Morality is an illusion; Nietzsche was right
Morality is an illusion; Nietzsche was right
what is right, then?
You're an illusion
Nothing. Right or Wrong don't exist. Its made up by humans, to force the weak minded to do what the poerfull want
If God doesn't exist, then we should invent Him. Nietzsche can suck Bogdanov dick.
Morality exists, right or wrong exists, it's just a matter of perspective. There are certain universal maxims, but as far as what defines a good person or bad person, it's entirely subjective.
that's a rabbit hole no man fully devoted to his ideals will ever follow. that does not sit right with me. you must be wrong. you have to be.
Absolute morality exists and is the backbone of any functioning society. It is the basis of all trust.
Moral relativism is an illusion used to justify immorality.
The Universe has no concept of 'Wrong' or 'badness'. 'Evil' is a human invention and is used as a tool to scare other people into doing things they want.
Please, tell me about the objective science of morality. Of course it's relative, you knob; however, that doesn't mean moral constructs don't serve a purpose.
Social cohesion? An evolutionary survival tactic? Is morality innately tied to biology? Where's a good place to to start reading about this shit beyond the classics
so we 'back' on this 'autism' of putting 'everything' in quotation 'marks'
What isn't an illusion, and what part of your interaction with the world isn't caused by your indulgence in some kind of faith? So what you are saying is that morality not being any different then anything else in how it expresses it's self as reality is an illusion? Well that is very convenient if you are an openly being an ass to others and have to sleep at night having the nagging feeling at the back of your head that you are a bad person. But maybe after years of injecting various narcotics to scramble your brain into submission with your desires, you will succeed. Triumphant you will understand that you are not happy, and you are slave to your instincts, and that you have no refuge in any sort of comfort besides your drugs, sex, and rock'nroll.
The Universe is a series of collisions between matter and antimatter with the power to eliminate entire solar systems, and here we are on a rock with the conditions for us to exist having shaped our environment in a way that allows us to communicate by shooting electrons down a length of metal stretching distances it would take years to traverse. We wouldn't be having this conversation if everyone was like "dude life is meaningless let's do what we want lmao".
Forgive for this post, I have been watching too much Jordan Peterson. Believe what you want, but I think trying to justify your problems with moral nihilism is cheap. If you actually are in the opinion that what you are doing is right you won't be talking about it morals are inherent to the universe. You will be set in your ways, but hopefully it will not be to your detriment, nor mine.
Fucking fedoras.
You moralfags think the wolves and the bears and the deer have concepts of reality? Only humans do because we created it to control people. Nature has no morality.
Nietzsche didn't say morality is an illusion. Only that normative morality is a waste of time.
The wolves and the bears and the deer are too busy protecting themselves from the wrath of the elements to consider whether it's wrong to growl the Lord's name in vain.
That's certainly part of it. Morality is just a natural byproduct of our developed brains. We think in complex terms and have complex desires, and so it's important to develop laws and rights based on moral constructs. I think the invention of moraility, value, good and bad, are all based on the same thing that drives other animals–survival and preservation of the species.
Yea, I hear what you are saying but what do you really want out of this? You think I don't do things that morally reprehensible? Of course I do, but I am not trying to invalidate the nature of our mind to comfort myself, morals are real, and if you don't except some, you will except others. No I don't think wolves, and bears have morals, maybe proto-morals. But, we do, you just don't understand the evolutionary utility of it. We have brains that are complex, and amplified version of our ancestors structurally. We know that there is certain relationships that necessary for the structure of groups to be maintained. In maybe a wolf pack this would seem more simplistic and blunted emotionally, but in our advancement we have taken these same tools of survival to maintain our more complex social interaction with with morals. What is the big mystery here?
And that's exactly what you should spend your time doing instead of wasting your time worrying about silly made up things like morality. Keep your life on the bottom two levels of maslow's pyramid for your benefit. A simple life is a good life.
You have a retard's conception of Nietzsche's works. You don't actually understand them.
Reread everything he wrote, contemplate it, and only come back when you actually understand everything he wrote. Assuming you can even handle that, brainlet.
I heard my normie sister talking about this the other day.
There is no proof that people who are moral are thinking about morality, in fact I don't think they do most of the time. You are just warped in some ways, you have morals btw.
Your foundation is missing.
If you're a nigger. But even they built mud shelters and established tribal councils and so forth before they started blindly following the Democratic party. By the way that's who force-fed you the retarded ideology you're spouting, all the better to control you and make you think other people are controlling you.
OP is gonna to tell us all about his super high IQ any minute now
Niggers are the ones who want to have exciting lives wasting welfare money on worthless luxuries like shitty brand clothing, televisions, and other gay shit. Niggers are the ones hooting and hollering disturbing the peace of normal white people trying to go about their simple life working. Having a simple life living close to nature is the white man's calling.
Just because you say the word nigger does not validate your bullshit. You can have simple life with morals.
Better to disregard morals and just make yourself dinner and then do something comfy and productive like gardening, reading, or woodworking.
If that is all you have gleaned from his writings, you're a slithering abortion that could not have missed the point by a larger margin.
The white man literally created the urban plantation in which the nigger happily hoots and hollers. To them it is nature: in fact nature has nothing to do with the faggy trees n shiiiet you're picturing. Morality is our nature.
Opinion discarded
We are not talking about irreverence here, you have morals that you practice, that are a part of you, and that is what we are talking about.
Sounds like some marxist word redefinition you're using here.
How did you figure that I said that?
And now you're trying to use kikeish arguing techniques.
Isn't word redefinition a strictly Soviet/Rothschild thing? Also if you think a moral is a loosely-defined thing then yes you are a useful idiot of their regime.
loosely define this
*whips out immoral penis*
You do understand you are on a anime website, and you are evading that what you are saying is wrong by appealing to the highest demographic here by shoehorning Marxism into this. They won't help you, they believe in morals. And this nihlism you have going on is a puppet string, babe.
How am I supposed to argue with that, you called me jew. I give up.
How's the weather in Tel Aviv, chaim?
I don't get you are playing up anti-zionist game, yet you are still think you don't have morals? Yet you are morally against the jews. What is the end game here? Are you trying to kill this thread before you have face yourself?
both of you are very gay
This whole thread is gay but I hope OP learned something.