What is Happening?

First Amendment rights will no longer apply to the Internet on October 1st, 2016. Obama is handing control of the DNS to the world on October 1st.

You just saw the effects of this from YouTube. Websites are forced to change their rules and ToS or face termination by foreign countries outside the countries in which their servers actually reside.

Why is this Happening?

The DNS Server that controls the entire internet (Everything with a .com at the end, or .org. Like, was controlled by the United States.

On October 1st, they relinquish control of the DNS protocol to all the foreign bureacracies of the world.

The practical effect on this is that it means other countries besides the United States can take down websites without having to go to the U.S. beforehand, which has had a history of protecting its First Amendment rights.

If the U.N. wants to take down a website for hate speech, they can do so now without any intervention by the U.S. This also means all websites that exist within DNS (this means must answer to the laws of ALL countries, not just one.

Doesn't matter where in the world your website/server is anymore, you must respect the laws of all countries or be taken down.

Since the U.N. bans hate speech, that's out the window and so YouTube is forced to do this.

What can we do?

Nothing. Once control is given there's no taking it back. We had our chance to fight for free speech on the internet and lost it. It's done.

Republican Senator Ted Cruz, who lost the Republican Primary to Donald J Trump, has launched a countdown clock

Republicans are fighting to stop this deal, but they need to get past Obama's presidential veto before they can do it. Some democrats will need to be red-pilled on this issue or else it's getting veto'd

Other urls found in this thread:,ć>>7357297,2817,2407539,00.asp
nfokjgfj3hxs4nwu.onion/!HFVQhCKD!_T7Gz5h6y-G51iqpvRse3g & FUN SECURITY CRYPT Wikileaks.rar 22 21!zNlGyLqZ!Tt926N5qCzOuJ79YArpBxh1WZebDP_dNfGea4AfhXHU

just invent a bloody new one, faggot.


Goodbye fags.

Just in time for zeronet. Zeronet can't be stopped by a DNS takedown, and since sites are torrented, there is no central server.

There are several working apps, and there is a chan site.

So the nigger is salting the earth before he leaves?

How does he even control of that? What?

i can vouch for zeronet.
its not as secure as using i2p eepsites, but it has tons more functionality.

Right, it's not for anonymity, but it's for resilience.

What the fuck so we do lads?
I won't want to use the net.
Zeronet and i2p are decent alternatives, but where the fuck do we shitpost?

So this means we're all fucked then? This year has been ridiculous, I want to get off this crazy ride.

IRL like the ancient Romans?

You apes sound like you want to live forever.

1) Keep backups working, 0net etc.
2) Fan the flames of The Triggering: The result will be an eventual snuffing of those systems, as everyone is afraid of a ban, having no idea what's permissible.
3) Bait normies into committing violations, then report them.


I know electing obama was a mistake, but in order for this kind of shit to be undone, we're gonna need a memetically charged trump.

Our memes will be the one to fix us all.

so, buy some paint pens and develop a handstyle?

Fuck, the entire internet is going to have rules now? I thought he was just shutting down all USA DNS and giving us up to ICANN interpol.

Excuse me, sir.

Do you have a moment to speak with me about our Lord and Savior; the Telnet BBS?

Im sure there is others out there, the scary part is they will have every ip that connects to the dns, any .com/.net/.org/.etc. The UN cant be trusted with that info, and VPNs are way too slow for website downloads.

you mean on walls?

now americans will feel what we in europe have feelt since the 50's.

Enjoy getting your domains closed down for nothing and enjoy having your internet businesses get shut down for no reason.

I will enjoy seeing how americans will handle this.



There we go!

im confused, does this mean the site is taken down in the country? i thought dns server was easy to create and most peoole default to anyways so what is stopping google from doing this already? and just brcause iran refuses to resolve a dns wont another server be able to point to tge site? also this wonT affect site ips right?

It would only be for dns names, not connecting to an IP, which im sure people will start to do. Maybe its a good idea to invest in a website that lists IPs of banned DNS name sites.

There's no centralize IP kill file. But even if there were, zeronet would solve that problem.

you could make a 8ch clone on the .onion network.

That one is still safe, even if the control of registrars is handled over to the UN.

Of all the shit king nigger has done, this might actually be the worst.

t. King George III

Goodbye everyone!

This is an exaggeration, right?

that would be a very good idea, are websites that allow you to type in an IP to connect like polandbunker going to remain safe?

UN is setting the website rules, unless countries file a claim to ban an IP which will be handles by the UN again.

The thing I don't get about this is if it would affect individual users or simply eliminate offensive sites? Like, if 8ch is hosted in the US wouldn't they still be protected under the First Amendment or can the UN circumnavigate that now?

A DNS name

How can anyone agree to this? This system will be abused big time, and it wont just be conservative views that will be censored, it will be everything that makes corporations angry.


But countries have laws that conflict with each other, what.

I doubt that they'll start real internet censorship before the election.

Thanks, Obama!

Talking replica watches on a forum? Not while UN is watching! That is offending the Watch Unions, better close down that website!

Talking about right wing ideas on a forum? Not if UN multiculti laws has to say something about it!

Talking about weed? Better think twice before you do that now. Complaining about royalty? Making jokes of a religion? Ethnicity? Thats hate crime! And oh, lets not start talking about copyright crimes! hell. Be reminded that in some european countries its even illegal to photograph a selfie on a chair (Because the design of the chair is copyrighted).

omg, americans with their love for the first ammendment will get so butthurt by this, because they aren't used to getting censored. Top kek. I'm going to stock popcorn for weeks.



I would guess that the UN would try to ban sites as they become politically incorrect and the majority of the public can consent too it. It would probably be years before they would even have the balls to ban a site for this reasoning. I guess for now they can just data-mine IP addresses.

Looks like it might not happen after all. However stay fucking vigilant.

Considering that Israel was supposed to be launching a satellite into orbit a couple days ago, before it blew up on the surface, leads me to believe this shit was planned for it to be handed over to israel until their satellite shit got up and running.

But it blew up in their faces instead.

Why suddenly now of all times would they give up internet control to (((the world)))? Because (((they))) know and sense the coming danger that the internet has provided a fast lane towards red pilling. They hoped to quietly switch things around and try to squelch it as quickly and effectively as possible to stop their oncoming demise.

But even then, it is far too late for that, kikes.

How does it work?

Expecting a Holla Forums /g/ to take off soon.

It's not as bad as it sounds really, ICANN controls the domain registrars, so resolves to when a register look up is perform.

We can bypass that by making sites directly accessible via the ip address, then just have a list of sites.

We should probably start putting effort into completely bypassing the current web structure.

Looks like usenet 2.0 over bittorrent.

Remember, regardless of how bad it gets in the next few months vote this November.

cloudflare blocks this on 8ch, 8ch would have to change this first.

We need a new site, a new chan.
A chan to surpass, infinity chan.

How does this work?



A lot of sites do, I'm not sure why (not a web/network person), but there's probably some technical reason for it.

There's lots of solutions to bypass the UN control. Ironically I'm working on one now that could be applicable.

Who are you quoting?

I'l just go back to being a regular autistic kid, reading old news papers back to front and staring into the ceiling. Was nice fashing out with you guys.

Someone just needs to make an alternative privately owned dns server hosted in the US or whever else it wont be legally fucked with.
It could easily replace the "official" one if it became popular enough.
Mabye we could get kim dotcom to do it or something.

Quoting some other lad offsite.

Back in the day we would dial in and down/upload updates for text boards.

It was kind of like an open e-mail chain.

I imagine a zeronet chan would work much the same way just more distributed with much faster (like 1000's of times) connection speeds, faster updates, and no need to encode files into text.

Need to do more reading though.

y tho

Selfies should be illegal



Namecoin solves the ICANN problem.

Simply switch your DNS servers to a OpenNIC DNS Server (, stop being faggots, and start using .bit domains.

I was a bluepilled normie who didn't really pay attention to politics much

So could you explain how this even works user

If you actually did pay attention we wouldn't have to give the internet. Thanks, asshole.

to be fair in 2008 McCain advocated to send US jobs to Vietnam, you know, where they almost fucking killed him.

It's possible that fuck might have been more cancerous and would ruin it for Trump today.

+give up

I personally voted for him in 2008, naively thinking he might follow through on his anti-corruption stances and promised to fuck off from the semitic sandbox. McCain was a warmongering neocohen which didn't help matters either. I figured the worst that'd happen would be a lame duck President that'll be remembered as a Jimmy Carter. Oh how fucking wrong I was.

Well at least we have Zeronet, that's apparently impossible to take down as of yet.

And honestly they can only fuck with Domains so it's not like they can stop us fucking with faggots on Twitter.

Look into other country-controlled domain names. .us is still American-owned, right?

cam girls and other fairly vanilla web sex workers would be illegal in some countries - so what happens with that?



Christianity's love of weakness, poverty, and mercy was the beginning of the disease that is leftism.



Well memed

Yeah, and 50% of the time you fire up the computer, you connect to (((someone's))) spare shitbox, and if it goes down then you can't connect to any domains

ALL websites should allow you to do this, and if they don't they're going to start to want to after this shit goes down. Cloudflare is about to lose a lot of business.



At least you are here now.

That's if they get a v4 IP. If you're stuck with a v6 IP, good luck remembering it

If a free country reports it(any country who has an actual stay), chances are its an illegal website in most nations so it'll be banned globally. Plus there's always VPNs.

Google runs and, for what it's worth. Those are their public DNS servers. Yeah, they're kikes, but there are options.

What does the US even get out of this? Do we benefit at all?

Apparently from what I heard, it means that other countries will have control over what sites they allow, and other nations will have another tool for self-censorship. Is this the case?

Who has the hitler octs?

You are shilling for just another sandnigger kike desert religion.


I don't mean to sound like a tin foil head, but looks to be a step towards globalization

It would still be protected under Article 19.

What is this?


Not from what I have heard
That would be common sense so there for the globalists won't do that.

To any normal fag before they hit the internet and eventually find their way is usually blue pilled by the constant head drilling rhetoric that they receive from the electric jew, to your schools and academia, to just about anywhere else on the street. Most of it is fear driven, but they are drilled and conditioned into the liberal rhetoric and unquestioning fear mongering and perverse sense of virtue tagged along with it.

Once one comes here or an imageboard similar, the seed of doubt is planted, and they finally begin to awaken from the delusional haze that has been surrounding them.

I speak from experience from being a Holla Forumstard in '08 and not cozying up to /new/ or Holla Forums until 2010. Then I saw with my own eyes, combination of Holla Forums and the rest of shit at how college academia just drills liberal rhetoric into you, no matter what the class. And the idea of fearing and just going along with whatever said professor says, otherwise consider your grade fucked.

Money will dictate it all. When money starts being lost in the billions then all these pro-cuck pro-jew policies will be quickly reversed.

The same as, it seems. goes to the same place. It’s really annoying unless you fix all your bookmarks to point back to .is

So there is literally no way in which America profits? Taxpayer funds went into creating the internet; giving it away for free is stupid.

Which makes sense as to why they want to "shut-it-down"

Myself I've never bought any of the liberal leftist drivel. However that has costed me serious in terms of social standing with normies that aren't ready.


Well, where is it?

Yeah we don't really get anything from it.

Plus there was no call for us to drop it or give it away.
Also why should we give up control of the net, we made it they just use it. We also haven't been doing a bad job at it either.
Next technically it isn't in the power of POTUS to give away ICANN.
As it risks all .gov and .mil sites.

