Hello Holla Forums. This one is specifically aimed at my fellow whites in the US but others are of course allowed to contribute. We all are now aware of the fact that tap water is full of terrible chemicals and that water stored in plastic can disrupt testosterone. How do you acquire water? Do you have a filter installed in your home? Do you somehow have a natural source nearby? I'd like to know because I am attempting to completely eliminate plastic from my life because currently I am just buying gallons of water at the grocery store.
Ultimate Water Thread
Other urls found in this thread:
There's nothing you can do man. If the tap water is contaminated, its contaminated. No filter will help you against heavy metals, hormones, flourides, ionizing isotopes, and other poison found in the tap. You would need a factory to clean it through properly.
If you find out your tap water is filthy , you should consider buying water on bottle.
I combine oxygen and hydrogen in a tube and put a sparker in there.
I then filter out the sodium build up and drink it.
Distill your water you cuck.
reverse osmosis is a lie, just buy Alex Jones™ approved filters and you wont turn into a tranny
If you really think there is bad shit in plastic containers you are fucking stupid. It's just a scam to get soccer moms to buy all new glass containers for yoga. It's also to make the terrorist chemical bombs less suspicious as the acid needs glass containers. Tap water is perfectly fine unless you live in flint Michigan like a nigger. If it wasn't you could sue the dwp for providing unsafe material for human consumption. Take this shit to /x/.
you're retarded
didn't mean to quote, i'm retarded
Hi, fellow white Holla Forums.
We already found a solution to your problems.
The solution is simple, affordable and only a few clicks away.
Alexapure ™ Pro Water Filtration System ™*
*Transforms water from virtually any fresh source into clean, healthy drinking water.
Retail : 6.000.200$
Now : 6.000.000$
Savings : OVER 9000%
Water bottles, depending on manufacturer, can be just scrubbed waste water. To the legal minimum, of course.
Won't help against heavy metals and most forms of chemical pollution. You'll get rid of organic compounds and metals like calcium and magnesium, though. It would work if you don't live anywhere near industrial area or mining area. If you do, tap water is off for anything, unless you like taking baths in acids and bases.
Thanks, NSA. I knew that already known to be harmful plastics like BPA and still untested PET and others wouldn't harm me. They might leech into alcohol, but I am sure it doesn't go for water, no.
Reverse osmosis seems to be the most realistic option for filtering out a lot of bad stuff somewhat economically. Still leaves flouride, and dont quote me but it might leave in chlorine and chloramine (if your water tastes and smells like over chemically pool water, makes you headache and itchy in the shower, it's probably those two).
I'm interested in this as well, as I look to love out towards the country and live off grid as soon as possible, maybe 2-3 years, and water and electric are two large concerns. From what I've heard about the expense of in-line bone char filters and other intense methods that actually filter out the worst stuff, it might be more economical to just capture and store rainwater and put it through the lightest of filters to improve taste.
Right now I'm in an apartment in an area with shit water (75% of USA honestly) and I just deal with the showers sucking. But I buy bottled water to drink. Most any will do, and since they have to bottle at a spring, tastes good enough. I now can't stand tap water and will go without it rather than drink that shit.
I use the bottle water for:
A pack lasts me a week or two. Pic related is my go-to brand, rated one of the lowest flouride contents on flouridealert.org.
cheaper to head to walmart and buy the gallon jugs, 88 cents each and have a variety of filtered options
Ya know, the water thing is one of the last bastions of tin-foil tier stupidity ive yet to understand
I doubt anything would get me into it, either.
Lrn2chemistry, biology and dentistry.
Great post
Ya this, I don't buy the bpa alternatives as being safe at all. I purchase bottle water packs because they are convenient, and try my best to keep them from the heat. Leaving your bottle in the sun makes the chemicals leach more effectively, it's also why you should use plastic cookware.
