What did the scroll say Holla Forums?
"eating boogers is good for you"
"Traps are gay"
"people who post 'traps are/arent gay' are gay"
"Homosexuality is mental illness."
Dumb niggers not even making their own images.
What is national socialism even?
Ignore the dubs at your own peril, Holla Forums
I made another, even.
NatSocs (NutSacs) still advocated for people to be allowed private property to make a profit.
After all, "collectivism is a jewish conspiracy to remove individuality and lower the IQ and critical thinking capability of the masses through """""Cultural Marxism""""" you shill."
After translating that to normal English, you get: "I'm mad about minorities in my TV Shows and females having sex with someone who has a different eye color under 30 before marriage."
I'll even elaborate. You may have even seen some advocates of certain kinds of capitalism on Holla Forums. Usually they qualify that it makes the most sense in a context where there are no Jews or other minorities subverting the economic system to the peril of the rest of the nation. I believe this style of thinking is related to the idea that it doesn't matter what type of country you claim to be or laws you formally legislate when the end result is always determined by the people running the show. Capitalism, communism, socialism, etc end up just being abstract marketing campaigns that real people hide behind as masks. It doesn't matter if you proclaim on high, "We're doing communism right this time." when you are surrounded by people committed to fucking each other over. You're just going to get Stalin and a bloody massacre all over again no matter how grand the economic philosophy if you attracted the wrong people, and it is extremely likely that the core advocates of those ideas have exactly that in mind.
*Sees replies*
"Looks like i'm politically challenged and have to continue arguing or face an identity crisis because I base my identity off of my opinions."
*Actually agreeing with me*
"Crisis averted"
National socialism is how you manage to not be jewed by a private central bank but still let people own stuff.
Why do you point out National Socialists advocating private property anyways? It seems awfully authoritarian and tyrannical for the state to own my stuff and dictate the style of my borrowing it. I don't understand people that don't advocate some sense of private property. It all sounds like greedy people that just want to take my stuff to me.
"Niggers and spics should hang from trees!"
"Dysnomia can turn this shithole board around, just you wait and see!"
You got it all wrong fella. Personal property is the shit you use, like your computer, car, toothbrush, vidya console. Private property is like personal property but is used to make a profit, like a lemonade stand, a grocery store, or a factory. There is also collective property, like public schools and sidewalks 'n sheeeeit.
Search engine gave me this. Is this what you mean?
That is a good generalization. But that makes a camera personal property. A camera can be personal property if you take photos of friends for your own memory scrapbook, instastacy or for fun. But a camera becomes private property once you use it to make a profit.
Fuck, what a doofus. We need a law saying that shooting marxists is not a crime. Hurry!
These new additions to my vocabulary are cute and all, but I don't see how these distinctions make a difference. Once the state declares something private property, they are going to make sure I use it or share it for a higher purpose? Yeah, okay, sure. I can see how do gooders get sucked into all this noise, but if they knew how to treat people well, they wouldn't be trying to assert their economic philosophies on the populace through rule of law. Humanity hasn't biologically advanced to a point where we can act like a synchronized ant colony. "Don't tread on me." attitudes are not the stumbling block; a lack of leaders going out and being the change they want to see is the problem. Anyone sitting there preaching economic ideals instead of actually helping their communities just seems like another would be dictator waiting to become fat and happy at my expense otherwise.
Phrase this better, I couldn't really understand what you were saying.
What's wrong with that definition? What are you, An Anarcho capitalist? Or even worse, A Nazi? Or even worse, irrational.****
I messed that the fuck up jesus christ.
Actually, part of National Socialism is to regulate capitalism so it doesn't mutate into corporatism.