Reuters shuts it down

Hot Mic – Reuters Intentionally Cuts Camera Feed During Positive Bishop Jackson Remarks To Trump in Detroit…

During a visit to Detroit today candidate Donald Trump was blessed and given a prayer shawl by Bishop Wayne T. Jackson. However, as Bishop Jackson continued his remarks the operators of the Reuters news feed began speaking uncomfortably about the power of the positive optics for the Trump campaign – Via YouTube.

It appears the camera operator was initially reluctant to cut the feed saying:

“I’m shooting this, I don’t care what they say,… I’ll take a demotion for this…. you?”

Moments later you can hear the intensity of the voice off camera increasing: “Shut it down” followed by the a voice asking “shut this down?” and the response “yeah”… “blackout“. Seconds later in the middle of Bishop Jackson’s remarks the feed is cut:

Reuters was primary video feed for the event, all other video delivery services were coming from the Reuters feed. When Reuters shut down, all other outlets lost the broadcast.

Vid link because the annotations have a lot of necessary details and someone direct-linked it already.

Other urls found in this thread:–Jewish_reconciliation



I want to see the rest of the Jewish blessing ceremony.

This can't be real, it was supposed to be just a parody meme

Stop. It was just a gift and some the black guy saying nice things. The latter was too much for them to bear and another shoah for the lugenpresse.

kek. That's the best part.

Camera operator showed some spine there. Wonder if he was the one who actually killed the feed.

the camera wobbled at the end
maybe someone grabbed it
would be great if the cameraman could appear on stage next to trump and tell his story

The media seriously needs to be killed for treason. Every single journalist in the USA needs to be executed.


I'm hoping he doesn't commit suicide to 3 shots to the back of the head. We should be on guard in case news gets out. He really should go public with his story since they will try and fire him anyways.

Couldn't they be used or whatever for blatant manipulation? I know manipulation and media go together, but this shit is just too damn obvious, normalfags would be hard-pressed to deny that these people are telling to shut it down.

*Couldn't they be sued

Just watched the vid and I can't hear anything off camera. Not saying it didn't happen, I just can't hear it.

Trump needs to have his own cameraman stream it live on Youtube.

We need to have atleast that.


Call me a moron but I seem to be the only one not understanding the significance of the event.

Why the hell would ((Reuters))) expose themselves like that just for a wewuz nigger giving Trump his eulogies?

This is truly the people vs the media.

Trump has finally made it cool to hate the media, who have been as well protected as the jew.
In the past when you criticized the holy media you were instantly branded as a conspiracy theorist and that is a short path to antisemite.

I heard it all, I use a hi-fi speaker system connected to my computer.

No we just need to free media journalists and companies from the power of the Jewish who have obviously been steering public opinion for decades.

If trump gets even just 15% of the black vote, that combined with the blue collar union members who are going to be voting republican in very high numbers this year, that will be enough to flip some states that are usually decided by one or two big cities.

States like Minnesota and maybe even Michigan. not to mention black enclaves in Pennsylvania. So if some niggers saw Trump with a black pastor preaching the word of Gawd, it may turn their heads.

they're trying really hard to stop him even tho they are are rigging this election to hell and back again

Trump can't be Hitler or a Klansman if he's an honorary Jew blessed by a negro.

O.K. - my hearing is not that great anymore.

No shit, why is he not running his own feed

The existing journalists today will need to be purged and replaced by new shitlord journalists. It is the only option. We cannot tell which journalists are leftist operatives and which are just doing what their editors say, so all of them will need to be sent to concentration camps and liquidated to make sure.

That's no problem, the Nuremberg trials established the protocol and standard ways of dealing with people who were "just following orders."

This is absolutely disgusting…
This shit needs to spread to the normalfags like herpes.
If there is any doubt the media is in Shillary's pocket this will squash it.

I say we guillotine that corrupt bitch.


0:28 "I'm likin' this"




Our state would only go Red if literally every Bernie voter voted for Trump out of spite. I won't hold my breath.


Would be good to replace RSNB and their tribesman point man. Very enthusiastic, but with an air of insincere play-acting. Simplistic rabble rousing "What do you think of Hillary! What do you think of Colin Kaepernik". Strong tribal-preference, seen when he spied one busking for shekels, and then several sexual innuendos about the high-schoolers he got to help him.


lel, there's actually been footage at several Trump rallies of leftist protesters chanting "SHUT IT DOWN." The memes are real, lad.

Getting fired from his job is going to drive him to (((suicide)))

Trump said in his speech that America needs to return to Christian principles. He almost outright named the Jew. Later on, the negro witch doctor gave Trump a Hebrew prayer shawl and told him that he was anointed with the power of God. Since Trump isn't one of "god's chosen", from the perspective of a kike the entire thing was absolutely profane. To make matters even worse, Trump worse the shawl on live TV.

They were spitting in the faces of Jews. As soon as the negro whips out the shawl Trump's expression changes for a split second as he realizes what's happening, he thinks about it for a moment then gets this huge shiteating grin. Shortly thereafter the Reuters kikes start kvetching and "shut it down".


Look how red their eyes are lol…Trump hitting that shit?

