My college just gave us a promotion where you can get a free personalized mug from shutterfly. If you fags post something good here, I'll order that shit and leave it on my desk. Also, it seems that legit porn is forbidden, though it looks like 2D is fine if that's what you're into
That is because the BO is into it. If he wasn't a huge faggot, anime porn (aka cartoon CP) would be banned as well.
Here is your cup design. Safe for work, and a mystery to all non Holla Forumstards/.
Jesus Christ, that's what Dys looks like? Holy fuck he looks like a massive faggot. He looks like an actual pedo. He looks like the last thing little Timmy sees before he ends up in Heaven.
That is just his face, which makes him look gay, but at least human. Here is the rest of him.
Get a good photoshop dude to make that nicer, and ti would be a classic work mug
wew lad. That guy is like 5 of me.
he's a brony fagtard
That is not Dysnomia, dumbass.
It doesn't even look like him.
You could take the graph in pic related so normalfags can have a hearty laugh while whores get pissed off about you spreading the lightest of the redpills. Or how about a picture Anders Breivik? He was a good guy, after all.
The nice thing about this one is I don't think anyone will notice it on the first pass.
He means on shuttfly you nigger. Also wtf are you retarded? 3D porn is allowed here. Go back to reddit
Who is this fine specimen?
Yes this.
furry fandom
she is, dare i say?… /ourgirl/