Any discussion regarding the mods has been silenced, suppressed, and labeled 'shilling'. The mods delete threads that attack them and redirect people to /polmeta/, how the fuck is that not blatant censorship no better than Facebook silencing rightwingers?
I would like to start off by commenting on the shill label, which is a rather subversive label considering this is an anonymous imageboard- meaning it's impossible to know one way or another whether anyone is a shill or not. With the exclusion of detecting obvious patterns, like spam, even that can be mistaken for shitposting however. Therefore it's illogical and no better than the label 'racist', to disregard opinions and ignore, because anyone with the label 'racist', to a libprog, has invalid opinions, and anyone with the label 'shill', to a Holla Forumslack, has invalid opinions. Rather than call people shills, stop playing into the jew and strengthen your arguments before you get BTFOed by the left because you spent your time calling shill rather than sharpening your argumentative skill set.
Not that this is in anyway discouraged by the mods, who rule this place like oligarchs, keeping their population(the users) blind and stupid with the 'shill' calling and choosing what's allowedanime and what isn'tcritical thinking depending on what their petty emotions tell them.
Holla Forumss opinions and actions heavily derive from general opinion consensus, i.e redpills, and if the mods control that opinion by choosing which posts are allowed, then we are essentially a tool for them.
I ask you, user, if the mods were shills, and they had the ability to delete any post that triggers them, how exactly would anyone be able to redpill you on that? If you allow the mods, who are meant to serve the community, to instead control the community, you are leading yourself down a dark path that ends with the dissolution of Holla Forums, which is exactly what the kikes want.
So, take your choice
For any anons who are realizing the mods are rightwing-SJWs, >>>/politics/ or endchan(.xyz/pol/) are good alternatives. But I recommend endchan, since Holla Forums is now owned by a cryptokike who use to work in the porn industry, otherwise known as Jim.
Let's hear some replies and criticism before the mods ban me and delete my thread for going against their imposed narrative.
If it wasn't for Jim, plenty of anons wouldn't have found here, kill yourself.
Asher Reyes
Probably because there's >>>/polmeta/, faggot
Parker Edwards
here's something i forgot to elaborate on
telling users to go to /polmeta/ is stupid as fuck because unless you force the mods to browse /polmeta/ and answer criticism, it's a worthless board and an excuse to delete actual criticism
because they're worthless cartoons made by chinks and basic procrastination
Jim's no saint, he's a businessman making plenty of money off this place. And what exactly are these new anons learning? How to fucking praise kek? How to call anyone who disagrees with them a shill?
Fuck /polmeta/, nobody goes on their, including the mods. Go on their right now and you won't find a single reply from ANY MOD AT ALL. And yet these niggers tell us to go there. They have not addressed any criticism given to them in any form. They just foster this autistic censor-culture.
Logan Nguyen
There's a serious fucking problem of mods deleting or bump locking anything that isn't pure fucking /r/the_donald.
I can't fucking wait until he wins and you faggots realize why this is a problem. This babby's first nationalism shit is cute but this has happened before and it will happen again with no real benefit.
Asher Phillips
not an argument.
Henry Barnes
this isn't a trump thread, im not here to debate trump
nor anime
my fight is with the faggot mods who won't answer any valid criticism
Aaron Williams
Bump and global report. Blow your brains out.
Jeremiah Reyes
Gex, our greatest propaganda minister, is still banned.
Know what else is "untouchable" here asides from Mods?
Calling out Feminists. I mean you can speak ill of feminists, but obviously female posters here who preach feminism ideas get White Knighted by mods, I wonder if some of them sleep with said mods like Zoe Queen did to get good reviews.
You're in a website where holocaust denial, attacking jews or any race is acceptable, but GOD FORBID if you speak bad of females.
The Stench of something similiar to Zoe Queen is strong in here.
You hate anime because it can promote Gun Ownership and De-Demonize Hitler. After all, Japs were allied to Hitler until 1945, and lasted longer than Natsoc Germany.
