Does anybody else use fetishism as an escape from reality?
With the right person, I'd happily live mine 24/7. It's the only time the scope, expectations and headfuckery of society doesn't crush me into a festering lump of abject anxiety and misery.
Does anybody else use fetishism as an escape from reality?
Is this an AMA thread? Is your fetish giantess garbage or other autism?
A whole other world of autism. Pic's just being used as it's the only one I had on my desktop with a cropped face.
Could be an AMA tho. Not feeling particularly sarcastic today.
why use fetishism when you could just escape from reality
what the fuck are you talking about
OP is gay
only a bit gay
I used to, but it was pathetic and unhealthy and I've since stopped. If you're not a full tranny semen demon or whatever you're into, I'd suggest you stop while you still can.
Not quite my cup of tea, but I'm using "full tranny semen demon" as my next EP title
If it's some kind of cosplay fetish, then it's always motivated by a need to escape from reality.
That's literally what all gays and transgendered people are doing. They treat fetishism as an integral part of their lives until such point as they believe it represents a part of their character. That's why the degenerates who have homosexual intercourse have recently been pushing to be treated as legitimate 'couples', even though these pairings seldom work out due to the fact that you can't really love someone of the same sex. They just want to be recognized as 'gay' instead of a 'gay fetishist' such as to continue to live in this fetishistic bubble of abstraction from reality permanently. I don't know what shit you're doing with your life, but unless you want to reduce everything you stand for to a disgusting emblem of degeneracy, don't try to use fetishism to escape reality. Some day you would realize that you've ruined your life and destroyed any opportunity to be legitimately happy just to fulfill a fetish that you might not even want to cling to in the future but now have to because trying to scrub that from your identity would basically mean you have to restart everything from scratch.
this tbh
The drugs did more damage than any kink play has.
There are people who have a primary attraction to the same sex–we call them homosexuals… or… gay.
i fix shit or buy up or tech that would otherwise be scraped cause normalfags are retarded.
Solid means of paying rent. If there's a market, you'd be a fool to ignore it.
doesn't really make much, I'm just bored and want something to fuck with most of the time.
I've had to pay rent for the last 12 years.
live with family, paid off house, no one cares, etc etc.
why do you crossdress, attention whoring?
The crossdressing isn't the kink, maybe a facet at most. I'm an open transvestite.
It'd be a lie to say I didn't enjoy the attention though.
so whats your fetish then or have i missed something
It sits in the ABDL/Ageplay communities.
I had a shit childhood. Dunno if that plays into it.
yeah i would say that plays into it, enjoy being a weird cunt, not even sarcasm do wtf you enjoy it don't effect me none, whatever floats your boat
I certainly intend to.
is this what commies do for a revolution?
Is that you OP? post more pics
Not a commie. Never liked those hats.
Was it ever not that?
Quite the opposite.
I use reality as an escape from fetishism.
too late for me, i can't criticize anything anyone does not to become what i am now.
Why? As long as you aren't a pedo, you shouldn't worry too much.
just allot of bad experiences and basically no good ones. ever since i can remember every time I initiate anything with anyone it ends bad.
this is why im a cave dweller. i hate socialising and love myself, so i isolate to autism levels.
the last time someone talked to out of anything other than obligation, she said "you never talk and it kinda scares me". feels bad man.
5+ years of communicating almost exclusively in text and reaction images probably hasn't helped my shit social skills any, but then again, it is probably better than nothing.
best thing is to be shameless. if you're shameless you can talk to anyone with no issues.
i honestly don't understand this shit. you have a shit upbringing or whatever, you get bullied as a kid, you chat with strangers online or some shit, how in the fuck do you translate that into 'time to be a man in a dress xD'?
am i dense? did i miss something? because this doesn't make any sense. i don't get the turn-on, i don't get the rationalization, i don't get any of it.
wtf dude get your shit together, this is horribly pathetic and not in a good way.
could literally be just a fetish he inherently has and is using it to escape the fact he was bullied and shit; i.e. utilising your resources.