But, even when they try to shut it down, there will be work arounds.

It is inevitable. The most hope they could do is to use giving the internet to the (((world))) is use it as a means of conducting a mass seize and arrest of individuals, but even then would create alot of questioning and looking into things.

They cannot stop the monster they created. Even if they completely shut it down, not only would there be many annoyed and pissed off, but even more willing to look into why it was all shut down. And the deeper they delve, the more they come looking to stuff related to Holla Forums.

TL;DR, It is inevitable, no matter what the jews try to do now, even at mass censoring (see streisand effect), the people will become redpilled. The jew created too many monsters and golems, and now their oncoming demise draws on the horizon.

It's basically nntp-chan but for all of the interwebs. Newsgroups are like open email threads. You find a group (eg, alt.binaries.warez) and you can post comments in the group. In fact, most if not all modern email clients have usenet group subscription capabilities. The big problem that arose in the mid-to-late 2000s was ISPs censoring out groups. So if you were getting your Quake3 or whatever warez from newgroups around that time you got fucked by your own ISP. Eventually most if not all consumer ISPs censored out all the warez/pr0n groups, and the internet did what the internet does: treated censorship as a fault and routed around it. This sparked the rise of commercial newsgroup providers like Newsbin.

Most if not all of the major (and certainly all the oldschool) release groups use usenet as their primary distribution system since the 90s.

NNTP-chan was a project (possibly defunct?) that aimed to do exactly what 0net is doing, but specifically just for chans. Essentially it's a web front-end to a server that facilitates anonymous / encrypted usenet posting.

polite sage to correct a mistake:

When I said Newsbin I meant Giganews! (Newsbin is just a usenet reader program.

It's basically decentralised DNS using a blockchain (like the Cryptocurrencies do). Basically, it's incredibly difficult to Jew it.

OpenNIC is a list of DNS servers, many of which support these .bit domains. Most have a high-uptime (99%+), but you should set your ISP's DNS Server as the secondary (if your OpenNIC DNS goes down, it reverts to your normal DNS).

I don't actually think Namecoin will be the future of Decentralised DNS but it works at the moment and new ones are being made that leverage blockchain's with higher hashrates.

My old man once took a selfie inside a shitty dollar store and was accused of doing industrial spying and forced to delete the pic by the manger. Such is life in this new corporate tyranny world.

All a DNS server does is associate a name with an IP address. (e.g. with

DNS servers have no capacity to take down a damn thing. If you have the IP address you can still connect.

Also, your computer can use any DNS server you choose. Chances are you're already using either your ISP's DNS server, or Google's. ( Not the US gov ran one.

Which makes sense as to why they want to co-op//straw-man the "alt right".

Good post, doc.

This kills the freedom.

Gotta love the perks of a low trust society.

I for one am welcome our new corporate overlords.

That's literally all a DNS is. It's just a giant HOSTS file.

You can connect to any website using its IP address. That's how DNS works.

Put it in your HOSTS file to associate the long ass IP with the domain name manually.

While this is partially true, most VirtualHosts are activated on account of the client requesting via a specific domain name.

For example, hypothetically, if 8ch and 4chan were hosted on the same server with the same IP (I realise that they are not - this is just an example), the server would not know which VirtualHost (site) to spin you to.

Namecoin faggots. Hurry up and switch to OpenNIC DNS.

Yes it would, because virtualhosts are still differentiated by ports. They would have to be separate.

So you'd find out that 4chan is hosted on port 80 and Holla Forums on port 8080. So, you type in the ip address followed by :8080 to go to Holla Forums.


We didn't hack google, facebook and outlook for nothing.

If they attack us we will repel, if they try to censor our communications we will censor everyone communications, its it bring hysteria.

So don't worry.

1. Satellites are old, and compromised by Anons.
2. High end codes from NSA were realized, therefore anyone can help us. Foreign governments, anti-Fed Feds, and blue-collar workers.
3. Unlike the US gov or UN, we are more, wiser and fucking resistant in the internet. History give us advantage.
4. All history from Egyptian times will be realized, including the Proto-Jews to Project Bluebeam archive. Everything. Fucking Everything. More Hysteria and perfect time to red-pill everyone.

Its not we who will lose after Obama gives the internet to the UN, its they who loose.

This isn't true. Though it is possible to allocate a VirtualHost to a port, in most cases ports remain the same.

I'm a programmer that works in this field.

"alt right" just seemed too much like an attempt to co-opt the growing movement of nationalism. I mean, Hillary's "alt right" speech was supposed to be a coup de grace to the growing nationalists on the internet and hanging the "alt right" members out to dry. But instead, it just made her look insane and a laughing stock, and so the media has buried the embarrassing event as much as possible.

Hell even rick wilson and others have been laughing stocks for them openly talking about "nazi frogs" and "basement dwellers hoping for hotpockets and a holocaust, masturbating to anime" . They have nothing left, and are pulling their hair out as they're realizing that openly admitting that a rag-tag group of autists posting smug anime girls on an ancient rice pudding imageboard poses the greatest threat to their political power than anything else in the entire world.

You can specify ServerName checks in your HOSTS file if need be.

Is there a posibility that this could be stoped by killing Obongo?


After all this time my autisms are useful

Fell is Horever!

Fuck I should finish my train of thought

They have nothing left, and are pulling their hair out as they're realizing that openly admitting that a rag-tag group of autists posting smug anime girls on an ancient rice pudding imageboard poses the greatest threat to their political power than anything else in the entire world – is making them sound more and more like paranoid schizos and more of the common populace is just tuning them out or are laughing at them.
we have alts

How does one get to zeroNet? I am technically illiterate, but I am familiar with the >>>/redstick/ project, is it like that?

He's been trying to do as much damage as he possibly can all year long now.

Download it, unzip it, and run zeronet.cmd.

So are miners keeping the DNS servers up?

Someone present this to Trump and ask what he'll do about it.

This could be a huge feather in his cap, coming forward to state that, regardless of Obama's actions, he would ensure the American internet control stays in American hands.

It's actually not half bad.

did that and have no clue how to use it

I think I'll actually suffer a mental breakdown if "hate speech" will be banned on the internet.
I will not be able to speak my mind freely anywhere.

man it tells you on the website

Then you start looking around and find what you can find in zerolist would be my guest.


Has Trump said anything about this yet?

I'm on wangblows lad, I ran zeronet.cmd and downloaded everything, but still have no clue how to browse it per se.

Cultural marxism has thrived because of the "long march through the institutions" slowly infecting everything it touches with subversion.
Our superpower is super-subversion, we are priming ourselves for a fucking blitzkrieg through the institutions and since we're doing it anonymously and seemingly erratically they have no idea how to stop it or even what's happening.

giving zeronet a look atm, looks breddy gud.
hadn't even heard of it til your post.

cheers broseph

Nigger, are you fucking serious? They don't give a shit about those Articles, the motherfuckers are trying to exterminate us.

Really shouldn't be surprised, tbh. Hopefully King Nigger's reputation will be ruined, that's all that jiggaboo really cares about.

So far his comments about the internet are what you'd expect from a typical 70 year old grandfather.

Someone mentioned in this thread that there is a chan working under 0net? How can I access it?

This really has nothing to do with the internet and more about principal, it's fucking ours, we made it, we're keeping it. Fuck the UN, they don't do anything.

fuking plebs

I curse that nigger and his entire family! I hope fucking hangs one day!

the UN will control the master name servers aka the servers that say a certain .com points to a certain ip address

google runs dns servers but they still pull their info from the master servers that ICANN used to run.

they can effectively shut down sites by making domains point to nothing

They have realized that the internet is their enemy.

They are literally trying to shut it down.

this does not matter

google still has to get its list of domains -> ip addresses from somewhere.. aka ICANN

when you register a domain and point it to dns servers (which in turn tell requests which IP to connect to) that info is stored at ICANN not google

So, anonymized browsing clients are going to become mainstream soon?


i havent seen this before checkin it out. i dig it thanks user this might be the thing


this post needs much more attention and respect


Someone sets up a private DNS on a static IP.

Starts offering registration of new TLD domains like .user .furfag .zog .dindu etc. etc. etc.

Anons point their DNS lookup to query the private DNS server.

Congratulations, user is now a domain registrar for alternate TLD domains that ICANN doesn't carry.

ICANN has no control over this.

I already fucking do this with my personal network. I run a private DNS, listing custom domains with my own TLD, to all my systems. This also lets me block sites by routing them to for all systems which query my private DNS.

What's up with these fucking Democrats who give away essential infrastructure?

First Carter & the panama canal and now King nigger.

I DON'T Want to live forever. I just want to shitpost in peace.

Already producing scrolls and manuscripts.

(((They))) are definitely moving in for the kill. Total control of information, total censorship. Money is also involved I guess, with the desire to turn the Net into a fully normie friendly and worthless thing. Television 2.0 if you will.

The question here is what can be done? If all goes to shit we must go full devil may care and subvert, punish, destroy and otherwise sabotage whatever we can IRL.

It would be good if Trump could be informed about these plans.

"lets just give up"


That's ridiculous. It has no teeth, Just ignore it. Stop being a whiny faggot.

See this post:

(((They))) can't. (((They))) are just smart enough to realize that openly admitting that they are scared of a bunch of weeaboo autists on a Cantonese cuneiform message board is political suicide.

It does have teeth, it's the real deal, get ready, and get ZeroNet. ZeroNet effectively just launched, and therefore is extremely interesting. It totally solves the present issue and some others.

There's a Holla Forums on zeronet.

Bear in mind, zeronet is about resilience, not anonymity.

But there needs to be Holla Forums INTEREST in getting backup systems running ASAP.

So, then, couldn't a separate organization set up a crimethink DNS server that we could manually specify that would unhide all censored DNS servers?

A rogue DNS?

There are lots of ways to circumvent meddling with the DNS system, the problem is that normies will never go through that trouble or even understand why they should

To be fair the UK and research sites like CERN have strong historical ties to what we consider the modern web. The US currently has control over it because of their investment in the military industrial complex during the cold war and the need to have universities, military research complexes and companies networked to super computers or large databases.

The current growth and development of the internet to the remaining people of the world isn't a priority or important undertaking for the US anymore, not when quantum networks have been a reality for over 15 years now. They're already in control all the major operating systems, networking equipment, web site & services and 'darkwebs' like TOR. Strategically speaking their dominance is working against them as foreign countries are creating their own alternatives services to avoid the US. Putin saying no to Pokemon in his country recently and calling it out for what it truly is, a spying tool, shows how weak they really are.

This handover of ICANN to a global body was inevitable.

but…a shit ton of these paranoid "anonymous" faggots that literally do nothing to piss of the Jewish establishment, will be the most upset. They don't produce any original content…maybe they shitpost on twitter occasionally…yet, they are the most fiercely guarded, anonymous people you will ever meet. The government isnt even after them. They aren't even on their radar.

I used to make hardcore anti-semetic videos 4 years ago with tens of thousands of views. I got zero real life backlash. This whole "user" culture can have negative effects.

Grow a fucking set.

They're doing the only thing that they know how to do. Shut it all down.

Zeronet is going to be Normie-level. It's already normie-level if you install it for them and add a link on their desktop. (the installer etc should improve soon, hopefully)

MFW wikileaks gets redirected/shut down 12:01 October 1st.

