Why are people so obsessed with sex? Like, people will literally get divorces because their husband/wife won't have sex with them; it's ridiculous
Why are people so obsessed with sex? Like...
R-selected normalfaggotry
I don't know. I think it's really dumb and childish. It feels so shallow. "Oh you won't let me give you anal? Okay lets divorce", "Oh you won't eat me out? Okay, lets divorce."
I think it's horrible, how their excuse is "I wasn't satisfied sexually." Gets on my nerves. Just remember there are other people like you OP. Not everyone cares about only sex.
Because sex is the most powerful assertion of life.
For me, it depends on the girl. With most girls I've dated, I can take it or leave it. But there have been a couple who turned me into a sexual demon, and it would have driven me mad if we remained together without sex.
im sorry your parents divorced / spouse left you / tv show premise made you angry
they are all childish
I've never dated anyone so I wouldn't fucking know
Where is the love? Sex shouldn't matter. It's about true love, not how much you want to make babies with the person, or doing stupid fetish shit.
What happened to wanting to be with the other person for their personality?
It's called testosterone you wouldn't know nerd
Why can't they control themselves? It sounds shallow. I don't want to believe testosterone makes people into cold animals.