I would love be a baby girl for my daddy, and letting he to take care of me and hug me, and switch my diapers and so on XD
shit's not healthy dude; i get my rocks off to bestiality better than any porn, but i chose to avoid that shit because its fucked up. there's no way that feeding into that shit is good for me. same shit here, he should have at least some semblance of SHAME and DISGUST, and use those feelings to, i dont know, maybe CHANGE HIMSELF TO REFLECT THOSE FEELINGS rather than wallowing in it and letting it define his fucking existence.
somehow i dont think suppressing your desires would lead to anything beneficial for anyone. if you like bestiality, then go ahead and jerk to it. what's the fucking problem? you say it's fucked and he should feel shame and disgust but for what reason?
I use my body Inflation fetish to escape from reality. I enjoy talking to like-minded people, but even some of those guys can be pricks too.
And yes, I'm literally attracted to shit that's (for the most part) physically impossible
if spending three years being brainwashed by Holla Forums has taught me anything, it's that suppressing your desires can be an excellent choice when you have dreams of walking through ghettos and indiscriminately murdering niggers. there's certain things that you don't let happen because if you did it would fuck your shit up.
and to answer why i think it's wrong, it's a combination of la petite mort (the existential dread you sometimes get after a good nut and you sit there and think about your life like that one scene from neon genesis evangelion) and the fact that you get off to the taboo rather than the experience. you see this shit on the forums and boards dedicated to extreme fetishes, where people come out and write up these long-winded accounts of why x fetishism is perfectly healthy and reasonable and should be accepted because it falls under the same jargon as the dsm-v.
I think ideally their is some happy middle ground. i feel like i embody the over shameful side.
I still to this day can't really relax without remembering something stupid i did as early as first grade and hating myself for it. it took me until senior year in highschool before I was even able to take a bath or lay in bed without cringing at my memories and stressing out the whole time.
my fear of doing yet another thing that i can't forget is probably why I can't properly interact with people, but it really only makes things worse. it is kind of hard to change yourself when you are ashamed of your being too ashamed, so i just block it out with entertainment and keep social interaction to an absolute minimum.
your nigger example is piss poor because it harms another person. im talking about desires that dont harm anyone. being a cross dresser or jerking it to animals harms no one.
you feel shit after you nut because your life probably sucks in general. if you were a depraved patrician, you wouldnt mind since your success evens out your degeneracy. nut to animals when you have a successful life, then talk to me.
we all die some day so who gives a fuck and just be yourself to make the remaining years less of a drag.
I don't agree. We all have that inner moral compass that just knows when we are fucking up, a lot of times people fap to this shit and even though it feels good momentarily, its not making them happy of fulfilled.
look into it, it helped me.
there are no victimless vices.
i think its more of a mental thing; it doesn't feel 'clean' for lack of a better word. get off to normal shit just fine and don't feel that shit, it's only happened to me with beast shit.
I know that feel all too well user.
Most likely why I am going to kill myself eventually.
That is my solution..
But what
might work out for you.
Your argument is "some thing inside me says this is wrong" which is the exact feeling people who reject incest fall into. They merely dont like the idea of two related people feeling love for each other in general for no bloody reason. This is stupid thinking.
same as you.
what makes you come to these conclusions? just some hunch because you cant be fucked thinking about shit for yourselves.
yeah, there is.
i really wish I could just turn it off, but even if i could all I even know how to communicate anymore is memes, and jaded sarcasm.
never had any success with meditation due to being flooded with dread anytime i'm not doing something to keep my mind off it.
As far as therapy goes, even if i find the money and time (which i would somehow if i thought it would help) my experiences with them so far have been a fucking joke.
for better or worse my distractions let me cope enough that i don;t want to kill myself, but never relaxing, falling asleep from exhaustion every night, and having nightmares where i run from my shame 90% of the time is already catching up to me health wise. I feel 10 years older than I am.