Having to install something at all isn't normie-level. Normies use whatever the OS gives them by default

Well, they might install something if it gives them the ability to slice flying fruit or click crystals, and includes malware, but otherwise no

Normies also… don't even come here in the first place. Our influence lies in creating a core of radicals and unleashing them onto the public, which would be possible under even the strictest censorship.

Or even more effective.


Well all we need is a push for this to go world wide, and we will have it in 27days,I just hope some one actually bothers to set it up, I want to see a new internet thats unfuckable by the kikes.

This post will help me sleep tonight.

On a side note, do all things evil lead to Israel?

Well damn I'm #CruzMissile now. Anyone got some fresh Doom Ted memes?


how does this not have a sticky

We already had one on it a few days ago.

Fine, it's going to be Firefox-level normie-level. ie I can install it for friends who keep getting malware, because they keep using ie. Then, and this is a tip, remove all links to ie. They'll still click on it out of habit.

And while I'm on this tangent; China recently told Uber to fuck off, India said no to Facebook's terrible plan that's literally going up in smoke, Russia is still making progress with ReactOS to replace Windows, Iran & Brazil said they were going to develop their own national intranet to avoid US spying, the EU is constantly gouging billions from US tech companies and imposing insane regulations in an effort to spur growth for home grown services, Russia China & Japan are already completely inoculated from the US as it relates to web services, I could go on.

It's in the US's best interests to prevent this fragmentation as much as possible. Handing over the internet to the UN and forcing all these countries to use their technology through economic means is the only viable strategy there is.

Who's going to stop them? The Free Software community? They make the austism per member in places like this look mundane.

So how do we make sure we dont lose access to Holla Forums

unless 8ch switches to a zeronet or alternative DNS sourced server then you can't, because cloudflare doesn't allow direct IP access

OP repeats the same shit everyday. That's thread #9000 already about the same shit. Some burgers just want to keep control over the internet for themselves. ICANN was sued by jews to hand them over all addresses for Iran and Syria, because they claimed they were vicitims of terrorism. That's a shitty system if you'd ask me.

They hand it over to a technocratic organization, that didn't do anything suspicious. The ITU just standardize things.

The net is one of our last circus's. Normies in general still have sports and bullshit reality shows. But the tens of millions of poor and redpilled don't watch that shit. And use the net as their out.

I would suggest you invest heavily in ammunition companies. Euro trash don't understand what is going on over here. So don't be surprised by anything. Things are not as they seem.

Literally true ffs. Just. ffs. Literally exactly what's happened. Damn. Exactly right, someone I know would always get me to install stuff, whatever. But no, not that one time there was a totally awesome piece of malware to install!

Truth. We need somewhere on Zeronet as a backup spot. Really, all chans have fringe groups. Examples:
- Fringe religion / occult
- Belief in race
- Belief in UFO
- Belief in a real risk of a race war breaking out (regardless of opinions concerning superiority of races)
- Belief in beauty in music, art, sculpture, architecture, nature, or humanity
- Believing truth exists and that the government and media cannot change the truth
- (Many others)

That is why all fallback systems need is an indication that the contents are not mainstream (for example with non-mainstream imagery - at one time anime or Pepe worked - but times change) is just one Holla Forums ("random"/"any topic"(implying topics not covered elsewhere by the mainstream).


I even found your last thread. Just bump it next time. Repeating the same lies everyday doesn't make it true.

Make no mistake, this constitutes an act of war (which is not to imply we haven't been in a cold war for some time now).

They see us as a threat and are actively attacking our primary lines of communication.

If you haven't already you need to organize and network locally, we need to be able to react when the cold war becomes hot.

This is all being done in preparation for handing the throne to Hillary, they want to have the infrastructure in place to suppress us quickly and quietly.

Don't let it happen.

Checking it out now.

Directly connecting to IP instead of domain.

Alternate DNS systems









Telnet BBSes (the one place normies/lefties/SJWs/Alphabets probably can't follow us.)

:-) Not my thread. But it's all true. In fact, according to one of the world's greatest mentats, the NSA is engaged in a "killing of the Internet," witnessed by NSA parties Google, FaceBook, others, in their takeover and shutdown of hundreds, perhaps now thousands of services.

In fact, most vulns are probably leaked by the NSA, seeking to destroy the independent/free nature of the Internet.

It is a war on freedom, at every level, this is but one. Observe it from above, with adequate training, and know what is up.

Precisely, they were slower to adapt than anticipated and their fate is sealed.

most anons are neets. organization is unlikely. fret not, a lone wolf acting intelligently/ruthlessly can be extremely effective. dont go out with cheeto crusted fingers. enter valhalla and dine with your ancestors.

Good deal. You can click on Tor on the sort of main page of ZeroNet, which is ZeroHello, and select Tor always. Then you'll need to restart ZeroNet. This will improve anonymity a bit, but make your contribution to ZeroNet lower-quality. But remember, any webpage can link to an external file. ZeroNet is not a Tor browser. But hopefully there will be a merge soon!

You'd be surprised, I met up with people from this board specifically for a Trump rally.

I'm not going to say how many, or what we've done to recruit people.

But of everyone there were maybe two actual NEETs the rest are people you walk by on the street every day and don't give a second glance.

In fact I'd go so far as to say a few of us are actually quite good looking, so don't underestimate our power to recruit and organize locally.

It's terribly foolish to rely on access to the net, at some point we are going to be forced one way or another to put real flesh and blood into action.

Don't be an untrained lard ass when that day comes user…

Alright, I'm not particularly tech savvy but I'll give it a look.

Another thing, you can drag the little "0" in the top right corner to the left. Like swiping, but with the mouse. Anyway, it has some interesting info. idk how useful it is, but worth knowing.

So… We record the IP addresses of our favorite sites, and we won't have to go through the DNS, right?

Just type in the IP address, BAM! site loads.

Okay, I just tried that with 8ch, and it didn't work…

Cloudflare returned an error.

Obama iz so smert.. >_>

cloudflares purpose is to protect agaisnt DDOS if I remember correctly

Fuck off reddit.

Yeah, I just read that too.

But without DNS, can we resolve the headers to fulfill cloudflares requirement?

(Advertisements, it looks like)

I'm sure they have the best intentions. /s

Well, Zeronet solves that problem too, because it's p2p. So the more users there are the faster the site gets anyhow. So more load is good.

Well, the NSA has XKeyscore.
So yeah. They know.

Here's hoping someone lowers that bitch feet first into a wood chipper.

But that's like, your opinion. man..

So, hows that meshnet project coming along?

Anyone got any info on it?

The Anonymous-made meshnet was being worked on in 2006, but never really took off.

The server has some of the original pages still, but the homepage seems to have a meta redirect to another site. It's ded jim.

Experimental only, sadly.

step up your game reddit

they already know

the old guard is losing its grip, now they're just going to digitally nuke us back to the stone age.

.onion already exists


I have made a few giant playlists of youtube videos, many of which might one day be gone. FUCK King Nigger.

I want to download them to some spare hard drives, in case I ever make a movie.

Does anyone know of any good programs for downloading youtube playlists??

I found this program for doing it. IDK if it will make me pay for Pro Ver in order to use Playlist DL…

Does anyone know of any better programs, or even websites that will DL Playlists?

just irony would dictate a slow death under the same torture she herself imposed

Download it all manually yourself you lazy cunt.

I'll see if I can think of an alternative… i'll keep you posted.

I'll pay 20 bucks for Pro B4 I ever enter 1000 URLS manually..

I fucking hate asians so much, not even a nigger would do something this fucking awful

A nigger would.

get out more

ZeroNet sites are better, for this purpose (where anonymity is of no concern).

Aye, your response fits better user, proper irony is always the best end for evil souls.

0net won't handle a chan structure, and I suggest that its the anonymous + feed structure of a chan that makes it such an awesome machine for redpilling ppl.
Great for infodumps and diggers though.

Most of the sadistic cruel shit I've seen online has been done by these soulless fucking ant creatures, they're "people" who run over toddlers multiple times and just drive off

Yes. JDownloader. BUT WAIT! It's full of malware, the main installer is.

Not so. There's a chan active right now:

In fact, the inventor of ZeroNet designed it to be superior to such systems as ipfs, which are non-interactive by design.

She was obviously paid. It's a type of pornography.

If you think that's bad, just consider that Hillary enjoys killing people.

At least she can come up with a reason for it, to protect her interests/self, this sadistic slope smiled as she tortured a dog for no fucking reason in a horrifically cruel way

let's have a drinking game

go look up niggers who microwave their won babies and take a shot for every story you find

true, but a fargo joke would be good too

I know user
I know that women are ultimately children and capable of anything as children are
Truly the most deserving of death were those that guided her to do something so terrible

but, she is complacent in true evil and thus tainted, and would be best put down

Nope. Libya never endangered her at all. Not once.


I could imagine that the slopewoman was a hooker being held at threat of death to do it (with a smile) for a distant client. But yes videos like that basically remove any empathy I have for homosapien I don't personally know

She got money from it I'm sure from some hook nosed nation that needed it destabilized

She's evil, but she's not a sociopath like the majority of slant eyed devils

all this talk of zeronet is very suspicious to me.

i'm not touching it. something more established like i2p seems like a better choice to me. anyone who is crying about usability can eat shit.

They both got money for brutality. One for far greater and far worse, one for only a little, by comparison, but personally. Hillary is clearly worse.

I did find a crack for 4k downloader…
idk what the hex program is, prob has a trojan :D

But it will crack the downloader

there was no trace of fear or any emotion except glee on that zipperheads face, it would show, I know it's difficult to tell any human emotion in an Asians expression, but she was doing it for enjoyment and wasn't being threatened at all

Well, THIS isn't anonymous. It says "anonymous," but that's not really true. Your IP connection to Holla Forums is known and visible to your ISP, in addition to the NSA through XKeyscore.

But nobody seems to fucking give a damn, so at least zeronet would maintain the connection.

Good point, never heard of zeronet before today and it's not like there aren't alternative DNS networks and danknets that are more well known. Reminds me of a thread a few months ago about some supposedly secure chat app that was being pushed. The thread absolutely ripped the app apart, the scheme was thin as fuck

Either way the video basically removes empathy for humans

there's no proof there was any external motivation for this vid, if you have some post it, otherwise it's just speculation and defending some ching chang for no reason except possibly you're a chong yourself or have yellow fever

that would have been a better wrod user, HOWEVER

mine is fine too

it's not humans you lose empathy for, it's subhumans(asians)

Fair enough

If anybody noticed we're all talking about a chink burning a dog and not the internet

Why are they doing this, though?

it always happens, animal cruelty tends to derail every thread where whites are the majority, cause we have such a soft spot for them(especially dogs, we domesticated them after all)

I never considered that those posts could be derailing a topic because they are always presented as "push away normies"

But anyways.. maybe we have to see what happens before we know how to respond to international control over the DNS system

OK, thanks for the info. I didn't watch. Maybe she was the one who did it, for fun. You know, it's interesting. There was a woman in Serbia that was truly horrifyingly cruel. The stories of her cruelty aren't shown here:ć
But the stories are found in Cablegate (on Wikileaks). She is called "Seka", there.

The photo you see on Wikipedia was probably taken by her.

No. You need to install Zeronet, or you'll be left out in the cold.

It sounds terrible and could very well be. But I'm going to keep an eye on this erring on the side of caution, my instinicts tell me that no major change is going to take place no matter who has the servers. Other than making it easier for law enforcement to do what they want with the internet of course.

