Questionable Malcontent - Rare Edits Edition

Fell asleep before I could save the last ~15 posts, so the archive is missing a few edits for now. Post em if you got em. Or don't, I'm a post not your mother.

Last thread: (whoever made the most recent capture: thanks)
Threads archive:

Older stuff:
Twitter Bully:

Other urls found in this thread:,33346.0.html corpse witch&src=typd


Is that loss?

His sketches of Rokocop…

How shit are his fucking robots?
Fucking tinfoil skin and everything.

suuuuuuure, jeph.

I'm guessing he's completely forgotten that Clinton was originally important to Brun's story arc.



Oh no, he is integral to it as the guy watching as they fuck.

As already establishe 5000 threads ago "Pretty shit", that said i do like myself some Nanofiber-Muscle mecha like GEKKO and Ray.

I have seen Cheesy Lasagna so many times i have begun to just see them as DORFS now, the art just makes em look so short and stumpy.

All it needs is a goblin invasion and this would basically be Dwarf Fortress.

But user, the Goblins are seen leaving in panel 1.

Re: the most recent thead snapshot on, I made it after the thread fell off the catalog, that brief period where I guess it's marked for purging but hasn't happened yet, so it almost certainly contains all the posts.

Reposting trash



I'd bet real money this haughty millennial is not and has never been subscribed to Time Magazine. They are actively eating their own via purity tests yet think their progressive movement is healthier than ever.

Doesn't a newly elected president always get a Time "of the year" cover? I thought that was a thing.


B-but it's 2016!

Are all cops in qc robots? That seems real ominous, any ancient empire worth its salt knows you use an empowered outgroup to police the locals so that neither can organize against you.

This is true, but if our theory about QC being a giant hipster diorama is true, then the police are merely there to provide diagnostics for the display.

They're hoping to get through every day not thinking about how Donald Trump is the President-Elect of the United States of America, and if they're shown a picture of President-Elect Donald Trump, especially in a place like Time magazine (which they expect to be a safe space), then they're traumatically reminded of the night in which Donald Trump was elected to the presidency, and that gives them a sad.

But yeah, Gerald Ford was the only president in recent decades not to get Man of the Year/Person of the Year, possibly because he never won an election. The other presidents usually got them during their election years, though there were exceptions. George H.W. Bush didn't get it in 1988 (the award went to The Endangered Earth as Planet of the Year) but got it in 1990 during the first Gulf War.

Even if not every US president automatically made POTY, Trump would have to due to sheer notoriety and cultural relevance. He was a long shot derided by the entirety of mainstream media and is symbolic of the changing winds of the Western political machine.

It's almost impossible to not objectively declare him POTY, whether you like him or not. Who else fits the bill? The closest one I can think of is Merkel for the second year in a row, which has never happened. And it'd be an ironic pick. Progressives view her as a compassionate hero while detractors view her as a modern day Nero who watches her country burn due to her failed policies.

I probably spent more time editing this than Handstab spends on his "comic" the entire week.

In the last thread, someone pointed out that the robot cleavage was the wrong way in pic 4 of . I'm more impressed that's the wrong way in pic 3 of . Does Handstab have no fucking intuition about perspective?

I would be worried about the possibility that the robots are somehow conspiring to stage a coup. Consider it, they've already infiltrated the police. They might not even know they're doing it. In QC, AI (as I understand it) arose mysteriously and without human intervention, and since Jeph doesn't understand computing, no one has made an attempt to study the source code (I checked the wiki, and I think it confirms this interpretation. At the very least it seems they're created by the same company). It's possible that the AI was created by some external, malicious force. Let's call it Khaine for now, to make it feel a bit more concrete, to personify it, and so that we have some way to refer to it.

Khaine could have put some sort of instinct into the AI, to put themselves into key roles in government, police, military, etc., or even just letting them seep into society, bringing with them that values that weakens society pave the way for the eventual invasion. After determining that the robots have sufficient power, Khaine could trigger their programming, launching the invasion.

Let us consider the different robots in the show, and if they have power-hungry, subversive, or violent traits. I don't remember every detail about all the robots (characterization isn't Jeph's strong suit), and I don't know every single character, but here is the stuff I immediately remember:
>Corpse Witch (aka the purple boss, aka the only good character): Criminal: owns an underground fighting ring, which prepares robots for combat. Owns a workstation, which can provide repair for damaged soldiers. Niggardly, presumably hoards money and spare parts that can be used to upgrade destructive capabilities. Provides a workstation where robots can be repaired.
>Menstro: Military robot. Helps Corpse Witch repair robots. Progressive, anti-robot-bigotry, anti-robot-discrimination views (by stopping people from discriminating robots, she makes it easier for robots to reach high positions, and positions of trust).
>Officer Basilisk's "sexy" fat colleague: Police officer.
I'll add some overarching points, which has less to do with personality or position in life:
>Only a few years (?) ago, the suggestion of dating a robot was seen as completely insane ( Now the normalisation has progressed to the point where no one even bats an eye.
Feel free to add to my lists, or provide counter-examples.


The dude who was supposed to recover Pintsize's military chassis was human. There was also Potter and other security personnel on the space station.

Is QC a subtle warning where the robots are Jeph's allegory for the jews?

Nicely done.

That is one short, tiny bathtub

Pleb. I'll bet you still use toilet paper.

It's deep enough to work, though. :^)

And apparently it has a socket halfway up the wall.

Of course, it's the emergency suicide socket.

To be fair, I did base it off the bathtub in my bathroom. It is kinda short/small, and the wall outlet is next to the sink (which would be to her right and above her eye level in this case).

To be honest, I didn't realise that was an edit at first; thought it was more of Jeph trying to be funny.

Jeph's version of dark humor would be a Family Guy-esque, "You think that's bad? Remember the time I had to listen to Mr. Roboto at a party for twelve hours with the Prime Minister of Robotistan?"

Then optionally, character #2 could chime in with, "Tough break, too bad it wasn't Welcome to the Machine."

I honestly thinks that would give me a nervous breakdown.
indeed i may become the handstab if that is the case.

I think they live in Tron.

Don't give me that hope, user.
Then they could get Derezzed.

I know this is just Shitstab's attempt at humor, but wouldn't the actual word be Roboticist?

It's a portmanteau of robot and biologist. Brilliant, eh?

No because Roboticist = RobotiCISt and he must remove the CIS.


Was there seriously supposed to be a romantic thing between them?

I'm aware. But by definition, a roboticist is one who would likely know all there is on robots, including their supposed "biology" smushing be damned.

They're all dykes. What do you think?

The funniest thing is there is nothing likable about either character just like real dykes so there's no reason for attraction.

I mean, yeah, they're heavyweight women with short haircuts who hang out together, but was there any romantic conversation or makeout session that I missed? I just thought they were work colleagues who hung out all friendly-like and now there's sudden mention of theoretical half-human-half-robot lesbabies out of seemingly nowhere.

The sort of crowd this is invariably aimed at most certainly does not believe in platonic relationships, much less that people have their own differing preferences, so it's not that big of a surprise.

But I think there was something or other mentioned in previous strips, or somewhat vaguely implied, but I haven't really kept up with the comic, so my memory is hazy.

To be fair, it could be May just messing around. It's not like she actually knows any details between Faye and Bubbles' relationship.

Seems I got a bit ahead of myself when writing that comment. Still, 3/4 (actually 4/5, because I forgot Basilisk's other collegue) police officers so far isn't bad, and I didn't mean to imply that every police was a robot.

I haven't read many of the space-station strips, so I didn't include anyone there in my comment. Sure, there was human security personnel, but there was also mechanical ones. We don't know the ratio.

Also, I'm guessing not everything they did on the space station is very holesome.

Not to mention that the station itself is a massive AI, with the capacity to fire pizzas down to earth with astonishing accuracy.

They also sent Hannilore a robot boyfriend when it still was seen as unacceptible. A giant AI with mind-control, and orbital bombartment capabilities, trying to normalise robots. A good candidate for Khaine.

I thought there should.

Every non-blue main character in Alice Grove is also a dyke. There are no romantic or sexual relationships, but every single one gives that impression.

