I would like a Fedora/GNOME desktop and package manager experience and font rendering withour any poettery

I would like a Fedora/GNOME desktop and package manager experience and font rendering withour any poettery.
Is it even possible? What would you recommend?

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Your pic looks like a cellphone.

No, a cellphone would have a respectable resolution.

You're asking for the impossible.

you're fucked, GNOME harddeps dbus which harddeps systems. Closest thing to it without poeterring would be MATE.

It might be possible, with a lot of fucking around and a fairly narrow definition of poettery, but it sounds like you're just following the memes instead of using software you enjoy. If you have philosophical objections to systemd and pulseaudio they probably apply to GNOME as well.

Poettering's software really isn't that bad. Just use it. It'll make your life easier.

No. I like the aesthetic, but my moral objections are stronger. I think I'll go Mate.

Can you explain your "moral objections"?

No. Fuck you.

ok kid

Go suckless and use dwm, you won't regret it. Switch to Gentoo while you're at it and set your USE flag to -systemd and you'll never touch poeterry cancer ever again. The Holla Forums memes are actually useful.

Nigger, what?

Why should I explain myself to you? Heh. Fuck you mate.

I've always wanted to do this. I might. But I really want to have nice font rendering and it's always difficult to achieve.

Tor does as well

Nigger, what?

Just add "infinality" to your USE and get a nice font like Liberation. pic related.

I'd recommend you stop being autistic.

Because you came here asking for advice, and giving you advice for how to do your computing without "poettery" is a lot easier if I know what your problem with "poettery" is so I can at least tell what you do and do not consider "poettery".


That roasting would be pretty good if it was his picture.

I ended up installing Gentoo, suckless (dwm, st, surf and Firefox as a backup), no systemd, pulseaudio or other poettering-infected bullshit.
I used to think suckless was a stupid meme, but I think dwm is the best tiled wm I have used to date. Really enjoying this shit.

hope you're using the webkit2gtk version of surf; the old one is very insecure.

I emerged webkit2gtk and build surf. I'm guessing it's all fairly up to date.


What's wrong with ruby?
I was going to need GTK sooner or later. I'm not that autistic.

As a language? Slow, most SJW community, dynamically typed.
As a build dependency? m8.
I said gtk3, not gtk.

Not him, but my relatively minimal system still needs gtk3 for a few things.

Earlier today I was reading about a distro that had a pretty good hack for this and was even shipping a systemd-less gnome iso. I can't remember what it was though.

Fagioli, is that you?

This. How do people feel about MATE dropping GTK2 support? I sure hope XFCE doesn't anytime soon.


How do people feel about GTK3? Visit any comment section under an article about GTK3, people generally hate it, some pretend the regressions are not that bad, but nobody is saying it's an improvement.

suomi mainit'd

I hate it, but it is an improvement. Proper HiDPI support alone makes it wildly superior.

DBus doesn't harddep systemd. DBus has multiple implementations, there's one being developed for kernel upstreaming even. Systemd has one because it has an implementation for fucking everything.


And what's Holla Forums's opinion on MATE?

it's "ok"

enjoy recompiling your WM every time you want to customize it.

i use i3 and yeah that sound painful. but "once have your things set-up"(tm) it shouldn't be so bad.

It compiles in under a second mate. I have pretty much finished configuring it after a week. I doubt I will touch it again.

But even then, it's literally a second.
vim config.h && make clean && make && sudo make install


Gentoo running i3 user here. Before I used i3, I used dwm for a while. I'll admit up front that I am not an expert C programmer, which is likely the cause of most of my pain. To get dwm the way I wanted, I had to apply three patches, which involved modifying two patches because the first one was pretty big, and they all touched the same code to do whatever it was they did. Then I had to figure out the order in which to diff everything, and if I changed the first two in the list, then there was a 50% chance I'd need to edit the next patch. After I figured all that out, everything worked great until the next update, where I basically had to start from scratch again, because one of them I basically rewrote from scratch and one of them hadn't been updated for the new version of dwm yet. I also realized that I hate trying to diff diffs to find out why the code doesn't work right. It took a couple of hours to untangle the mess and fix it. I decided that I didn't want to do this every time I updated dwm, and moved to spectrwm, and later to i3, which both just worked for me. dwm probably works great for a lot of people that like it with a patch count of zero or one, or who are very comfortable with C, but not for me.

This is true. Overhead from portage brings it up to eight seconds.

Yeah, patches are a bit hit and miss, mostly because of conflicting versions or outdated patches.
If you don't know your C well enough to do your own tweaks to it, perhaps it's a bit too much of a hassle. I'd say patches are only useful as a starting point for introducing features by hand.
I personally don't use any. I have only changed colors and key bindings.

I dislike some of the UI design trends that have accompanied GTK3, like CSD titlebars and massive padding on everything. But the framework itself is probably superior to GTK2, and i'd rather have just GTK3 installed than both of them.

I feel the same overall, my mind tells me GTK3 must be superior. I've heard numerous times that GTK2 has unfixable problems. I try to use only one toolkit as much possible, it gives consistency, less configuration to do, and it uses less memory to load only one toolkit.
But GTK3 is usable only when heavily patched, e.g. on Ubuntu or Mint. That's why I still haven't migrated to Debian despite really really wanting to, it's my dream distro. I even somewhat patched GTK3 myself and build my own debian packages as a test to see if I could eventually use Debian. But it's still far away from how well it's patched on Ubuntu or Mint.
Of course I also thought about migrating to KDE and QT, but I much prefer programs that happen to use GTK3, which is a shame.

but Holla Forums told me systemd is modular, free software is about freedom of choice right guys?

It is. What's your point.

I asked and you answered, what point do you want?

you started with "but". don't be an ass, you were obviously implying something.

Hhmm, what would that be?

shit font tbh

So what? LISP is dynamically typed, are you going to say it's shit?
How does it matter practically?
Nobody writes hot spots in ruby. And optimization of code which gets 0.000…01% of CPU time anyway is completely pointless.

In other words, you have nothing to say here?

If the type inference is done at runtime, yes. Especially since LISP isn't supposed to be a scripting language.
It's slow even compared to other scripting languages.
Depending on a snowflake language that pulls an entire ecosystem just for building is retardation and bloat. How can you swing your suckless dick around and be okay with this?


Being slow without any reason makes it shit.

Being job-less is worse.

You could try converting the Arch PKGBUIlD for gtk3-ubuntu (aur.archlinux.org/cgit/aur.git/plain/PKGBUILD?h=gtk3-ubuntu) into a package for Debian. I'm guessing deb files are just an archive of some sort, and PKGBUILDs are basically bash scripts, so it should be easy enough. One alternative is to use makepkg to make a package, then convert the .tar.xz file to a .deb.

What else are the suckless devs supposed to do? Attempt to write and maintain a web engine? The real issue is that web browsers have to be big these days, because the web has become a bloated platform.