No, I don't. Explain why I have to install something that I've never heard about before today. There are many DNS servers outside of the control of ICANN and several encryption based networks as well. Your reply is so abrupt as to seem funny

I've been lurking these threads cause I'm just going to see what happens, we'll always find alternatives, this site is a modern day samizdat already, it's not like they can arrest us for breaking "internet laws" in some other country anyway

You mean you, the CIA agent, or "you" the person you portray, a fucking moron who no doubt you believes is reading, and will have, as a fucking idiot, simplistic emotional responses?

VPNs will probably get shutdown, as well as access to anonymizing software.

Dude fucking gets it:

I don't follow, but just know I'm not installing the new software you floated in here with today

I'll pay 1000 bucks for Pro B4 I ever enter 20 URLS manually…

couldn't people just save them

I'm expecting most stuff even torrents to stay up. I was thinking that some more questionable content type websites could be in trouble with this (though I was more thinking pedophillia related stuff, there's an awful lot of that on the internet)… I'm expecting even torrents to stay up at this point.

However, I am ready to steed myself, what anonymoizing software should I have already ready on my computer for this?

I am fully expecting Holla Forums, the pirate bay and lots of things to still keep going following this.

But if anyone has a good list of resources to have ready, I'd be much obliged.

i like this

It's late and I'm drunk. What does this post even mean?

Is ICANN becoming part of the UN?

Has zeronet ever been audited?

Also: Think about i2p, freenet, or gnunet. Don't rely on services like OpenNIC, you can't really trust them. I'd rather not have to run a program specifically to connect to ____net sites, because that pretty much means it'll never catch on.

Someones salty :^)

You're getting that backwards in a way. OpenNIC doesn't require any software installation, you just use their DNS servers. The other danknets you mentioned require software. Anyways, at least all of those have history before today, there are others too

are shills the only things that post on the weekends

Look into constructing a p2p wireless network.

Should be info on the web for it.


P2p is traceable. Learn to cover your shit first.

You're right, but I don't trust OpenNIC because DNS logs reveal all the sites you connect to through URL. And since OpenNIC has no mention of tracking or not tracking, it's unreliable.

I wouldn't really mind software, thinking about it. Hell, it'd be pretty cool.

What else is there? I've heard of zeronet before, just never much on it. I know about IPFS but it's not anonymous and there's no i2p support (it's been like a year since it was planned). It's apparently bad for the network to transfer files over Tor, so really it doesn't leave much option.

My inner gentooman wants to push gnunet, but it's barely usable.

lol.. Best post ive seen in awhile

They do state which servers claim to have logging or not. Not that you can trust that.

Kind of beside the point because it's just name resolution and NSA (or your ISP, or whatever) can track which IPs you are connecting to.

Come, and let us colonize this new bastion of free speech.

Do you guys know that JIDF shills have access to the NSA's PRISM database, and use it to personally attack posters on Holla Forums?

Tracing your IP back to your home, arranging gangstalking at your job to get you fired, and whatnot?

And I don't see any good options because we have shit like the TOR project being run by tranny kikes and whatnot. Everything is intentionally subverted in these kinds of ways.

One could use a VPN if they can trust their VPN (no reason to trust it though) and some then use a DNSCRYPT dns server to make sure that any DNS leaks are not sent plaintext.

In the end there's been so much FUD spread that nothing is trustworthy. I don't know what to say. I don't trust the new software that OP was pushing in this thread either, even though for all I know it's the solution (doubt it)

From that article:

So…how are those claims objectively not true? Are we panicked over nothing? Is this article misleading us? I have so many questions.

Fair point. Who are we hiding communications from? There might be some agency that can break X but maybe that's not important to you.

I'm not that paranoid myself, I surf basically using my regular ISP and disable scripts on most sites and that's about as far as I go now. Don't assume that I'm full paranoid just because I explore possibilities here


That depends entirely upon the content of your communications.

Shills don't need to hide their communications, because they won't be targetted by jews… (At least, not until all of the bad goy are gone.)

==To Download your Youtube PLAYLISTS now…== Before youtube begins removing videos..

Download this program.

Use this method to Crack the program

& do not download the Hex editor From Soft32 - Its a virus site - Instead, use this.>>7357297

I'm worried but not that worried yet to go full dankweb, and I have my doubts about the dankwebs (and the doubts are triple layered FUD), but for now I basically say speak as freely and openly as possible online.

FUD everywhere

Or just use JDownloader. It's free and you don't have to go through a bunch of bullshit to use it.

I'm looking at i2p right now, it seems good. You add what are basically URLs yourself so you can trust them and conflict doesn't matter. So having "video.i2p" mapped to "aaaaaaaa.b32.i2p" would let you just type "video.i2p" even when another person has video.i2p mapped to bbbbbbbbb.b32.i2p. And you're actually anonymous by design.

I'd use GNUnet if it was usable at all but it isn't.

The fuck? Just use youtube-dl

I never played around with I2P even though I've known about it for years. Will learn about it just in case

what do

So has this been brought to trumps attention?

Remember when 8ch lost it's domain during gg and we all had to add a custom entry to our hosts file? I actually just opened mine up and saw the entries are still there kek. Holla Forums.co104.20.3.87 media.Holla

Those countries wouldn't be able to censor a web page to the entire world hosted on a server in America that gets its IP address through an American ISP that received it through an American Internet Exchange Point or have its domain which was registered in America by an American registrar revoked. Would all commercial porn be wiped off the web if a majority of the UN member states voted for it? Even that is unfathomable, in some countries pornography with young adults under the age of 18 is legal.

They'd be able to censor anything they want within their own countries of course. That article is correct that these politicians are exaggerating for their domestic audience. What will be censored are news stories and evidence of UN soldiers raping, killing and torturing children or spreading disease/forced sterilization.

You think that's a negative title for most of us? Fuck off, niggerlover.

This youtube-dl is great. Why the fuck would you use anything else?

Well, that's SLIGHTLY less horrific.

Wouldn't even US citizens be at risk for censorship though? Considering that private entities - such as corporations and non-profits - do not have to allow for totally unrestricted free speech? Take Facebook, Twitter, etc: they can censor you however they want because they're not the government and the first amendment doesn't conflict with that.

So, considering that ICANN is a private entity…

I don't think they will be coming after Holla Forums or 4chan. I think they will be going after holohoax deniers and defenders of uncle adolf.
& I think social media websites like youtube, will begin shuttering videos that talk about the Jews.
All in the name of, le hate speech


it should be. can anyone contact trump?

Each and every Holla Forumsack needs to set up their own DNS on their own internal network.

Hell you don't even need to go that far, just cache what sites your normally go to by doing what says.

Once the shit goes down and we actually know exactly what this means we'll still be able to communicate on here using our own DNS pointers and be able to take steps to rectify them.

wtf I love the UN now

For people who don't get it: Just imagine that the DNS is just a big phone book that lets your computer look up websites without you having to know their IP.

That's a very simply way of putting it.

It would go well with his rhetoric of obgongo making bad deals.

What does america gain from this? Nothing. And wouldn't you know it, this fucks the rest of the world over too. You burgers really gotta start making more noise over there, your shit is fucking up my shit

Just create your own server.

It worked on its own after restarting my browser, but thanks.

No worries.

Breddy gud. Hobefully, (((they))) don't make an attempt to shut it down.

Would a proxy help in this case?

We've also seen this problem before, if anyone remembers the "Great Firewall of China" blocking off internet access in the U.S. for a day or so.

Some U.S. based DNS servers were accidentally connected to a chinese server, copied their hostnames to their own server which was connected to a few hundred other DNS servers and before you know it we're all behind the chink firewall.

The tech inclined people here will be just fine. Normies are fucked though, which makes this a great business opportunity for us all to make some shekels by setting up our own decentralized networks; charge the normies in your neighborhood $5/month to access 'banned' websites, roll in dough, then sit back and kek at the butthurt government.

This is our only hope.



Inb4 they start to track down users in the P2P network and bring the hammer down like in early torrent scene days.


A VPN would do wonders. Ideally one that's overseas.

Fucking cloudflare is going to be the real death of the internet.

What is h8chans ip address and how do we communicate that without causing libshits to ddos the site?

Video related


BUMP FOR Holla Forums



You mean Israel?

Wrong faggot. It's just the top level tld's. Root name servers.

Jew tube dying… meh really.





FUCKING THIS, but I don't dislike obama because he is black, he is just an asshole. I knew lots of nice black people.

CERN created the internet.
or at least that's what the facts are in this timeline.

in my timeline CERN never created the internet.

in my timeline the internet was created in the earlier days of the military to create a new secret more secure form of communication, and the project was used by the earlier hackers who basically found and then began to use the internet for their own needs, and the military did nothing to stop it, but rather sat back and watched. they always wanted others to use it, because look at what it became today. today the internet is the largest worldwide surveilance system where people unknowingly or knowingly give their information to the entire world. However, it is beginning to appear more as though CERN may have hijacked the timeline for their own purposes and made themselves the original creators of the internet. in theory, how much money or power would one person hold if they were to go back in time and become the original creator of google, and never sell it?- let alone the entire internet?

here are some links, some are more conflicting than others- perhaps due to timeline residue. not everything gets changed or erased, similarly to how so many people remember things differently.,2817,2407539,00.asp


oy vey

Didn't they say that Tox was infilitrated by the feds too? I am not one to take shitposting on Internet seriously


BUMP you worthless faggots

You can't connect to Holla Forums by IP because nobody knows the IP. It is hidden behind Cloudflare.

Cloudflare requires connection using the hostname. If the government decides to shutdown Holla Forums all it will have to do is remove the domain name from its' registry.

Even if you do some serious digging and look up the IP address, all you will find is the cloudflare IP, and most sites behind cloudflare will only accept requests that go through cloudflare.

tldr; we're a bit more fucked than previously thought.

Question is how easy it is to pressure Philippinos? They have the finger on the button for 8chins. For now at least.

So have the aussies

Jim is an obvious pedo. In that Q&A with hotwheels he said he loved one of the Holla Forums pedo boards.

Why else is he in the fucking Philippines if not for child prostitutes?

And all CDNs work this way. And you can't really run a large web service in the current year without using a CDN.

Likewise, most White Nationalist sites like The Daily Stormer use a private CDN scheme to resist attack.

Does Zeronet do what it`s supposed to do?


We need a new protocol system.



Right now it's Roman Wall level shitposting

IE Dear Internet I ate cinnamon toast crunch for breakfast today and it tasted like victory.


Is there potential to make it
Heil Hitler
Praise Kek


Quaint, old fashioned. Like the good ol' days.


I`ll get on it.

lol…..parents are at fault for allowing their girls to be slutty. What were they expecting?

It's too unstable and primitive to use for chons

o? wut is this then? Forums

Direct links are broken hombre.


The link is broken.

It would be nice to see more on 0chan too

It works when you have zeronet installed. It's a localhost proxy.

Well that makes more sense. Even still.

Ah that explained it.


It's similar to I2P if you're familiar with that shit

nullchan doesn't even fucking load. What am I supposed to do, I go to 0chans page and it is just a fucking blank screen with a grey background.

You need zeronet to be able to view it.

You can get a new zeronet id by just deleting a file in your install folder, dumbass.

zeronet is for resilience. It's not for anonymity. But Holla Forums isn't anonymous either. It never was…

I'm fucking using Zeronet and it's simply not working.

Maybe it's down for maintenance or something?

