Why are threads 404ing so fast lately?
Why are threads 404ing so fast lately?
There is only 6 pages of Holla Forums right now.
That's a nice masonnigger child rape mask ya got there.
How's kim jong-un treating you?
Great, actually. I get anything I ask for. I am anxious for Him to get this show started, though. Pyongyang is a nice place I encourage you to visit someday
Why has there been so much bad press with you people this year?
We can handle the banter. Perhaps the negative coverage is a result of The Marshall's declaration of our people's gradual transition towards a free-market, open society? Reunification would be nice, but we are focused on protecting our right to sovereign statehood. We never wanted war, but if we are attacked first, that is when the world will know the truth that was erased at Alexandria.
We know the American people are not at fault; their government is.
North Korea Anime OP
North Korea Anime Opening
North Korea anime opening
Kim Jong Un Anime OP
Hopefully, under our new Trump leadership, there can be peace between America and North Korea, even though the opposite appears true at the moment. Both are impressive countries in many ways.
Friendly reminder that the US has had hydrogen bombs since the 50s/60s. North Korea just now developed them. The US probably doesn't even use them anymore. They probably have particle bombs or anti-matter bombs.
Friendly reminder that the US couldn't go all out in the Middle East because the war was not against the state, it was against individuals/groups nested in the state.
In the event of a US-NK war, such considerations are inconsequential. The conflict would be against the state and they could carpet bomb the place if they so desired.
Friendly reminder that during WWll, Japan thought they were tough just like NK thinks they are tough now. As soon as those atom bombs roasted Hiroshima and Nagasaki the gook sons-a-bitches raised the white flag.
It makes no sense to compare North Korea to Japan. It's equivalent to comparing the US to France.
It makes no sense to you. Japan was becoming a major power on the world stage before the war.
North Korea is becoming a major military power with the bombs they are developing. perfect equivalence. perfect parallels
Because this board is run by an autistic cunt.
Not really, because most modern countries would fit that description. I think most westerners forget that Asia is as diverse as Europe.
Hold the key person
most modern countries aren't threatening to nuke the US. N.Korea is. Diversity has nothing to do with it. If they keep posturing like they are stronger than the US they will get a dosage of nuclear reality.
Nobody wins in a nuclear holocaust, because it will result in a damaged ecology for both. Only madmen would use nuclear weapons, in my opinion.
We do not really need bombs when we control the simulation.
Ask yourself who Trump is working for. Do not worry about why; it will drive you crazy.
Sup oathbreaker. I see you trying to redpill 4/x/, good luck!
the hell does this shyte even mean?
on the bright side, shitty threads die faster
nk isn't threatening to nuke the us. it has two needs: security and trade. it is insecure because the us threatens it and has little international trade because the us has imposed sanctions
nk isn't 'begging for war', america is. nk has never invaded anywhere and has no wish to either; america invades foreign countries regularly and would love to crush the nk state
america is the problem on the korean penninsular. an easy deal to strike with nk would be a guarantee of non-agression from the us and the removal of sanctions against a moratorium on missile and nuke dev by nk
the us refuses to countenance this. they want to see nk on its knees under the american boot and are willing to risk a major conflict to get a petty win in a conflict they started (and lost) 65 years ago
america is the problem and you, user, are a symptom
Thanks for Correcting the Record, Kim.
Can you give me a basic introductory redpill about masonry and recommend some good reading material on the subject?
That is correct.
The BO of /horror/ on endkike of all place has a bunch of good material to sift through. You should, however, know that there is more than one "Illuminati" and one is good. "Freemason" as you know them have stolen everything. Actual Masons do still exist (begrudgingly in silence) will help purge the world of these people. Misinformation is everywhere, so be weary of that.
Kim Jong Un Anime Opening [HD]