I'm moving right now but I'll try to post some pics of what I use in the kitchen. It's basically steel, wood, glass, ceramic, some stuff from bamboo fiber, and a couple pieces of silicone rubber (still don't know about that silicone stuff either, could have the same problem with endocrine disruption).
your loss nigger
W-what are the difference between forward osmosis and reverse osmosis filters? I see some filters that say forward osmosis and some reverse osmosis.
Thanks for correcting the record.
Yeah I ought to check that out, I heard that the more opaque plastics are less chemically leachy, makes sense. It's not that much cheaper though.
Reverse seems to be the standard choice, don't know what the hell forward osmosis is.
What i want to know is why the private sector isnt the private sector taking care of the water, instead of the goverment. Literally every other utility is done by the private sector, and they wouldnt put that shit in there to save money of course(unless required).
Not Shilling here…
Go to The Perfect Water Technologies.
Buy a 200-300 Dollar System, and 100 dollar filter set.
The system will last you forever, and the Filter set will last 1 - 1.5 years.
You are prob gonna use 1 gallon @ $2 - $2.5 every 3 days (per person). idk man. So thats…
$240 - $300 dollars per year.
So yea man. Get a reverse Osmosis Filter.
You get as much water as you want, and you'll save hundreds and hundreds over a few years.
& fuck alex kike jones. The PWT filter I have is great.
Is this a meta Jones thread
We've been over this on other threads. The scam was originated by a globalist tier jew named Edward bernays, who came up with the idea to sell flouride as beneficial so that his buddies could GET PAID TO DUMP what is essentially industrial byproduct into our tap system.
It doesn't matter public or private, as long as the jew has the public mindfucked he will make it so that this stuff gets in there. It's more profitable than just dumping in tbe ocean so it will happen.
Another semi scam is the chlorine and chloramine, saying we need all that shit to keep the water pathogen free. It just makes water shit tasting and unhealthy.
This is why I'm disgusted by libertarians. They would allow oligarchies to keep the water quality at minimum if it just saved the cylinderhat monopoly guys another shekel. Water purification is supposed to be a responsibility on a statelevel, and everybody knows that when you build a colony or any type of settlement, water is the first thing you think of because its the most important problem. I highly doubt you will ever have pure tap water if your government doesn't care, no matter how many filters you have, since there's just too many different substances that can come out of it.
There was this one theory that plutonium could be used to purify water on an atomic level, but, that would probably be taking it too far.
So yeah. I use a water distiller now.
Your samson option will not save you.
If you want a quick way to just do a minimum sample now and then, then just check its pH, its the easiest and most primitive form of checking the contamination, and its cheap too.
It has slightly higher than ideal mineral content if you're going for crystal clear water taste, but it's actually a healthy amount of the necessary stuff. I will be adding a 5 stage filtration system to run it through because who knows if it will stay that way.
Had a Berkey filter before. Everything I read put them in the top tier. It does have a plastic spigot though.
Yeah i never drink out of those, no matter where I am, public fountains disgust me.
I feel you OP
Like, they put terrible chemicals in our water they turn the friggin frogs gay !
Like, now we have NAZI crop circles in UK, and WIFI radiation from NIBIRU and like, RUSSIANS are so evil, I don't even… Like, How can we fight this, fellow whites ?
I don't even…
Sometimes things are true.
I bought a water distiller, needed distilled water anyway.
I don't think you know what bumping is
>>>/reddit/ is that way
Actually faggot most water purification facilities haven't had updated technologies in over 50 years - i.e. can't filter estrogen (from all the birth control retard) and other chemicals such as antibiotics that are smaller then bacterium. (Yes, shit like lead and mercury is smaller but it's easier to chemically bind, removing organic molecules is much more difficult)
So….a big part of the fagging of our youth is hypothesized as being influenced by estrogen in water supplies, recently they've shown small amounts during crucial growth can effect regulation later on. That, and the (((Electric Jew))) pozzing our society.
Anyway the amount of shilling/retardation in this thread is astounding. Move out of the city/to where you can get on well water or buy a distillation apparatus fags.