We have the dankest weed, folks.

Is that real? Holy Kek, our next president is doing minority outreach by smoking a blunt in the motorcade with a couple of negroes. Please tell me this is real.

JIDF, the real JIDF would actually say this in comments sections on youtube.

Thanks for the webm. All the ones I made were shit.

This. They freaked out when he got the shawl. This was comparable to another shoah to the jews.

I take it you have never seen threads on cuckchan that talk about Palestine?

They do have a website you know?


Have you ever seen black people sitting quietly before? Voluntarily?

The power of religion.

Doesn't get more jew than that. It almost makes me miss the United Press International.

Oh well


You need to lurkmoar.

uhhhhh, what is this?

Is it real? Because it would probably help Trump more with black people than any amount of church meetings


Hey Holla Forums


Everyone involved in a media job should be put to death for treason.

The real world is a parody of itself.

I love seeing Trump blessed. May the power and mercy of Jesus Christ guide this man to make America great again.

I am a Hindu priest and pray to God that Trump guide this country in an enlightened state of consciousness.

He is the best pick for President. Most Hindus feel this way.


Is there a FOSS tool for separating voices on an audio track? Or is this wishful thinking?

No wonder Trump was so smug when he got it. He truly knew.

I wonder if we can get blacks and jews to fight with each other over this. Make the jews look racist and such.

Thanks for all the delicious salt. It's addicting.



This picture has meme potential.
Gettin blowd wit da next pres fam 100

Ive gotta make more popcorn for all this salt

Very fitting. He probably would look like that.

Top kek. I don't know what to do with all this salt.


Is this thread the reason for why we are currently being slid so hard?


Skeptical but you can try

They do this shit and get away with it

Goys, I think we need to start investing in these wizard blankets for public appearances.

Probably. That and the Clinton stuff that reinforces how bad her health is and that she is either a liar or an idiot with no other option between those two. This is looking like a very bad weekend for liberals.

Top kek. Trump should wear that thing more often if it pisses them off that much.



My my my those are some high sodium content kikes.

Oh look, ones here!



I think Yuri did a video on this,

This is like christmas in september. Trump is a fucking rusemaster genius of the highest caliber.


we've transcended meme magic, this is fucking sorcery

Kikes always insist that Christians should follow rabinnical beliefs that kikes have the exclusive right to the land of Israel. But if they start culturally appropriating other parts of judaism, then that's literally vomit inducing.

From /r/judaism


What else has to happen before you believe in meme magik?????????????????????


The tallit reminds me more of the Terra Cult tbh


should we remind them of every anti-Christian film jews have made? all the degenerate art and various blasphemes?

kikes, man

wew jews are so tender
easy to bruise

You think that's bad, imagine how Moses felt. He leaves the jews alone for less than six weeks and they already revert to worshipping gold.

My sides actually hurt from laughing at this butthurt.

We honestly should just to piss them off even more.

top kek
It's clear most Jews don't have any idea what the niggers have been getting up to "theologically."

Reminder that the Christian church is the true Israel of God, not these Khazar babies.

Stay Comf Drumpf.

It's laughable how evangelicucks kvetch about "replacement theology" when if they actually read any of Jesus's parables they would realize that He is quite clear on the matter.

speak up faggotchild.

Having a cock in your mouth doesn't excuse you from typing a coherent sentence.

This election season has shown there is a God out there, and He smiles on us.

Praise Kek

forgot how Jewish Tablet was :^)


who the fuck cares about a freakin shawl, these kikes are out of their mind, we must make it a thing to wipe our ass with these zio shawls, and post a pics of shit stained kike shawls

Trump is beating Hillary in a recent Reuters poll too. Reuters were the first ones to change their polling methodology to help Hillary before.

This is before the FBI stuff came out too. How fucked is Hillary? How mad will leftists be by the end of this long weekend?

Doesn't feel that great to be on the receiving end for a change, does it? I'll sleep better tonight knowing that the filthy kikes got a taste of their own medicine.

Personally I could use a nice FTN kike blanket.

It's so bad, I am surprised they haven't arrested Trump yet for rape.


cigarette is edited in.
high resolution smoke trail gives it away.

save the smoke trail as a black smoke on white background jpeg, scaled down at 50% of its target resolution. before you save it, add a monochrome noise filter at about 10% opacity (make sure that's applied to the black smoke BEFORE you flatten the image). this will give it that "phone camera" grain look later on.

save the jpeg at a low quality, 60% compression should do it, maybe even more compressed. this will make it look like an image taken from a horrid phone.

now re-convert the black and white jpeg back to a transparent image (quick mask mode in photoshop), and re-tint it to be a smoke color. scale it back up to 100% size (aka 200%).

this will make it look more legit.

Oh boy, I am ordering a few now for future triggers.

Gonna have some muslims were it for keks.

