I'm 17 and just drank a cl of jack daniels for the first time in my life.
I never consumed any alcohol before and drinking such a strong alcoholic drink felt like my throat was burning, i also felt dizzy immediately after it like my head was almost spinning.
Is this even normal?
Jack daniels
Still feeling dizzy
You're going to puke your guts up and feel like death for about eight hours.
Well fuck, i'm an irresponsible idiot
Wont it help it help if i drink a lot of fruit juice afterwards?
Drink plenty of water and eat bacon the morning after.
Nigger why the fuck didn't you start off with a beer? You could've grabbed a can for like 3 dollars at a local gas station. You stole your parents liquor and you don't have an ID/are not of legal age in your state yet didn't you?
Why is it so bad?
My friend drank more whiskey then i just did when he was 14 (mixed with cola though).
When will i start to vomit and did i just perm damage my brain or brain cells?
You probably drank too much all at once. You should take whiskey one shot glass at a time if you've never drank anything before. Your friend diluted the alcohol with cola so it probably didn't hit him as hard.
Probably not, but you're still too young to be risking it. Really should've just grabbed a beer dude for fucks sake
I'm starting to feel like my face is getting warm and a bit more happy
if you get the spins that's the absolute fucking worst. hopefully you'll quickly pass out. you'll probably get sick as well. be sure not to sleep on your back or you could choke on your puke of there is solid stuff in your stomach still.
I'm just gonna listen to this album until i'm gonna pass out *sigh*.
That's fucking it? If you feel dizzy after a cl, you are imagining it.
You shouldn't feel dizzy until 8-12 cL. It should burn, though.
when did embed come back?
yeah it felt like my throat was burning wen i drank like a ml without anything.
Idk, like a couple of days ago maybe.
I'm not tracking the amount of days without embed, not that kind of person.
Why the fuck did you do this to yourself?
Do you hate yourself nigger?
What's the big deal?
What can actually happen to me after drinking just 1 cl of jd.
Besides, my friend drank more than me at just 14 and step sister drank so much more alcohol in the past and she's still just 15.
go in your step sisters room right now
Will you be me a flight ticket to russia then?
You simply irreversably damaged your brain.
The following weeks you will notice how your ability of focusing and memory recall will be extremely impaired.
I hope you will still be able to graduate from high school.
she's Russian too? :)
Nigga quite lying, i drank no more than just one cl of jd.
Meanwhile some randum guy downed a whole bottle at once and he's still able to speak properelly, socialise with friends and still being able to perform tasks.
i don't know who that is
Seriously, are you Daniel?
Don't understand what the straw is for.
That's because you have a very low IQ.
It's for air displacement. Grow a brain fucking moron.
C'mon OP, I really expected you to know the mechanics behind sucking liquid from a tube with only one hole.
Sounds like you're describing being tipsy. Drink more, like half a glass, and you'll be drunk.
Alcohol is not neurotoxic, don't worry about it.
i'm eating dumplings right now
he was in a hospital one hour after this and died an hour after admission
Fuckin druggo
No, he didn't.