What is it with Jeph and dykes?

*I thought there was.

All the confirmed hetereosexuals have long been written out of QC: Steve, Raven, Cosette, Penelope, Will. Just the gays, bisexuals, and robots left now. And Emily, who will probably be revealed to be asexual or something in an awkward plot twist praised to death by the forum and The Mary Sue.

Don't forget Sven.

they weren't written out, JJ simply stopped using them, Writing out implies effort was taken to come up with a reason for this.

Also, Dale and Marigold are straight and are still commonly used, along with Clit and Chad/Elliot.

If he's the one I'm thinking of, Will was written out because he wanted to go and work for the Jewish media in New York.

That's Angus you're thinking of.

This got me thinking… How did Marten actually end up with the tranny anyhow?

I know I haven't exactly been following the story, but it seems to me the tranny worked under Marten and they suddenly started fucking.
Like, Marten just woke up one morning and said, "I think I fancy some lady-boy ass! :) "

They went to Marten's dad's fagwedding together

Wow, a real tear-jerker, huh?

No doubt the early days of the relationship were full of awkwardness as Marten learned more of the lifestyle requirements of his infatuation, yeah?

And they had to contend with the ever-watching, judgemental eye of society, right?
With their shared experience bringing them closer together?

You know, stuff that would make the characters more human?
And allow the reader to develop an emotional investment?
Making the ultimate conclusion all the more satisfying?

All that did happen, right…?

Jeph actually thinks his art is good.


Dale and Marigold are kosher because she's an ugly landwhale and he's…black? indian? (I actually don't know)

Speaking of art that is actually good, I can't believe I didn't discover SSSS until just recently.

The robo boyfriend happened before the timeskip didnt it? Back when it all occured in a manner of 2 months of time?

This means that humanoid chassis were phased into public mindset in a matter of MONTHS.

I can't believe it either, considering how SSSS has been brought up quite a few times in these threads as an example (probably a hilariously unfair in comparison example) of an actually good QUALITY webcomic.

It only recently switched down to a 4-days per week update schedule, down from 5. The artist was putting in 16 hours a day 5 days a week doing the comic (a total of 80 hours each week), the amount of dedication she has is insane. Then we see Jeph, earning over $9000 a month for something he spends less than an hour on each day. If you feel disgusted then good, you should be.


Why does an AI need someone else to parse their own memories?

what is the point

They're basically pets created by humans that they're forced to grant constitutional rights to.

Jeph wants an oppressed class through which to express his progressive and "tolerant" views but he doesn't want to take the risk by using something real. He tiptoed into this before using Claire and the offscreen threats that jeopardize >her life "every day" but he quickly fell out of this and put the character on the a bus along with the main.

So we have this, an artificial trannynigger class where Jeph doesn't have to worry about offending his fickle readership's sensibilities with a midly off-color joke or robot stereotype. Even with this it's so mild and pussyfooted so as to nonsensical in terms of the gravity it's supposed to evoke.



You're not that far off. Jeph previously experimented with intimacy between the two, but the chemistry was tepid and quickly swept aside. Then, one day, Jeph just decided to make Marten attracted to Claire with no real buildup.

I include this sequence because it was days in-universe before Faye was fired for drinking on the job.




When jerkjacks still cared about his art.

$10k a month and what the fuck is this?

Holy shitballs, the obvious decline in quality of Hacks's art over the course of this story arc is readily apparent. (Just check out the tranny's hair, the amount of character articulation, and Faye's sudden weight gain if you don't believe me)

Anyone care to ascertain if it correlates with the rise in Pateron funding from the SJW crowd?

wtf I didn't mean to greentext there

What was in that can?

second page of

That's the culprit for her inflation

God fucking damn it
Just recommended the edits of this shit to one of the few people I know who reads comics and …..
He reads the originals and was offended
Now I have one less friend

And that "impressive" 2013 art is worse than the 2012 art, and the 2012 art is worse than the 2011 art, etc.

Some user described this phenomenon in a previous thread. In 2018 we'll think the 2016 strips are a work of art. Eventually this thing will look like XKCD but unironically.

It's probably for the best, user.

Well, one of the most obvious quality drops was the ceasing of textured hair circa 2014 and that's when the Patreon started. That's also when Marten suddenly became a tranny chaser.

I just noticed Jeph cancelled the Patreon hangout and substituted it with character sketches. Well done on doing even less work. I wonder if some troll paid the $100 just to fuck with him on Google Hangouts.

I always bust a gut when I see those edits.

You'd think drawing a comic day in and day out would kind of cause one to get better at drawing. But somewhere along the line, his art suddenly declines to the pathetic laziness its become presently. And yet it gets praised and hailed, and nets him nine grand a month.

I know we've been over the fact of there being webcomics with superior art elsewhere, but there's even ones where the art's not exactly great looking initially but the artist improves over time and continues to better their style.

No matter how much you draw, improvement solely depends on your drive to do better. No amount of drawing will naturally make you improve if improving isn't a main goal.

Yeah, I suppose that's true. I had just figured "practice makes perfect", but QC is like the antithesis to that statement.

well, jeph is practicing bad habits. like those sketches that he somehow is incapable of using a scanner for.

bad habits like not having lines meet each other when they clearly should. how hard can it possibly be to draw a dialogue bubble after 13 years? that's like the one thing it seems okay for him to skip the pencils and go right to a pen or marker for.

the actual characters? nigga needs to go back to drawing circles and lines with a pencil.

Man, not only can this guy not get a scanner, he's a professional artist using a fucking iPhone for photography.

pardon the blue lines, there was a notepad handy and jeph is not worth more effort than he puts in.

my scanner sucks and it looks professional compared to his iphone. (text is, of course, the new QC font)

What are "things I just did with my mouse that Jeph probably hasn't done in over a decade with his half a dozen tablets and expensive markers, Alex?"

Practice would make perfect if Jeph actually DREW what you see on the page. As is right now that hack just has a folder of common characters and poses and he just copies and paste/stretches them to fit his needs. That's why he has so much trouble whenever he travels and has to use his portable equipment: he doesn't have his asset folder so he has to do everything by hand.

Jeph hasn't had to draw a damn thing since 2013/14 if not way before that. That's the reason he hasn't improved.

Lol, even Chris-chan improved over the ten years he was active.
Of course, at one issue a year, it wasn't much, but at least you can tell what he's trying to draw now.

The only guys who actually get worse are either brain-damaged, like Wally Wood and Frank Miller, or huge lazy assholes like Erik Larsen.

For fuck's sake…

Oh, yes. I mean, we see it sooo often! Robot boyfriends; tiny, arsehole AIs like Pintsize; Momo, etc; all veritable social lepers who no-one wants anything to do with!

People who *what*, exactly? Is Jeph just leaving that hanging there, hoping poor schmucks like us will come up with a backstory for him, as I have already done?
And it's obviously not a very good "refuge" if any jerk can just walk in right off the street and the fucking cops know where it is and have been inside, and Bluebot can stroll up, loud as you like, and bang on the door.
That just makes Faye even *more* of a liability since she's obviously slack enough to blab to any cunt about her "lol, I M criminal :P " job.

And he missed the most obvious, sensible reply to that one: "…memories?"
Kinda pointless if Menstro knows exactly which memories have been "locked away".
Shit, she obviously *doesn't* really want to forget them, otherwise why an encryption key? That suggests, to me, that she intends to unlock them again.

Yup, better conclusion.

I don't mean for the strip, I mean shit like

or if he goes to some convention and charges money for an even lower-quality sketch at his booth

Ah, I do always love an excuse to post this masterpiece. It doesn't show up often enough.

Magnets, not even once.

I think we could do with some posters for this…

"You must have a *short circuit* to do magnets!"

"Only *bootlegs* do magnets!"

"You wouldn't drink hyrdofluoric acid!
You wouldn't use nails for fuses!
So why would you do Magnets?!"

Here's one hot off the presses

Jeph takes more pride in Twitter shitposting than he does with his $9k/month properties.