Better yet, wear them. This will basically signal to the Jews that you are one of God's Chosen People. Jews basically worship themselves, they think the Jewish People is its own messiah, that they are the fulfillment of the Isaiah 53 prophecy, and that their souls are pieces of God. To claim that title from them, to claim that Godhood that exclusively belongs to them and them alone, is the highest blasphemy you can commit against a Jew.
I would not be surprised if the Jews started pushing the meme among evangelicucks that Trump is the Antichrist after this.

lol top kek
fucking stupid niggers

This is what really scares me. I know Holla Forums posts a lot about this stuff and we know it's going on, but when you actually see definitive proof that
exists, it confirms a lot of what we're fighting for.

only two or three generations of blacks under trump's guidance with proper education would likely be enough to complete their uplift

imo all the racial tension of the last 60 years or so is simply because the democratspgot vote-greedy and put a stall on the uplift of the black race

You associate with mudslimes?


Civnat cucks need to go.

civnat's a step closer towards the endgoal retard. stop larping.

Think about how many times stuff like this happened and never made the light of day

This. The media trying to cover for Clinton is pretty useful as well.

Whatever you say cuck.

Is the bot malfunctioning?

Let me change your FILTER, botcuck.

You saw it here, friends. 8ch is now a civnat board. America is for ALL RACES. If you don't think so, you're a shill, a bot, and a cuck.

Didn't mean to imply that. Of course I want them to go back. You're being retarded when you say that will happen.

That's the best part. It's so out in the open and blatant, around an event that the jews cannot help but kvetch about thus drawing more attention to this. The media will either be forced to talk about this or talk about the fallout from Clinton/FBI shit.

Just look at how hard the media is shitting itself:


Didn't not too long ago CNN openly say they've done all they can to help Hillary?

an essential garment for any esoteric disciple of mighty K-K

The niggers aren't going to go back unless we make them, which will get violent. They know they only get sailfoams and free food because of us.

Will the media ever recover their image after this campaign?

Evertime a bell rings, lord kek get its wings

lol try harder, faggot. Learn U.S. history too while you're at it.

It's worth noting that while Reuters is crooked as hell, even they can't rig it in favor of Hillary anymore. Their polling data shows Clinton only has a one percent lead on Trump.

To hammer it home: A company that does THIS can't even give Clinton a secure lead.



Only after they've been shoahed.

CNN, NYT, and MILFa Brzezinski, among others, have said they feel it's their duty to not report impartially on the election.

Are you just now realizing that our memes are spreading to the subconsciousness of humanity via our species collective consciousness thus creating a self fulfilling prophecy?

I was talking to this guy at the bar once and asked him what he did. He said he was in "telecommunications". A bit more prying and "telecommunications" meant handing out Obamaphones.

Don't tell me about essentials fam, get on the Kek/Kangz train.

They will try. They will try to pretend that mid-2015 through November 2016 never happened.

Either that or they'll double down and simply have a nigger as a need anchor who simply says the word "racist" for an hour every night.

Yep. The funny part, Mika was getting on HuffPo for not being impartial and then dropped her visage and turned on Trump and started her biased bullshit, basically trying to imply that shit is bad for Clinton because she is too nice and qualified.


I wish this election would never end.


No, they're gonna try going even further during a Trump presidency. For expect Trumps first 100 days to be literally nothing but mudslinging over any issue. If there's a snowstorm Trump didn't do enough to stop it. If there's a flood Trump didn't do enough THIS time even if he isn't working on his golf swing. If there's a terrorist attack it'll be about how Donald Trump didn't 100% eliminate Terror on his first go. Until the economy gets fixed they'll ride Trump and blame him even though Obama's recovery broke records in slowness and it's due to Bill repealing Glass-Stegal.

This might be even better for them because the one thing they couldn't do under Obama was pretend to be rebels. When Bush was around they could claim to be edgy and counter establishment but with their guy in charge that was way harder to justify.

Just think: we have the Year of the Fire Cock coming up after the Year of the Fire Monkey.

It's gonna be great!

I love how triggered kikes got over Trump wearing that shawl. To them it was like seeing Hitler wear it.

This jew is so hotheaded you'd think he just got out of an oven.

Lurk, JIDF used to say shut it down on chans, YT, and other social media sites. Before sending in mass amounts of shills to sagebomb the thread

be careful how you use magic in h8chan, I believe we're in leyline crossing

Sounds to me like

It sounds like a black guy saying it. Maybe since Trump isn't a "true Israelite".

You didn't filter me. You're going to read this post.

This isn't your board. If you're being a fucking retard, I'm going to call you one.

This is the worst kind of shitposting. Every one of your posts includes a meme.

Civnat altistic right needs to leave.

Also: remember that kikes believe that Germans are the secret descendants of the Canaanites. No joke.

Johann Andreas Eisenmenger talked about it in his book "Entdecktes Judenthum" back in 1700.
They think that all Germans are the descendents of King Agag of Amalek, through the Persian vizier Haman.
It's a completely retarded belief, on the same tier as British Israelism, that posits that this Middle Eastern, pagan people somehow ended up as white Christians in central Europe, but they seriously believe this stuff.
The Jewish rabbi (((Yosef Chaim Sonnenfeld))) refused to meet the Kaiser in 1898 because of this theory.