Rules to live by:
1.DRINK ONLY SPRING WATER (it tastes better anyway, you can tell the difference even in coffee)
2.Accept the BPA, theres nothing we can do, maybe buy water bottled outside the country, but its expensive.
The only alternative is to drink directly from a spring, but I know most of you guys dont have that option, if you do, bring a steel container and siphon it, youll want a siphon without plastic or rubber, so guess what? youre using steel tubes. Follow the instructions in the image to siphon the water without getting it into your mouth.
this makes no sense
I'll upvote your comment anyways though
Call me tinfoil but I'm honestly concerned about fluoride chlorine and the various other chemicals put in our water supply and their effects on the human body over a lifetime. You'd be a fool not to - I think. Any water I use for cooking, brushing my teeth or drinking comes from 5 gallon water jugs which I refill once a month or so at my father's place which has water from a well. If you know somebody with a well this is a good and essentially free option after the small initial investment.
An added benefit is that in case of a happening or power outage you will likely have several gallons of safe drinking water on hand.
I just found out what's wrong with Holla Forums, you're drinking from sources contaminated with fracking waste!
Hold on user…
Wells extract water from the water table, which is where all of the flouride, lead, etc. originates. It won't make a difference, you should buy an RO filter, they are the most economic and efficient filtration system and get rid of flouride, metals, etc. Xenoestrogens are exceptionally hard to filter and remain regardless but they are in very low concentration and can be offset by vigorous exercise and eating plenty of leafy greens.
Did you guys ever try atmospheric water generators?
You don't even own a well do you?
I'm building a fog collector for fun, after that a dew collector.
Kill thyself.
He's got one. Most well owners have RO filters and get their water quality tested every 2-5 years.
I suppose it probably helps that he's in a rural area
You think that little boiler will help you? Haha nations are investing billions of dollars with thousands of employees to purify water, and you think that little thing is enough? nigga plz.
I don't think it originates in the water table. I think they go right to water treatment plants in the ghetto and drop it right in. The plants are always in the ghetto because they stink and put off a shit load of foul smelling steam.
good work OP.
You have 2 choices.
1) Reverse Osmosis (RO) - usually 4-stage setup, you'll need a water storage tank and water pump because this thing is slow as fuck, conservatively ~90% removal of contaminants if you bundle all the rates for different contaminants together.
2) Get a multi-stage activated carbon and activated alumina system. A big fucker to clean all your water you'll ever use. You need a big one because if it's not reverse osmosis it's all about contact time. More contact time means more shit removed from the water (passing through all that rock, gravel and sand is how that beautiful spring water comes out so clean). You need at least 2 stage activated charcoal and alumina setup to reliably get rid of chemical contaminants and throwing in a UV sterilizer wouldn't hurt either. This type doesn't need a reservoir and pump like the reverse osmosis system.
Whole house/property only. Anything less is an exercise in making yourself feel like you've achieved something.
Mine needs changing every 4+years cuz lol overspec'd hard
Get yourself some nice stainless steel drink bottles while you're at it.
I got a reverse osmosis water filter only cost me 300 euro and it's great, really good purchase and you'll feel the difference after a few days.
If this is true I am not going to bother because if they poison the water there is probably so much stuff going on that damages you in some ways they use that you would have to be 100% self sufficient without civilization to be out of it and that would be without mentioning the soil you walk on and the air you breathe.
Might as well kill myself now.
Look into water harvesting, user.
RO produces a top quality product.
I'm guessing you've got an under sink style system yeah?
Those are great but once I started filtering everything at the supply point i noticed improvements in the hair and skin too.
I should serve that at my next soiree.
Having filtered water eliminates the 2nd most effective method of pumping shit into your system. If you distill the filtered water you can then drink that from time to time to help detox from the shit you eat and breath. Look into the detoxes some are shit but there are a few good ones out there. There's other things you can do too, like only eating all organic and if you have reason to go full tinfoil thanks to chemtrailing in your area at least wear a raincoat, gloves and a full-face painters mask/respirator if you have to go outside.