Did he just comment on his own shitty joke, saying it was nice?
I didn't even know it was possible to reek of desperation this hard

As pathetic as Jeph is, seven people favorited that and two of them retweeted it. Two people honestly wanted others to look at their timelines and have people see a webcomic author patting himself on the back.

Did you start with the eyes?

Did you start with the "i"s?

I wouldn't be surprised if at least one of those favorites was from himself, too.

Oh boy, why would someone virtue signal to this level of pettiness? Isn't the NY Times already pretty left-leaning? I know the socjus crowd notoriously eats their own, but this looks like a desperate plea not to be consumed in the process.

Not only commented, but screencapped, commented, then commented *again*.

Never mind how masturbatory that is, that's like quoting yourself from something you said 3 seconds ago to remind everyone you just said it.

Did anyone save any of the really good edits of the two attached strips? One I remember for 3208 is the one where he screams at Claire, actually making you feel sorry for >her. Number 3228 had many fun edits, and feel free to post more than one, but the one I especially remember is the one with the dialog
>Clinton: Damn it Claire, you're doing the thing again.
>Clinton: Refering to yourself as a lady.
>Claire [Crying]: Oh. That thing.

What do you know, I do have it.

He tried that before, and ended up with a knife stuck in his hand.

What threats? Being a "woman"? Being a tranny? What the hell are they talking about?

Did he know >she was a tranny when he started getting interested?

I looked up the original of that comic, and holy shit is it unfunny!

If he doesn't draw new stuff, how has the art gotten worse? If what you're saying is true, the art should have improved until he started copying, and the remained stagnant. His new characters, like Brun, have the same style and quality as the rest. This would probably not be the case if the strip was just copy-paste.

My first guess was that the memories locked away were traumatic memories from her time in the military. It's possible for her to know that they exist, while not being able to access the details.

A classic!


The skinny is that the NYT was so cocky about Hillary winning that they openly admitted to biased coverage months before the election. Then, when Trump won, they published another article "recommitting to objective reporting" because they were frightened (rightly so) of losing White House access.

"Freedom of the press" or not, you can't spend the better part of two years openly slandering a presidential candidate, often by proxy via "letters to the editor", and expect zero repercussions in a marketplace absolutely saturated with other mainstream outlets. The progressives shocked that Trump is preferring Breitbart are delusional.

Yeah, it happened ~100 strips after >her introduction.

I'm guessing he found it funny that it had 69 likes. Then it went up to 70 before he had time to show his maturety and masterful comedic talent by sharing the sexual innuendo.

They didn't change anything, though. They just said they ought to.

Remember, the six gorillion included faggots. He can be cured.

That was a fun thread. I guess I missed some edits though.

The more you simplify, the less janky copy and pasting looks and the less you need to scuff and blend things.

Personally, I don't think he reuses capital from 2015 or whenever, but I do think he recycles within a strip and across an arc. I mean, is it even debatable at this point? Look at this recent strip.

It's all about optics. They know that fickle progressives who don't even buy their product aren't enough to float the boat so they have to distance themselves from the wacko looters and rioters, even if just on paper. Ford and General Electric don't want to advertise in a publication openly promoting terrorism and government coups.

A lot of anons did. I think we even refered to the guy who made the edits as "feels-user".

Don't misgender him, women are cunts, Claire's an asshole. I know there was some forum where the comments said that Clinton "misgendered" Claire by calling >her an asshole, arguing that men only call other men assholes. I checked Reddit, but to no avail.

>He wasn't a dick about it, was he?!
At first I thought Clinton was refering to Claire here.

>I know there was some forum where the comments said that Clinton "misgendered" Claire by calling >her an asshole, arguing that men only call other men assholes. I checked Reddit, but to no avail.
Found it:,33346.0.html

That sounds familiar. Almost certainly happened on the forum as those people flip out over everything.

Oh. Well there you go.

Is that a flaregun? Or a cordless hair dryer?

It's a hard-sci-fi inaccurately-sighted anti-oppressed-robot-underclass non-lethal crowd-control weapon, of course.

I was mildly surprised to see redraws of Menstro's hands and hair. I noticed the 4th panel redraw of May's hands before combining. Jeph re-stripes Menstro's torso every panel but I don't think this counts as redrawing.

This is pretty surreal looking.

Got any more?


Hmmm. what kind of compression did you use on this user?

Was it


pls email [email protected]/* */ if you're a cat named sakamoto and want a cute furret to lick your paws
The reality is that people who groom actually get laid

pls email [email protected]/* */ if you're a cat named sakamoto and want a cute furret to lick your paws
somethin about the shape-a this guy's face .. is .. familiar. .. very familiar…

pls email [email protected]/* */ if you're a cat named sakamoto and want a cute furret to lick your paws
Tor, VPN isn't made for security.

pls email [email protected]/* */ if you're a cat named sakamoto and want a cute furret to lick your paws
Cool ty!

Did someone say tiddies?

Ready your knives folks and get ready to stab some hands, we're under attack!



yes, this is Butt

This photo is 4 years old, and to this day, I have ABSOLUTELY no goddamn clue who these people are.

At all.

did you just assume my sexual organs

Gus if you are reading this, Hi


I pretty much know fuck all about this sort of thing. I just made 4 layers and set their opacity to 1/4, 1/3, 1/2, 1, which ought to give the same opacity (1/4) to all:

You missed the joke. But, yeah, your method is perfectly logical

I'm a bit slow this morning. Just got up.

We're reaching sameface levels that shouldn't even be possible!

Why do you all of a sudden need verification every time you post on Holla Forums?

There was a mass site-wide spam attack earlier today. Captcha has subsequently been enabled to stop it.

anyone have the edits where Clit explodes and tells his brother that his "real" brother is dead and a freak is replacing him?

I think those are the ones requested in .

Spam attack earlier today

I've got the edits where Clit wants to watch IPP shitting at least.

Alice so powerful, yawn.

Wow that's an Awkward Smash Pose. Looks like a posed doll falling down.

This comic is reaching levels of cancer that should not be possible.

Nearly a third of a million people have collectively decided Alice Grove is a 9 out of 10. Well, that or it counts multiple votes across various strips. Even still, that'd be nearly 2,000 votes per strip on average. I thought this thing had no readership, but shit man. How many webcomic artists would kill to get this kind of exposure.

What the fuck even.

Also zero facial features in the fourth panel.
Captcha: "FknHed" even post verification thinks Jeph is lazy as fuck.

Tis true. The ground damage isn't horrible. It wouldn't get you into Shonen Jump but it conveys the general idea of a single point of impact with consequences rippling outwards. But the figure makes no sense. Its LOA defeats the entire composition having no coherent relation to the LOA of the ground damage.

not quite, alice grove and qc are 2 different comics. they're just by the same handstab

Been a long time since I come to /co and the first thing I found on the first page is QC thread. I read it all and it's just got worse than I thought. I mean wtf really?

Also I suspect that his divorce is more because his own fault. I mean look at the state of his comic and twitter.

I miss the old QC when it's still a fun read for everyone. Not this horrible concoction they call a webcomic.

This was said in a previous thread, but…

Even before the Patreon, Jeph cleared enough for two to live comfortably in hipster Massachusetts. They had a house and Jeph kept buying guitars and drawing tablets. So Jeph had to be pulling something like $120k+ to do all this.

Cristi is thoroughly unattractive. There's pretty much no chance she'll find more financial security than she had with Jeph, even considering the inevitable toppling of his fanbase as they age and lose interest and Jeph fails to gain a younger audience. She'll either have to accept taking care of a low earning guy or embrace being a bachelorette. Even an average guy will pass her over.

So even with the money, status, and security, Jeph still couldn't retain a 1/10 mate. That's how bad he and his addictions are.

LOL, the site makes me do both the post CAPTCHA and the 24-hour one.

i think its pretty clear that Alice Grove is Questionable Contents Future. i mean just look at Blue Marten. can you imagine the reveal or maybe its already happened.

So Christie the one that bailed out first? Wow thats not love then. Just desperate Jeph being desperate. I knew some couples willing to go thru thick and thin of life together even when their fortune dwindle.

