Stirner is cancer. Spook is a meme.
Stirner is cancer. Spook is a meme
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OP is spooked
What is a spook?
Look at that deformed skull, obvs retarded.
1. A spirit returning to haunt a place.
The visit to the old cemetery brought scary visions of spooks and ghosts.
2. A ghost or an apparition.
The building was haunted by a couple of spooks.
3. A hobgoblin.
4. (espionage) A spy.
5. A scare or fright.
The big spider gave me a spook.
6. (dated, pejorative) A black person.
You're a spook!
memes are spooks.
Lmao so you actually don't know what it is.
What is a spook?
Yes I do
If spook is a meme, why is so much later philosophy dependant on modern twists of Stirner's concept?
Can we make this a Warhammer meme???
Capitalist Chaos Dwarves with Spooky hobgoblins?
It would take reading under ten pages of The Ego and His Own to get it, but I'll summarize it for you.
A spook is a concept that motivates people to act against their own self interests, for the sake and well being of that concept, which does not actually exist.
For example, an easy spook to understand is religion. Behaving in a certain manner to please a deity which is regarded as inherently superior to the individual. Others include nationality, as the "nation" which does not exist as such is deemed a higher cause than that of the individual. Race, morality, "the greater good" etc are spooks, as they are only concepts that people subjugate themselves to in pursuit of some higher meaning.
Then explain what it is
It's a meme on this board (not in general) because no one here understands what it means. People just use it to discredit anything. Would you be so kind to explain to me what a spook is?
every time
Certainly. Before I do, let me ask, are you sure you want me to end the obvious fun you're having with the others?
but I'd also like to throw in that Stirner called it a fixed idea.
Just explain it
tbh, most people just use it for easy shitposting. but, this basically.
I agree with , though I would have simply stated that is was a variant of the modern concept of a social construction
Here is the qoute of Stirner, now do the rest yourself champ. *honk honk*
Do not think that I am jesting or speaking figuratively when I regard those persons who cling to the Higher, and (because the vast majority belongs under this head) almost the whole world of men, as veritable fools, fools in a madhouse. What is it, then, that is called a “fixed idea”? An idea that has subjected the man to itself. When you recognize, with regard to such a fixed idea, that it is a folly, you shut its slave up in an asylum. And is the truth of the faith, say, which we are not to doubt; the majesty of (e.g.) the people, which we are not to strike at (he who does is guilty of — lese-majesty); virtue, against which the censor is not to let a word pass, that morality may be kept pure; — are these not “fixed ideas”? Is not all the stupid chatter of (e.g.) most of our newspapers the babble of fools who suffer from the fixed idea of morality, legality, Christianity, etc., and only seem to go about free because the madhouse in which they walk takes in so broad a space? Touch the fixed idea of such a fool, and you will at once have to guard your back against the lunatic’s stealthy malice. For these great lunatics are like the little so-called lunatics in this point too — that they assail by stealth him who touches their fixed idea. They first steal his weapon, steal free speech from him, and then they fall upon him with their nails. Every day now lays bare the cowardice and vindictiveness of these maniacs, and the stupid populace hurrahs for their crazy measures. One must read the journals of this period, and must hear the Philistines talk, to get the horrible conviction that one is shut up in a house with fools. “Thou shalt not call thy brother a fool; if thou dost — etc.” But I do not fear the curse, and I say, my brothers are arch-fools. Whether a poor fool of the insane asylum is possessed by the fancy that he is God the Father, Emperor of Japan, the Holy Spirit, etc., or whether a citizen in comfortable circumstances conceives that it is his mission to be a good Christian, a faithful Protestant, a loyal citizen, a virtuous man — both these are one and the same “fixed idea.” He who has never tried and dared not to be a good Christian, a faithful Protestant, a virtuous man, etc., is possessed and prepossessed [gefangen und befangen, literally “imprisoned and prepossessed”] by faith, virtuousness, etc. Just as the schoolmen philosophized only inside the belief of the church; as Pope Benedict XIV wrote fat books inside the papist superstition, without ever throwing a doubt upon this belief; as authors fill whole folios on the State without calling in question the fixed idea of the State itself; as our newspapers are crammed with politics because they are conjured into the fancy that man was created to be a zoon politicon — so also subjects vegetate in subjection, virtuous people in virtue, liberals in humanity, without ever putting to these fixed ideas of theirs the searching knife of criticism. Undislodgeable, like a madman’s delusion, those thoughts stand on a firm footing, and he who doubts them — lays hands on the sacred! Yes, the “fixed idea,” that is the truly sacred!