(detail): Forumsthread/d3f782657002955619782db9bb3964fe

Does ZeroTalk work for you?

Yeah, ZeroBoard also works, I was the guy saying gas the bikes race war now and all the baneposting.

did you check your scriptblocker? assuming you're using one

I turned off Ublock for Zeronet.

I haven't installed it yet.

overall I can see it's potential. There's no post number on 0chan though. that needs to be fixed.

How old is 0chan?

who the fuck is spamming the @sluttyjew shit?

no idea, just decided to finally try zeronet tonight

I don't know dude, the faggot has been doing it for an hour or two now.

Ok mate.

never use Ublock thats a fucking botnet. noscript and request policy is all you need.

this zero shit is a scam, is literally EVERYONE'S fucking local host, they are trying to scam you.

Maybe this is irreverent to zeronet but should I learn web code so I can create many chan copies for the emergency matters?

the earliest thread I can see if from feb 9th, with only 4 pages on 0/pol/ total so not that old unless some have been deleted


Spamming and imageboards go hand in hand. Just wait till the place gets popular.

Cheese pizza and malware spam will take place.

I can only wonder about the mod/adminship there.

Every imageboard known to man gets spammed when it's out of the delivery room.

Baptized by spam if you will. A involuntary religion.

Crimeflare is a nightmare if you think about it

You do know that I2P uses same principle, right? Thou art a luddite of highest degree.

kinda makes you appreciate mods.

If anything it's nice to know we have a place to fall back to if Obongo gets his way and Holla Forums gets shoad.

also I'm not entirely sure its a bot.

Someone is really this autistic

Feels good man.

What if he think no one is viewing this?

I keep getting "Message submit failed"…

What do?




well it looks like he finally got tuckered out




for anyone who is interested here is a slideshow explaining how the zeronet works

This might be a retarded question but I'm not that good with computers and shit: does this mean this site will not be affected since it ends with .net?

The internet has search engines you know…

you completely missed my point

They regularly burn JQ effigies in Hungary, no problem. That should be elaboration enough on what political attitudes are, and how they differ from US and UN.

Let's start this asap. Post on as many metaboards as possible we NEED a back up and if not somewhere we can exodus to.

This is big.

He's just a le future raec mulatto man puppet "schwartza".

Do you know how to set up a private DNS?

For yourself or what? For yourself just use a hosts file.

Where do I find the hosts file?

(just edit it in notepad or wordpad. it's just a text file, even though there's no .txt on the end of it)

localhost address is default for everyone and your router IP address nor it's location is exposed. If you are too dumb, poor or inept to use a VPN it's your own fault if something happens.

Basically you are going to be just fine unless you fuck up. You have to cover your bases, newfag.

By your logic I2P is insecure and unreliable due the fact the address to I2P router is

Don't try to pass your stupidity and blame for that matter, son.

Scroll down to where it says Windows. I can't past the thingy, but it's like

u r trying to trick us into using i2p by pretending it is not safe and pretending u r stupid

u r too crafty 4 ur own good

So if I understand correctly cucked nations like Germany will shut down Holla Forums while based nations if they exist will shut down buzzfeed and huffpost. Then international Internet fight breaks out where some cucked nation shuts down a site then a based nation responds by shutting down a cucked site etc etc. Internet becomes unusable.

Triple 0s for ZeroNet! ZeroNet!!! ZEEEROOOO NEEEETT

The server map will be so confusing!

They better be ready for that kill switch then.

The minute the site itself or Assange drops dead, kill switch activates and all that 80+GB of encrypted info becomes decrypted and passed on for millions to see.

I want you to do a search on what the israel national flag is. That'll answer your question.


It was a satellite designed in Israel. idk where it was built etc.

Did you see the epic timing of the audio? The satellite module hit the ground as the epic blast sounded. It just needs chill electronica and it's ready for the molly overdoses.

Is this satellite?
>An unmanned SpaceX rocket, topped by an Israeli satellite, was being prepped for a test firing Thursday morning
>topped by an Israeli satellite

> The rocket, scheduled to launch Saturday, was carrying a satellite designed to bring the Internet to remote villages in Africa and help the social media giant expand its global footprint.

Is it possible that someone sabotaged the jew rocket?

I doubt it.

Anyway, they'll just make/buy another one with American's tax payer's money.

I swear to god if I can't shitpost anymore I'm going to freak the fuck out.

I knew this day would come, and it's only going to get worse.


America needs to perish.

Internet won't die but will be unstable if they decide to go nutz. This chan will be fine but for how long? Who knows.

Those double dubs indicate Kek has a plan….

I hate how both chans were shitting on cruz and he was probably the only EDUCATED Threat to the global agenda. Why do you think the media dedicated to shit smearing his entire campaign?
GG its game over.

Its not even entirely his fault, Everything obama says or does he does it under a constant watch from a sniper scope.

Atleast he's been smart enough to avoid war with russia, look at hillary, not even won the elections and already threatening russia with war.

A lot of it has to do with network security. I won't bore you with the details, but refusing IP connection requests makes it harder for Weeb McSperg to use something like a LOIC with twenty of his friends to waste your bandwidth and DDoS your site.

Cloudflare is basically designed to shield you from nonstandard traffic and very little else.

even if a website were to be wiped off the namespace, you can still use the IP to get to it, you doofus

.you can still use the IP to get to it, you doofus



cloudflare is a SSL middleman for the CIA

why do you think they are free?

not easy for normies who cant add host headers

too many fags using shared hosting

What pieces of trash Asians are. I seriously hope all of Asia gets wiped out in a fucking flood.

Personally, I just want China, South Korea and India to sink into the Ocean after an earthquake.

sorry to spoil your thoughts user, but…

They will have to figure it out themselves.

oh Holla Forums. You need to spend more time on Holla Forums


meanwhile in real world without fear mongering:

its 2016, jeez

You can't do that with Holla Forums 8-)

So we should dump relevant site IPs on some obscure place? We all know that they will bring down the hammer and HARD

user could could a network of sorts, series of tubes or a Cicada level puzzle built right here on the interwebz.

No, FBI, because dipshit Biden would just as likely hand over the keys and then cite Obama as the martyr for why we need internet censorship to prevent such "hate crimes"


that was nsa, not fbi. fbi can't break the law. the nsa was created for the purpose of committing crime

The very universe itself is a botnet according to /g/.

I think (((you know who))) already found out about the alternative…..

So they destroyed the server……**does that mean they knew where they live? **

zeronet is up 8-)

What is it with Europeans and jumping at any and every chance to revel in schadenfreude? So many of you fuckers are laughing and saying it will be great to watch US sites get censored. Are you so embittered by your own losses and failures that you hate seeing a country have rights? Do you really love the idea of the last bastion of internet freedom falling?

If you are of this attitude, just kill yourself. No one would miss you.

I'm still confused as to why the companies that opposed SOPA aren't saying anything about this. The world has really changed in just a few years when the left has become so cucked that even they aren't willing to take a stand here.


Loads for me friendo. Make sure you have ZeroNet running in the background

Trust me most of us are going down as well. It's that normie burgers do not care or even enable this shit.

Most of EU is under strict censorship and control as is, so I suppose it's a way to say "Now you will get to experience EU internet!"

These two things aren't related goyim.

oh yeah because africa needs internet to browse with their dirt and mud and famine and no actual technology

fucking globalists, it's not like i actually care about niggers but hypocrisy of that magnitude is just abhorrent.

Can somebody give me bullet points on this whole ordeal.

Thanks in advance.


No more protection from us constitution for websites regardless of server location

So it's finally happening



Couldn't we just switch servers and avoid being apart of this?

Posting the ip = hello ddos

I think they could post the cloudflare ip though


Never mind about this.
Cloudflare runs DNS for it's members.
This can't affect Holla Forums.


It already is user

Worst comes to worst we can use OPENNIC. I would suggest hopping on it regardless.

Yeah, Trump is behind the times when it comes to tech issues (remember he wanted us to boycott Apple because they made an unlockable device, that idea went down like a lead balloon), but this is something he should understand since it involves handing an American product off to globalists.

Streisand Effect user. Do not lost hope.

There will still be work arounds, and others will co-opt what's newly there. It is inevitable. The only way Jews could possible end it is pull the plug on the internet entirely, but even then would get many to look into why, and end up getting redpilled. Either way, the jews lose.

I don't see it.


That's not an IP friend.

Shit, I was about to post that.
Glad someone remembered the old /a/ comic.

See you, space cowgoy.

Tried Zeronet… Just seens like a wanabe Dankweb with extra shitposting on your normie browser. Also there are people advocating for it on this thread that seem like shills… How can I be sure that it isn't a kike botnet?


everytime i try to run .cmd after i unzip the folder it doesnt work

Realistically, what's going to happen?

After 27 days, will I be able to come to this site and shitpost while I watch a few youtube videos about how to build a gardening shed?

So wait, does that mean a given country could block access to websites only for THEIR citizens, or for the world? And wouldn't the UN, cucked as they may be, still stand for free speech?

Why don't we just set up a danknet only chan instead? Only TOR posting, instant 10000% newfag removal.

like overchan?

Does that mean I won't be able to access MAGA hat wielding lolis in a month?

Because Tor browser makes it easy for newfags. If you really want to keep the numbers down, use I2P.

The UN would never stand for hate speech

You do know no newfags means no influence and no control over context, right?

This is the question I'm asking myself, the dilemma is apparently that international laws against hate speech and all that crap from countries in Europe will now be in effect for americans, but realistically are the authorities in America going to honor and investigate instances of hate speech? Are these European authorities really going to indict?

I mean I wouldn't put it past them but it sounds just a bit preposterous

I must be missing something here, please correct me if I'm wrong

Overchan needs some serious work, but yes.

I think using TOR would remove enough. It doesn't have to be that hard, just a bit harder.

The way it's always worked is we have a safe haven for planning and discussion and then we descend from Olympus to spread our gospel on other sites. Now Olympus is threatened, so maybe we need a higher mountain.

Fuck off, Muslim trash.


From what I hear it's more so that they'll no be able to censor sites they consider to contain hate speech.

From what I see going on in yurop it will be more of anticopyright agencies taking down sites left and right because using a clip for parodies is no longer free speech, some 'really racist' websites will be taken down, sort of how taking away 1/4 of your cookie is still taking away part of your cookie

I don't care about being desensitized Holla Forums tier trash, dogs are part of nature and are our natural allies. Mistreating them so badly is inhuman. It really makes me think that gooks are more like bugs in terms of their survival instincts.

If it's only related to that "hatespeech" bs, then I don't believe other countries have the power to take on the first amendment. Lawsuits could happen because other countries would intentionally be violating our constitution.

I don't want a "safe space", I want imbeciles to come and share their stupid view points with me. That's how I put my logic to the test in the first place. It's like that black Trump supporter saying that he didn't want welfare, he wanted a goddamn job.

He is half Jew.
The half that counts.

damn, this mean that the biggest political incorrect website in sweden will get banned. the only reason its still up is because the server is in US but after this passes, sweden gov will probably contact US gov to shut it down

This. Unnecessary cruelty towards innocent or neutral beings who can't even fight back is absolute nigger tier behavior.
simple gore (accidents, war, roadkill) shocks normalfags, too.

Hope that is not you ip showing Mr Fowler.