No its just experience. I know I'm happier when I don't masturbate to porn. We have limited time on this earth, and so many of us waste it by fapping to pixels on a screen. A fap here and there is nothing in the grand scheme of things, but when you get older and look back you realize how much it all adds up and how little value it added to your life.
so you would agree on my argument that the only reason people feel worthless is because they havent achieved anything? see here
it seems thats all you care about and not the fact society would deem it wrong.
see the Westermarck effect, nature sees incest as something wrong as well.
the fact that for some reason, i don't feel dread when i masturbate to 'normal' shit, and when i fap to loli or beast or 'deviant' stuff, i do feel that dread. im going off of the literal emotional states i feel after i orgasm, i shouldn't have to get out the fucking pen and paper trying to analyze why my feelings are hurt because i rubbed my dick to images of cute girls getting railed by dogs. really simplifies things when the body can explain that shit for you.
tbh meditation takes a while to work. it's like a workout but for your brain; you can only get better with time and practice. sure beats sucking down pills and zombifying yourself imo
Dude, back when I was in middle school I thought I would never reach a point in my life that I would want to end it. I thought I could go through life completely unfazed by everything and keep moving forward.
Now, I am almost 21 and I think about killing myself at least 5 times a day. I am slowly losing my mind and distractions don't work anymore.
Its hard to say because how you feel about it may change after you achieve personal success. A fat persons relationship with food will likely change dramatically over the course of losing weight and reaching his goal.
Fapping to gross porn may not seem like a big deal at the bottom, but as you climb up you have to discard at least bits of it to reach where you want to be.
someone merely wanting to have a platonic relationship or mere sex without reproducing isn't an issue. as humans, we can tell nature to go fuck itself. why do you bend over to natures will or your primitive fucking feelings? you dont know why you feel this way and just submit to it? you people are pathetic. i would love to use that ideology if I had I strong liking to anally raping infants. why question it? just go with it. your body doesnt explain shit, cunt. as you said, you dont want to understand
if i was on top, i would feel less disgusted about pleasuring myself to degeneracy as im already a fucking saint and cannot be tainted.
So, then why did I want to fuck my cousin who I grew up with and why did she want to fuck me?
And why do I want to fuck my sister who I also grew up all my life with? (Well I can explain this one.. I am losing my fucking mind that is why. Can't explain why my cousin and I wanted to fuck each other though.)
i guess i should, just kind of hard to choose over playing some video game i know will take my mind of things. what was your experience with meditation like exactly? how did it help?
i'm almost the opposite in some ways. I got to have a super fun existential crisis in 5th grade, but it has been uphill from there. now, at-least my autism lets me be easily distracted. I can't even tell you how much time i've spent sorting, tagging, and rating my porn collection. not to mention i can easily sink 1000+ Hours into a good game.
my work is so brain dead, I basically do 3 people jobs (get paid the same) just so I don't have to spend half my day dwelling in my head.
i don't know if it can last forever, but the chans at-least help by giving me some basic social interaction that doesn't stress me out.
man, that's hot. have you tried anything? how old? are you and them attractive? how do you know she wants you? all these questions. As you can tell, i fucking love incest.
consider for a moment that we are not entirely logically beings and that even though we're human it doesn't mean we're separate from nature.
yeah, thats definitely why i dropped beast shit over a year ago for the better. didn't take a lot of soul-searching or mental fortitude to figure out it wasn't good shit for me regardless of how it made my dick feel. all it took was some honesty and figuring out my shit.
beats me, everyone has a rationale for it :^)
fun fact, when i was a teenager i had fantasies about fucking my mom, and they stayed fantasies because it never would've worked and it would not be as nice as the horny teenaged brain would convince of me.
everything you said is literally against that. you seem incredibly confused and stubborn.
and fuck up about the logic bullshit. you gonna tell me there is no meaning in life? these are weasel words.
do tell.
you're a nigger who's twisting words, i said nothing about life being meaningless, im saying that >we aren't entirely logical beings.
and how is me being honest with myself not what happened?
simple as that
nah im gonna sleep instead
you're a tad bit autistic, too, i see.
u say you are honest with yourself and figured shit out when you literally mentioned you dont want to analyse your feelings and just do what your body says. you arent honest; you havent figured shit out.
you say it's bad, but for no reason. again, you are merely a slave to your mind.