If thats to mutch milk than read the simple wording of it.
though, I'd add that spooks are any and all abstract concepts, regardless of their effect on us, but some of them are useful to societies, for example, empathy. the point is not to abolish one's self of all spooks, but to nip the negative ones in the bud, and make sure the positive ones don't grow wild and form an ideology.
lmao you are ridiculous
thank you
I have nothing to prove to you, my property.
So actually, spook is a meme.
Empathy is an emotional response, not a spook.
Spook is literally only a thing on infinitechan and 4chan, so yeah it is pretty much a meme.
The issue with him is that he didn't really understand how nature works by itself and at times even said things that go against other things he's said.
These "Spooks" are REAL as in the idea of humans being animals and apart of nature means that "Spooks" them self are apart of nature as well due to being made by humans.
War, machines and garbage are apart of nature and are a way of taking its toll on life.
In other words
Why would I?
Can I tap di pussi? At least we could agree that spooks are memes.
A spook is a fixed idea that possesses your way of thinking with the values of the fixed idea. If you are a nationalist you see nations and see your nation as home and see the individuals within it as comrades or fellow land people or whatever you call your own national population in english. A fixed idea resistricts you of your self interest and instead of you doing your own thing you do the thing for the SAKE of the idea like sacrafice your life to fight a war for your country.
Go back to 9gag kiddo.
I can go on and on down the list that may seem unnatural but are super fucking natural
But that doesn't mean i have to follow what whatever "Muh spook" de-evolution idea like some pawn. Go back to living in caves kiddo
Its not a fixed idea retard, its an evolutionary imperative set in place as a defence mechanism against foreign invaders.
People with the gene to fight for their familys and their tribes safety had their family survive and thus spread their genes.
Defending the nation, which is a modern extention of the tribe is also a natural instinct and intuitive moral. A person realises that it is in his familys self interest to protect the community, and in the selfs interest to protect the family.
Its not some fucking social construct you unwashed liberal.
War is the most natural part of nature, be it a war of survival or a war of conquest. The weak are destroyed by the strong, and the strong build a civilization on their worthless dead bodies, with their strong hands and strong minds.
So Socialism and Marxism are spooks, eh?
You prever not to follow some kind of abstract idea?
How about you go fight for your genes aryan man before the soviets liberate those pure gene waifu's again.
Then I don't see anything wrong with spooks
Please show me machines in nature. No, lifeforms do not count.
A river dam built by beavers.
I am happy that you use your human right to free think-…Oh right.
Machines are made up of things from earth/nature and made into a new form, created into a "living" thing. Humans and yes lifeforms are just the same.
It also applies for Holla Forums
All politics are meme politics.
There is no good or wrong, thats the trick.
If you like to realise an idea like communism then fine for you! Do i have some kind of idealogical obligation to do it cause i am worker class or white? No i do not and i do not care about whatever big abstraction people want to set up.
Like Clockwork :^)
This isnt Holla Forums kiddo *Honk Honk*
literally LARPing
Your opinions are spooks. Stirner is the best thing that has happened on this board.
That's like calling a landslide a machine.
Machines are categorically not alive. There are some fairly strict conditions about what life is and machines do not meet them.
You are even more simple than i am. Humans are nothing more than materialist machines made of billions of cells.
Its disgusting. This is how you spot the subhuman.
Literally everything is a Spook according to most Stirnerites, and if everything is a Spook then the concept is no longer useful and should be discarded.
Fucking idiot
I diagnose 20ccs of reading a fucking book.
Even if you take off the flag, you're still an idiot.
What flag
Regular Holla Forums here.
Just wanted to say that Holla Forums's wild misinterpretation of Stirner is one of the cringiest things I've ever seen on this board, and that is saying A LOT. You guys have become unintentional parodies of yourselves.
So, not believing in spooks like race and nation, is Holla Forums now?
Every idea is literally a meme.
Descartes pls go.
Nice argument lacking any specific criticisms
That and bunkers.
This is fucking pathetic. Are you telling me that you people can't answer one guy one fucking question "what is a spook"?
a spook is a fixed idea
There we fucking go. Was it that hard?
Thanks for trying, but you've added literally nothing to the conversation as usual
A spook is made up jewish concept to disregard the nation you fucking idiot! And we need the nation for the revolution! Do you want those africans to just go in your country and ruin the revolution!?
Presented without comment.
