In which chicken little proclaims that the sky is falling.
Storytime - The Flintstones #6
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The End
How can something good exist in this horrible post modernist world after spaggetti westerns?
goddamit, writers
I love how it ends with him getting duct taped to a wall like when he was a kid.
This keeps getting better and better.
Where's a drawfag when you need them?
That was a ride. Who the fuck would thought about doing this in the first place? But I'm glad someone did.
I know, right?
Is it selling well? I hope its selling well.
Excellent taste, comrades.
These comics are gold.
Gerald: 1
Atheists: 0
Numbers are mediocre and dropping. It started out 40k units in July, at 20k in August, and last month it was down to slightly under 13k.
I like how duct tape is just duct tape, with no stone age substitution. The reminder that it's been around since the dawn of time is subtle.
Its not fair, its just not fair…….
The third page first strip just poetry! Just pure poetry!
Maybe people here should actually buy the comics then.
After the marriage issue, I was worried that the writers were already losing their touch, but this is good stuff. Both somber and funny at the same time.
i do
Buy more, slut.
Yabba Dabba Doo it!
They need to hurry and get the trades on shelves ASAP instead of waiting a year to compile things.
I hate collecting singles. Really schisms my 'tism. I'd rather have the collected volumes instead.
Oh I know how you feel. I'm the same way.
Oh user, you have so much yet to learn.
not really
they're just being forced to write about certain topics in certain ways
notice how theres black people in the comic after the one black guy died
but they were still able to discourage racemixing
In their defense.. Sheila is pretty hot.
Last issue's "Gays are essential to human survival" subplot put me off buying this one.
That was not them at their best, but they really needed a way to show the Georgite's hypocrisy to marriage. And unfortunately, they couldnt go the interracial route, with how the world is set up.
I wasnt a fan of Flintstone's rationale, but honestly, it makes sense in the nomadic tribal outfit he used to live in.
Did Neal Adams do that second cover?
It could be understood that way, but it could also be seen as "tribes (communities) need more than just breeders and children to survive"
It definitely wasn't their best issue, either way.
pls email [email protected]/* */ if you're a cat named sakamoto and want a cute furret to lick your paws
pls email [email protected]/* */ if you're a cat named sakamoto and want a cute furret to lick your paws
Waddup 847 peeps?!?
Mitsubishi montero/pajero
Tio holding her boobs ominously over some user's head while saying, "It's all Ogre now!"
Got any pictures? I would love to see some of the paper gundam stuff.
A neo-persona clone?
This, pls
Fucking schoolies is pussy galore mate
Have you tried? I feel like I'm repeating myself. How about you go to a few sessions and then decide?
Also, I won't answer anymore. I already gave you all I or anyone here can.If you are too stubborn to listen, then it's your problem, not ours.
Who is that gal?
Fred Flintstone is a true man of the people. He doesn't fool himself into thinking he has the answers to life's mysteries and focuses on the simple pleasures.