recent one on plebbit?
To set the narrative.
Presumably they piledrove the plane straight into the ground, while typical plane crashes occur with the pilot attempting to land the plane, or at least pull up.
I never understood the no planes and/or controlled demolition theories.
The purpose of all of this was to be a Pearl Harbor to start a new war, right? Why not just fly the planes into the buildings for real, and let whatever happens happen? That would surely be sufficient to start a war.
A controlled demolition without a plane is stupid, since faking multiple plane hijackings/crashes would harder than just actually doing it.
Controlled demolition and the plane crashes would give you a greater certainty of total collapse, but it introduces a lot more risk into the plan. More people would need to know of the plan, more people would be required to plan it, there are more things to go wrong, there are more ways to be caught. And since the planes alone would be sufficient to start the war, what payoff for controlled demolition would justify the increased risk?
Those buildings were wrecked one way or the other.
Those other buildings weren't smacked by airplanes. They were gutted by fire, but didn't suffer the massive structural damage
pic related
They could have just taken the documents out the night before, burned and shredded all of them. In the chaos of the next morning, they would never be missed. Our government undoubtably illegally destroys metric tons of paperwork every year, and they do it without staging plane crashes.
Because the buildings wouldn't have collapsed and the death toll would have been in the hundreds instead of thousands.
The day before 9/11 it was announced that a trillion dollars was missing, unnacounted for and (((coincidentally))) the records were supposedly in building 7.
tfw no one posting these
no one else has done real world testing as good as johnathan cole
these videos can convince anyone who isnt a retard
I think there is also some masonic/ kabbalistic significance in the destruction/ collapse of the 2 twin towers.
Connected to duality collapsing into unity (one world government, nwo, luciferianism etc)
The masons/kabalists say something about thesis plus antithesis equals synthesis.
Some illuminati symbolism shit that I'm obviously not completely fully schooled in.
It was 2.3 trillion rumsfeld announced it, it was missing from the pentagon.
the side of the pentagon that was hit by the plane was where the pentagon auditors were located that were looking for the money,
bldg 7 was a whole bother can of sec and fraud cases.
I address that in my comment. It would have still been easily enough to start a war.
I remember that morning before the towers fell vividly. People were already bloodthirsty.
Furthermore everyone trapped in the upper floors would have surely died. Some people were talking about helicopters saving them, but that was nothing but wishful thinking because they didn't want to admit those people were already doomed. There is no way in hell helicopters could have saved those people, which is why they never even tried. And firefighters from the inside? Not a chance. The buildings were too tall, the impacts too high off the ground. The stairwells were demolished.
I also address this in my comment. Just take the documents and shred them all. Controlled demolition, particularly of the two towers, would be unnecessary.
Let's assume for the sake of argument they did controlled demolition of tower 7 just to be sure:
The South Tower collapsed at 9:59 am
The North Tower collapsed at 10:28 am
Tower 7 collapsed at 5:21 pm
Tower 7 was supposedly struck by debris from the collapsing North Tower.
If Tower 7 was controlled demolition, why did they wait 7 hours to demolish it? Wouldn't it make more sense to trigger the demolition at 10:28 am? If they collapsed it at the same time or very shortly after, wouldn't the public find that more plausible?
Why would they wait 7 hours?
It wouldn't be enough for the jews to milk the way they have.
Isn't being interned and dying of typhus enough to make people feel sorry for them? Yet they made up the Holocaust.
The Jews are the supposed victims of the Holocaust, but with 9/11 the narrative was that all Americans were victimized.
The Holohoax was more to do with Exodus (which is the first recorded instance of Jews inventing slander about a superior civilization shoahing them). I don't think 9/11 fits that pattern.
because a few debris falling on a fucking massive building isnt going to make it have a full total collapse at free fall speed, but they could wait a while and claim fires somehow did this by also causing a full total collapse at the exact same time across all supporting beams
I donno why they would wait 7 hours for the obvious smoking gun WTC7. It is almost like the 911 planners put tons of numerology into the ritual sacrifice?
Make 9/11 happen again. Hillary 2016
All Americans became victims of the war Israel was supposedly fighting. We became brothers in arms in the same struggle - our buildings went down, they were getting rocks thrown at them.
(((Jonathan Kay)))'s Among the Truthers provides valuable insight into how the jews and Israel benefited from 9/11. It was more than just starting a war.
