I need to compile a list of cases where SJWs have gotten people fired for badspeak and wrongthink. If I remember correctly, The Hulkster was fired from WWE for saying "nigger" in a private conversation 8 years before the fact.
I'm not just looking for famous people, though. I'd prefer as many non celebs as possible. I remember there being some real estate dude who got fired after an internet argument with a black tranny YTer.
Unfortunately in the vast majority of cases, the victim probably never goes public and even actively covers it up, in an attempt to salvage what they can of their reputation they feel has been tarnished.
Brandon Nguyen
You want to get into contact with paxdickinson. He's had his life completely ruined by these people over practically nothing and is devoting his life to taking them down.
Tell him you're from here. He's posted here before for his crowd funded investigation website called WeSearchr.com
Governor of Maine should be getting fired soon, for saying latinos and blacks commit 90% of crime. The SJW just filed a freedom of information access request.
I am sure a could scrape something together by searching jewish press like hareetz, and tmz for "anti-semitic" cause of dismissal.
That scientist who landed the thing on an asteroid is a good one because he achieved something really notable. But for sacked because he wore a shirt with some chicks on it.
Asher Kelly
I like the Jews. The Jews are my friends.
Ayden Hill
CARTOON BITCHES SHIRT GIVEN TO HIM BY A BITCH okay, calm down, no need to cry about it
Brendan Eich, Mozilla CEO fired for contributing to Prop 8 in California.
Bentley Barnes
Are you dumb faggots not even going to mention dr. james watson?
Eli Wilson
Was he actually sacked? I hadn't heard that.
Ryder Phillips
There are hundreds of examples from the last 3 years alone.
geekfeminism wiki would be a great resource for people in the technology sector from the viewpoint of victors gloating over their accomplishments, they're currently celebrating kicking Doug Crockford out of some Javascript conference for using the word 'masculine' during a talk. Queue outraged SJWs going into their standard 'What? I don't even… Wow. Just Wow' routine and complaining that he makes them feel uncomfortable/unsafe and needs to go. Works every time.
There was some guy on the Joe Rogan podcast around a year ago who was writing a book about the subject of online hate mobs, they talked at length about a woman who made a lame aids joke on twitter while on a trip to Africa, was fired and hounded for months afterwards. Completely ruined her life, even the asshole from Gawker who was responsible had to publicly apologize over it. Of course during the apology he got to virtue signal about what a great service he's doing:
>Nearly as quickly, the righteous Twitter mob moved on. There were other social media morons and marketing employees to hold accountable: Trayvon Martin blackface costumes (338,000 page views), ill-conceived brand tweets, the Auschwitz selfie teen (179,000 page views), racist radio hosts (291,000 page views), and so on.
>Some of them were pernicious, some were stupid. Each time, each slap, was the same: If we could only put one more wrongheaded head on a pike, humiliate one more bigoted sorority girl or ignorant Floridian, we could heal this world. Each, next outrage post was the one that would make a difference.
Caleb Cook
The good news is Adrian Richards will never work again outside some token 'diversity' booth babe role or at a cat rescue.
Also add Gregoru Allan Elliott. Lost his job in Muni government due to legbeard lies.
Angel Nguyen
Outsidea of Portland it's all shitlord pepsis. Lepage is fine.
Xavier Flores
These idiots don't realize that as a developer I'm going to see how converged your platform is and avoid it based on that. Ruby on Rails is dogshit, but I could have told you that ten years ago based on the neckbeard manginas pushing it.
Jason Cook
Paula Dean
This thread needs more butter, y'all.
Jackson Nelson
No, he wasn't, but the guy wasn't ready for that type of hate mob at the same time as what should have been his greatest achievement, and he broke down in tears.
One irony is that all of the victims were black, and Wendy seems genuinely upset about what happened. I'm not even a DOTR guy, and I almost never give a shit when blacks kill other blacks. It's the bed they made for themselves.
David Hernandez
Here are excerpts from the former hospital employee’s posts:
▪ “If I were a black female in America I would go live in the woods. I would be so ashamed of my race. To me it would be a curse to be black.”
▪ “They’ve got to go get their food stamps so they can sell them for cash to buy their weaves. so they can buy their hydrocodone and oxycontin off the street for $5 a pop and some are mostly likely they are (sic) searching for their Section 8 housing. Trying to pick out the perfect house with the above ground pool so their kids can fall and drown.”
▪ “I was raised in an all back (sic) neighborhood and I went to an all black high school.…I know there is a segment of your black community that behaves like animals because I have seen it myself.”