It's obvious why Kikes would fear the Samurai's propaganda.
Jordan Cook
but i do agree with you that they're calling anything that isnt talk about trump 'sliding' or some other bullshit excuse. it's clear they're biased as fuck, like that anime thread that imkillmyself didnt bumplock
Jacob Howard
part of me thinks that there is a step 2 for after november, i hope that part of me is wrong. Trump is cool and all, but the Holla Forums of old would know better than to put their faith in the system. how plausible is it that the outbreak of "shill!"-slinging was introduced as a subversive tactic to undermine anyone who doesn't want to participate in the trumpposting?
Justin Mitchell
If you want to do anything about mods, first thing is not to D&C because of chinese cartoons, that looks stupid as heck. Just saying.
Landon Ramirez
If you dont like it leave. YOU DONT SPEAK FOR Holla Forums fagboy!
Jason Ward
Them stop watching shit and start watching the good stuff.
Sebastian Lewis
Honestly why don't we storm the fuck out of 4chan again. Letting 4chan be completely taken by reddit is a massive defeat. And it only happened because we let it happen. We left and holed up here in this secret club tree house.
Jordan Smith
He doesn't fear anime because it's shit. It's the opposite, the idea of a former Axis power having more propaganda power in their media than a suposedly victorious Ally side is terrifying to the Kikewood running dry of ideas. Chinese cartoons makes them feel humiliated and inferior.
If anime was in fact shit, they wouldn't even bother attacking it.
Jaxson Price
have the mods been deleting threads and banning people over that?
the most ive seen is people being called mgtow-autists over that
as long as the men are distinguishable from women fair enough, but i still dont think it has a place on Holla Forums
you're no better than the swedes who let themselves get cucked by immigrants
Brayden Watson
There is soft power and hard power. Here anything is free speech, asides from 1) Saying the obvious that modern women is shit 2) Questioning the mods quality.
Anything questioning the worth of modern female is attacked and spammed faster than a pro-Isarel post.
Ethan Brooks
anti-saging myself for saging accidentally
4chan is lost because their mods are fucked even worse, plus hiroyuki datamining we left it for a very good reason
it's hard for me to advocate for cartoons i would rather advocate for the type of NatSoc propaganda pamphlets NatSocs circulated during world war II especially the racial ones about Jews, that's one way to create a race oriented society
Robert Davis
Luke James
You are a piece of shit. Quit whining that your threads and posting are shit. I would delete you as well.
Also: we are fascists.
Did you expect fair treatment?
This place is a Holla Forums style moderated baord.
The mods can do whatever they want, and are biased as fuck.
Thats how it has been since teh days of w.t. snacks and so it shell remain pathetic little newfag.
Nolan Baker
You sound like a Holywood shill.
Julian Rivera
Why do the mods act like cuckolds for the holy vagina like the reviewers who got sexual favours from zoe queen?
Hunter Roberts
Elijah Davis
Shitposting over gook cartoons is the cancer that is killing Holla Forums
Michael King
because the modern males have become so cucked they have developed an inbuilt white-knight syndrome
when men stop caring about women and instead concentrating their passions on knowledge and creation, then we will be on the path to an aryan eutopia until then, women are a central interest thanks to the allowance of sexuality
how about you 1) post valid evidence 2) refute my post because if you cant do either of those things you're a faggot
i didnt expect anything, when i came to Holla Forums years ago i was exploring this place use to foster critical thinking, instead we have retards like you shitposting worthless memes rather than improving themselves
kill yourself, you contribute nothing to this thread and your argument is trash
David Martin
Because mods=gods
Not benevolent ones.
Ive been banned for things you wouldnt imagine.
I was once even banned by moot himself for calling it a bump limit, and him a newfag.
Unfair moderation is the essence of an imageboard.
