"The Jew's of the world have a holocaust coming…"
"The Jew's of the world have a holocaust coming…"
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RIP Ernst Zundel. Have a webm version
I can't hear it
Sounds fine to me m8. Can you hear this one?
saving that for future reference
You should watch the whole interview if you haven't seen it. Ernst Zundel was genius-tier.
is worth visiting
Perfect, I couldn't watch it via YouTube because apparently it "isn't available" in my country.
Do you want the whole interview? I have it saved and could upload it to MEGA for you
Don't need to, I'll set up a proxy and watch it later.
Glad Sarah joined the cause
Thanks for that user, made my day better. She's a cutie too
I know your mods are ban happy and cuck you guys constantly, but can you at least try to keep your shitposting threads in your hugbox?
Everybody with half a brain and a sense of responsibility to not blame their problems on the magic jew elite conspiracy
Not an argument
yw, courtesy of >>>/sa/
Keep posting please, your /salt-left/ tears are tasty
Keep replying please, your /salt-right/ tears are tasty
Ohhh now I recognize that name.
You got me. She's still cute though
I found a sculpture of your ancestor
Just saying it's real doesn't make it real. We have this amazing little thing called facts, which if you Holla Forumstards actually left your snowflake echochamber would learn about.
Found a picture of you at your local museum
you're not friend with reality, are you sure about your mental stability?
Still no evidence, Holla Forumscuck. Magic Jewish elite got your tongue? :^)
Every reply I've been mocking you, sonny. Now go to bed.
No arguments and no evidence. Sad! I suggest you actually read a book on the Holocaust and Jewish culture instead of forming opinions on fourteen million people through psuedo-science MS paint comics.
>>>Holla Forums
Will realize the secret? Most of us know how silly he looks, but in case you don't, look below and click the spoliered video!
Great arguments against the mainstream holohoax story are presented in the OP's video. Never mind other great works like TGSNT, Cole in Auschwitz, or Questioning the Holocaust: Why We Believed. The reality is, the leftist saging this thread would rather bury his head in the sand than face hard truths. As most leftists do.
don't try it, leftists are like little children who cover their ears and scream "im right and you're wrong!"
for a good time I thought they're bating, but nope they aren't joking.
Nice meme, I should really take the word of a dozen or so neurotics instead of literally every historian and professor in the world. Pretty funny how they literally found a document saying that the Nazis planned to exterminate Jews and subhumans yet you guys still screech about how Hitler was a good boi who dindu nuffin. Pic related debunks every argument by your holocaust deniers BTW. Feels > Reals as usual with you Holla Forumscucks.
Calling leftists children isn't an argument. That's like if I called all righists fat nerd virgins who larp as Nazis because they fail at life. Although it's essentially true, it doesn't argue for my viewpoints or against my opposition's in any way.
Jesus, Chaim. I can smell your flop sweat from here. You've been bested, calm down and shill another day
So by your "it's essentially true" part, you not only deny the left are children, but are saying "it's essentially true"?
goy of the century
Start arguing any time, Holla Forumscuck,
"That's like if I called all righists fat nerd virgins who larp as Nazis because they fail at life. Although it's essentially true, it doesn't argue for my viewpoints or against my opposition's in any way."
What this sentence is trying to say is that I can call Rightists fat nerd virgins but it still isn't an argument that supports my opinions or opposes my enemies's opinions, even if it is based in reality. I do not deny or confirm that leftists are childish anywhere. I know you Holla Forumstards are practically illiterate, but you must be really bad if you can't comprehend a second grade reading level sentence. I suggest you use pic related, it will really help your disability.
not to mention "alt right" is a kike invention, but your comparison is really bad, educate your self!
First off, your post doesn't in any way disprove me, so good job there Holla Forumscuck. Secondly, how is the comparison bad? Just because you say it's bad doesn't make it so. I guess it makes sense you guys don't know what evidence is considering you still believe that the well documented and well proven to have happened Holocaust was fake because of speculation and psuedo-science. Feel feel to read a book anytime.
If you're genuinely interested, all the arguments put forward in the "gas chambers" part of the image have been refuted by Germar Rudolf (most are covered in the video).
To sum up quickly: he has shown that highly stable iron compounds would have formed in those conditions, unaffected by the elements, and able to penetrate lime mortars to a significant depth due to capillary action.
The Forensic Institute mentioned in the image was a Polish communist organization and made a number of elementary errors in their research - specifically, they used a test which was not even capable of detecting the compounds measured by Rudolf. Their only explanation was that they couldn't see how such compounds could be formed, despite Rudolf providing an explanation, and experimental proof (Rudolf was a formed PhD-candidate chemist at the Max Planck institute, but was drummed out and spent time in prison after his chemical work on the gas chambers).
Given the air of certainty in that section - and the fact I know it's flat-out wrong to anyone who's read Rudolf - I don't have much faith in the "debunking" of the other sections.
Keked hard on how another /salt-left/ cuck tries to push his incoherent and destructive world views. Most of Holla Forums is right, and will never become left, this is why you cucks have your designated containment board.
I hope he was right
Oh, and I should add: the part about Zyklon B being much more deadly to humans than it is to lice.
This is technically true, but it is a misleading argument which doesn't hold up once you start asking the quantitative questions of "how much more deadly?" and "how much would be required for humans versus lice?"
The disinfestation process to remove lice from clothing took part over a period of many hours. On the other hand, "gas chamber victims" had to be killed within a matter of minutes according to the standard account. On top of that, Zyklon B pellets release hydrogen cyanide gradually over an extended period, meaning you would have to use more to kill quickly since only a small proportion of the total HCN would be released from the pellet in those few minutes (against lice, there is ample time for all the HCN to develop from the pellet).
Rudolf has carried out calculations to determine how much Zyklon B would have been required if the standard accounts are correct, using data from US gas chamber executions (which also use HCN, though not in pellet form).
It turns out the amount of Zyklon B required for fast human executions was not radically different from that used in the disinfestation process, and he uses the figures thus obtained to put the expected iron compound trace levels of the d.i. chambers vs. gas chambers in context.
So this is another example of that image making a superficial argument which has already been explored in great detail if you bother to read the best of the revisionist literature.
Pretty funny how you never posted said image. Because it doesn't exist.