Looks like sam hyde found his contest winner

Looks like sam hyde found his contest winner.


It was banned from jewtube instantly. And then banned from another hosting site as well.

Isn't it strange that not even a twenty years ago liberals would bitch and moan about censorships yet today they are the censors?

Really makes you think.

Other urls found in this thread:



contest winner? what is this about

Top kek

Sam Hyde is best PUA

This is going to trigger lefties big time.
I also wonder if she did this purely to get off
I'm guessing yes

Sam promised 2k dollarydoos to the man that made the best advertisement for his show.

Why is this banned from youtube? Isn't this healthy, empowering, and progressive? I thought women being sluts was a liberal value.

who is that whore? a porn star, a hooker, or an e-celeb?

Trump hat.

I see tons of other videos with Trump hats.

Sam Hyde hypnotized her into doing it at the mall, while peacocking with a Trump top hat.


would probably get leftie bitches moist.

Uh, no? Why would they care about your opinion? You were the one stupid enough to give them a voice to spout their nonsensical communist rhetoric. They played you like a fool and took advantage of your self-defeating principles, principles they themselves never adhered to. I'd do the same exact thing to them if I were given the chance.

It would've stayed as modern art or some shit, but then some upset faglord saw the hat and reported the video for harassment or some shit.

fucking bump, this shit is fucking hilarious

So you have no morals and you're just as much a piece of shit as they are. Thank you for confirming that once the pendulum swings to the other side things will be exactly the same. Fuck you.


You area cuck.

What's the point of morals if they're self-flagellating?

Civility is a luxury and only God forgives




weebum pls, wont load

enable javascript

Was there a new episode yesterday?

Doesn't help, idk why this PC just doesn't want to run mp4 and some other file types sometimes. It's a fresh install, don't get it.

Labour Day weekend. So no.

shut up cuck


I became limp while watching this, and then I saw the ending and got erect again.

It's the MAGA hat that does it for me.

This is oddly ultra-conservative and ultra-degenerate at the same time. On one hand, chicks are fucking insane and love being treated like that/sexually dominated so it's conservative because these days classic dominant male/submissive female is seen as non-PC except for 50 Shades of Grey (which is a great argument centerpiece when arguing with people that women are naturally submissive / men are naturally dominant) On the other hand, doing shit like that in public is turbodegenerate romance is dead, love is on it's way there too

also that ass

Checked and agreed

Ys y fymynyst, thys ys ryylly ympywyryng.

this is garbage tbh lads how does this promote anything the normies won't see this so why would this trash win i give it a D- for trying



Do not be honorable with a dishonorable foe. It is extremely foolish. Honor can only exist as a two-way street.

They attack, and attack, and attack. And when finally they are hit back: they cry foul or say they won't do it again. THEY WILL. Abusers do not change. That is the other thing: Narcissist/sociopath abusers never, ever change so don't bother trying.

Merely silencing leftists IS merciful, they should really be hanged for treason.

Of course she did. brb jacking it


Holy shit this loser mentality.

I'm so glad these kikeservative moralcucks are being sent to the cuckshed where they belong.

Fuck you faggot.

Make whores great again!

Schlesinger was just another Jew making shit up to confuse the goyim and get paid for it.

I have been looking into this recently and it is eerie how well it fits the Jew and the left to a T. All the tactics are there.

that's a nice shirt, do you think he got it at ROSS?


Get in the cuckshed Grandpa, you had your chances and you blew 'em all. Turn on Matlock, drink a mint julep and shut the fuck up. It's time to what should have been done long ago and crush our enemies under a boot instead of capitulating like you bitches have been doing for my entire life.

Precisely. Well said.

This is better than anything else I've ever seen on the internet.

Kek, elephant in the room but what the fuck is an area cuck.

Does he let every bbc in a particular area bang his wife or does he only get cucked in a particular area, what?

It's funny how much this board has changed. This degenerate shit wouldn't survive for long just a little while ago.

LOL So randum XD

Personally I find BDSM just cringeworthy and can't understand how someone could fuck a bitch who's degenerate enough to lick their shoes. When they flaunt their kinks in public it's as bad as a gay pride parade to me.

Making me a sandwich and cleaning the house is submissive enough for me.

Same opinion of this shit here. You can't even find the episodes online (except EP four) even though the audience is mostly internet users. The show itself is all "LOL So random XD" as you said. EP four only randomly inserts Moonman and David Duke probably just for the kikes to see the reactions and gauge the audience here.

It's no different than anything else on Adult Swim.

The board changed when the buildup to the primaries started, basically like somebody flipped a switch. We used to distrust elections and democracy but that all went away in a huge flood of shill accusations.

It's over, happens to all online communities eventually. For US based current events or politics communities, this always happens around a presidential election cycle. It will never go back to how it was.



That girl was how THICC IS SUPPPOSED TO BE

Big thighs and beautiful ass but NO cellulite at all and no disfiguring folds. Absolute babe. What a fucking whore, sucking that boot. They want to be dominated. My dick is winding down but was approaching diamonds while she licked.

GREAT SHOW to the actor who filmed, the camera man, and the beautiful vixen on screen! Bravo!

Not sure how this was in violations. This had no tits,dicks or vaginas and was pretty mild.

Alright settle down


your opinion = discarded

Would've been better if the woman was a nigger

Have you tried their website?


Watch again and look at those thighs.

No need to write like a nigger.


Just dropping back in to tell you both to hang yourselves posthaste.

>>>Holla Forums



What the fuck is this shit?
Sam wanted a public deal, not just degenerate shit.

