Hello /B\ my name is Jacob Bin-Phohimmid, and I propose we channel our combined Autism into something productive. This thread should serve as a sort of brainstorming session to get ideas and thoughts flowing. What should the project be? How should we accomplish the goals of the project? How can our project be inclusive to people of all races/sexes/genders/sexualities/species/ect. Everyone feel free to post any ideas, questions, concerns, or comments, that you may have. I love you guys, happy posting!
===JAO - Joint Autism Operation Thread #1==
Other urls found in this thread:
How do you suppose we incorporate this idea into an autistic project?
This could have some potential. How do we begin to open a hell portal?
okay guys this what we have to do, at least fourteen adult males must ejaculate in unison, this will get the devil's attention, allowing us to move on to stage 2
Promising… It's a lot to take in, but with our combined powers of sperging and tism, we can accomplish anything
This! SO MUCH THIS! Me and my bro are ready. Our mom already says we're going to hell, so we might as well get the step up on her.
In all seriousness,
I'm making a computer game called Goldstein 3D. The plot can be summed up as you raping a bunch of gays, committing violence against women, killing a bunch of niggers (with a chainsaw), destroying holocaust memorials, nuking France, crucifying Jews, impaling niggers, defeating the prophet muhammad (and then raping him) before destroying mecca. You then summon Adolf Hitler, who destroys Israel and ushers in a new thousand-year Reich. You are guided along on your quest by cute anime girls.
It is graphically minimalist, and runs on a custom, high-performance engine that I am writing for it. (See pic related for renderer snippet) with a target frame rate of over 200 F/S on a mid-level machine. This is possible because of the 2.5D nature of the maps, sprite-based opponents and weapons, simple "flat" texture mapping and intense optimization of some of the rendering routines.
The whole thing is set to Anal Cunt, and a lyrics readout is included so that players can fully appreciate their works of art.
I have several weapons in mind, most notable a rotary cannon that fires several different types of shotgun shells. A "rape cannon" is also included.
While I'm quite confident that I could handle this on my own, I think the myriad shitposters on Holla Forums could come up with much better ideas than I could.
What's missing?
Great idea, gather a dozen autists into a room and ask them what they want to do.
Well, first of all, we're going to need a decent plantation of operations. If you can get me any amount of ankle chains, I can color-code them and segregate each group off for specific tasks.
If you truly are serious, then you are doing the Lords work. I don't know shit about programming, but I will help you any way I can. The only complaint I have is: why do you rape the gays? are you gay?
It's just Holla Forums irl
Thank you Hitler.
You rape them with a chainsaw. Does that clear things up?
There was one segment on Nature of Things about a boy who had a certain bacteria in his gut, and antibiotics cured his autism, up until the antibiotics were stopped and they became immune, and he stayed autistic. Can't remember the name of the bacteria, but if it is the cause of autism, we have the cure for neurotypicals, but they'll take years to find a cure for us.
Here's a sample of anal cunt for those unfamiliar
Good, good, that does clear things up. Anal Cunt is pretty sick. I really, really, like the sound of this game. Is there anything I can do to help you make your meme more than a dream?
Its more likely that the antibiotic alleviated autism in addition to killing bacteria, rather than the bacteria being the cause
Sorry for ignoring this, I was angry at something outside.
There are a fuckton of things not done at this point (Thought the engine is maturing fairly quickly, and if the engine is the most complex part of something like this, then I'm justified in being optimistic.) Things that are currently TBD are
Will be back in a few minutes and go into detail regarding weapon lineup.
The more I hear of this, the more I love it. Do you have any concept art or anything like that, so that I can see what kind of art direction you're going for?
I expected this thread to be shit, but it seems that my autism my just in fact find a productive outlet.
Not really. Didn't want to pollute my mind's image before I had the entire thing worked out mentally
Anyway, I probably should detail the weapon lineup now. Here they are, listed in order of appearance
I get it about the art. I really like the
You answered your question in your question OP. Letting retards join your retarded operation.
sniff ooooh quite refreshing my dear snifffff