Or they were just unsure of what to do after United 93 (which was likely supposed to hit it) was shot down.
When the North Tower was collapsing, it was complete chaos. The dust and debris cloud obscured everything in the area. If they'd blow up Tower 7 at that moment, when the dust settled it would have seemed as though the North Tower had clearly hit it.
United 93 was supposed to hit Tower 7? Not plausible. All three targets which were hit were high profile, and what's more, easily recognizable from the sky. Tower 7 was just another NYC building, not particularly notable in any way except for what people claim was in it.
Also it was plainly heading to DC, not NYC. Look at a map of it's flight. Two planes for NYC, two for DC. That makes sense.
KYS retard
It has been theorized the shanksville plane was destined for bldg 7 but the air force got free and shot it down. So they had no plane to crash the building and there was no way they could let any one in to see all the preset explosives.
So larry the juice decide to just pull it.
I think they had to ad-lib
Besides it was full of mayor people and shit when the first 2 towers were blown up.
With out a real investigation with full subpoena power all we get is a dog chasing his tail tier trying to figure out shit after the fact.
Which is what has been going on for the last 15 years. Plus you add in the all the disinfo and crazy ass theories and here we are today.
user I just finished watching that video it is an excellent choice.
15 years later there is tons of relevant videos and articles pertaining to 911
The biggest problem is sorting out what is plausible from the mountains of crap that is also included.
That one is a fair, kosher summary for the normies to understand.
But naming the jew is the most important thing when it comes to 9/11.
Millions of people saw Loose Change and Jonestein's kosher 9/11 films. What did that accomplish? Nothing.
until after, where people realise building 3,4,5,and 6 (all are closer to the towers than b7) are still "standing" none of them experenced a total collapse like 7 did, 3 got the most fucked, the lower floors still standing with tons of derbris on top
Just read pic related.
social management via the media 101.
Doesn't he have a whole thing in there about how Israel didn't do it?
Looking at it that way is completely missing the point. The media and defense industry did it, and their connections to Israel are well established.
If it was largely fakery then one could say "Israel didn't kill 3k people in a false flag attack" but Israel would still be involved.
Nobody ever actually reads the content though, but just scoffs and latches onto the shill that states that it's cover for Israel, and moves on. So whatever
Rupert is dead now but I remember his contribution to the 911 investigation was thoroughly tangled with "peak oil" and later in life he was becoming marginalized and staged a huge false break in to his company and fled the country with gold coins and was reporting his life was in danger from some sinister intelligence agency.
He kind of went off the rails at the end.
I used to follow peak oil stuff religiously and even subscribed to Rupert's newsletter. I had doubts over the office break-in and his fleeing to Venezuela, but certainly now it all seems stupid.
do you even lurk faggot?
You haven't looked at WTC records.
- They were not proftable to the owner
- floor space too expensive for occupants
- running and maintenance too expensive
- cost a fortune to upgrade when new building regs required it
- suffered some sort of major corrosion to structure
in short, they were too big, too soon for this world.
rockefeller wanted them decommissioned and dismantled
- would cost a fortune to have dismantled safely
owner was stuck in a bind, run at a loss, or pay a fortune to decommission, lose either way
Using 'accidents' to destroy building or business is an old and trusty method of getting out of such binds.
Happens all the time, from small businesses up to large.
1993 WTC bombing was an insurance claim, and a warm up to the main event.
2001 fixed 2 problems
- got rid of unprofitable buildings
- gave US a new pearl habour
just flying planes into the WTC would leave them standing, and the owner would still have to pay a fortune to have them decommissioned.
Once all the top kikes agreed they wanted rid of the buildings, they took what was the easiest, cheapest way out, controlled demolition without any regulatory body.
If you are smart enough to have such elaborate rationale, then look at the physics, because physics doesn't lie.
behind the scenes there would have been a fuckton of checking needed on WTC 7s explosives after WTC1,2 were demolished.
Controlled demolition is a precision craft, they would need to check if the WTC 7 explosives were still ready to created a symmetrical footprint collapse after being mauled by WTC1,2 debris.
WTC1,2 had far more explosives per structure in them than WTC 7.
WTC 1,2 were blown the fuck out with excess explosives, a few isolated explosives didn't matter. Indeed, WTC south tower began toppling because some explosives failed, yet it was still dismantled.
WTC 7 was does with minimal explosives, likely because there were some nice kike buildings nearby that were not allowed to be structurally damaged.