There's a difference between having a safe space and protection from shitposting. This website after exodus 1 was great. Over time it has become worse and worse. We used to disagree about everything, and before the election that meant we disagreed about a wide variety of topics. Now we don't have many threads of consequence beyond election specific threads. A wider audience brings down the discourse, not raise it up. Yes, I'm glad we are gaining traction but that is coming at the expense of the literacy of our posters.

Get a load of this guy.

Normies can figure out how to install torrent software, Facebucks on their phones, a media player, or ask somebody to do it for them.

All you need to have them do it is have a content or service they want.

Like memes.

Okay that sounds a bit more serious, thanks for the info, thought I was completly missing out here

I'm having the same issue. Nothing happens at all.


is it because i have firefox? im doing evryting i tell me to an tor links arent working either

Don't you fucking mention that word ever again on this board, you got that bitch?!

The shitposting wont go away, it is a way of life

i defintly agree with that but not everyody thats a nazi is also automatialy computer savvy im decent but clearnet fucks my shit up fam

Just public ones.

What has that to do with my question?

You're scared of the UN? They can't even pacify Africa.

The UN as a military force is a joke.

Their primary purpose may have literally been to take control of the internet.

We need a deepweb Holla Forumschan to regroup to.


Right way to download ANY video, or video playlist:
Get youtube-dl
Use youtube-dl

For those of you who are too stupid to open a terminal (on windows):
Go to the folder where you have downloaded youtube-dl.exe
Press the SHIFT key. It is on the leftmost row of your keyboard. It is the one that lets you write in caps and symbols while pressed.
While keeping it pressed, right click INSIDE the folder, but NOT ON TOP of a file or filename.
Choose "Open command window here"
On the scary black window that pops up, white youtube-dl and add a space.
You can also just type "y" and press tab, then space.
Then copy-paste the URL of the video and playlist and press ENTER.


That's it!

This is actually a brilliant idea, if enough people started doing it. Namecoin has zero publicity right now.

anonymity might be very important on a small darknet chan. lower number of users means less resources required to deeply track some of them. less threads would be less chances to shitpost so you can obfuscate your opinions, etc.

I can't wait for countries like China to have Youtube shut down despite Google changing their policies. Normies will go around asking why Youtube was shut down and they'll get their posts deleted for "Controversial Political Topics."

It's an election year you dumbass, every fucking election year is the same.

we should just wait this all out and i we have to lave clearnet which i hope we dont

It's been an honor to shitpost with you,men.

RIP user, died from a stroke

Why are you so unfriendly?

This is some Deus ex tier shiet.

we might as well try this one out:
bm6hsivrmdnxmw2 f.onion/chan/Politics/b18fb7b513e720c6acb020031b9b25f42caf64e498797cc5044e08749a9a8507

so much lefties here, yet some get the general idea of secret satanic cabal.

Sup Ivan, how's the weather in Moscow?



People would pass around HOSTS files before there was DNS in the 1980s. All you have to is add the badthink sites to your hosts file and there you go. No need to sketchy 3rd party programs. This is already built in to every OS.

Can anyone help me learn how to find the IP of websites? Just a guide or something, google isn't helping much

this this the link zeronet?? for tor

I hadn't heard about this before, but holy fuck Zuckerberg is a retard. From some article:

what? endchan could be a good idea ake it great again mre naz, currently its dead



this is fucking deus ex tier

it's almost as if everyone knew it would be this way if you allow kikes to weasel their way into power and try to suppress free thought

Deus Ex mind.

we need to so wait see what happens then find an ne exodus but lets not have that happen

The best place to live is the middle east. There is more freedom there, they have good morals and hell even their religions make sense.

That is what I did to download and convert hundreds of eurobeat songs.

nice try kike


im already spreading bamas un plan for computer control. left nd right both HATE that

The moment they do that the people who are allready redpilled will take their 'redpilling' to the streets which will be even more of a problem because that's actually in the real fucking life.

Well atleast the ones that have gotten organized as in not your average "hurrdurr natsoc da best everyone who isnt 185cm blue haired blonde eyed aryan is subhuman shitskin!" Holla Forums-armchair generals.

Spot the mudblood

Of course it's TOR link.
Yet i cant get over this: ev7fnjzjdbtu3miq(dot)onion
probably i am too stupid to use this.

So i propose more-user-friendly and with more open boards: bm6hsivrmdnxmw2f(dot)onion/chan/Politics
There is also an option to even add a channel, folks!

Anyway, it was nice time shitposting and saving dank memes with ya, cunts.

Too bad we're not all nano-augmented agents, eh?

i used that link on tor didnt work

That height is only impressive if you're a woman or a manlet.

lolwat where

I am appalled by the ZeroNet shilling in this thread. It is not trustworthy.

I suspect that with the increasing interest in darknets (((someone))) decided to use the trusted tactic of co-opting an idea. A cheap and unknown development team in Hungary is paid to develop a "darknet". A "sexy" website is put up and everything is made to be easy so that idiots will use it.

Nameless developers and no code audit. Nobody can vouch for this project. I have seen it mentioned ONCE outside of Holla Forums. And suddenly everyone on here is going nuts for it.

We could certainly benefit by setting up a darknet chan, but this ZeroNet network is not the place for it.

Additionally I have some technical concerns about it. Since it is P2P, does this mean that someone could maliciously alter their local copy of a chan and then seed that out? You think there's a problem with threads getting deleted now? P2P means that instead of one main server and your ISP id'ing you as a chan user, anyone with an internet connection can track you. Tor is of no help here because it is seriously compromised at this point.

tl;dr it's a honeypot stay away

Moving it to the UN will definitely move us forward to a new world order. If these fucks control the all the information that goes online it's over for the free man.

good goy now kiss the dead kikes ass

But then again, the n barely does jack shit, so here's hoping for great incompetence.

tell me of your ways, master

I'm 110% pure descendant of the great Khan Gengis himself.

Go fellate over your "m-muh 1/48 German 2/6 Irish 1/3whogivesafuk" ancestries.

170-175is best, short enough to keep your head hidden in the trenches but tall enough to show ultra-manlet shitskins who's the boss.

are you me?
i got a 14 year old girl to meme "build a wall, deport them all" to her friends and build a sand castle wall and call it a "Trump wall", then she posted it on her jewish social media.
i even have a pic of it on my own jewbook but i aint posting that here.
shit was so cash


No you don't. Which is why we have different countries with different laws.

The globalist goals have never been clearer. Regression to the most draconian controls and laws.

I'm sorry but you can not be saved.
Leave this place

Some user an another board stated:

My response:
That's the only statement I can agree with you on. Don't even think that if authority is handed over to other governments that this won't continue though… IT WILL.

Our internet should not be in possession of any governments (nor the UN) in my opinion. We need to make sure we have everything backed up as information comes out. Collect it all, and make sure you have backups. When content goes down, do your duty and mirror it back up.

Fuck the laws and regulations, do your duty and keep on archiving.

Anyone agree with me?

brb gonna download everything labeled "jailbait" on tpb, just in case

This is not a bad idea actually.

Is there a reason we don't have a Holla Forums BBS?


And every time, I keep having to play Ministry's New World Order song

Because BBS is insecure as fuck. It'd be aesthetic, though.

The 0chan board is open to slide. There is no catalog. Some faggot can spam the same thread and slide the whole board in minutes. Also no idea who is the BO, or if there even is a mod or BO there. Needs a lot of shit done.

M8, cmon, are you computer illiterate?

You can still connect via IP address. Use a network like TOR or I2P to do hostnames instead. This might actually be a disguised blessing since it will seperate the good web from the normie .com web.

Decrease in exposure is bad no matter what. It damages our cause in a massive way.

My thoughts exactly. I hope Trump has him hanged.

poor doggy, fucking chink bitch

Of course, but we'll never disappear so long as we can use the decentralized DNS hosts.

Try connecting to this site f.e. then try doing that on most other sites. You will be surprised i see.
Newest "anti-hacking" and "anti-doxing" systems prevent form direct IP connections.

There will be dotcom facebook, twatter and jewtube veiled paradise and true underground world of pain wrapped around pedos, narcos, mafia and such, where (((You))) boy will find a safe haven.

Try connecting to this site f.e. then try doing that on most other sites. You will be surprised i see.
Newest "anti-hacking" and "anti-doxing" systems prevent form direct IP connections.

There will be dotcom facebook, twatter and jewtube veiled paradise and true underground world of pain wrapped around pedos, narcos, mafia and such, where (((You))) boy will find a safe haven.

i highly doubt that. fuck asians though

Nope, try connecting to 8ch via IP :^)
Kikeflare is a part of the masterplan

Obviously, sites that get shutdown will use 3rd party hostnames or direct IPs. If you get shutdown by the UN, you can still get back in working order withing a few hours.

Kill yourself.

Why do (((they))) want to hurt Holla Forums? Why do (((they))) feel they have to kill the internet to do it. To disarm us, of course. We are the first organized force in history to use memes as a weapon, and we are winning. So, they follow gun grabber logic. Take away our ability to produce memes. Defang us. What is more useful, dead slaves, or slaves beaten into subservience? (((They))) aren't afraid of us. (((They))) simply think we've gotten uppity and must be made to kneel.


sorry guys I can't into tech.
I'm gonna miss you guys, I really will.
Please don't give up if this goes through and everything goes south.

1st amendment: Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.

Guess which country America is becoming

Worst-case scenario: you connect to Holla Forums.tld instead. Probably won't even have to use a custom network.

The City?

Give us a hint?

…user, really?


Airstrip One? Or is that the UK?

Addon for firefox that shows the ip address of any site visited and allows you to copy to clipboard


No, that's Poland - Jobbik isn't as powerful there as people here thinks

i know how to gget there im talking about i know how to get to botht those plces.?? when i run .cmd it doesnt work just like the guy who replied to my post

USSR. Russian anons have been saying it for a long time, and they should know.

In Hungary the ethno-nationalists are the cuckservitives flanked to the right by Jobbik an explicitly anti-semetic ultranationalist party that actually manages to avoid the neo-nazi trap and dresses properly and acts respectably.

Jobbik also gets 12% of the entire vote while the ethnonationalists get 65% of the national vote.

Basically it's Holla Forums the country.

im talking about zero net

Kiitos means "Thanks".
Why would John Wayne doing a racially insensitive portrayal of Genghis Khan be thankful to those particular digits, which may or may not constitute two years on the Gregorian calendar?

Furthermore why would he express such feeling in Finnish, a language he never spoke?


Has Holla Forums ever thought about pooling its resources to get an FCC license for an FM station? Someone could just compile a bunch of facts about Jews and have it playing endlessly on a loop, like a numbers station.

Yeah, the feds would SHUT IT DOWN pretty swiftly for content violations, but even just a few days of broadcasting redpills to normies stuck in traffic would almost be worth it.


well there is the election coming up
maybe they're about to do something fucking huge and they want to make sure that they can shut down anyone who reports it.
whatever the case, it's clear that obama is only doing this as an excuse to get rid of the 1st amendment in a way that will piss off normies a whole lot less than just flat out repealing the 1st amendment.
think about it, where does the average peson excercise the 1st ammendment anymore? the media is completely controlled, and word of mouth doesn't matter quite as much anymore. the internet is the only place that the 1st ammendment still protects
he knows exactly what he's doing
the 1st amendment has been a thorn in (((their))) sides for far too long
i imagine this is just the 1st step in the march to something gradually more and more dystopian

Beep boop

Still in the eyes from someone living in any of the cuckcentral nations or the US, it certainly is a delightful place.