That, or she can't handle Jeph being more neurotic? I mean maturity is not about age and I have this feeling that Jeph stuck in his new college student phase for far too long. Maybe it's good for writing comic but not for his life.

That's not it. But don't worry. They'll turn up someday.

Sign me up fam

Jeph's been in a bubble his whole life. He managed to get this far working at a real job for only 6-12 months. He grew up in liberal hipsterdom, attended what was basically a college version of a charter school for arts, and then stumbled into full time profits with QC at a time when the market was demanding a webcomic serial that was better than stick figures and updated regularly.

It's not even that he's out of touch. He never in touch in the first place. The guy's fucked up in the head, but that just adds to his warped view of the world on top of the social isolation.

The guy also appears to have no real life friends. He was able to move to Canada on a whim, to chase an e-girlfriend, and the relationship seemed to have dissolved after a few months. People with strong friendships need significantly more than some Canadian groupie to pry them away.

Jeph's "friends" consist of Twitter social climbers.

I'm not going to judge so fast about him being completely friendless irl. But yeah he seems to live in a bubble, Not a small one because he still have source and idea for his early comics but not big enough to make him mature.

Also about moving to Canada I think it's more like he's just desperate for relationship. But yeah relationship like that tend to fall apart immediately.

I left his comic after I felt that it became less about humor and more about drama. And not even a good drama.

Punching the ground like that is really dumb, anyway.
I actually think he's trying real hard to copy cape comics like those posted, but they work because the hero is *landing* with a heavy impact so their stance and the damage actually work together.
But no, he wanted to have her punch the ground.

Re-writes to the rescue! Again!
How about this, Jeph; have her *stamp* a hole.

They were requested, but no one gave them. I just pointed out which strip they belong to.

Assuming he didn't just borrow lots of money.

Even if he did, he'd still need something like $80k/yr to have the collateral, liquidity, and ability to pay maintenance and taxes. Barring being an expert in finance or savings, it's pretty hard to support two people in New England with less, even if you're "cheating" by participating in the debt hole.

But, then again, maybe Jeph wasn't as well off as we thought. Would certainly explain why a women with no options would leave.

In any case, after a lifetime of luck, Jeph launches one of the most successful Patreons and a Kickstarter on top of that. What a windfall. And he's only gotten lazier and less engaged in the face of all that financial momentum.



See, the art makes sense now.

It's an app!

Could someone explain the joke in that comic to me? I've got a feeling it is, or at least could be made, funny, but I'm not certain if Jeph fucked up or if I just don't get it.

It's not even necessarily about being the President. Time's Person of the Year is just supposed to be the most influential person of the previous year. It has nothing to do with that person being good or bad. Someone could blow up half the Earth and still rightfully win Person of the Year because blowing up half the Earth is a pretty fucking influential event.

Was there any sort of resistance to the idea of fucking a tranny at all?

From the characters or Jeph's fanbase? Because I'm pretty sure the answer is "no" on both counts.

So Hanners mom is a diabolical James Bond like villain masquerading as a business woman and her father is an autistic super genius savant that is responsible for all of the advanced robotics shit that exists including AIs .
Faye asked Hannalore were she sees herself in five years and the answer is apparently mass genocide through some virus.

the virus will undoubtedly spark the war that leads to Alice Groves current state since its impossible that Jeph would create a second incredible boring universe to fuck about with.

its only a matter of time.

Not him, but the ones requested by were already provided by

Didn't it turn out his "girlfriend" was actually a tranny or something?

What joke?
I think it would have been funny if there was a "Why contain it?" joke in there somewhere.

In a way that's harder because only one part of the body is in motion. Tricky to make work without nipponese style chicanery.

Well, I'm him, and unfortunately no-one has posted the one I requested by "feels-user" about 3208 yet.

Aha. I thought that was Hannelore herself. I couldn't really tell the difference. Ok, now it makes sense.

It IS her. The strip implies she's got a five year plan that ends with her genociding the earth.
It means she plans to end up like her mom

isn't that the same room this guy showed up and demanded a carriage in?

I think it would fit with the general vibe he gives of if he found the actual office where the order to initiate the apocalypse first was given, in order to feel like he's the antithesis to what begun all those years ago.

So no, it doesn't seem to be the same, that would be too clever. It's probably been destroyed by now, anyways.

Now it makes no sense again. If she's saying
why would she make it her "five year plan"?

The only "resistance" was the off-screen and undefined threats mentioned here

So, we don't actually get to follow Martin's struggles and concerns? Instead, they only exist as background decoration for another character? That's not very progressive.

Look what Jeph has an advert for on his webpage.

He also has this

He ripped the fat, little cunt from Hellsing and that broken ground is so unlike anything else he's drawn that I fully believe he stole that too.

I was bored.

Oh right, the off-screen "characters" who have never been introduced and will never be introduced because that would trigger Jeph's tumblristas all the way to the moon. Although this is just another in a long line of Jeph ignoring "show, don't tell" and even when he does show something, it's typically a Family Guy-tier cutaway gag.

Funny how none of the SJWs were bitching about how awful 2016 was until November.

b0ss what the hell mang



Gotta be honest, my reaction would mirror Marten's. Except that I'd never allow a woman like Faye to live in my house

Also, lol these nested CAPTCHAs.

And the funniest part is the 24-hour pop-up expires the token of the post CAPTCHA, so I have to put it in three times.

That was the first thing that grabbed my eye. After I finished reading the wall of text, I realised that Dora was in fact Marten, who just looked like Dora out of the corner of my eye.

Jeph's album isn't the worst shit ever, but it sounds like the background score for an Americanized version of Death Note. I think the problem is the dynamics are too flat. It lacks punch. I wonder what this would sound like mastered by a more experienced mixer, probably at least 25% better.

And one of the tracks is named "Lorazepam", haha.

You forgot to metion that Corpse Witch saved your friend, and was going to use her contacts in the police to further help her.

So wait, someone being saved from an otherwise inevitably abusive dyke relationship is now official canon?

2016 has been a fun year.
Can't even fucking post webm's because the CAPTCHA expires before the post is uploaded, I think.

>So wait, someone being saved from an otherwise inevitably abusive dyke relationship is now official canon?
Well, that too, although Jeph would never admit it. In cannon she distracted the police bot, came up with a cover story, and used her contacts in the police to make her call off her search.

Fresh omit coming through

lol, that panel 2.

That's a damn good omit, user.

I tried.

Why the fuck is she behind him when he greets her? Don't tell me she still has a key and just let herself in.

This is a pretty high level edit. It flows like real conversation and I laughed hard enough to go into a caughing fit.

Faye's been living in Marten's apartment since almost the beginning of the series.

Sorry for the delay, but here we go!

I could have sworn that she moved out to live at the shop.


I'm taking time out from actually working to do this.

I know it's an edit but seeing a more assertive Marten make me happy. I mean seriously I read QC in the beginning hoping for him to at least find happiness and stable relationship.

And Jeph decided to put him in another ship storm. Now he letting his ass plowed. Dammit Jeph.

I just assumed he let her in, and they're both walking away from the door. Martin started on this side, so he's walking in front.

Why does he let a fat, alcoholic lesbian live in his house? Does she at least pay?


I like it!

I don't know whether this was intentional, but panel one is dual purpose:
It's a simultaneous dig at Faye and Claire.

Especially the rearranged panel 1. His facial expression matches the sentiment exactly. I wonder how many of even fans of this thing want this conversation to happen. Faye destroys everything she touches and it's always someone else's fault.

Almost certainly not consistently. Faye's spent the entirety of this comic "getting back on her feet" in one way or another. Those kinds of people aren't the most reliable payers.

Sometimes it really does seem that Jeph reads the threads.

because the writing is pantsu on head retarded.
The joke is that the future is so set that Hannelore can't stop herself from genociding everyone. Including everyone in the room with her.
So present her is pleading with future her not to do what present her is planning to do anyways because……
Jeph needs a final panel joke.


That's one of the things I hated most about Bioshock Infinite.

What is a LOA?

What did he mean by this?

Line Of Action

The style of music on Jeph's album sounds like Death Note's background music. He's American and the original is Japanese.