Jayden Cox
enjoy your image board's death then
Dylan Johnson
and why the fuck do you think we left 4moot? because he was a biased faggot who let his dick get sucked for moderator positions
our mods are even fucking worse, more immoral, with no honour or intellect
i have never once seen an intelligent post from anyone of our current mods
Blake Wright
I'm a gay Jew from England and I like how the mods do their work.
Owen Campbell
fair enough
You ignored literally everything I said of Strategic value in Post WWII propaganda war. Your "post" is void, a vacuum of ideas, therefore it is already self defeating without me pointing anything.
Well, you're on Holla Forums. It was literally coded for shitty mods having less power, due to the threat of an alternative competing board rising.
Good Luck.
Ayden Stewart
I have only one question: Do jews need to be exterminated?
Hello Milo. But of course you are an infiltrator to subvert the movement from within, obvious since the beginning.
William Jenkins
Hell is forever!
Parker Lee
holy fucking shit national socialist revolt now, lynch the mods
i realized the strategic potential another big problem i have is the fact anime is run by nips, who are in the process of being cucked right now by immigrants also most of the animes mentioned are obscure as fuck and are by no means a form of redpilling anyone, but it is based that they portray hitler in a better light and actually have NatSoc oriented series
Leo Mitchell
I hate to say it, but before kek I must join you, or Holla Forums is defeated.
Matthew Roberts
Literal disinformation.
Nips are famous/notorious for being perhaps the only "Western" high GDP per capita who utterly refuses immigration, and preferes a slow Harakiri rather than go full camp of saints.
And now I'm sure you're a Kikewood shill. Your creativity for stories has run out. Anime watchers have learned since a decade ago to hide their powerlevels.
Good luck on your diminushing returns "industry"
Had you bothered to look at BCG product lifeline you would find this outcome inevitable sooner. Now it's too late, you're crashing without seatbelt.
Carter Morgan
PS -
Japanese were the Axis power to last the longest, and required 2 Atomic bombs to subdue.
Their propaganda will never be anti-Nazi Germany.
Thanks for admitting me correct. Unexpected for a kike.
Ryan Evans
we must overthrow the mods and replace them with actual Holla Forumslacks aren't censor-happy
nice shillcalling, and im calling bullshit on the latter statement because i just as well say that bernie supporters are actually redpilled but are hiding their power level
post some articles that boost your claims and my opinion will change if they're valid right now i recall they had protests in favor of immigration with a bunch of cucks rallying
Liam Thomas
addendum to first reply : but since it's not possible to overthrow mods, we really have no choice but to exodus to another chan or to >>>/politics/ but as I said in OP Holla Forums is in a very shady state right now, if you want to discuss that there is a thread on >>>Holla Forums with a lot of redpilled opinions and posts on it
Joshua Powell
You're so full of shit you can't produce a coherent story. Like the latest kikewood movies.
Connor Walker
my point was that you could say anyone was redpilled and hiding their powerlevel
i asked you for articles contradicting what i said, if what you're saying is true then you should have no problem providing sources the burden of proof is on you now, either continue acting butthurt or fucking provide the links
how about you refute my points, provide sources, and stop acting like a retard who cant do anything but produce logical fallacies and invalid arguments
this is what i was talking about when i said that Holla Forumss userbase is being turned upsidedown incapable of actual debate
Brody Davis
You've posted disinformation that anyone lurking here for at least a week can easily spot.
Try harder next time.
Eli Gonzalez
Go back to bed, Holla Forums. Reported.