Except for the extremely low wages, forcing emmigration which also mean there are large populations of hungarians in most european nations

Firefox is fine. The problem may be a firewall.

No shit, communism/globalism is jewish.










Here are some more basic no-real-work measures:

1) Get Firefox or a functional fork

2) Install the following addons:

There are other variants but this will suffice. The only thing that will require some adaption is NoScript. Read up on it, it's the most important one. Go to addon preferences for NoScript and remove all that is whitelisted and not FF-related - especially Google shit.

3) If Firefox, modify the following:

Enter about:config in your address bar

Change the following:

pdfjs.disabled (true)

browser.urlbar.trimURLs (false)

browser.pocket.enabled (false)

geo.enabled (false)

dom.event.clipboardevents.enabled (false)

**There are more but these are basic measures)

4) Get alternate browser for your social media accounts - if any

This includes only your legit accounts, not fakes. I recommend Pale Moon because all of social media shit works fine on it either way. Avoid Chrome. Do not combine with your general browsing.

What does this mean for piracy? It's normally the US that goes and fucks with pirates. Will I still be able to escape in infinite movies anime and video games?

Posted it because yes

I've noticed that cloudflare shit more and more lately. This site is down etc. I'm not the most tech savvy, so I haven't really paid it much mind.

So with this thread I go read about it on the wikipedo site

Wat. Why are people using this shit? How widespread is it? There must be many people using it for me to get that cloudflare message from all sorts of obscure places.

What the fuck is going on?

We really need some sort of p2p solution. Why isn't one forthcoming? Are all the good old nerds dying off or something?

The consensus here seems to be that stuff like that ZeroNet shit is co-opted too. Anyone can chime in on the situation with those kinds of systems with some objectivity? I must say I agree it's a bit fishy that suddenly it's the new rage, having never heard about it before today.

I just want to read shit from people who doesn't self-censor. Is that too much to ask in this world? Why must everything get worse every day?

If kikes actually do start removing domain name to IP mappings from the central DNS, all someone needs to do is make their own DNS server and people can manually set the IP as their DNS server in their network config.
That, or make a custom HOSTS file.
Or just bookmark IP addresses of sites that get kiked.

But… how?

Isn't the DNS system just for names of shit? Can't countries just register their shit as .us to keep their freedom?


i cant connect to Holla Forums directly through ip address, so i guess ill have to add it to my hosts file when the domain gets vaporized.

KeepVid Pro - The Ultimate Video Downloader on Your Desktop
• Download videos from 10,000+ sites.• Download videos in batch.• Record videos from online streaming sites.• Convert videos to 150+ audio/video formats.

I wonder if this was the plan with the internet all along.

youtube-dl is definitely the best program for downloading videos, just try asking Holla Forums. It works with most sites, not just YouTube. Unfortunately, it's a command-line only program. It's not complicated and there are dozens of tutorials on YouTube that will show you how to just install and use the program without having to learn a bunch of shit about the terminal.
Not only can it download videos, but entire playlists and channels too in any or all quality formats. It can also download video-only and audio-only making it perfect for getting music from YouTube, SoundCloud, Bandcamp, wherever.
Once you learn how to use it, you'll never need to use those crappy website converters ever again. If you've got any questions, just post them in this thread and I'll do my best to help out.

I've just installed a cracked 4k video downloader and it's fuckin sweet! But I like the idea of being able to download from multiple other sites. I'll check it out.


YOU HAVE 1 MONTH before everyone is SOL!!!

Why not i2p? The Russians are using it.

The only thing needed is a brain and youtube-dl. Anything else is juden crap, like ZERONET


And you would trust Zeronet and tor?

it's the future you chose, why didn't you stop it, you could have prevented this etc

No, I just want i2P in C or C++.
In the case of C++, only if it is used sanely of course.

See… all this is a huge problem for us who aren't tech wizards. One says one thing, another something else, everything is terrible according to someone.

I mean, when file sharing was being clamped down on, torrents arose to carry things on. Shouldn't someone do something like that? Make some sort of protocol the underground can agree on in some way… instead of creating lots of different systems like this?

I have no idea what I'm talking about here, so keep that in mind.

underrated post

Makes me thing you had better get all your Torrents downloaded before we all receive that wonderful October Surprise!!!

Thanx Obama, Evil Muslim Traitor

Demonoid Magnet
KickAss Magnet
Old Pirate Bay.7z
The Pirate bay
TorrentProject Magnet

I suppose there will be another Deep Web created to circumvent all of those pesky censorship laws from all of those evil foreign countries out there.

Someone needs to tell the gnutards to get their heads out of their asses and release something.

i2p has existed for years, I don't even know why people would trust a coin-based scheme when jews devoured bitcoin, never mind the developers.

Someone needs to tell Trump about this as well.



There's too much hoarding going on.
Zip up and share your archives.
Post archives while you still have the time to do so.
Hoarding is evil. Don't be evil.

Kickass Magnet Archive 368.2MB

Wrong. Alternate DNS roots already exist. It's a simple matter to set up our own, or manually edit hosts file like everyone did before the DNS system existed.

Yes it is a bad idea. Telnet has literally no security whatsoever.

I really hope some of you anons have some plan to rebel once we go full 1984. I don't want to be part of a world without freedom of speech.


You see the Endgame being foisted upon us by our "Democratic" government.

Hope you have made you contingency plans, and are preparing FREAKING NOW!!!

Save the VERY BEST, IRREPLACABLE stuff on DVD Data Disks, such as DVD-DL, which has 7.94 GB size, which is good for very big files.

Put your Hard Drives, Flashdrives, SD Cards, etc. in Ammo Cans, to survive EM Pulse Attacks. Best deal is to store archives deep in caves, mine shafts, deep tunnels for long-term storage.

Fuck yes! Part of me is VERY excited about this for some reason.

Heh heh heh, awesome website!!!

Remember to print physical copies of everything (((they))) might delete!


Portable Anonymity Tools Pack
Hacking & Cracking Tools
Censorship Resistant Software

FinFisher Wikileaks.rar Wikileaks.rar
DEFCON 21 21

That's where they will look first, they're not dummies.

The only torrents which need DNS are private torrents.
Public torrents have been DNS free for a long time, but can still use it for faster peer discovery.

Talking about private torrents, you are often forbidden from scrapping the websites. but any torrent you are actively downloading your client has a peer list in memory.

Also learn2ghostleech

BBS's on telnet never caught on.
BBS's only made sense when most people only had access to PSTN (pots) and everyone only had basic text based terminals.
"telnet" based bbs's are pointless and less functional then normal dial up BBS's because you have to go outside of telnet to file transfers.

If you have telnet then you have IP. If you have IP then why not just do WWW or gopher?

And telnet doesn't do shit to address the problem at hand: Loss of DNS.

Why are you shilling for a deadbeat marxist clickbait artist?

propaganda posters

You need to be scraping websites NOW!!!

Here's one I archived that Hillary's Hackers took down, for obvious reasons.

I archived this website a while back, and it contains the damning Vince Foster evidence, which Hilary Clinton's hackers forced off the Internet.

Mike Rivero at has been complaining about Hillary hacking him for the last two weeks, AND IT LOOKS LIKE HILLARY FINALLY TOOK HIS SITE DOWN.

FBI files indicting Hillary for Vince Foster's death have mysteriously disappeared
Yep, that is probably why she is brazen enough to embed a request for election hackers on her own web site - people are working behind the scenes to make everything happen for her, who cares if people know she is hiring hackers and calling the election a "hackathon".
Anyway, about Vince Foster -
From the Daily Mail:
EXCLUSIVE: Missing: FBI files linking Hillary Clinton to the 'suicide' of White House counsel Vince Foster have vanished from the National Archives
Documents describing Hillary Clinton's role in the death of White House counsel Vince Foster have vanished, Daily Mail Online has learned after an extensive investigation Foster is believed to have shot himself with a .38 caliber revolver at Fort Marcy Park along the Potomac River on July 20, 1993
Two former FBI agents involved in the investigation tell Daily Mail Online they issued reports linking Hillary's tirade to Foster's suicide Days before his death, then First Lady ridiculed him mercilessly in front of his peers, say former FBI agents and detailed it in their report 'You have failed us, ' Hillary told Foster, former FBI Jim Clemente told Daily Mail Online Archived material related to the case, housed at National Archives in College Park, Md. were examined by the author to no avail After filing a Freedom of Information request, it was determined that the agents' reports have gone missing
I was well aware of Clinton corruption when Vince Foster was murdered, and know what happened there. Vince foster went on a flight to Switzerland, and made a HUGE "briefcase" cash deposit into a Swiss bank account for the Clintons. Somehow word of this got out, and they killed him for it. THAT is the REAL STORY, whatever whitewash about "getting his feelings hurt" being spewed now is a load of CRAP, his death was about money laundering and NOTHING ELSE.
So the Daily Mail at least covered the fact that the Vince Foster files are gone. Good for them. But they loaded it all down with bullshit, so NOT SO GOOD for them.
Anyway, their slanted disinfo post is HERE

AHH YES, NOW I REMEMBER: Vince foster was murdered after laundering a boatload of money for Clinton's Whitewater development firm, and having word about him making a huge cash deposit in a Swiss bank account get out. His feelings were not hurt, only his head hurt for 0.0026 seconds at Fort Marcy Park.
Now we know the Clinton way of saying you are dead: If they say "you have failed us", it means you are dead.
▶ KILLCEN 08/24/16 (Wed) 15:32:59 No.1228

All true. DNS alone isn't a big loss, though. Only normies are worried.

Get your scraping done this month, or else you and everyone else will be SOL.


Eventually life will revert back to a healthy lifestyle I remember as a teenager after the internet is gone.


Will this mean Holla Forums won't be full of people constantly screaming about Trump? Great

It means there won't be Holla Forums

Rope that nigga now.


Hatespeech is not protected speech by the UN.
Article 19 means jack shit.
Gas yourself schlomo.

Sorry I prefer to use a uploading service that isn't fed infested piece of shit.





Add Groupbot
Send groupbot the message 'invite 1 pol' without quotes


How the fuck did the President even "have" the internet to give to the UN in the first place?

This cat's face is the saddest thing I've seen this month.

tox bugged out for me a few months ago and hasnt been letting me join the chat for awhile.
could you possibly add me
as a friend and invite me? For some reason it's not letting me use the chats I had before.

That cat has probably been tortured by that jew more than one ought to imagine. Jews have a natural sadism towards animals. Look up, from ancient to modern, their way of "slaughtering" animals.

They won't be able to do SHIT with just the DNS. You'll still be able to access JewTube and Kikebook with just the IP addresses.

You fags are literally freaking out over nothing.

what's supposed to happen after I request an invite? the bot doesn't reply after "invite 1 pol" at all, although "info" and "help" commands work.

P.S. I am 8E70EF62AF3F575431B311FB321FB81163340B642E28B68431AFA6F6E26765620FF70763DB0B

The point is that regular people don't know what a fucking IP address is, nor how to bypass DNS censorship.

Anyways 8ch uses Cloudflare which makes it more complicated than typing in an IP address. Also this site uses TLS (the HTTPS) and even if it didn't use Cloudflare you'd get normie-scaring TLS warnings if accessing by IP address.

It absolutely is a problem if censorship starts. Even though it can be bypassed, as you know how people work, most won't bother

And say goodbye to all non-normie sites, especially if they use cloudflare (Like 8ch does).