Not "would" but rather DID
Most relevant post in the thread.
user I have puzzled over that picture for years
what do you make of it?
I suspect you have watched Judy Woods she brings up way to much weird things to dismiss.
AE911 says it just falls and the dust is left.
What is your take?
judy woods is a FULL ON D/C SHILL
It's more effective because it's JEWpedia, dumbass. The target here is normies, and they worship it. The section hasn't been modified in a long time and it's well sourced
One of his coworkers wrote a revealing piece about Ruppert. Apparently the break-in did happen and his company was being targeted especially after the Pat Tillman revelations. I don't know how bad it was, but it genuinely seems to have happened and I think he was going through some PTSD episode from his LAPD days and fled. The woman who wrote about him said Ruppert fled when things got tough, and I think thats because he never persevered his fear and trauma.
His peak oil focus is what ultimately ruined him in the end because, well, his dooms day scenario did not happen although it is ostensibly clear that the worlds oil supply isn't increasing (yeah, fracking has halted this 'dilemma' but its terrible for the environment and it shows how desperate companies are in accruing oil supplies).
All and all, my heart goes out to him. I firmly believe the guy was almost used as a tool in drug smuggling operations according to the evidence and statements available. He was a great cop on the way to becoming a prominent detective and was incidentally red pilled for the most part. He made a gamble and used peak oil as a means to possibly rise himself above other truthers in order to become well off.
I think people don't realize that once you expose your face and raise controversial questions with damning evidence/experience about the status quo, you have a mark on you wherever you go and you kind of have to continue down that 'infowarrior'.
The guy had too much pride and was totally exhausted by his experiences. He died poor. In the end he truly sought to help redpill people. But he made a gamble and he lost. Its too bad because he was a very smart guy with a great persona. A lot of people who worked with him really liked him.
And I recommend Crossing the Rubicon. Its a great book in spite of its imperfections. Theres a lot of damning evidence in it.
the world's oil supply is growing faster than we can use it. What makes you think production of oil from sources has stopped?
There is more oil in the ground today than there was when we 1st started extracting it. Tomorrow there will be more.
and wtf is a 'OMG! fracking is worse than a 10GigaTon botox + plutonium nuke ' libshit environmentard doing here?
fracking hardly does anything to the environment. And certainly nothing that it hasn't already done naturally a million times as rock formations crack and yield to oil seeps over eons.
So tell me how the spire turns to dust?
I have puzzled over it for years now I still can't explain a lot of shit that happened.
Enlighten me.
they type of concrete? the explosives they used?
go drink the backflow from a fracking well if you actually believe this.
It is steel girders and I beams not concrete,
how does steel turn to dust in mid air?
Read what I wrote again. The production of oil hasn't significantly slowed down (and won't for some time because of fracking and offshore drilling etc.), but its a fact that oil reserves that have been used will continually deplete.
And without a doubt fracking fucks the environment around such sites. But you can continue believing it doesn't, I don't care. I was only trying to clear the disinfo fog around Ruppert.
try replying to what I've written instead of knocking over your own strawmen u fool
is for
you don't now, and its beginning to look doubtful that you'll ever understand that geology is still happening.
Oil sources are being repleted naturally. Yes, if we concentrate extraction in a few tiny areas, then those areas will deplete, but globally, oil creation surpasses human extraction. There will always a greater global oil reserve tomorrow than today.
don't bother with me. You've got to phone everyone in Beckingham and tell them they've all been poisioned, killed, their environment and wildlife destroyed.
Good luck there. They've been living there for 50 years in a conservation area with a fracking site right in the middle, and raises 2 generations of healthy people.
come back to this site and report on your +1000 phonecalls. Maybe start a blog, chronicling your efforts over the years of telling Beckingham residents that they live in a toxic death zone.
Good luck
and considering hanging yourself u dumb enviroshit
it's the biggest psyop ever done. it depends on the footage you're talking about. some of the ground scenes which show huge amounts of dust I think are fake.
The best way to redpill people on 9/11 is to assert that it "doesn't matter" whether or not it was an "inside job", but we can all agree that the government at the very least took every opportunity to profit from the event. Once you seek someone on this, they will slide into the true red pill themselves.
reasons, goy.
Why would the dust be fake? A the buildings were obviously destroyed, it's just a mater of how. Hell, a controlled demolition would probably generate even more dust.