They GENUINELY believe that by wiping out the kingly bloodline, by killing all the men and raping all the women, they are doing their G-d's work.
But Donald Trump, being descended from a German grandfather, is of this kingly lineage - and Jews believe that anyone of the Amalekite blood is literally an embodiment of pure evil who will try to destroy the Jews.
Let's hope that they drive this into being a self-fulfilling prophecy.


lel Jesus Christ


The debates are gonna be a real Shoah after the next month of brutality. I can't wait for the brain-damaged hag to scream at Trump and fall over instead of doing her typical low-level wonk speech.

Top kek. We have a live one.

You know the best goddamn part of this?

Tomorrows headlines are for sure gonna be "DONALD TRUMP DESECRATES SACRED JEWISH CLOTH" and they'll roll the clip of Don in an all black church in the middle of Detroit being celebrated.

4d space chess my friends.

4d space chess.

Yeah, the first time's always the hardest. Then you stop being gobsmacked and start being determined.

So Trump confirmed Goy?

And wikileaks still have stuff to release too. Hot damn this is going to be fun.

This. Other people will shrug and wonder what jews are whining about this time making themselves look silly too.


What even happened to the JIDF and SRS anyways?

Did they just go away?

LOL good meme :^)

Kikes can't stop thinking about feces, can they?

Nope, they're both still around. Though they would like you to think that.

Pass the tallit paper.


How does this man manage to be such a smug motherfucker without being obnoxious?

Is left wing and right wing smug fundamentally different?


first pic, Sleepy Doc catching up on some zzz's. That dude is the best.

Trump has earned his smug through hard work and achievement, something that leftists have little grasp of.

You can bet your ass the Libshits find his smug obnoxious.

They really are awful people.

Seeing Jews get so asspained about a guy wearing a dishrag on his shoulders… it fills you with DETERMINATION.

A million times this.

It really rustles my jimmies that they can just put that on a monument in a European city, in a supposedly Christian country even. We're living in the bad timeline.

It must burn them to see it.

It's funny how they all come crawling outta the woodwork.
Thanks for outing yourselves as kikes. We should start putting these fuckers on a list.

Hitler subscribed to this idea as well but in a different way, the people the Jews describe inhabited eastern egypt/northern syria, the same people Hitler called Aryan.

Wikipedia is a joke, don't waste your time. Do real research.

All the newfags think everything is CTR. Like this board just exists because of Trump. I was in a thread (something that would be waaay out of CTR's league) and all the shilling was coming from CTR. They don't even know what JIDF or Holla Forums means.

Aren't Evangelicals heretics of the highest order?

Perhaps memeable too.

For years now, we've known Trump to be a masterful trollsmith. We're hitting new levels fine craftsmanship here; he's raised the standard like no other.

In the name of kek, I salute our glorious leader

Man, this Jew-rag really triggers the fuck out of these people.
We have found a fissure, gentlemen. Time to bring out the dynamite.

Alright, one of you fuckers is going to Israel to get one of those Trigger-Towels.

Sounds like the Hittites, who were an Aryan people who lived in the region.
Obviously the Jewish god didn't favor their extermination though, since the Israeli general Uriah was one and King David got punished by God for killing him.

They pretty much are, since they're directly going against the word of Christ.

Looks like salt's back on the menu, boys!


Yeah, wikipedia just made it up. There's no holohoax memorial in The Hague telling jews to wipe Germans off the face of the Earth.

Have a giant picture of it, (((torfag))).

Deuteronomy 25:17-19King James Version (KJV)

17 Remember what Amalek did unto thee by the way, when ye were come forth out of Egypt;

18 How he met thee by the way, and smote the hindmost of thee, even all that were feeble behind thee, when thou wast faint and weary; and he feared not God.

19 Therefore it shall be, when the Lord thy God hath given thee rest from all thine enemies round about, in the land which the Lord thy God giveth thee for an inheritance to possess it, that thou shalt blot out the remembrance of Amalek from under heaven; thou shalt not forget it.
King James Version (KJV)

Wouldn't this mean that wearing an SS uniform and a Tallit at the same time is about the most triggering thing that a Jew can see?

We've seen blatant examples of CNN doing it live the past few weeks. This stands out because of the phrase.

Tallit + SS uniform + Burka + Lady Gaga's meat dress entirely out of pork.


Oh so now they're concerned about sacrilege.

He's smug for all our sakes.

Thats a tough black pill for the Jews to swallow, you can frame the Holocaust like this

Oy gevalt! The goyim are culturally misappropriatimg our culture!



Everybody says there is this RACE problem. Everybody says this RACE problem will be solved when the third world pours into EVERY white country and ONLY into white countries.

The Netherlands and Belgium are just as crowded as Japan or Taiwan, but nobody says Japan or Taiwan will solve this RACE problem by bringing in millions of third worlders and quote assimilating unquote with them.

Everybody says the final solution to this RACE problem is for EVERY white country and ONLY white countries to “assimilate,” i.e., intermarry, with all those non-whites.

What if I said there was this RACE problem and this RACE problem would be solved only if hundreds of millions of non-blacks were brought into EVERY black country and ONLY into black countries?

How long would it take anyone to realize I’m not talking about a RACE problem. I am talking about the final solution to the BLACK problem?