It seems to be through the expiration of a contract between the Commerce Department and the ICANN. Probably would take a laywer to explain but I'm guessing that it's Obama's decision to not renew a contract or something

Does this means I have to follow Saudi Arabia laws?

This is so Soviet-Tier it's insane, it's like they forget just how the Soviet Regime collapsed and all of it's countries became very Right Wing afterwards.
History Repeats you stupid kikes, you're in for a hell of a rude awakening very very soon.

Everyone I tell this situation to calls me a fucking moron and that it can't possibly be as bad as I'm saying. Well, I have 27 days to download as many video games and doujins as humanly possible and possibly make a business out of selling good games and porn to ex-pirates fucked by the net. Well, more games then porn, I only have 1 TB and 250 gigs to work with.
My only question is how do we switch to and set up Zeronet? How do we get all the anons there? An exodus will lose us a huge portion of our users. Is there an Holla Forums there we can all go to to lurk with VPNs and true anonymity and just go full Schlomo-tier shilling with?
And what are the odds of this all being absolutely nothing?

Not sure if I trust ZeroNet, with all these (1) vouches.

Smells like a sock-puppeting…

Not if we make it work with SSH. I was actually going to suggest we go back to a BBS style that could work through meshnets, ham radio, and phone lines. Shit would make for a very unique backup to the internet.

If anyone wants to experiment with this idea. A good BBS server software is Sychronet and MagicBBS. Sychronet has a GUI while MagicBBS uses a line interface. Both are open source and easy to learn.

Everyone else is wrong.

Do youtube-dl


This game was so fucking spot on when it came out. Deus Ex and Metal Gear Solid 2. It's a shame that DX: Mankind Divided was so god damned bluepilled in comparison to the original.

Special place in hell.

* Mystic BBS

Sorry my brain isn't working.

wow then its absolutely amazing news that cuckerbergs fucking satellite blew up.

hopefully elon musk did that on purpose, fuck cuckerkike, i relish in the thought that his children will not be jewish anymore, and he will die without any true heirs.

you fuckin horrible cunt, fuck you and her, you should hope we never meet.

games back then were a bit more redpilled and not so cone visioned on. Especially after the sjw wave hit with trying to saturate the game market with blue pilling, it's to be expected shit like Mankind Divided would be toned towards blue pills

So the question will remain.

Will game companies follow the shekels and leave SocJus behind, or are they to far gone and will continue to push SJW themes until they collapse.

once the gaming media, or media in general stop being so left leaning, it should get better, because normalfags and retards just do what the media tells them, and have no mind of their own, so when shit gets better, it will get better

Oh… You're from that timeline, huh…

Of course, because the best way to do things is push away people that could otherwise be convinced to follow the right path.
The day degeneracy is accepted on Holla Forums is the day Holla Forums dies.

I don't get why nobody is trying to fight this shit. You think Tox, i2p, netzero, Or any other anonymous services are going to be available, once the U.N. has total control over everything?

yeah. It almost sounds like. "hey their user don't worry we have a place especially for you. Where you can shit post and do autistic shit. So you don't have to fight king nigger at all, you'll be comfy here with all your other autistic friends.

Getting back to king nigger. Once he leaves the white house. Hes leaving America, hes going to go to the E.U. Most likely to be come, and remain a politician. To continue to fuck everyone in that ass. All because nobody fought
this sleazy son of a fucking (WHORE!)

Losing the internet means, we tread blindly. Our options are limited to those who have control.

You people are fucking stupid. This is a bunch of bullshit made up by Ted Cruz. He clearly wants people to like him, in spite of the fact that no one does.

Oh, who am I kidding? This is Holla Forums we are talking about. You people don't care about facts. You people don't want to bother to fact check shit. All you people are willing to hear is what already fits your pre-established narrative, and nothing else.

Some people use Crimeflare because their CMS (Wordpress, Joomla, whatever) pushed it heavily and because it makes their site faster even if they have shitty hosting. The rest use it because it's a protection racket and your site will be DOSed if you don't. You pay with privacy (Crimeflare MITMs your SSL/TLS connections)

What's the solution? I don't know

I'm almost sad just reading this.

Just like Trump doesn't fact check or explain anything, eh Schlomo?

Why isn't this fucking everywhere? Why do I only see mention on Holla Forums? Fucking everyone should be freaking out. What the hell is going on?

Not even Holla Forums is talking about it, which has me deeply concerned. They're too busy complaining about systemd and wide laptop screens.

Go make threads about it on various boards.

We need to spread this shit then. Even if we can't actually do anything, we can bitch at king nigger. If he doesn't do anything the world will hate him.

>>>Holla Forums647109
But yea, 32 replies is fucking weak nevertheless.

Is it just me or has there been a fuck ton of (1)s who say the day Holla Forums accepts X is the day Holla Forums dies?


Your is gross misuse of greentext is like nails on a chalkboard. If you are quoting someone then please reply to said post. If not, just stop.

Anyone know how to post on zerochan?

Don't despair. The worse thing anyone can do here is despair. Remember, we're dealing with networks. Network technology is constantly evolving, even if it moves backwards a few steps it's still expanding in different areas and alternatives. Open source P2P mesh nets and encryption based communication is going to start flourishing over the next few months because of this.

That's shit though. I was using torchans and p2p shit when /baph/ went under, slow as balls and destroyed the board, even though it was only down for a day.

Hopefully we'll be able to survive this.

That's because we're probably going to have to stray away from big, flashy, graphics in order to compensate for the slower transmission speed of encrypted data. Thus a text based alternative would be necessary for the replacement of image boards such as this. Honestly, I don't think going back to BBS style servers is a bad idea, as long as we can make them secure, stable, and anonymous.

using cloudflare is fukcing stupid

plenty of other good DDOS proxies that give your your own dedicated IP

is it because jim is a poorfag?

why not use clipgrab? its easy as fuck and normie friendly

but that's not how it works

surely theres a firefox plugin for ppl to use to do this?

open command prompt

its useless though because people use shared hosting and other sites wont let you connect thru IP directly for all sorts of reasons


Stop trying to find a place to retreat to and work on getting the normalfags pissed about this. We can't just let these fuckers control the biggest form on information sharing to ever exist. Work on evacuation later.

Yeah, I think the shills want to think shaming works both ways.

It's okay user. There's always ANSI art.


i think the best way to do this is thru the blockchain

all text is saved on it

I wanna get off this Orwellian wild ride

That's what bitcoin uses right? Yeah, blockchain would be a good way to decentralize something.

If you like Hitler you’ll LOVE SHITLER!!!
From the Turd Reich’s New MTV, OBZEEN presents: Shitler's Birthday Bash

Hi Moishe, hot yet in Tel Aviv? I'm told winter there is about to get nuclear :^)


there are ones like this:

where you are paid with "maidsafe coin" in turn for offering storage capacity. again this is still kind of centralized in that your files are centralized also.

i think a bbs system on the blockchain would be amazing, the only problem being spam or flooding. you would need something like a post size limit + some type of "i am not a bot" security

Your mom's pink sock puppet smells

I'm sure honeypot DNS resolvers are all on standby

he looks like such a jew

No way am I going to porn sites with (((ICANN))) in charge
God help my Dick by October…

You know, it's probably a good idea to print out all your porn and laminate them into small cards for trading purposes when the world goes tits up.

Wew lad

…'s very sad that this is going to actually happen
Playboy stopped dong nudes at a very bad Time.

Might be time to invest in Playboy :^)

cheeki breeki anuu
And it's a lot whiter than the USA that's for sure :^)

Dmitri pls.. leave nuking Americans until Hillary is in charge

he was pretty much pure anglo though

How can we signal boost the fuck out of this?

the average American has no technical understanding how the internet even functions.

There's going to be a strong lashback after the fact when people can't access porn anymore. What we need to do now is figure the best alternative possible to redpill them with when that time comes and shill it on facebook.

honestly there are positives to this tbh

i guess…

but no.

inb4 it gets blown up like SOPA or PIPA and all the major websites throw their weight against it.

well, probably only pornhub. I doubt google gives a fuck.

Could they really remove porn?
This is very important

why? this means no more competition for their online services. There will be no true "counter culture" or alternative information source to ever surface again.

yea we should totally go backwards against free-flowing information, makes sense.

add some lead to your diet

Likely not an issue as it's a tool used to subvert white people.

The main point of this move is to get around laws that protect speech. It's a way to censor information. All these sites that leak – gone. No one will leak on any mainstream venue for fear of being erased. It's all just part of the globalist take over.

We see how damaging information is to these fucks in this election. This move is simply to not have to deal with that problem in the future.

that and anything related to nazism will be the first to go.

also VPNs since most clients rely on DNS resolvers

Porn sites could pull some serious strings, sex makes a lot of money. I doubt they'll be able to put that entire industry out of business. I wouldn't be opposed to that really, and like I said, put your money on playboy if they do.

not really

twatter went after porn star accounts and a majority of them are shadow banned (not showing in home feed even when following)

CEO: Fadi Chehadé (Sep 14, 2012–)
Born: 1962, Beirut, Lebanon



That's exactly what they plan on doing. The timing is too perfect to be a coincidence.

I think they would try to censor the internet to help cover up voter fraud.

its already in my water lad

how is the internet in your water?


They will kill Holla Forums though.

Im pretty sure us based companies will only have to obey foreign laws on foreign devices and shit. Its not like Pakistan can make an american website shut down.

You don't?

Crucify her upon the highest tree in the land, and put whoever made the video into the brazen bull.

It is time for us to learn to create our own browser and lead our ip address to trustworthy people to keep internet alive or is that too complicated?


Funny the color scheme they chose

I remember back on Holla Forums so many years ago how we all would agree that they can take our jobs, they could take our women, they could take our houses, but if they took our internet and waifus or it would be war.

Is this still true? Are we on the verge of civil war after October?

should have gone hot already. everyday more white children are raped and murdered by kikes in ritual.

Would we be able to use a web scraper to copy websites to zeronet?


You followed communities that shared your view on outsiders.




Eve Online is basically free to play at this point with it's Omega Clone Status. It would be incredibly easy to for a Corporation there and continue our shitposting or at the very least network without any repercussions. Because you see the people who play this are to nerds what normal nerds are to normies. No one will read the chat logs. Garrison Incorporated. Or any other free MMO, Lineage II High Five (should run on pretty much any computer) ect.

A DNS is nothing more then a fucking name resolver because those of sub-par intellect can't remember numbers. Save the IP address of a site on a txt file and put it in a usb drive, or use pen and paper THE KEK LEDGER. Now due to the structure of the internet they can't block your access to an IP address with anything shorter of creating a cloud based on each country, like China. And that can be easily bypassed with a VPN. The can't CAN'T block your access to an IP address in any way, it's called a the world wide web for a reason.

The UN is toothless organization that can't effectively do jack shit. It suffers from the cons of a huge government. Meaning in places like Eastern Europe , Russia and China it's basically impossible to enforce copyright laws. That being said these nations except China don't enforce their hate speech laws (and the thing with china is that it only goes into effect if you dissent against the government itself).

Jesus fucking wept why is this nonsense still sticky? It makes Holla Forums look like a wino with a fucking cardboard sign hanging around it's neck heralding The Time Is Nigh.

protip: You do not have to drink the kool aid.

Make a new thread

Cry more shill

Make a new thread and post it here faggots

Are you fucking serious? Look at the thread:
Tin foil hat shit, newfag.

Once we went there, we shouldnt have left. They turned a victory into a defeat. Just like they did with Vietnam.