Okay so I like short girls, My girlfriend in 7th grade had to be about 5"3 (while I was 6"1), I don't know what it is about shorter girls (midgets are kind of too short for me though) The idea of extreme of me being extremely dominant is so arousing to me and it seems shorter girls satisfy that seeing as they are smaller and therefore easier to dominate.
No not really.
Now when it comes to short girls usually they lack features that taller ones have. Believe me I would choose a girl with a nice over a short girl any day. But short girls just do it for me.
Holla Forums does this make me a pedo?
That's like 12, you pedo filth.
that makes him a hebephile
Actually 13, and I was in 7th grade also
You could very well just be a man who prefers more petite partners, with a more submissive personality.
Nothing too off in your OP, man. But even if you were a pedophile I wouldn't be all that concerned, bearing that you follow the law and don't do anything flagrantly stupid.
go away lawcuck
That's the answer to your question right there, fag. Pedos like little grils because they're the only ones their immature minds [the pedos] can relate to. You just like small girls and
which sounds like a pretty normal provider role to me.
Still a paedophile.
t. buthurt moralfag