Ian Diaz
reported OP as Holla Forums aswell
Austin Perry
enough infighting, the topic of the thread is the mods and their autism is a fine alternative, im still on the fence about their opinion of trump however, but that's just their userbase and the mods are a lot more fair
>>>/politics/ is one of the most hands-off moderation boards ive seen on Holla Forums they've even only had one ban since it's creation, and that was due to a brit/pol/ refugee getting butthurt and spamming
provide sources and links not logical fallacies and shill-calling you really remind me of leftwingers silencing people by saying they're racist
also what fucking disinformation? everything i posted is general knowledge, im elaborating on that
neither of you have refuted my arguments, you're just calling me a shill and reporting my thread for are you both incapable of argument and so you rely on your primitive forms of censorship to get your way?
have fun letting kikes rule you because they foster your illogical and irrational blindness
Matthew Edwards
This is not to fellate bluepills.
This is for redpills. Redpills are not "general knowledge".
Stop burying yourself further.
Brody Carter
D & C
We can read you. You can't control us.
Parker Reyes
it's general knowledge and that jim made money through prior to fucking working with 2ch
it's general information that the mods ban anyone who steps out of line
reply to my arguments then maybe i will reply to yours
Caleb Cooper
You're a gay retarded shit eating niggerfaggot and you'll never hijack Holla Forums no matter how hard you try
Arguments refuted
Parker Sanchez
Did someone say anime?
Nathan Thompson
kek d&c how the fuck is criticising the mods d&c they're the ones silencing opinions and deleting threads you nigger why aren't you calling them shills? they're actually SILENCING OPINIONS THE ONLY REASON WE'RE HERE IS THANKS TO FREE SPEECH AND THEY DON'T EVEN SUPPORT IT
they're not better than the german cucks who arrested that poor old lady for holocaust denial
10/10 perfect logic, we're really going to redpill people with that good job capped
the more we allow autists like the mods to control what we say, the more we're being conditioned for kikes to step in and steer us to our doom
Logan Smith
God damn anime
Evan Rogers
Fuck off back to 4chan if you want to ask "is X white" all the time.
Eat shit and die.
Brandon Watson
Wow Holla Forums that's so fascinating, tell me more
Joshua Brown
The only truly awful mod here is imkampfy. therealmoonman does a great job tbh
Julian Moore
you can go to librechan if you're okay with the pedos, but right now i see a lot more evidence again 8ch than endchan
Holla Forums is basically a honeypot why do you think jim took down are you thick? he's probably using the posts made previously and the posts being made now for datamining but i cant prove that, yet it's still a valid thread so im recommending endchan until i see a valid concern with it
i think they're all stupid for not getting rid of imkampfy already, he's clearly here at a detriment to Holla Forums
Jace Hughes
already refuted shill-naming in the OP it's bullshit and an excuse to get out of making actual arguments
Connor Lewis
Easton Long
you're kinda harsh tbh fam, mods are doing a pretty good job, look at the catalog How and don't forget the "Hey Holla Forums…" followed by "oops sorry disregard that ;^)" thread. This is truly a board of peace.
And to say they abuse ban power is a calomny, they never ban someone posting important news such as "BREAKING NEWS- MASSIVE BIO-TERROR ATTACK PLANNED ON AMERICA"
No really, mods are jews gods.
Blake Hall
Elijah Ortiz
Filtered and reported
Andrew Smith
lol calm down Holla Forums
Aiden Howard
They were the axis power that brought America into the war, thus ensuring a German defeat. Germany gained absolutely nothing from allying with them. Your cucking for nips is nauseating.
Isaiah Ramirez
Oh look, Weev is back after getting banned for pushing flat earth bullshit.
Jack Phillips
everything's proven, just look at the ban log and some of the bans, there are threads on endchan/pol/ and >>>/politics/ with some of the autistic bans they have
you're every post has been calling me Holla Forums, you haven't contributed fucking anything to this thread, your every post is spam-tier shitposting THIS IS THE TYPE OF STUFF THAT DESERVES TO BE CLEANED MODS
Dominic Gonzalez
You might not realize it OP but some of the mods are shitposting this thread RIGHT NOW, therealmoonman specifically has been caught doing it and shilling for 'dont vote goy' faggotry. He of course bans people who trigger him.