Did your mom and dad not tell you that you were smart enough growing up? You sound like a ponce. Calm down you massive retarded faggot.
You can dig up articles and use specific places that favor your delusional stance, but theres a lot of good information that states otherwise. You're not going to waste my time.
Why don't you delve into the dozens of other communities affected by fracking. Is everywhere Beckingham? I don't know where to begin with you, but I'm not going to waste my time with an ignoramus.
the last few posts springing from
are a derailment, a mock\mimic 9-11 truth argument to devalue the real ones, cooked up by judyjew.
Had never even heard of Judy Woods or the dust argument, obviously a psyop designed to make truthers look bad like you're saying though.
Red Ice used to promote Jewdy Wood pretty often.
I'm not 100% convinced that red ice is a psyop, but they do push a lot of crazy shit so i'm not surprised at all.
I would guess Pencilvania is run by kikes who want to kill as many goyim as possible. So they have totally unregulated fracking, and crap \ non existent water treatment & filters. The kikes frack formations under water reservoirs to poison the water supply.
In the uk, frackers aren't allowed to frack if there is a water source. With good regulation, fracking is safe.
anyway, nature does her own unregulated fracking too. The canandian tar sands was once a non tar area. Then nature fracked cananda, and a vast area of wildlife was turned into a tarland, wiping out millions of tons of biomass. Today nature has scabbed over the tar sands with a thin layer of surface life.
Go yell at mother Earth, who has killed more biomass with her own fracks then humans ever have.
if we don't do regulated fracking, then nature or the kikes will do unregulated fracking, killing more stuff. So we should frack as much as we can.
I don't think they're shills, but they're definitely only it for the shekels. Don't be surprised if they shift back to talking about UFOs and reptilians after the election.
btw if any mods are lurking, we're going to need a jews did 9/11 sticky with Missing Links for 9/11, maybe even 9-12th to force feed the redpill to the "sandniggers did 9/11" newfags.
I still think it's weird how they switched up from fringe to rightwing so quick. Go look at redice's shit on the wayback machine. It's catering to x-files fans and David Icke people
I mean the footage of the destruction, including the dust.The idea will be to deepen the conspiracy.
The destruction of the towers was essentially a magic trick. A magician capitalises on the secrecy of his methods and never reveals how he performed the 'impossible', so that he may amaze (emphasis on maze) his audience. That's one reason why they would've CGI'd, faked footage and deaths, and laid red herrings around the scene.
Imagine that the destruction of the towers was analogous to blowing up a dam, and the resulting flood, instead of water, is thought flowing towards truth. By having prepared narratives and introducing confounding variables to the event on how it actually transpired, they dug canals for the 'water' to flow through and which can be gated off and bridged up without them being swept aside.
In my opinion, the safest thing is not to claim knowledge of how exactly it happened, only that it stinks and the fingerprints of Freemasons are all over it.
because it didn't
where's the plane?
Less than 48 hours to go.
Call me a liar all you want but this is 100% true.
My parents are the biggest shabbos goyim Catholics around, and made good friends with a local reform Jewish couple in the late 90's. When my mom went back to work and I needed to get into an after school program, the Jewish couple invited me to a Jewish after school program (not too Jewey, we made bagels and shit) with their kids. Keep in mind no one else at the program knew that I wasn't an actual Jew.
One of the camp coordinators was this old woman with a weird accent who would always tell us stories and take us on mini field trips. On Sept 10, just before my friends and I were about to get on the bus, one of the kids mentioned how his family was going to visit family in NYC. The old woman told us that something very bad was going to happen there and we shouldn't be scared, then something in Hebrew to the kid. I have never told anyone else this story because it sounds crazy.
stay vigilant
Lets see the picture you posted was miles away from the scene.
The pictures I posted were feet away.
Maybe that is why we can't see anything on the side of a mountain miles away?
Nice yid logic. Who cares if the holocaust is real as long as goys are blamed, right? You're lost faggot.
Why not just make them chewables, you pansy cunt.
I demand my redpills horse-sized.
Only one of them was burning with jet fuel, checkmate goy.
anyone got the photo of the one of the mossad agents who got married on 9/11?