And how long would it take any sane black man to notice this and what kind of psycho black man wouldn’t object to this?

But if I tell that obvious truth about the ongoing program of genocide against my race, the white race, Liberals and respectable conservatives agree that I am a naziwhowantstokillsixmillionjews.

They say they are anti-racist. What they are is anti-white.

Anti-racist is a code word for anti-white.



This meme is false, Jews are only objected to Muslims at the moment because of a territorial dispute, Jews hate Christians more than Muslims. I don't have the picture right now but theres a scan of a tapestry floating around that shows a battle in the Crusades where there was a Star of David flew in an Caliphate army battalion.

I want some moist tallits

If everyone was pretending to be Jewish being a kike would no longer be special. They couldn't claim to be a race any longer just an ordinary religion.

Who would feel sorry for ythem and give them shekels if everyone is a Jew?

Ben had the time of his life today.

I'm still wondering how it was violence.


We haven't even begun yet lad!

The six-pointed star was not a symbol of Judaism until fairly recently though.

If you used half your brain, you would have researched that Wikipedia is in fact owned and operated by jews.

By me telling you to do your research, and you defending their jewish agenda with more retarded proto-jewish christian ramblings, you, my kind, faggot have proven yourself to be a true (((retard))).

haha, top kek

As if the Jews actually follow the Torah. To a Jew their religion is just an excuse to steal and murder form whoever they want, whenever they want. Want to fuck a three-year-old girl? It's OK because the rabbi says so.
Combine this with thousands of years of butthurt rage against Rome, Europe and Christianity and you have a recipe for disaster.

It's true, Jews always fought against Crusaders in battles over Jerusalem. Plus they assisted Muslims in taking over Spain and the Balkans, even opening the gates of Constantinople to the Turks. I guess they eventually got their revenge against the Roman Empire by taking part in its final destruction.

Yet another pointless comment from a torfaggot. I'm SHOCKED

good idea thanks user

Oh god damnit

This is what jews get for shilling the "christian zionism" thing. This totally exposes how all the ecumenism between Christians and jews was only supposed to be a one way street.–Jewish_reconciliation

From the Talmud:
"A Goy who is wearing a jew towel on national TV, is like striking the face of G-d himself, especially if they are descended from the Canaanite kangz" (Dodecahedrin 88h)

Jews did 9/11. Never forget.

Clearer audio on the cameraman, lads:

I hear a jew. That voice is too nasal for a ordinary burger.


Thanks user

user don't be absurd

Hitler failed and the KKK is a fucking joke.

We don't want or need either of the things you just suggested, piss off shill.

That doesn't mean EVERY SINGLE PAGE ON WIKIPEDIA IS BULLSHIT, MORON. I wouldn't go there expecting truth from entries about the holohoax, or NS, learn how to into reading between the lies.

Somebody's assmad about me telling the goyim what that holohoax memorial really means.

He means to the normies, don't be obtuse.


Clear out your ear drums and update your Jewdar.

Listening to Vocaloid and Touhou shit at max volume damaged you ears, boyo.

Ah gotcha, misread that.


lol top kek, look at you go
rustled rustled

You people must be absolutely livid right now huh, hahahaha.

Take it from a studio engineer, that's not a nasal voice. Pic related, it's something that will make you mad.


It's almost as if they don't grasp what a tiny segment of the population they are.

Part of the reason we loath them to begin with is their high societal control in spite of low numbers.

No kikes, we don't care about winning you over, we just want the backing of your servants, who are far more numerous and easier to sway.

It's like Iron Ann said, How many do they think there are?

They've never given a shit about our traditions, religious or otherwise.

It really is delicious to see this absolute disregard for tradition turned around on them.

oy fucking vey.

Because the man has every right in the world to be smug as fuck.

He beat the ever loving shit out of the media and most of his enemies in under a year with no direct experience holding a political office.

The man is the physical incarnation of smug, and he carries all our smug with him.


can we encourage a significant number of normies to start showing up to Trump rallies wearing these?

Change it to Trumpf because that is actually Trumps family old name, his distant cousins manufacture industrial lasers.

Liberia never happened i guess

yeah, probably didn't explain myself very well, but just look at his avatar! it looks like something someone would post if they felt like they were being censored

Is it actually the most bizarre thing in the world for people who dedicate their lives to studying hebrew scripture to observe a hebrew tradition in some token way? Not really.

Pay back for "Piss Christ" abomination

These people misinterpret the bible based on the Schofield translation. European Christians do not do these stupid things which is why you can freely shit on Israel in Europe.

Guess the idea that it's for jews only is one of those "oral tradition" things

They must be stuck in a programming loop like dear Marcobot if they're lobbing insults from six months ago

i dunno if jewish people know this, but a non-christian person doing anything to desecrate the cross or flag is REALLY disrespectful to christians. even if the person doing the disrespecting is an "artist."


stay mad you kike fuckers

Again you misinterpret who the Jews are in context of the bible. Once the Messiah (Jesus) was born those who deny him became apostates to Judaism and much of the Torah was overwritten by the New Testament.

