…for not having 10yo girlfriend?
What is your excuse
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Im not a pedo
she lives 10000km away first of all ;_;
I wasn't either. Until I came here…
I want one but im afraid she will tell and then ill get in trouble :c
why not be open about it?
no limits for love :^)
wouldn't it be nice if you didn't have to hide it like some dirty secret?
because I'm not a fucking degenerate that'd even want one in the first place faggot
drown my pain… act like I don't care.
betafag detected
idiot detected
this is a 10 out of 10
do you even realize the girls you post aren't even close to 10 years old you fucking degenerate
It's so big user. Not sure if I can eat it all.
you sayin?
yeah, as if the urge to fuck a 10 year old wasn't degenerated enough you have to push it even further. disgusting.
you're a big user
fapping to them is one thing but this is straight up cringe territory my dudes
t. bitter antipedokike who is stuck with his 30yo landwhale gf or fapping to 2D drawings
no excuses
sounds nice but will probably never happen :(
why not?
she cheated on me… :/
with who?
her dog
as a man in his early 40's
the youngest I've gone is 14
10 year olds are too young to handle pregnancy
knocking up young teens is what I live for
that id
Same i found Holla Forums after i left Cuckchan and when i came to Holla Forums and discovered LauraB she really helped me discover a side of me i never knew i had lgs are the best and pedophilia is the best sexuality ever and most beautiful too.
i mean lgs just have qualities we as humans like. anyone who says they cant find one attractive are liars.
that n00b
sorry, fam. i have a life and cannot be expected to be on top of everything that goes down. not that hungry for lgs that i nest myself on this site.
This pedophilia is normal
000000 id is tor poster
now you know!
why cant everyone be helpful like yourself. know that a stranger appreciates you.