There are 20 shit threads right now sliding this thread
Fuck the raiders
There are 20 shit threads right now sliding this thread fuck the raiders
bump for raid slide
All 9/11 Airports Serviced by One Israeli Owned Company
Sure enough, a visit to ICTS' own web site at icts-int.com
It has been suggested that the incredible feat of hijacking four aircraft without a single arrest at the gate would require the resources of a nation-state. This is even more true with the revelation that at least one gun had managed to be aboard a hijacked plane. One company had automatic inside access to all of the airports from which hijacked planes departed on 9-11, and to the airports used by Richard Reid, the shoe bomber. An Israeli company. One that Mossad agents could easily find employment with without the management knowing who they were or what their purpose really was.
Remember the underwear bomber?
They flew here into detroit and some smart young attorney just happened to over hear the whole scam how they got him on the plane without any passport going to the US, bypassing basic security.
He made a website posted everything reported what he knew to the feds but guess what happened to all the infos?
I want to say a big thankyou to anons on Holla Forums
You've made this 9-11 anniversary special. Its the mother of all modern red-pills and is responsible for red-pilling and seeding red-pill sentiment in many young and old anons.
I don't think I read such a density and consistency of red-pilled user posts in all my Holla Forums experience.
An oldfag red-piller has swallowed some red-pills he didn't know about.
You give me hope. Here's my advice : Don't ever stop, its that simple.
And thanks to uncompromised mods < grits teeth >, despite the stickying and supporting of blue-pilled storyline of every kike false flag operation these last 2 years, for managing to not let this place be completely overrun with shitposting. But plz look to improve.
And yes the kikes and their proxy agents are out on Holla Forums trying to shitpost defile as we speak.
They've recently found a solid way to shit all over this board : trump and Hillary threads, and right now there are a lot.
plz don't let this be an eternal Achilles heel of Holla Forums : Right wing icon rallying and left wing icon bashing. They have next to no content. Right now shills have this down on paper as safe way to shit all over Holla Forums.
I am still bummed this thread was deleted in the middle of the raid right as I was going to post in it.
I still have it on a tab though is there anything i can do with it?
Don't post here again.
The guy is saying thanks and all you can care about is how he formats his thoughts.
You're a fucking retard.
Show them this video: youtube.com
They killed thousands of people to start a fake war and revived international terrorism worldwide. Ask yourself: if they were able to do this, what else could they do?
my my I wonder who lurks behind this post?
Thank you for thanking me user cheers
==never forget==
9-11 and the invasion of the middle east is perhaps the best starting point we've got for red-pilling normies.
even normies don't believe the saddam's WMD story.
not rly user. just make jpg's or copypasta out of the good bits.
Israel did 9/11 - ALL THE PROOF IN THE WORLD:
Israelis caught with special WTC security passes:
There are still 4 threads up today after the big raid earlier.
Excellant post covers all the bases.
I'm watching "911 missing link israeli mossad involvement" documentary.
But i want to see how far the rabbit hole goes. Can Holla Forums direct me to any bolshevik documentaries that are redpill?
Thank user or anons, in advance for providing.
It will take you years to read it all if you want to go that deep.
200 years among us is a good start
well that's why i'm asking for a shorten condensed version of the bolshevik timeline.
Also any articles would be great too, or book names. Thanks again.
Lots in here. Try reading
Two Hundred Years Together
By Alexander Solzhenitsyn
It's by a nobel laureate and goes into detail about the Bolshevik Jews.
Review of 's '200 Years Together'
To add more
Stalin's Jews
Filmmaker’s Son Takes Occupy to the Internet
Bolsheviks Slaughter a Royal Family
Bolsheviks Slaughter a Royal Family (mirror)
Touched Empress and the Jewish Bolshevists
Putin: First Soviet government was mostly Jewish
Roosevelt’s Lend-Lease Act: The Arm and Hammer / Hammer and Sickle Connection
Stalin Intended To Strike Hitler First
The Communist Takeover Of America - 45 Declared Goals
The Jews who fought with Mao
Jewish Faces in Chinese Government
Solzhenitsyn breaks last taboo of the revolution
Review of 's '200 Years Together'
The Frankfurt School of Social Research
But remember jews always play both sides:
There is no shortcut to knowledge you asked for help now don't be lazy.
Thank you anons!!!!!!!
You are very welcome now make us proud.
Bump to keep relevant on 911
Poor bastards lost a lot of friends.
Then upper FNYC told them to keep their mouths shut or lose their jobs.
Probably came straight from fucking americas mayor
not to mention the lot of them were exposed to lethal levels of asbestos dust from wtc7.
I always felt that Juliani was in on it, he seemed too cool and composed considering his city was crumbling.