How's that foot taste?
it's what you say when you don't like someone's argument but can't disprove it
is this a german with a stolen ppsh41?
That was fairly common, as were russians equipped with german weapons.
Sometimes Russians ended up with PPSh-41's that were captured by germans and converted to 9mm. Weapons swapped hands a lot.
First one is false
Second one is a decent attempt but far too simplistic.
Third ones and fourth ones are "IRC cancer" n1x and lewdposter which you want to get rid of.
So thanks for showing leftypol literally can't do shit without us.
Argument not found
lol leftypol memes again
you're supposed to say spooks
The problem with Stirner is that he assumes that the only real goals are self-serving ones.
"the greater good" isn't a spook if you derive happiness from knowledge that your actions will increase the likelihood of sapient life thriving in this universe.
Stirner wouldn't call that a spook. Because it's no longer about greater good, but the individual's will.
It's not a fixed idea.
rid stirnir tbh
In that case nothing Holla Forums believes is spooky since none of their ideas are well-defined enough to be fixed.
It's not a fixed idea, don't listen to that retard. He's confusing two different concepts in Stirner's book.
seriously, you're wrong.
Spook = spirit = geist.
It's above you and a fixed idea. I'm not confusing 2 different concepts, and you know I'm not because if you thought I was you'd be explaining what the other concept was right now instead of acting like a child.
Well that's a statement about the quality of the ideas themselves rather than their essence.
Whilst I'll agree there's a lot of movement about their ideas, that's more a problem of ideology. There are still fixed elements within that ideology, which are the spooks. E.G., the nation above the individual, the ideal "aryan", the evil "jew".
If it's not entirely dependent on the ego, there's an element of spookiness to the ideology.
we know it you fool, Marx wrote a fuckton of pages to destroy Stirner's shitty ideas. Those who unironically read stirner or stirnerpost are usefull idiots
I haven't read German ideology; but I've heard it was just pages of Marx being a hot shot and insulting and being spooky. Can you give me an example of a criticism?
With Stirner's ideology, the only way to revolt is to just don't work aka starve aka geting spooked by yourself.
Stirner is a reactionary because with his ideology he is literally anti-any-revolution.
As an early adopter of 4pol, and vicious anti-semite I gotta say you're right. It went much better than anyone expected.
Ask not for whom the meme spooks: it spooks for thee
I think the first one is flawed, but not completely incorrect.
A spook can motivate people against their self-interest if they make it sacred. That's not always the case, though.
Funny memes are spooks but who cares other than me my ego.
its actually more important that hes trying to stab a fucking chicken
Cause I know you guys wanted the other parts.
Why wouldn't you be able to revolt?
Refer to
That's some dank OC. Feels bad no one complimented you for it. Here's an anime qt.
Dude, whites have secretly known this for a long time. You are seriously bluepilled. It took me sitting across from a drunken jew at a bar who was going off on how much he hated germans (racially, not the country) and how they all should die, and their children should die and how he wanted to exterminate them – it actually took that for me (and a bunch more) for me to actually wake up.
You'll get there if you try.
this board is almost as retarded as pol
I think what is trying to say is that the concept of a spook is similar to that of a meme. the analogy given in the first Ted talk about memes is that of a fungi that drives ants insane. An infected ant will commit suicide by climbing to the top of a blade of grass where it will be eaten by a bird and therby perpetuate the fungi. Similarly, memes that infect humans that are so potent they can generate suicide bombers for meme propigation. In this sense the analogy also perfectly applys to the concept of spook.
"Spook" is leftypol's equivalent of "da joos"
Just scream it at things you don't like and hope they'll go away.
keep thinking that, Holla Forums
truest thing ever said
Memes are spooks.
I think Ego and his own is a pretty cool guy. Eh has property and doesnt afraid of anything.
OP I understand your frustration but please actually read Stirner (or at least the Anarachist FAQ article on him) before spouting off stupid bullshit about how a philosophy which was intentionally not discussed amongst even the most radical of philosophers and social theorists because it was "too dangerous" is "just a meme"
This tbh fam, The Anarchist FAQ is pretty good and clear about the Milk Man.
Hey m8 are you gonna be sticking around for a while? Cuz I'm writing an essay about the first essay of On the Genealogy of Morals by Nietzsche and I need someone to review it so I can see where I fucked up in my reading. I've already finished it for the most part but I've gotta type it up, will you read if I post it here?
(Only asking cuz I don't know how to get ahold of Yui and the AnNihls seem to be the only others on here who are interested in Walrus Man)