To all Americans supporting this good job proving that you are all as bad as the kikes you harbour.

Smuggies only work when they actually have some truth going for them alongside humor, and aren't just unfunny strawmans alone.

what exactly is triggering you, sexual fetishes or seeing a womyn treated like a dog?

Sam said no assassination, and no criminal acts. I don't see anything criminal here.

You're not thinking of the liberals of 20 years ago, you're thinking of the liberal of almost 50 or 60 years ago now. Allow me to explain, liberals have been trying to push censorship since the 80s here in america. Don't believe me? Take a look at the senate hearings for muscians in the 80s.

Then senate inquires in video games in the 90s. This stuff was all done by democrats, democrats who wanted to push a social agenda through the law. The era of liberals who just wanted free speech ended when the young peace loving liberals of yesterday where given a chance at public office, cushy jobs, all of these things.

See the association of liberals with free speech is equivocally a false one following the 1960s. This generation of liberals believed in free speech against all costs, in every way. What happened? Well they all got old enough that they needed jobs at some point.

This simple catalyst of needing gainful employment allows the social values of the entire movement to become copted. The hippies turned around and sold you back shit but put a flower on it as though that made it peace and love. They learned to tow the line, while still calling themselves liberals.

The truth of hte matter, the everyday citzen, with conservative social values is more likely to value freedom of speech on the very basis that they want individuals to do as they want. The liberals of the 60s eventually found the intoxicating power of fascism, fascism as a tool to further a social agenda.

And that meant handing in certain values sure, but all that power was too good for modern day democrats who where stoned with an afro in the 60s or 70s to give up on. Conservatives who value individual rights will place a stronger value on free speech now, cause ultimately the individual matters more to them.

American politics has some weird shifts.

no user Liberals have always been for control and censorship:
that was 1985

Republicans like to bitch and moan, but Democrats actually create the laws of censorship.

Yeah, I mean, if you really need an example, just look at videogames. Christian parents have been going against videogames like Doom for over 20 years. Calling them tools of Satan and shit. Yet, Doom hasn't been banned. Whereas, Wolfenstein, or ANY videogame that shows Hitler, or a swastika is outright banned in Germany, as "nazi propaganda".

this guy is right. video in the op is fucking degenerate false flagging

Dems were strong on videogame censorship in the 1990s through the 2000s. Tipper Gore was strong on that.

I was foreseeing something like WLM or something a something effigy.

Both, it's degenerate.
It's not mocking the degeneracy, it's rather promoting it. In stark contrast to what MDE does

Plus it paints Trump supporters as degenerates no better than the lefties
Surely traditionalists such as ourselves can retain some class

That was pretty …something.

Can we drop it on twatter? Even under the guise of "bigots molests girlfriend"


What a fabulous whore that is. I would probably wife that tbh


It's not that Republicans didn't try to ban violent video games, it's that they failed to get it done because it's unconstitutional—something you'd think that Democrats would know and remember, since they were so jubilant when Jack Thompson failed, but I guess everyone's memories are pretty short:

Thompson's last video-game related lawsuit was in 2006, so a Republican at least tried to cash in on the violent video game controversy fairly recently. Of course, Thompson always tried the product liability route over the outright federal ban route because he wanted to make money as well.

Point being, if you try to claim the moral high ground on censorship of video games for Republicans, you'll be in the wrong and some SJW may spank you in an argument some day. The truth is, Republicans tried it too.

Also, there's this from Trump in 2012 (pic related). I was kind of surprised to find this because I thought he was smarter than that.

Source of pic: dailydot.com/layer8/donald-trump-hillary-clinton-video-games-violence/


Thompson was %100 in the right in the case of Hillary though, no fucking way her version of the bill would fly with a Bush/Reagan supreme court.

Yes, that's what I said:

There's not a whole lot of difference between banning video games and driving all the companies out of business by making them liable for every nutjob who plays a video game and kills someone after. It's just two different roads to the same destination: no video games.

And, reminder: Donald Trump said that video game violence "must be stopped" as well.

Implying there aren't people who identify as centrists, who act exactly like this.

I envy you, for not having been into college. You'd walk into these types each and every day.


Anyone got a mirror?

Satan trips confirm.

try again, it's still there.

wtf i love degeneracy now

song here soundcloud.com/flamingosis/flight-of-the-flamingo-2


Actually, I saw some cellulite
Sunlight wasn't that flattering on her
I don't think she was even that hot, messy asian whore
Shall I also mention paste her prime

The point is, women are complete shit. You desperate needy betas really need to get that through your skulls.. You ruined the white race once, not going to happen again.

How do you hypnotize women into doing things like that?

I want my own thick qt3.14 slave too!

Thanks. I was wondering.

Centrist coward detected.

that's you fam XDDDDD


Chad is slaying pussy while you jerkoff to horseshoe theory.

Don't think you need some form of hypnotism. Faggot.

It was the same with Ron Paulberg. It will go back to normal after Hillary wins through voter fraud.



Usually money.

Oh wait, i guess im a huge idiot and i forgot the answer already.

All i need is either psychopath tier persuasion skills or money

Am i right?

Thanks for wasting a minute of my life, cuck.

Whoops, didnt see your comment.

Gotta get good grades in school and work hard for now i guess.


mmmm hmmm

You seem upset

this is the proper wy to treat her


They will have to be physically removed, so to speak. Throwing leftists out of helicopters kills two birds with one stone: it not only kills them but takes care of the task of getting rid of the actual bodies after they are dead.

(assuming you drop them into the ocean)