I would have to say.. I was 12-13 and she had to have been 11-12 at the time. We both had a little bit of pubic hair.
We shared a room in my grandmother's house. It was me, her, her younger sister (0 attraction to her) and and my younger sister.
(I still live there btw.. In the same room in fact)
She got her own bed My sister and her sister shared a bed. And I slept on the floor in between the two beds.
One night she rolls out of bed in the middle of the night and just gets under the covers and lays on top of me.
At this point I am fucking confused cause at this point in my life I didn't even know what sex really was.
I just knew I liked seeing naked women whenever I stumbled on to an old porn mag that no one bothered to hid very well. Didn't even know how to masturbate or what an orgasm was. Never had one.
Anyway, back to the story.
I am confused as fuck and then she goes down under the cover and grabs my dick out of my underwear.
More fucking confusion! But I don't do anything cause it is the middle of the night and having a warm body on top of me felt pretty good.
She then puts my dick in her mouth and I went from semi to hard in seconds.
And that is all she blows me for, a few seconds.. enough for me to get hard.
She comes back up and then she just lays on top of me I guess just feeling my hard-on through her panties. And she is fullbody shaking, like a fucking vibrator. Panting really heavy. She is really warm..
Here is the part of the story I get mad at myself when I think back on it.
I want her to go back to sucking my dick so I try to push her back down. It takes some doing but she is back to blowing me. But she is using teeth a bit. So, I say as quite as I can, "No teeth." She fixes it and then after she feels like she has done enough which was like 10 more seconds, she comes back up and just lays there on top of me again "vibrating" and panting.
I guess I wasn't quiet enough or she was panting too loud, cause not long after my grandmother comes in to investigate. The light comes on. She is still under the cover but now she is stock still. I couldn't see pass the covers and my cousin's head. The cover was over both of our heads.
I guess my grandmother just stood there for a second and then I just hear her turn around and not say a word. The light goes back off and the mood is ruined.
My grandmother and I still haven't talked about it to this day.
There were a few more instances like that but not as intense as the first, before she moved away.
: (
man, i would really like to believe that. truly. if it did happen, i envy you, and it was a good read. what has happened since? any other developments?
Oh by the way I am still a virgin. We never had sex.. she just dry humped my dick like 2 times. I fingered her once While she was asleep Don't fucking judge me.
She moaned way too loud and I had to stop.
We didn't do much. But the first time she might have even had sex with me if our grandmother didn't come in and if I didn't try to get her to continue blowing me.
Like a year after that they my cousins moved out.. (Cause my grandmother kicked my uncle and my cousins out)
So I only got to see them during the Summer. I guess my grandmother was on high alert after the first time we did something cause we could never get any time alone. After a while we even had to sleep in separate bedrooms. Plus we had other cousin's over for the summer. So legit no alone time..
One summer I was like 15 at the time, I was laying on the floor.. she comes into the room laid on top of me and I grabbed her ass.
Her half bother was laying on the bed next to us asleep and I guess when she realized he was there she got spooked and hopped right back off of me.
She had just come in from outside and the room was dark.. so.. yeah..
Ugh, I still hate that I never got to have sex with her and never will. And also that I will never have sex.. 9 more years till I am a wizard. Woo Hoo..
(note: im aware this might be false)
why the fuck do you give up now? just go for it, holy shit. finish what you started. what is holding you back?