In reference to the New Testament when the bible speaks of "The Children of Israel" or something in the like that references Christians, not deniers of the Messiah. Jesus did not perceive his followers as separate from Judaism but perceived the Jews as being separate from God, people who have God within temple but not without, having obsession over material things (a pervading theme in modern Judaism)

This is also part of the vice of Israel being a so-called "Jewish state" because in the Torah God banned the Tribes from settling Israel until the Messiah returns, so by settling they either are admitting Jesus is the Messiah therefore making Judaism irrelevant or spitting in the face of God. This is the main believe of certain sects of Eastern Orthodox Judaism, that Jesus is not the Messiah so therefore it is a defiance of God to settle in Israel so they view the state as non-Jewish.

it's so bad she'll have a third hole to shit from by monday.

wait, so you mean there is a subset of jews who see Israel as an abomination? what should i look up to learn more of this? just general shit on eastern orthodox judaism?

I thought you just had to live long enough to "Be a man" and you got your little party.

am i wrong?


well people also give you thousands of dollars just for being an aged jew. I guess to induct you into their weird money cult.

Wow, shit's just falling apart right now huh?

left to right

huh. well ill be damned.

im not 100% sure what to think of these guys, but i can appreciate what they're saying at least.

still think the byzantines had the right of it by forbidding jews to hold any kind of power in the government though

This is such a golden opportunity to red people on Jews. Just show them what Jews think of non jews, then ask the about "if this is what they say in PUBLIC, imagine all the ways they think of aND treat us behind closed doors."

Point at all the Jews in banks and business, just as real world statistics, the. Show them the tweets. Let them know Goyim and Jew can't exist together. One will always try to make slabe out of the other.

If they call themselves jewish at all thats a problem. The oath is a problem

no, you're right, it's true.

but it's good to know there's a schism of sorts at least. it's a hole to possible exploit. not right now, but one day.

That was the downfall of the byzantines.

Not breaking the oath.
Not destroying the remaining oath bearers



I love how these kikes willingly name themselves.

yes, i know user. there is only one solution. the final solution if you will.

makes you wonder how many times throughout history has the jew felt so secure in their power that they willingly named themselves publicly? maybe all this "jewish star" shit that supposedly happened under Hitler actually did happen, but was actually initiated by the jews themselves. you know, to show solidarity or some such bs.

i have the feeling history is repeating itself yet again.

How many did people watched this? This is massive redpills for everyone. Whoever did this is doing us a huge favor.

Audacity is certainly free, but I doubt there is an automatic solution for doing what you want there. Hopefully an audio expert can clean up the audio.


Provide equipment or you're full of shit. Time stamp is mandatory.

Every weeb poster is a pathetic NEET no-life loser.

chill the fuck out, faggot, you're the one that brought us a Wikipedia link. Follow the cite, and if it's accurate, post the cite instead of the article. that's just common sense.
besides, you think anyone here is going to follow a direct wikipedia link from Holla Forums? Think.

studio = moms basement
engineer = downloaded audacity

it helps basic Christians to understand that every time Jesus said "Pharisees", he was talking about plain old Jews. Every Jew engages in the behavior the NT calls out as unacceptable Phariseeisms.
The whole "wash your hands by washing the outside without washing the inside" thing, think about what that would look like.

There are 2 final solutions.

1st is the hitler method.
2nd is the absorption method.

Absorption method requires pointing out how white jews look compared to other races. And then turning their subversion against them.

They will not be able to blend with other races like they have with us.
So when muslims begin to outnumber whitey in germany. And they all target jews.

Then they'll know the final solution.
Cut the oath.

I guess i lucked out in the parents department

5,999,999 left.

Give me one good reason why all journalists shouldn't be dragged out into the street and beaten to death with 2 by 2's.

Because aluminum baseball bats would be better.

You wanted one reason, so I give you one:
2x2's are too small.


I cracked maple wood bats, wood is not all that durable.

I'll provide my equipment where you're full of shit.
Where do you think you are?


I can confirm this. I tested a wood baseball bat for home defense by hitting a piece of plywood with it and it broke after a few hits.

I feel much safer with aluminum next to my bed now.

Because we can use these instead.



Pics or didn't happen. Is that so hard?

At least we can accuse the libtards for being racist!!!


I heard it through my laptop speakers just fine. If you can't hear the kike freaking out at 00:10
then you're retrded or a kike shill. The shawl definitely triggered him something bad.

Hopefully some audience members have video and upload it soon. Fuck reuters and their shitty kikes.



Requesting tag change to


a black man is giving trump a jew cloth
what could go worse?
what could more embarrassing for Trump?

a black man is giving trump a jew cloth
what could go worse?
what could more embarrassing for Trump?

Looks like we hit on of their softspots brothers! trigger-towel it is

Jews are racist. Shame on them…we need to enrich them with multi-craps!



So far this whole ordeal seemed more embarrassing to the semites :^)

We should donate the taitlls to the jewish niggers. I am sure that they will be so pleased.

The level of SALT is amazing!
I'm getting my Daily nutritional intake just from reading some of the twitter screenshots

So you're holding me to a higher standard than you did the past five "insider whistleblower" anons. I'm flattered.




Trump looks so comfy there that the jews shooting the whole thing began shaking.

