Any nazbols here?
Any nazbols here?
As far as I can tell it's a Russian/Dugin meme ideology like Eurasianism whose tenants change with the wind.
Just be a Not Socialist.
le epic wordfilter
nat soc*
Is this some weak attempt to let nazi's feel like they won the war by joining bolsheviks?
The USSR made the stupid decision of allying themselves with capitalist nations like USA and Britain in order to defeat another socialist nation.
It's just another creation of russian meme politics. Still, it's not as e/b/in as pic related.
Im extremely happy to kill every fascist with a machine gun up against the wall.
No thanks.
time traveller pls go
This tbhfam, only good awnser in the thread.
When people say "fascism" they're usually referring to the common ideological current of the Axis Powers, which is radical nationalism.
But it was completely off topic
Let the bodies hit the floor. I respect fascist more than nazbol.
fascism died decades ago dumbass
Yeah lets just say i consider you a subhuman in intellect.
"Everything I don't like is fascism"-anarchists
Fascism is very on-topic for discussion of nazi"bol"s
"I don't know anything but I have a boner for Stalin" -Nazbols
Killing fascist is self defence for me and the people.
Would you disagree that nazibolism is a form of radical nationalism?
Also hello pol. Read a fucking book.
The pragmatic fascism of Mussolini had nothing to do with Hitlerism. Hitler nationalized all corporations
If you would read a fucking book you would understand fascism has different semantic meaning for different ideologies. Hitler was whore to capitalists. A bootlicker like a women submissive to stronger power.
I'm not talking about Mussolini.
If fascism is only the very specific ideology started by Mussolini, then fascism has only risen and existed in one place and one time and that's Italy between 1922-1943.
Most people, however, seem to define it as the common ideological tendency of the Axis Powers in WWII. If that's the case, I would define it as basically "radical nationalism".
Also, Hitler privatized far more than he nationalized. The idea that Hitler nationalized the Germany economy is a misconception spread by neoliberals.
Muh propaganda. Youre talking to your superiors in this forum. Shut up and read and learn.
So socialism is about welfare, high taxes and big government after all?
The "socialism" of Nazi ideology is meaningless, it was turned into another word for nationalism.
there aren't many nazbols here, Holla Forums maybe too liberal for your taste overall.
nazbols stick to >>>/turdposition/ , that place is okay if you're racist.
But it's racist liberalism, so that makes it completely different, right?
How are nazbols liberals?
t. not a nazbol
To be destroying your beloved national state is number one priority. Fuck you dictatorship totalitarianist "communism".
Just explain to me how National Bolshevism even works without just LARPing the 20s of Weimar.
I understand that Socialism in one country is the option we have right now, since there will be no global revolution, at least not within the next 100 years.
The difference is that NazBols give up the internationalism of the left. Explain to me how you are going to sustain yourself in an isolationist socialist state in the contemporary world. I only see two options:
a) You keep being a capitalist by trading with capitalist countries (which basically makes the whole moral argument of your movement… useless)
b) You turn into North Korea (the most realistic option)
Nah, not my comrade. I can see myself working together with NazBols as long as they drop the racism, but once revolution is achieved, the authoritarian nationalism needs to go ASAP. It's [the current year] for fucks sake.
I don't think non-internationalism has to mean total isolation. NS Germany, fascist Italy, the whole balkan Axis block, etc., none of them were autarkic or fully isolated.
Actually, Eurasianism is the latest Dugin edition of it. The same turd position as all the other fascists from the beginning of time.
Yeah, I was talking about a potential contemporary event. I am aware of history. Nowadays, neoliberalism is at it's peak and sits firmly in the saddle. What do you think happens when there is a socialist revolution anywhere?
Just look what they did to Greece. And Syriza turned into mild SocDems after the election.
Now you want to apply a socialist revolution with actual nationalism and a good chunk of authoritarianism? Do you want to get North Korea? Because that is how get North Korea.
Like all fascists, they haven't really moved beyond liberalism, they've just fetishized the nation-state. Imagine a liberal conservative that's gone way off the deep end with the love for your nation thing, and you've got a fascist.
They went full neolib!
We're gonna have cred card only transactions soon.
Unless the plan is to make us revolt or something…
How the fuck are liberals facists once exposed to Nationalism? First off "liberalism" covers a huge range of concepts that vary widely, especially between Europe and the US. But liberalism, as the name implies, always comes with personal freedom, private property and reduction of statism as much as possible.
Facists are totalitarian. They subordinate personal rights as well as private property under the nation. They do not necessarily need to make a decision between capitalism and socialism, because they do not need to be congruent or dogmatic in their economic actions as long as it benefits the nation. They were very utilitaristic in this regard because of their metaphsysic spiritualism.
This infringement of law and the focus on putting people in their position that is predisposed by genetics/sex/race/faith or whatever they focus on makes every liberal shiver.
Of course, some national liberals worked together with the facists, like the DVP in Weimar. Not because they were Nazis, but because they were thinking Hitler was their useful idiot. Turned out they were.
I'm not a nazsoc or nazbol because it goes too far down the road of totalitarian and autarkic memery for me, I'd just like a little bit of protectionism thrown into the turbonoeliberalglobalist thing we've got going on right now. But I'm just a turd-itional conservative, not a radical in many respects (aside from just Holla Forums memeing about nazism every few months 'cause they had fly uniforms).
By that metric, Stalin was a liberal LARPing as a communist and fetishizing the Soviet state, and therefore you've reduced the term liberal to 'anyone who isn't a Marxist', at which point its usefulness as a label becomes nil.
Hitler wasn't a NazBol but Useful Idiot might have been something close to a Nazbol.
meant to right:
[email protected]/* */
National Bolshevism is fucking retarded. You need to either become a Bolshevik. become a Not Socialist or stop posting because this shit is really stupid.
I like nazbols, they realize that political change cannot be divorced from camraderie and esprit de corps.
I'm not one because I'm not Russian
True. Allying with the U$ was the biggest mistake the USSR has ever made. This is when it became revisionist.
show tits
Absolutely disgusting.
Please die OP.
You're fond of the anarchist concept of affinity groups, too?
Liberalism is just a term for capitalist ideology.
The liberals that actually cared about shit like personal freedom stopped being liberals two centuries ago. In this day and age, its the superficial ideological trapping capitalism surrounds itself with.
You nazibol bumblefucks couldn't make it any more obvious that you're just fucking fascists.