Post your favourites here
Midget Thread
My favorite is when you are banned
how to anti-pedos live with themselves?
idk tbh
Safe from jail tbh
sure. until your impotent, jealous rage drives you to murder some poor midget
I don't hate neither midgets nor pedos, I just don't like seeing those threads.
they're not hating the midgets, they just hate you
big difference
fucking kys op
Ive been lurking here a lot lately and all these fucking pedo and midget threads have finally got to me. I just tried jacking off to some legal porn and i was legitimately limp for 10 minutes. I just sat there with my flaccid dick in my hand thinking wtf is wrong with me. If this was your ultimate goal then fuck you because it fucking worked on me.
o god it'll be hard to mastarbate to that
jesus christ guess im not mastarbating at all
crying chicken legs
Not funny.
sup nigga?
Bumping so other niggers see this shit
bumping again
i wander if that thing has special abilities.
The living ayy lmao reaction image.