Why are alt-right fags the master of comedy?

Why are alt-right fags the master of comedy?



I remember seeing this guy in a webm.

Other urls found in this thread:


You gotta be kidding me. But I'm against bullying. Guy is 17. He'll come arround.

Btw, on another note, as a leftist I would not make fun of the alt-rights youtube presence.

You can hate them for the ridicolous spooked fags they are, but people like Black Pigeon Speaks or Sargon of Akkad manage to deliver well produced videos with some rationality in it. People like their stuff.

Famous leftists on youtube are just knee-deep into idpol.

classic chinazi

/r/ing women are demons and "how many slashes"


Good effort pol, but I mean you'd have to have just undergone lobotomy to think Sargon of Akkad's videos have any "rationality" to them, even if you were a polyp, and they certainly aren't well produced.

Bullshit, they get popular by poking holes in reasoning that a toddler would be skeptical of. Not being a feminazi is not an achievement.

Look, I fucking hate the alt-right just as much as you, but those autists at least know how to make decent looking videos.

Decent according to who?

I think he means they have decent production values i.e. they look slick and professional, not that they have meaningful or interesting content.

no they don't, their vids are pathetic shit m8

All of them are shit.From molyneux to whatever edgy third-worlder maoist,these guys are CANCER.Their motivation isn't aquiring knowledge and making a genuine video to which they have given a great amount of tought.Instead they live off this shit.They need to pump out a video every week and be edgy as fuck.It's a bussniess.

Righties have built up a huuuge strawman from what used to be minor parts of the internet. (I'm not giving that guy's video views btw)

They've increased the power and visibility of self-contradictory groups like capitalist, agency-obsessed feminists and groups they've allowed into some of their own political circles like identity obsessed liberals.

Now they're creating comedy from the pseudo-strawman they've built seeking the reactions of 2,000,000 angry virgin gamers.

In an age where tumblr tier idpol is being codified into law it is an achievement.

Kek, you know pimozide study is debunked shit?

Is this guy from Toronto? I know him, he has autism.

Sargon isn't even altright.

His Facebook: facebook.com/ZackvonBachmann

Holy shit he actually wants to be white and everything lmao.

because they're homosexual like you. the real question is why are you so terribly unfunny