Deux Ex Mechanical Armina

Of course Jeph would put a robot saying the new squirrel girl comics are (likely) good.

He really is assiduous in his pandering isn't he?

Good God, I hate him already
And what kind of fucking assembly arm is that? It just has a sphere with a camera or a window or some shit on the end of it.

jesus christ

Jesus jeph, get it together

captcha: trumnp

I can't not see that piece of paper ?? as a dimebag of coke.

I just…. wow…. I just…. how can a writing can be this bad? I mean from all the things she can do to find a solution Jeph had to push out a new character just to tell her that? Also why an assembly bot got visual optic on its part that was supposed to be the place to attach an actual assembly arm? So it went blind during assembly process?

canon /clank/ when?

So the joke is that the assembly arm has shit taste in comics?
Also QC is apparently set far enough in the future that sapient robots are almost commonplace, but still close enough to the present that the most recent run of squirrel girl is the one by Erica Henderson and Ryan North.

You know, every time I think Jeph can't get any worse, he finds a way. Either through more lazy shortcuts in drawing or through shit storytelling, in both setting and pacing. To think that years a go I "enjoyed" reading the comic.

Thinking back most of my enjoyment was merely thinking of the potential of the setting than anything specific about the characters or what handstab was doing.

To be fair, while never high art in illustration or narrative, QC once had at least the veneer of being a passable comic. It also had the benefit of being introduced and cultivated in an Internet that lacked YouTube and the free and higher quality content that killed off amateurish webcomics and the Newgrounds, Albino Black Sheep, and YTMND cultures.

There are definitive epochs in this comic's downfall; it wasn't always this bad: the breakup, handstab 2.0/tranny appeasement, divorce, w-well this is me. There are probably further epochs but the last 2 or 3 years just blends into an indefinable morass to me. Has anything happened? It seems like this stupid robot ring thing and the now discarded trappening are the only movers since 2014. Seems like everything else was abandoned after a handful of strips.



Look, back then his comic was more about "A bunch of youngsters having fun" kind of vibe. It was entertaining as once a day read. I still remember the snow slide drinking game episode. It was so much fun.

Sure there are the "My dad shot himself while I watched" episode. But I'm still okay with that because it's just once in a blue moon.Now the drama stuff is on all the time it's no longer blue moon. Just shit moon.

It'd be fine if it were drama, but it's not. It's not even melodrama. It's "words on a page and characters do things for some reason". It's on the level of what a grade schooler might come up with, just with better grammar.

I don't know, hes mistyped the copyright a couple of times, and the semi-uncommon mispelt words glare angrily from the page.

I don't know which is worse, Jeph giving the respectful nod to Leth's garbage or the idea of someone telling this poor robot that he should read that shit.

Some more, better use of his own expression:

Slight adjustment…

Was Kate Leth involved with Squirrel Girl? So far all I'm finding via Google is that she wrote (not drew) for Patsy Walker AKA Hellcat, and that Erica Henderson drew Squirrel Girl.

I had a few points to critique, but they were swept away by a wave of disgust when he ignored the well established fact that AIs can go online whenever they want and poked a hole in the 4th wall just to shill that godforsaken comic.


I could see Mr Plinkett's Emperor saying the final box


Christ, seeing those earlier strips (and they're not even *that* old) it looks like Jeph has developed some sort of fat fetish.
Faye got fatter, and for some fucking reason even Menstro got fat!
Who's next?
Will Marten walk in on his tranny jerking off while pintsize force-feeds it ice cream through a funnel?

No, because that fucktard, Jeph, smugly said in a tweet that any readers who thought that was her name were wrong wrong wrong SO wrong.

So I imagine some homosexual danced up to him at a convention and said "I jutht LOOOOOVE Corpth Witch!" and Jeph bent over and let him explore his inner-most colon for bats.

Someone…ANYONE…draw that and send it to Jeph.

fukin hell man

You need to drive a stake through his heart to set his spirit free, user.

>alas, my memory bank is in a server near the giant Jewbot oven. Not even I know where it is.

I agree with you, but if you believe that this second picture is anywhere near reality, oh boy you're in for a tough spot when you actually meet real women outside of porn industry.

really moving the plot along

We got a live one over here!

nigger you are some sort of massive kike lord or cuck lord, but either way you are a nigger.


Are we fat shaming now? Because I'd love to join you, my fellow memers.


The guy to the left looks like he's trying not to vomit.

He might also be trying not to laugh, it's hard to tell looking at a grainy thumbnail sized image

There is no joy in these eyes.

They look closed
Maybe he's resting?

he's trying to will himself blind.

I think hes gagging because of the smell.

He's ashamded he helped ruin Sweden. He realised just how far things had gone when he saw that woman.

No wonder I liked her. She'd fit right in here.

I couldn't find it. In fact, I only found him saying the opposite: corpse witch&src=typd

I could actually believe that the plot is an afterthought at this point.
From how shit it's been lately I think Jeph comes up with an idea, shoe-horns in into the story, and then can't think of what to actually do with it.
Trannies for instance; suddenly his main character has a relationship and the *only* reason we know they're a tranny is because we're told they are. He has just written a girl.
Nothing came of this.

IPP appears and almost fucks Clit.

Rokocop appears as a lingering threat.
Lobotomized 'cause he couldn't follow through.

Right now it's a series of half-baked ideas, but he thinks robots are cool this month so he's trying to make it a dramatic story.
Problem here is that he can't write robots.

Fixed that for you

Nah, he's pining for the fjords.

Why is it called Questionable Content anyway?

I just want my boy Clit to get that IPP.

Because it's questionable if it even counts as content.

Because that faggot deleted it. We used to have a screencap of it, but I didn't save it. Maybe someone else did.

Regular women who aren't actually mutilated men look like that.

No she was not your girlfriend. I remember those pics from a couple years ago when an 4chan users posted that on Holla Forums and a while later he claimed that he killed her and post her dead body on 4chan and laughed at people fapped to her fresh corpse.

wow you're such an oldfag you outsmarted us all user

oh, I'm not denying that they exist.
But you gotta fish them out from between legions of monsters.

Too soon.

Well sonny, I don't fuck your grandma for nothing you good for nothing kid.

*Insert "Get off my lawn" quip here*

Oh shit…

I actually yelled at some kids playing on my lawn the other day.
Fuck I'm getting old

Faye is suddenly an alcoholic after being a mere manageable drunk for over 10 years. Then she's cured after a single AA meeting, all without confronting whatever demons it is that she has.

Dora has a fallout with her brother for some reason that doesn't really make sense. Then, that's dropped and then we get a confusing retrospective after the fact.

Robot rights were a dead end, as was May's job search.

Jeph made a real big deal about Sam being a YouTuber and bonding with Momo. That's dead.

I'm sure Dale, Hannelore, and Marigold are supposed to be doing something but fuck knows what that's supposed to be.

Didn't Marten have some sort of pep talk with somebody about commanding his future and that he was going to redouble with the band or something? At least aim higher than "permanent library intern"?

And this is just what I remember. There are probably a dozen more dropped plotlines from the past year or two.

Dear god is tumblr going to try to ruin the majesty of smug anime girls

The key to writing good fiction is to write from life experience. This sort of thing would be kind of difficult for Jeph.


Fixed purple bot.
Still a bit of humour, but she remains assertive and very much in-charge.

I think Jeph's *biggest* mistake with her was having her shocked and stuttering after being ham-slapped by Faye.
That was just bullshit.

It seemed fine too me. If my employee was sperging out that hard, I think I would have a hard time figuring out whether to treat them like an adult or a child. I took her reaction to be one of disbelief and confusion, rather than the intimidation that faye wanted.


Problem is she's supposed to be a fucking robot, and everything we've seen of her up to that point shows her as much more composed.

Rather than that bullshit, "Y-y-y-you're fired! :( " reaction, I think it'd have made much more sense for her to say something like,
"I don't understand your emotional outburst - I'm simply maintaining our security."
Culminating with, "I should have known better than to employ a hormonally unstable human. You're fired."

The moment we have all been waiting for.

Faye got beaten to a bloody pulp?

banal talking

That would honestly be more interesting than this limp-wristed attempt at drama.