100% true
100% over and never gonna happen.
I don't even think I want it to happen anymore. She most likely has had way too much dick by now. I am a fat ass beta and she is going after alphas.
And anyway, she has a boyfriend and calls him "papi".
She is 17 now I am turning 21 this month and she lives all the way in Florida.. which is what I forgot to mention..
I live in Indiana. She is in Florida. Can't happen. and she doesn't come over for the summer anymore.
In fact her and her sister even had to go to a shelter because of Irma I just heard recently from my grandmother that they were in the path.
And if they did have to move back here because their mom's house got destroyed my grandmother wouldn't allow it.Cause my cousin can't be trusted. Cause she is a thief and a criminal just like her dad.
Fuck it I will drop a pic of her right now.
The first one is from 2013
Second is form 2014
And the last one is from march of this year.
She made her Instagram private so I can't get any "recent" pictures..
She actually visited for a day for a funeral in June..
And my god she had on the tightest shit..
She has gotten like really thick. If you will excuse the meme.. T H I C C.
She has really grown into her basic bitch body..
Doesn't add up, fam. Also, niggers. Despite these issues, I would say who the fuck cares and cuck her bf. Lose some weight first.
I am still 20. I am not sure if she has had her birthday this year yet or not Like I said she lives in Florida now and I don't keep up. We haven't like "talk" talked in years.
All I know is she is like a little under 3 years younger than me. So. A more pin point number would be She was 11 or might have been 12 and I might have just turned 12 or 13 at the time. Memories from 8 years ago are fuzzy with a lot of moving in between homes and schools.
So she is she has to be 18 or almost 18 by now. and I am still 20 as of writing this.
Oh right the nigger part.. yeah.. we are mulatto's
Pff.. I fuck up the math again.
Kek. I am not doing my story any justice not remember how old we were.
Okay Now thinking back I had to have been 13 and a half or some shit. and she was 11.
Just trust me despite the fact I can't trust my memory worth a damn.
Haha. yeah you didn't really help your case, here. I mean, I guess i can say she's alright for a nigger, but I just in general cannot find them attractive. Honestly my main concern after this being fake is you just dominating her. Stop being a fat flob.
She knew way more about sex than I did back then. Like I said.. aside from the occasional peek at a porn mag and this one time I accidentally went to a porn website cause I was trying to go to but I typed instead. (You have heard of miniclip I am sure but miniclips 'was' a website with a bunch of pop ups about chicks with big tits that played in paint.. They have since bought that domain and had it redirect to
That was my first time watching porn.
She was watching porn and knew about sex before me. When dick got hard didn't know what to do with it.
And SHE got on top of ME.
I was just trying to sleep on my floor cot.
I didn't know how to dominate shit let alone jerk it.
Yeah, so go gym and work on yourself then dominate the fuck out of her. If true, you're in a unique situation. Take advantage.
Also I feel ya. I feel the same about Mexican and Puerto rican women.
I don't really like Mexican or Puerto rican women. I don't find them attractive.
I am a mulatto. I am partly black. but yes still technically black in skin tone.. aww I guess you are right..
} :
Im hispanic and consider my kind to be cockroaches. You just have to admit when you are filth, tbh.
Dude, I legit can't We live over 1,000 away from each other. So, unless I take a plane ticket to go visit her and somehow her boyfriend doesn't kick my ass and/or shoot me.. There is no guarantee she is even into me anymore since she has had like a ton of dick by now..
Which you know would be rape.
But hey, if I do, do it I will definitely record and share here.
Otherwise.. refer to
Cause at this point it is either die alone a wizard or dominate my cousin.
So you that time to work on yourself, then when you get the chance to finally meet, fuck her. Her boyfriend is a foreign entity that will taint your bloodline. She is your sister, you have full right to take her back.
She is my cousin.
Sure there are
Well this thread blew up unexpectedly while I slept.
Oh me too, user…