Sadly unless the board has a complete meltdown I doubt there will be a new migration, since when a happening happens, no amount of shilling will stem the tide of memes and redpills.
My 2 cents
Eli Rodriguez
not one person in this thread has refuted ANY ONE OF MY POINTS
you just revert to shill-calling rather than using your brains i implore you, you're white, you can educate yourself, you're redpilled, STOP USING IT ON WATCHING ANIME AND MAKE AN ACTUAL ARGUMENT
Landon Sullivan
loolololl seriously Holla Forums don't make me ticket you
Logan Davis
I did refute your points though. Did you miss where I called you a retarded gay niggerfaggot?
Carter Nguyen
Gas yourself. Holla Forums is not some bastion of free speech. There are 6,000,000 places online to discuss whatever you want, there is only 1 (one) Holla Forums. There is a strict set of policies about what threads may be about - love it or shove it.
Gavin Young
Again, your cucking for nips is nauseating. Nips still attacked America and killed whites unprovoked. If Germany wasn't allied with the nips when they attacked America, thus forcing them to declare war on the US, then America would not have a valid Casus Belli to join the war in Europe. Your excuses do not prove that nips were any help to Germans in WWII at all.
The Nips wanted to build an empire. They did not give a shit about whites one bit. They would have happily cleansed us from Asia entirely if they won and it benefited them. Do not mistake a non-white race as an ally.
Lucas Ortiz
either you're butthurt from my anti-anime stance, or you're actually from /int/ kill yourself
how can we discuss topics and discover new redpills if there are certain areas of discussion that are CENSORED? it's retarded, when we migrated to Holla Forums we had actual critical thinking skills, there was some shill-calling but nothing at this tier of autism and it was considered by oldfags to be bullshit worthless spam
Michael Jenkins
The moderation is not changing. Hotwheels gassed the old mods and gave the positions to his IRC. You can either put up with it or leave. Don't shit up the catalog with pointless threads such as this.
Colton Martinez
The military knew the chingchongs were planning an attack and literally let it happen. Lern2history.
You're a retarded gay niggerfaggot and retarded gay niggerfaggots have no points. Therefore points refuted. Stay mad Holla Forums (^:
Ian Edwards
Sebastian Gray
I agree.
Even with Rach threads, where everyone knows that Rach is just trolling, people could just enjoy the parody of a stupid liberal and talk about how bullshit the positions are. Instead we get a stream of people each time crying that it's a troll and to sage the thread. The anti-shill BS actually shuts down more threads than any supposed shill/troll ever could.
The anti-Jim sentiment is fucking retarded though. Brennan, Jim, and Code Monkey have helped out quite a bit by getting the site made, giving individuals the ability to create their own boards, and actually maintaining the site now. The only thing that may seem disagreeable is that they setup /newsplus/ and didn't try making it more democratic, but even then that's simply a case of them making their own board on the site that they they will do what they want to on.
Basic problem that Holla Forums is having right now is that threads are deleted constantly which could have been used as the basis for some fun and/or insightful discussions. That needs to stop.
James Sanchez
trick are useless evalion will never be allowed
Parker Powell
You are a cuck of the highest order. Stop sucking off that yellow penis, you japanophile.
Ayden Turner
Grayson Peterson
I didn't say it was okay that Pearl Harbor happened, you nigger. I'm just pointing out the fact the kikes ultimately brought America into WWII, not the nips.
Andrew Myers
reeks of newfag
Jeremiah Thompson
You ignored me several times, then you whine you get ignored aswell.
No thing such as perfect mods but they totally top what you have on cuckchan by astronomical measure.
Fuck off Holla Forums.