Well, for starters, adding "for some reason" is kinda redundant and also disrupts the flow of the sentence.
Apart from that, a tiny guess would be that she maybe, perhaps, could conceivably require both an income and repairs.
So far, Menstro has not shown any desire to leave the place, or that she has any problem with being there, at all.
In fact, the only time where she has shown irritation is after being roped into visiting Faye's bullshit, hipster friends.
It seems, to me, that Menstro's problems began when Faye appeared and made her life difficult.

Sure, why would she? She has that beta bitch, Marten to mooch off while he's getting fucked up the ass by a tranny.
I predict Marten will be sleeping on the sofa, and Faye will have the bed.

Fucking hell, irrespective of everything that was going on in the background while Faye flounced off to Marten's apartment, because she wouldn't know about it, right now she is "worried." about Menstro.

She is actually thinking, "She didn't take my side… Which could mean she didn't agree with me! Th-this is *unthinkable*! :( ".

Faye is currently so utterly selfish and self-centered that she is convinced the *only* way anyone could disagree with her, is if they are being blackmailed.

She owns a shop dedicated to the repair and augmentation of robots. She seems to pride herself on manipulation and her understanding of the human and mechanical psyche. She probably has all sorts of hardware and software built in specifically to calculate likely reactions and read underlying emotions. It makes no sense for her to be even momentarily stunned. It also makes no sense for her to have such a poor hull that an unfit, human woman can dent it, especially since she runs an illegal operation where she lets dangerous, mechanical criminals fight each other.

So, the suspense from Menstro siding with Corpse Witch lasted all of, what, four strips?

All the rational models my brain constructs of this world, such as CW clearly being in the right, is very hard to maintain when every single person (as well as the world) agreeing with Jephs nonsense. CW, the only person who don't agree with the protagonsists, the "villain", even seems to consider herself evil.

Which by the looks of it amounts to maybe 3 minutes of real time.

They walked home, then spent perhaps 1 minute explaining it to Martin. That's all. I don't know how far from his house she works, but that might actually be right.

Some blog wrote up this shirt. Best part is they probably have no idea who Jeph Jacques is but still manage to deliver the burns by calling out his intellectually lazy virtually signalling.

Not to mention working in an industrual "hard hat" area. This is the kind of place where heavy things would be dropped or forklifted into walls on a daily basis. Having a bot made of a Cesium-like material makes no sense.

That's longer than usual for Jeph. Usually the tension is dissolved in the adjacent strip.

Why can't Jeph pick a way to draw Menstro? Even basics like what color she is, what her hair is like and how big she is changes wildly page to page.

You merely lived in the current year. We were born in it, molded by it.

It's funny because the fag that runs that blog is a total libshit puss. (Or used to be, I didn't even know it still existed tbh) They always eat each other

This criticism could easily apply to pretty much any QC strip picked at random.

Let's try and see! This first one is what the site looks like on my phone, and the second is what came up when I clicked the random button.

An attempt at humor was made.

I feel ill reading this. Jeph is a middle aged man in poor health and is eating like a 8 year old left on his own for a weekend.

Jeph's semi-weekly meltdown.

Something that Jeph simply doesn't understand, despite bragging about being a professional comedian, is that jokes need a setup and punchline. This gag works because Menstro being the hired good is unexpected. Jeph thinks that having 3 panels of drama dialog and then a pop culture reference or pun in the final panel is sufficient to qualify as a joke.

I wonder if he's wearing his own "2016 SUCKED" shirt around London.

heavens to betsy how dare they try and improve a robot's ability to recover its balance

like robots are going to be able to rise up and wipe out humanity if they can be defeated just by tipping them over. come on jeph, whose side are you on?

We humans use a lot of stairs in our construction, so everywhere that isn't wheelchair accessible will be safe.

Don't sell yourself short. It made me burst put laughing, at least.

Or protesting in favor of Car Rights to prevent innocent cars from getting destroyed in crash tests.

It's just that, half the time I post an edit it gets ignored.

didn't make me me burst out laughing like did, but I still liked it well enough.
The odd thing was I could have swore I had previously replied to it, but looking it seems I haven't.

hell the robot would probably join in on the beatdown

I think Jeph really loathe humanity nowadays so he prefer to associate himself to machines/robots. Or he went full retard and call himself Robotkin even when he's too stupid to write a good robot themed story.

I don't understand, is he pro or anti brexit?

He's anti, but probably joking there.

It happens.
I also thought it was funny.

This set of strips has a lot of potential for improvement; I'll see what I can manage when I'm supposed to be working, tomorrow.

pick one

Is this right? it looks crooked to me.

What the fuck is with Marten's pose in the first panel? He looks like he's in the process of falling over, did Menstro shove him out of her way between strips?
Also it looks like we get to strap in for boring exposition next time, unless Jeph decides to suddenly droop this plotline in favor of Sam dealing with online "harassment" or Emily being lulrandom or something.

I legitimately don't know how to interpret that facial expression.

Is this really happening? Or did Corpse Witch actually knock Faye out and this is her unconscious wish-fulfillment dream that she's seeing as her brain struggles with a depleting oxygen supply, where she was right and justified in everything she did? We're really going with "Bubbles didn't side with Faye because POWERFUL LEVERAGE and SINISTER BLACKMAIL" and not the much more reasonable "Bubbles didn't side with Faye because Faye was wrong and Bubbles doesn't want to take responsibility for this impulsive child's tizzy fits anymore"?
I just can't believe that not one of the characters sees it that way. They never consider that the reason Bubbles didn't throw everything she has away might be because she just doesn't want to throw everything she has away. For Faye, of all people.
But no, our protagonist is a completely good person and they are now fighting against an irredeemable villain. Like all good dramas.




Apologies if its too wordy.

Crap, didn't realize how tiny the text looks. It looked larger when I was editing it.

I like it. It's wordy, but that works with the punchline.

It's wordy, but that's a perfect match with how Menstro talks so it probably can't be helped. Not bad.


Here's a slight alternative: some sentences mixed around to fit the expressions better, and the font is 0.5 to 1 sizes larger for the wordy areas.

Fucking hell, I thought he'd be relegated to the sofa for the night but what an absolute bitch!
Leaving the *entire apartment* because that mooching bint blunders in, followed by Menstro 30 seconds later.

I think Claire's been spiking all his food and drink with oestrogen supplements.

More edits for you!

For the most part I give it an okay/10. The last two panels are golden, though.

Has anyone used that Faye face in a Loss edit?
And if not, WHY not?

You know he has a problem when he has to brag about not buying guitars. Maybe he's finally realized that medical care is more important.

The art gets worse and the "tenderness" doesn't remotely reach me.


Rich coming from this guy.

Isn't that completely normal, though? I've always been under the impression that "nerds" of any nationality generally tend to dress neatly.

I mean, I guess there's a subset of nerds which are also NEETs who've given up on life, but I can hardly imagine that there are enough of them to skew the average level of dress down in any significant way.

depends how you define "nerd" (which jeph probably defines wrong, no matter how he does it).

and nowadays it's one of those things that doesn't really mean anything anymore, like you have people who are all "tee hee I like Harry Potter and Star Wars and I follow George Takei on twitter! I'm such a nerd! XD"

I've actually seen better dressed hobos than Jeph with that torn sweater in pic 4.

Nerds do tend to dress neatly, but without style or in a long outdated style, one likely derived from what his mother selectively remembers as being in vogue 20 years prior. Given how superficial Jeph is, this is undoubtedly what he meant. It's funny because he thinks wearing torn hobo sweaters to conventions is acceptable.

Have you noticed that the only male Main Character (MC) in AG is much shorter than the female MCs, is emotionally and sexually immature (constantly hits on every woman around), and now needs to be comforted by the female main characters. He is also the only main character that can't fight or have any special powers, and constantly needs to be saved by the women. He's blue and has a tail. He's more like a pet (monkey?) than a human adult male. Male or not, he's definitely not a man. All the white men are either backwards farmers (looked down upon by the story and MCs) or villains.

The portrayal of women and men in his works is one of the things that makes me think Handstab might have autogynephilia. Another is that stupid twitter avatar of his.


