we are being slid right now.
someone is going through old threads and posting strings of nonsensical characters.
recommend going through currently live threads and seeing which ones aren't being posted in.
we are being slid right now.
someone is going through old threads and posting strings of nonsensical characters.
recommend going through currently live threads and seeing which ones aren't being posted in.
Other urls found in this thread:
Was about to make this thread myself. Everyone to the catalog!
You can also set the catalog order to "Creation date" and see if anything stands out.
bump for exposure
how can we get an archive of all currently live threads, so we can compare to after the sliding and see which were removed?
My gut says this is what they're trying to slide. The timing is perfect
I already reported about a dozen of them. There was another "mods are shills" post that specifically complained about old threads being high in the catalog while "better" threads were being anchored or deleted, and suggested we all hie on over to that bastion of freedom, endchan. I doubt that was a coincidence.
Thread's been deleted.
If that's the case then it sounds like a false flag by either one of the mods or a pro-mod user.
same here, reported at least a dozen also, mods ain't doing shit about it
Or maybe it was endchan. That makes a lot more sense.
It's all been deleted.
That thread was deleted, because some user was dropping red pills about the mods in it.
Stop being part of the problem.
This place could only function because of active mods. Otherwise it'd be FUBAR with shilling as cuckchan is.
The thread was deleted because it was a shit thread that we've had a thousand times before, filled with image macros we've all already seen, posted by someone from endchan who necrobumped all the threads on the last page with the same IP before they posted it.
here's a non jew marked version OP
protip: compare the timings for the anti-mod threads versus "slide" threads
Many of the slide threads are posted after the anti-mod threads, suggesting that the mods and their sockpuppets are deliberately false flagging the board.
Surprised that the blue pilled faggots here fall for this Jew trickery.
So you know the IP of the post? yet you also reported it here
Is that not what one of the anons were pointing out in the screencaps? That's exactly what one of you mods did months ago with your sockpuppets.
Good lord you faggots are so transparent.
It's the same thing over and over, like clockwork.
NO I don't know the IP of the post for sure but considering how fast that thread disappeared along with all the necrobumps it's SIMPLE LOGIC that they were all made with the same IP. Have you never moderated a forum or image board yourself? It actually takes a while to clean up spam if it's made with different IPs, but it's quick and easy if it's all done with the same IP.
Most of the people who whine about moderation have never done it before and have no idea what it entails. There are not nearly enough mods on this board, leaving it unattended for hours at a time, but when they're here, they actually do quite a bit of work, otherwise we'd look just like 4chan.
Like I said in the previous thread, this place is just a bunch of paranoid faggots headed by even more paranoid faggots that all get together to shitpost about anime, trump, kek, natsoc stuff, and mindless speculation.
In other words, check 'em, faggots.
This just shows y'all that even I'm an immense faggot! Who knew?!
That's not my point you fucking moron. I'm saying it's the same pattern that is in these anti-mod threads. A bunch of pro-mod posters publicly state they report posts, then lo-and-behold, those same threads all get banned. All around a milieu of actual red pills on mods, chronic spamming, and claims (always unsupported) about outsider threats and boogeymen (this time the claim is endchan and Holla Forums). Anytime there is talk against the mods the same meta-patterns happen. Mysterious VPNs, "slide threads", spamming inside legit threads. Then everything gets shut down and honest posters get caught up in it and banned.
what I'm stating here is that you are part of the same pattern I've noticed over the last year. Posts like yours are part of a larger pattern that plays itself out in every thread where the mods get criticized. The same language, the same posting styles, the same methods mentioned above.
Over and over. Like clockwork.
There is thousands of words and dozens of images over on /politics/ that indicate that the mods of Holla Forums are not to be trusted. You are either truly new here, or one of their sockpuppets or friends.
Also, what sort of fucking retard or shill a priori defends the hotpockets here, and is completely oblivious to the history of how Holla Forums was started?
Wha-a-a-t? When multiple people report posts and threads, the mods actually do something about it?!?
What the fuck do you think happens when the mods are flooded with reports about the same posts and threads? They nuke them to end the invasion, you dumb kike. Even the stupid paranormal board I used to moderate did that. It's Moderation 101: "If you think your board is being invaded, start deleting instead of retreating". Every mod on every board everywhere would do the same damn thing. Meanwhile, this complaint thread remains up:
Nah. The mods were getting their pushed in and then all of a sudden necrobumping ensues and all the pro-mod people start screaming IT WAS ENDCHAN!!!! (despite having absolutely no proof whatsoever)
Sounds suspicious as fuck.