Jacob Ramirez
no better than a swedish cuck putting up with his women getting raped, fucking fight you nigger
i agree with most of your points also, but jim has quite a few shady connections like porn industry and hiroyuki that's really what's scaring me away
why dont you post your arguments in one coherent post im going to another user's house, ill reply from there on another VPN IP
Levi Nguyen
You are defending the fact that nips attacked us, and acting like they were a good ally of Germany worthy of respect. The reality is entirely the opposite. They were power and resource-hungry slant-eyes using a German Alliance to fuel their turn-of-the-century imperialistic ambitions. They didn't and still don't give any more of a shit about the white race than any other non-white population. Not that they should, but just recognise this fact and don't suck them off like they're "BASED AZN ALLIES XDXD LE JEW FEAR LE SAMURAI"
It seems you're the historically illiterate one.
Andrew Miller
elaborating more on my first reply, i realize im being pretty harsh but we need to stand up to these malicious mods, they're fucking up discussion and shitpost incessantly they laugh at our criticisms of them, they cannot be taken seriously for a moment i mean they stickied meme threads for christ sake
Aaron Moore
shoo shoo autism
Brandon King
There's no fighting, you cannot do a single thing. You can leave, that's it. There is not one single thing that can be done about the mods, not one.
Carter Robinson
It's not my job to Educate you on how much (( History )) has deceived you.
If top USA brass had cracked Japanese code, how come they gave 0 orders for defense in Pearl Harbour?
USA Top Generals, Admirals and Roosevelt are as guilty.
Not to mention Oil Embargo is basically a way to Siege a country.
Like Napoleon's trade embargo to UK.
Lincoln Bennett
normies get out REEEEEEEEE
Adam Morales
He supported some porn sites and was part of the group that had a falling out with Hiroyuki. So what?
If anything having the falling out with Hiroyuki should be a plus.
We have threads that are a week old and yet still sitting on the front page, with absolutely nothing new ever brought up in them. Those seem more cancerous than just having some topics brought up which trigger you.
Easton Hall
Get out you Goon.
Ryan Anderson
The problem with Rach threads is the double standard. Rach threads ALWAYS stay up yet other threads {some legitimately great) get labeled "MUH SLIDE THREAD" and are bumplocked immediately by imkunty.
Sebastian Sanders
PS - To rub salt on the wound, UK and USSR warned USA of imminent Japanese attack on PearlHarbour.
Roosevelt reply? Order the Navy to go to sleep as good goyim, everything ok.
Austin Cox
nope lol
Aiden Cruz
Save me the fucking condescending attitude, faggot. I'm well aware of what has gone on throughout history. What are you trying to prove? That Japan a good boi for attacking us? What a fucking cuck. The fact that the (((government))) knew about it is irrelevant, there's still the fact that the dirty slant-eyed japs decided to bomb America and kill innocent whites. What are you trying to prove? That the kike puppets were guilty too? Of course they were. Does that excuse the Japs' actions? Absolutely not. You need to stop with the weebfaggotry immediately. This much cucking for non-whites isn't healthy. The japs are no more our allies than any other non-whites.
Blake Lee
Yeah it's pretty obvious Rach is a mod or friends with one in order to keep at it when no one else is allowed to disagree on anything. Now we have Holla Forums looking like a hugbox to a lot of outsiders.
Leo James
I'm sorry your cancer threads keep getting deleted (((user))), I really am
Jaxson Cox
You know this is the one place on the internet where you can't call the mods Nazis, right?
Daniel Johnson
Do you honestly think the mods are doing a good job?
Because threads are being censored it means you don't even know what threads are being deleted, in my case it was just news stories regarding current events. When the censorship ramped up here it just meant I started posting more on MPC, twitter, and /n/ (not going back to cuckchan where moderation is a hundred times worse).
Grayson Green
I honestly think you're gay
Aiden Anderson
I've always been suspicious of Rachposter, but he's probably just a dedicated shitposter.
I can't see how someone would consider 8ch/pol/ preferable over endchan/pol/
8/pol/ has censorship End/pol/ doesn't. Apart from end/pol/'s low post rate, that's all you need to know, even then the post rate will increase if new anons renew the blood there.