Blue Marten does have a special power. When he touches machines, unspecified "magic" happens.

Steve, the only once regular male character with any testosterone was written out, curiously right around the time of "W-wait, I'm t-trans!"

It's more than that. He's been replacing his avatar with another female one for years.

Dora: the woman jeph wants to be
Claire: the woman jeph thinks he is
Menstro: the woman jeph is


jesus christ how accurate

You're right. I meant that he doesn't have any fighting-powers, or anything that increases his agency or lets him excel in a male role.

Of course! I forgot the tranny

Good characters can be written with those limitations, but their must be good in-universe justifications for it. I've seen it done well before, if at least as an initial starting point, for a main female character.

very subtle

Good work user.

end times are near

Well shit, this movie looks like a turd but now that I know it's sexist I'm interested. $10 says this is a subversive marketing tactic.

It's hardly marketing, it's just a weird surprise twist.

Apparently the trailers all portray them waking up early when their pods both malfunction, when what actually happened is HIS pod malfunctions, he wakes up early, wanders around bored for a year, then decides to open hers up and lie to her that they both malfunctioned at the same time. And because they live happily ever after, this is teh rape or something.

Oh. That's it? I kinda guessed something like that happened. How is that even sexist?

well now I have to see it.

All you can destroy is your hand, your marriage, and your liver

unbearable exposition


like there was even a choice. it can be two things

(slight dialogue revision from the department of redundancy department)

This was begging for an omit
in other news

Jeph is correct that the bits in quantum computers (Qbits) use superpositions of spin states to store information. You'd probably use some sort of lattice to put the Qbits in. I Googled "foamed nanocrystal", and apparently it exists. Nanostructures can be grown, so perhaps a nanocrystal containing a lattice would be a good idea (although if he actually means nanocrystal lattices, ie lattices of nanocrystals, he's come up with a quite ineffective method there). I'm guessing that Jeph googled to find a a few terms that are somewhat related to the subject, and put them together in a reasonable order. Note that I'm not saying his description is accurate. I'll give him an A for effort B+ for spending 5 minutes on google to at least do some research for once.

Consider it from a narrative point of view, though. This is what Jeph considers "hard sci-fi". In Star Trek, they talk a lot of nonsense about warp fields, holographic projections, and replicators, but although it's inaccurate it still helps build a cohesive world. The replicator in star trek works the same way as the teleporter, which could be used to clone things or people. It helps to build an overall world that feels realistic. In this case, Menstro is just throwing in a lot of techno babbel because Jeph thinks it's cool and to add an artificial level of (uncomfortably fake) realism. Heck, even if we accept the physics behind it, it makes no sense for Menstro to use terms that Fatty clearly isn't familiar with. Nothing Menstro mentions here is ever going to be reincorporated ever again. I'll actually have to retract Jeph's B+ and give him an F-.

I don't know how he could possibly mess with someone. What is he even saying in that tweet?

I was gonna call you out on that B+, I'm studying AI and that dose of bullshit made my brain try to crawl out my ear. Although that happens whenever idiots try to talk about computers really

Her knowledge of the sky's color is an individual memory? Has she only seen the sky once?

Let's forget that a war bot needs to know these things

that he's going to use Crash Override Network's Trello to doxxxxxxxxxxx and murder goobergoblins? or call people mean names like they're Frank Cho or Scott Adams?

doxxxxxxing Scott Adams. Here's what he looks like.

Since every AI in his world is now confirmed to be a quantum computer, is he officially out of reasons for AIs to not always be tapped into a local wifi? Because if I was capable of stealthily pulling answers to everything off of Google, you can damn well bet that I would.

Are we autosaging?

Magnets are a helluva drug.

We have been for a while, it kicks in at 300 posts


I always forget to rescale.

Boy-oh-boy is that phrase asking for some abuse.

Don't you mean Faye?

Listen to Monsieur La Fromage, here. How can people keep dumping their money on this faggot?

There are two parts to the explanation:
Point 1 is what I commented on. Firstly because the second part is actual worldbuilding, since it lays out some basics for how the memory modification, which is a plot element, works. Thus, I can forgive some technical inaccuracies (like with my Star Trek example). Secondly because I'm a theoretical phycisist and while I have worked (very briefly) with quantum computers, AI is completely out of my area of interest/field of expertise.

But even my B+ was simply for "spending 5 minutes on google" in order to find some relevant phrases to put in, not for technical accuracy.

This is your brain

This is your brain on Magnets

Any questions?

That's gotta be directed at somebody specific. Jeph is such a passive-aggressive woman.


No conviction whatsoever.

jeph is so going to work to protect Coral in the zombie apocalypse. he is going to work so hard.

jeph, I will work to give you PTSD.


Feelsfag here. I'm amazed Jeph decided to rip me off. I only ever made like four edits.

But why

That is such a bizarre choice of format for this purpose

Man this is so lame.

I didn't even know you could attach a PDF. Also: PDF v1.4? Wow it's back to the early 2000s.

I can't find my non-pdf version. Not sure what happened to it.

In fact, I didn't even realize I HAD a pdf version. I don't know why it exists. When I clicked it I didn't read the file and just assumed it was my jpg. I didn't really care enough to convert it though.

I actually thought this was an edit from the thumbnail. It looks so similar to the others and I thought some user pasted Corpse Witch's silhouette in there, not that Jeph actually drew such a corny characterchure. I should have known better.


And now the thrilling conclusion of my two parter

O o o h, pure, unrefined spice.

So is someone gunna start a new thread, or are we gunna wait till this one drops off completely?

It's not even on page ten yet. We've got about two to four days left in this one, then I'll make the next one.

Actually, now I think of it, is purityfag still around? I haven't seen any Lexposts in the last couple threads.

It's difficult to accurately predict but as of now it looks like this thread has 3.5 days left in it.

Do you have the edit where Clinton screams at Claire?

Changeing a quirky comedy about upper middle class hipsters to be about PTSD after war does remind me of Loss a bit.


Oh, no! That evil Corpse Witch!
Saving Menstro from an emotionally crippling condition; how *could* she?! :(

Also, once again, FOR FUCK'S SAKE, JEPH…

I ran out of ideas for it, but here's a new header

Oh look, Jeph settles on the most casual "club" aspect of gaming, how surprising.

Bruh, that PNG is massive. Here's a lossless reduction.

Full tumblr, without fail. And Overwatch already gets their panties wet.

Cheers pal. I admit I have little idea what I'm doing, outside making the image.

but why?

Do you really want loss?


But is it gay enough? Is it tokenizing? It's it appropriating? There is much to be outraged about! Boycott Blizzard!



I bet Jeph is the kind of gamer who learns the controls and then gets angry and confused when he isn't as good as the people who put in 30+ hours a week.

And doesn't bother rebinding keys so that everything is next to each other, rather than constantly whipping his hand all over the keyboard or clicking the icons on the screen with his mouse


Jeph probably insists on a "main" rather than assessing the situation and filling in the team's gaps. You can be a below average player yet attain popularity just with situational awareness.

Not only does Jeph probably insist on a main, he probably decided based on the character model or some Tumblr lesbian fanfic.

I've been playing Overwatch since it went on sale about a month ago. It's been so much fun to play with my friend who also bought it, and to make new friends online while playing, and to learn each hero's strengths and weaknesses and how they fit in a team on any given map/game mode.
It's never even occurred to me to look up the plot or backstories of the characters. How little must you care for a game if you find that meaningless stuff significantly more fulfilling than the game itself? And actually be proud enough of that to announce it to people. Why even buy the game if you'd be happier reading fanfics?
Too bad talking about it on Holla Forums is not permitted because it's wrongthink


Still not sure why this is supposed to be evil and villainous. Isn't this exactly what she wanted? Except for some reason she wants a go-back-to-having-a-stress-disorder option available?

This makes no sense.

No, I fucking don't. This plotline gets stupider by the strip. It's worse than than the flightiest animu.


How this should have been written
one more line extra solves the retardation

The one time when even more words solves the problem.

A good writer would create a backstory worth rediscovering but this is heading the way of Faye's dad.