I love this madman, he's stacking his deck by getting blessings from all possible sides. No wonder the gods stand with him.

jews are terrified, aren't they eh?

Pretty amazing, they were so shocked at the sight of trump wearing a trigger towel that they just had to shut it down because they couldn't handle the triggering. Now I understand the dialogue where he said "He's getting a shawl?"

cameraman is a jew….good to know that they control the media.

Adin /ˈɑːdɪn/ is an uncommon family namefound today in England, the United States(particularly New York City), New Zealand,Sweden, the Basque country, Turkey andIsrael. Since the name occurs in the Old Testament, it has been suggested that the name has Jewish origins since it is mentioned in the Bible four times. However, the Jewish Genealogical Society of Great Britain have no records of this as a Jewish family name. The Consolidated Jewish Family Name Index of U.S.-based Avotaynu indicates Adin is a Jewish family name that existed in Poland and Belarus.

no problem. that's much better

Spot the newfag.

trigger towel trigger towel
trigger towel trigger towel
trigger towel trigger towel
trigger towel trigger towel
trigger towel trigger towel
trigger towel
trigger towel trigger towel
trigger towel trigger towel
trigger towel trigger towel
trigger towel trigger towel
trigger towel trigger towel

I used to live near these guys. They were alright.

Really keep themselves to themselves, though.

Holla Forums is right.


fuck off kike

Breddy good imitation my dude

Don't encourage me go-guy. I don't think I can be held recountable for such crimes against Jewmanity…

It is clear, Trump has forsaken Moloch

Get fucked, kikes

Get fucked the same way God fucked you


Which anime is that?

l e l

Legend of the Galactic Heroes

The title for the anime is Legend of the Galactic Heroes

Absorption also disarms their awful evolutionary adaptations towards subterfuge, lies, co-option and usury. It's a tough call but to absorb them in the long term may be the only real solution as people as a whole are wired again biologically against out and out genocide and doing as biology entails i.e. sparing the women… due to the matrilineal nature of jewry will avail nothing in the end. Their culture has to be deconstructed and assimilated and ours must stand triumphant. Either choice is a problem in the end.

Because we should bind them atop a heap of 2x2s and light it on fire in the town squares and stream it globally that the world may know the wages of treason.





This is why you cant rely on one news source.

All the news sources blacked, the kike pulled the plug on the whole press box

Well I know Trump doesn't do drugs but this is going to help him with the weed normies

Now that's not very kikish.

Order a lot of 10K from a Bangladeshi sweatshop.

so instead of linking us to some faggots blog, how about converting the video into a webm and posting that instead?

Heh, some of us have worked in the media, user.

They are usually not this sloppy.


It is very blatant.

It's a shop, as someone mentioned above and as this picture shows. The shop is still funny.

Nigger, I said my hearing is poor and didn't hear anything at first. It was early in the thread and just wanted some confirmation that other people could hear it.


According to the People and Race chapter of Mein Kampf, almost all of the time. The only time they hide themselves is during their total outsider status when their economic control over politicians begins to fade because of their non-citizenship status limiting their legal reach in combination with a native populace catching on to their tricks. The Jews hide until they gain citizenship, smooth things over with the natives, and regain economic control over politicians. Then they start publicly coming out again.

Sinead and Evalion lezzy tape when?

I've never seen jews this assblasted before. Not even close.

They have been doing this for long time. Why won't they ever accept that they will never succeed? It is a infinity of failures.

These twitter jews are small fry though. They don't hold any power anywhere, and simply ride on the coattails of the other members of their race. The media power Jews do hide their names. They change their names all the time so as not to appear Jewish.

Honestly if I wasn't already redpilled I would be getting very suspicious of all the Jews in Hollywood who have changed their last names from shit like Leibowitz to Stewart…almost like they don't want you to know they're Jewish at all.

Amalekians are fuckin heroes

If you really want to piss them off, wear it as a hat.


I wonder what happens if we wore it like a burka.

confirmed for annuda shoah

There was a time when they would at least grudgingly admit they fucked up or at a minimum claim it was all a misunderstanding.

I'm seeing zero coverage of this outside of non-MSM news sources so I guess they're going with the it never happened route.


He keeps saying "can't don the tallit".

Donald should be verb, now.

Hillary is fucked pretty hard, but it seems that the game plan for (((polls))) is to keep it with the illusion of being the tightest of racing possible than what it really is. And any polls coming out that show how things really stand are quickly beaten down and silenced from getting out there.

The whole tight polls shit is just a means to use as plausible deniability for when they try to rig the election.


he's like an irl smug anime girl

This. (((They))) have also made it socially unacceptable in many circles to share your support of the Don. There are millions of voters that claim to be undecided, or say they're voting for Hilldog (for their own safety), or even Gary lelson, who plan to vot eofr Trump. If their votes are stolen, there's no way to prove it.

you can get these on ebay for like, a dollar

Like we're not so foolish to take everything at face value and we know how ass blasted our enemies are. Feels smug. Maximum smug.