Then don't spread fucking disinfo then, dipshit
Huh, this is a pretty cool thread. Let's see what happens when I link it.
Fuck off dude , All you need to do is stop being a faggot and start to filter shills thread from the catalog.
Some faggots have been trying to fracture the community since months ago because the mods delete e-celeb bullshit. If you dont like moderation leave the fucking board.
Evalion will never be allowed
You have to use the right patterns to trigger the dubs, because dubs can only be given once you use a certain aggressive posting behaviour you fucking cunt. The mindless speculation is mostly due the chaotic nature you pseudofrog.
fixed it for you
Fucking shit..
So do we get women with bigger hips instead of bigger tits, i dont really like that thought.
But if you look at that tinfoil stuff closely it is like auto completion of inner fears and other inherent imagines. So if your tinfoil head is folded correctly the tinfoilheads fear is someone with a bigger brain and the third eye is what the psyducks would call confirmation bias. But they all lack precision and so all that comes out is just some vague "it is a matter of perspective" gibberish.
Now you are a being a disingenuous shill. I stated, "A bunch of pro-mod posters publicly state they report posts …" This is the exactly what I mean. You've switched from "multiple people" in the generic sense (with no further properties of the posters in question. It's merely, "anons who report things" whether they are in the threads or not), from my specific sense of there being a pattern to the kinds of people that report the threads. It's the same patterns in the same threads. A bunch of pro-mod posters, who are either spamming or talking about outsider boogeymen, suddenly start announcing their reports. Which is exactly what happened in the deleted thread from an hour or so ago. There were at least two of them, not only announcing the reports, but also one of them was deliberately spamming while the other was constantly referencing outside boogeymen. Again, this single fact is part of an overall collection of facts that occurs whenever the mods don't want the blue pilled newfags or the low IQ delusional holdouts on this board from knowing what is happening behind the scenes.
It happens nearly every time there is a larger discussion about the mods here that has a bunch of evidence in it (as opposed to the thread you incorrectly linked to that doesn't have jackshit in it, and can be used by them as an exemplar of D&Cing even though the OP might be a legitimate poster who is pissed off at the way that this place has been run into the ground for the last 18+ months).
Not only are you stupid, but you are actively harmful to Holla Forums and Holla Forums.
This has been going on since at least Jan 2015 after the second and third exoduses circa Oct-Dec 2014.
I suggest you read these threads for a longer history of exactly what is happening here (doubt you will, because you are either a newfag or a shill. Try to contain your triggered emotions from people mentioning evalion and try to see the forest from the trees):
fuck off dude, you lost any single ounce of credibility the moment you mentioned endchan, You are either being played and dont even know who josh is or you are just another shill.
Moderation will not change, e cebels will not be allowed if you want to leave then go ahead.
I mentioned endchan in the context of being used as a boogeyman. Nowhere in this thread have I endorsed it. It is one of many in a list of other boogeymen (Holla Forums, red ice, chimpire, 8ch.pl, endchan) that the mods have used over and over to control this board with very little evidence (beyond Holla Forums being a bunch of retarded shitposters).
This stands in contrast to the almost clockwork-like nature of how 8/pol/ operates and is organized when something threatens the collective hotpockets behind the scenes. The logistical fastness of how they crack down here is way faster than how the alleged "shills" and boogeymen operate. If the shills are as organized as you say, then the board should be over-run. Yet the exact opposite happens. The mods are quick, and use the same patterns to crack down on alleged "shilling", which is nearly always associated with threads that seem to pointing out problems with the moderators. It's basic al Qaeda/ISIS garbage. They've seem to created their own enemy that they now control. A toothless set of boogeymen, yet when those boogeymen get organized, lo&behold, a bunch of similar posters turn up in the threads with similar patterns of operating (avatar spamming, VPN abuse, claims of the boogeymen present).
My ethos is not undermined here.
Your post right here is a good example of the kind of pattern I'm talking about. It's a >(1) out of nowhere. It makes me out to be some sort of outsider boogeyman. It makes out that the problem is something to do with e-celebs, when this is a larger problem with the hotpockets going back well over a year, that they've never, ever honestly addressed here or on /metapol/.
If anything is slid, it's the Reuters shutting down their feed because Trump is wearing a Jewish scarf….I think…
That REALLY triggered the Jews, plus it shows they have control over (((media)))
OP here.
Do you have a link/reference/archive to the anti-mod thread that you (if I understand correctly) are referring to as being slid/deleted?
Josh is not a outsider boogeyman, he is the owner of endchan.