Well, this user wins the prize.

This is a bizarre fetish: engage in fancruft of a property you don't even like just to virtue signal.


these people just burst into tears for no real reason once in a while, don't they?

These braindead fuckers don't know the meaning of feels. Every single last one of them needs to go for the long drop

They even have crying in their avatars.

If you think about it, it must be kinda nice. Personally, I need a storyteller to walk me through a credible scenario with risks and obstacles in order for me to develop a bond with characters. All these people need is a simple "feel now" cue and they're instantly engaged.

What I think Jeff is trying to do is imply that the boss would forcibly decrypt her memories, and while this is a fucking retarded way of establishing that it is at least a real threat instead of "she won't gib me the decryption key to stuff I don't want decrypted"

but how
This doesn't even make sense because she was saying, "she would give me the key after 10 years, if I misbehave she'll delete it"

It would also have made sense, instead of holding an encryption key hostage, she could have blackmailed Menstro by saying she had installed a backdoor from which she could remotely affect/delete key memories.

As far as the "OMG THE FEELS" comments go, they're a dime-a-dozen found literally everywhere. I would usually doubt their legitimacy, but these people are the sort that would actually cry over spilled milk.

Oh shit you're right, I just reread it, I guess my mind couldn't process the idiocy and just came up with something.

What are they even feelsing about? This would be like if I just suddenly posted an illustration of a really heavy emotional moment related to my cyborg muse. It would be ridiculous because virtually everything of her I've posted is just model sheets and biographical information. There's no way for the viewer to engage with the character on an emotional level, so the emotional weight would be completely lost.

If Menstro was the well-developed character that I sincerely wish she was, then the knowledge that her consciousness has been artificially tampered with could be some really heavy shit, but it carries no weight because there's no real character to be invested in.

Too bad Menstro is incapable of trying passwords in sequence to gain access herself. It's not like the last strip confirmed that she is a quantum computer with lots of time on her hands. No sir.

So she spends all the time trying to crack the code, only knowing if she's successful by if it works, and then suddenly when it works, she's got her memories and then the trauma is back and why does she even want this?

A plot where they're safely locked away but will be unleashed again if the boss isn't around to periodically transmit some subconscious signal that keeps them sealed would make more sense.

Davis Aurini's hell.

Assuming the encryption is a symmetric system like AES (because quantum computing makes public key systems useless), key size is probably something like 256 bits, even though 128 bits is probably enough. Even the world's best super computers take something a billion billion years to crack 128-bit AES.

If QC's tech is a billion times faster or whatever, all you need to do to counter it is increase the key size: 512, 1024, 2048 bits, etc. These key sizes would make AES impractically slow to use for us but the performance impact would be almost invisible with computers a billion times faster.

More like it's been bastardized a billion times over. It'll be conveniently faster for the sake of plot, then revert back to practically useless compared to our modern day tech. Jeph is consistently inconsistent in most things; the only thing consistent is the shit art and virtue signalling.

The feels just don't stop

I forget how idiotic the forum is. Yes, the "correct" solution to a malfunctioning robot is to give it a hug.

Though he does have a good point at the end: just delete the fucking payload. Why does she want the emotionally crippling baggage back again? Who wants something like that? Ever? It's like wishing for polio.

This guy's the biggest ass kisser on QC Reddit and even he thinks this is bullshit.

I like this guy's style.

You know, I completely overlooked this option, and I feel somewhat ashamed that I didn't think of it earlier.

This just makes Corpse Witch look stupid, not evil.

It's almost like Jeph didn't think any of this through and is writing by the seat of his pants. Seriously, the only way this makes sense to me at all is if it turns out Menstro didn't have any bad memories to lock away, but Corpse Witch modified her memories to make Menstro think she did. But, looking at , it looks like Jeph already said "individual memories cannot be modified" so I dunno where the fuck he's going with this.


Having a shoulder to cry on helps relieve stress, sure, but it won't "solve" anything. It's a nice sympathetic gesture, which is pretty out of character for Fat Bitch Faye who only ever thinks of herself.

What I find funny is that the art makes it look like Faye has Menstro in a chokehold, and is attempting to end her misery for her.

fucking lol

I just can't get past these robots that need to be taken care of like toddlers yet offer no advantages. They're the shittiest pets that for some reason are granted civil rights. Honestly I'd be disgusted. These things are a fucking load.


If one is trying to help an AI commit suicide, wouldn't it make more sense to just disconnect the power source?

Or aim an electromagnet at it?

Here's what I think happened: Menstro wanted her memories to remain, but unable to emotionally affect her. I think she says this in a previous strip. She wanted to be able to think happy thoughts while contemplating the death of her comrades.

You know… this stupid plot comes off like Jeph read Battle Angel Alita, thought "Hey, I can do that, too!" but then got it *completely* wrong.

There are a lot of similarities, but the real fuck-ups appear when Jeph tries to bolt on his own plot points.

If she were to delete the entire thing menstro might notice the lack of information. She would have to replace it with some other files, and then make them look like an encrypted filesystem. It would probably be more difficult than just encrypting it.

What CW should have done, if she really was evil, is further modify Menstro's mind. She could have replaced the memories with anything, perhaps a feeling of absolute loyalty to CW. Maybe she did. This might be why a military robot, Menstro, is so ill suited for warfare — she isn't a military robot at all.

Perhaps CW didn't even do anything she didn't ask for. Menstro might have gone to CW and told her
CW obliged and even gave her a job! She made the job mandatory for 10 years, enough time for Menstro to learn a trade and be forced out of her NEET habits. This is why someone who supposedly served in the military is so lazy and irresponsible. This is actually a really good explanation!

Doesn't work. Menstro would try to snort it.

Menstro should delete it. It's useless information anyway.

That's easy: encryption is indistinguishable from random data. It's how plausible deniability works with whole disk encryption systems (or whether your pagefile.sys is actually a swap file).

stabbening haunts daily

you might fool your readers but I know you don't know shit about it

It's a very basic one. Tons of cryptography textbook examples use them as placeholder names.

For…some reason.

I'm interested to see what Jeph pulls out of his ass to explain encryption in this universe.

Honestly, wouldn't just saying, "This is extortion!" work better?

Funny thing regarding the illegal gambling bit:
I work in an arcade, and my friend works at a rival arcade that just recently opened not too far away; his workplace just got busted for having "Illegal Gambling Devices". The funny part is that most of those machines taken we have as well, and we've been around for years. I swear corporate is paying someone off.

That's… a weird comparison to make. Why illegal gambling? Why is it so much worse? Why would it take so long to break the encryption with your supercomputer in the home walking around technology? Is there a name for this mysterious encryption? Why so you want to break this encryption? Why are Fayes nigger lips growing at an exponental rate? This makes no sense.

Didn't someone in this thread predict this exactly?

Here's a theory for you:
Menstro was just passing through and needed repairs.
Stopped in at CW's place since she was the only technician in town who could work with military hardware.
CW thinks she can put Menstro to good use so fakes *all* the memories just to make Menstro think CW has some sort of leverage.
Menstro is now compelled to stay, no negotiation and no persuasion necessary.

Illegal gambling on the illegal robots fights that are happening illegally at this criminal headquarters Faye was working at illegally.

Better yet, no "fake" memories; those memories aren't actually hers.

You could even say all this was a bet gone wrong; the whole "you wouldn't last a day in my shoes" and so both bots switch memories. Shit went wrong, or something was overridden, and only the fact that some operation occurred is all that remains in either of their memories. Given their employer-employee relationship wasn't on good terms anyway, the assumption was inferred to be negative.

CW was a support bot near the frontlines, organizing robot fights and repairing the damage afterward is how she copes with peace because its all she knows.

Menstro was a neet with a naive view of the world, who looked down on others or some shit, I don't know, I've kinda lost track of where I was going with this.

Oh, I forgot about that already. This whole comic is just one big blur of apathy to me


We're on page ten.

Still at least 20 hours left in the thread, judging by the last bump timestamps on the lower threads in the catalog. Don't worry about it, archivefag is on it.

yes I do. In a jpg, even.