Kill yourself faggot


Probably in many, But I know at where I work, the ice has broken with alot more people openly stating their decision to vote for Trump. I've also taken the liberty to give them little redpills here and there, especially after a recent meeting with managers was about introducing basically "political correctness" within the work zone, which rolled alot of eyes, and after it was over I could no longer contain myself from going nuclear (to my surprise with alot of co-workers agreeing with what I said). That's just one story of I'm sure many from other anons.

But the real thing is, is that right now the polls are being used to control the perception of how the election is going. Users like us actually know what is going down and know that Hillary is doing far worse than what is actually shown.

What's the counteraction to this, when people like Sean Hannity are smitten to take the rigged poll results at face value? Likely getting the notion in many's heads the idea of rigged polls.

Who is this semen demon


No. They need to die, every last one.

Someone linked to this in the comments.

CNN sister network HLN airing interview with a heroic man who saved a baby. When it was live they tried to cover his Trump shirt by throwing him to the left of the B-roll with the bottom graphic covering the shirt, then later when the interview was rebroadcast they just blurred out the shirt completely.

Very blatant shill behavior from lugenpresse.





Hahaha holy shit I can't imagine just how #triggered they were.

it's a fucking cigar


Some slut from the Fire Emblem games.

This was pretty blatant as well. This blew my mind, especially when there are both examples of the video out there, the live version and the rebroadcast.

isn't a thing. fuck off with your forced weebshit meme, faggot. It's so obvious you're an infiltrator.


Just so you guys know, this thread is being slide hard.

There really should be another thread covering the trigger towels and how hard the kikes are butthurt over this scenario


At some point another should be made but the media censorship is also a big deal here.

You're not going to earn your $00.01 with that kind of attempt, Moshe.



have a stroll trough a jewish neighborhood sometime. even the loudest militant atheist living there will have one of those fucking scrolls on the door. "i-i just do it to keep my mother happy".

Your forced meme is shit.

Fuck off, retard

I wonder if the salt is continuing. Holy shit what a weekend this has been thus far.

How will Trump manage to make enough time for both of his jobs as president and as a professional salt miner?

Grade A Kvetching

Wrong, Christian said it was everyones duty to preach his word. Fuck Peter.

I crave more jew salt.

Do not underestimate the redpilling effect this will have on normies. Spread this everywhere.

top newfaget

Granted this guy is trying to be sarcastic, but at least he's being honest about it.

wew lads this man right here…

This man is playing Chess on dimensions we never knew existed.

I'm a little confused.

Can you imagine the salt levels when he is President? I can already see the stories of suicide 'attempts' on the night of his inauguration.

Weaponized shitposting with mspaint drawings of Frogs never struck me as the most power political tool of the century

yet here we are.

Which is just… Yes. Just yes. Yes yes yes. It's about time where Jewish supremacists allow themselves to share their religion with non-Jews, it's what we would all want in a diverse world. Thank you Trump for opening the minds of ignorant Jewish supremacists. :^)

They are obnoxious as fuck

Why would ((Reuters))) do this, exposing themselves with such a move to a degree that they actually play into Trumps hands. But it's not very plausible to assume they don't realize they get the opposite effect and play into Trumps hands if they overreach like this. So why would ((they))) do this, cause that can't be that that's the intention, right?

As as mad as the jew is seeing trump in this we need to start shooping pepe into them, extra points if he's wearing a Maga hat with it.


To be fair, he's been at it longer than us.

It really is fun watching the media act out a representation of "the more you squeeze, the more sand trickles through your fingers".

they have seen that the public at large is just a bunch of dipshit morrons.
Still no one is revolting about this topic.
Ergo: you are a faggot, but their are homosex

That's one hell of a bastardization of a Star Wars quote.

What a year it's been!

I thought that was an old proverb. But now all I can find is star wars examples. I guess I just have autism.


I had to anons.

a term for the lazy to describe the dedicated

May his lampshades rest in Paris.

I'm just stupid then


Underrated dubs right here.

anime girl memes are forced. always. it's shit tier. stop it.

This never happened where I was living, ever. I'd see one or two of them on the tube, occasionally walking the street to the newsagent or whatever. On the one hand it was pleasant having such quiet neighbours. On the other, slightly creepy when I discovered there were hundreds of them in the area and I never, ever saw them in numbers. Not even picking up their kids from Jew School.

It is amazing how these lying fucking Jews are "atheists, communists, leftists, and proud degenerates" crusading against everything sacred, but the moment Trump wears a Jewish shawl, they become goyim condemning Rabbi's protecting the Jewish faith.

I meant they're going against Christ by saying Jews (kikes) are God's chosen people.

He looks so much like Yuri

stop posting on Japanese influenced image boards then, you fucking retard.


The memes are alive, user.

Last year I had a dream where myself and a bunch of others were wearing white and gold cloaks all speeding down a highway on motorbikes Akira style.


MSM is getting more desperate each day.





Blacks going back to Africa isn't civic nationalism.

I think Coon is the new Uncle Tom

He has not visited Israel.
He has not worn a skullcap at the whinging wall.
Yet he has obtained maximum heeb/kikealike salt with this VERY American form of pandering to black evangelicals.








oops, fixed

A+ propaganda. Spread it.