They don't have an absolute monopoly on the situation.
you should still filter that
get a sigg water bottle
and a sigg cleaning brush
never drink from plastic again
t. kike that doesn't know jack shit
you could also get a real testing kit.
for $25 where i live you can have the health department test it
why not use glass?
im sure that will be easy
Gongratufuckinglations! Except that is it Holla Forums related in that (((they))) play a role in water quality to an extent, so it is something that should be discussed.
Under counter water filters make the water clean enough, and the cost is far less than living off bottled water.
They're readily available too.
yeah its great I power it with my fusion generator.
wtf did I just watch?
You can use glass too, but steel is cheaper, lighter, gives a nice earthy compliment to the water, and imparts non-heme iron in trace amounts (something you usually get from edible plants)
Oh boy here we another bullshit slide thread
Or, you could just distill the shit….
Jesus christ, first post every time, defeatist nonsense.
your body is a good enough filter for most of the metals
if you're really concerned about fluoride, whatever, just understand that someone is making money off your decisions, and that it wouldn't be impossible for them to track you
Placing the dollar sign at the end of the numerals.
Backwards writing jew detected.
You can solve all your problems by simply drinking tea instead.
Kek lads,
I spent many years studying the topic of nutrition, diet, etc. Naturally trying to find the best water source came up a few times during my studies.
The truth of the matter is this, you need to do everything you can to stick to spring and sparkling water from glass bottles. Never trust tap water, and avoid plastic as much as possible.
There are some companies that will deliver large glass bottles of water (office style) to your home. But this is quite expensive. You can also find the glass bottles of sparkling and spring water at almost any grocery store, but the servings are small.
Through my travels and observations, I have found that most like minded people do compromise, and settle by buying spring water from reputable brands packaged in BPA-free plastic containers. These are the plastics with the label /1\ and /3\ printed on them, usually. More info can be found by googling.
I will admit some cities and/or municipalities do have enviable tap water, but this is a case by case basis and you need to do your own research.
Beyond this, you goys need to start ingesting more than just water when you choose to drink. The idea of needing to be extremely hydrated is a bit of a myth, in a sense. Water isn't as important as it is made out to be - but still important yes, don't misunderstand me.
I do what I can to drink things like orange juice, milk/kefir, eat watery fruits, etc.
As a final thought, I will say this, most of you goys, even if you do everything in your power to avoid BPA, are still not eating a good enough diet or living good enough lifestyles to reach your full genetical hormonal potential. Go read up on testosterone and androgen promoting diets. Go learn what kinds of lifestyles are healthy vs not. I would help you here (especially vis a vis diet) but you wouldn't believe me.. probably. I have found that most anons and normies still haven't overcome the dietary jew.
Learn chemistry and make your own if you're so concerned.
absolute proof that alex jones is a shill?
Obviously not true because you would be dead right now.
Reverse osmosis does take out fluoride, charcoal filtration will take out chlorine and chloramine. Also, with a new or maintained (replaced often enough) filter, ion-exchange resin can take out all of the above.
Source- Water quality is part of my work, and I am an asshole about learning the testing methods so I can use them myself.
I'm a fruitarian and most of Holla Forums are completely bluepilled about even the basic beginner steps of diet being the cause of all disease
i drink about a gallon of distilled water a day
whats it like eating like a proto nigger and having non functioning balls?
healthier and higher sperm count than most people mate try again
If by "higher sperm count" you mean all the cum you're guzzling then you're probably right, fruity
There's literally zero chance of you being healthy m8. Maybe you are not dying yet, but that's not an achievement, it just means you're young.
Eat some meat.
Most of the contaminants enter your body via your skin in the shower/bath. Even taking only short cold showers doesn't change that.
Whole house or its a waste of time.
Meant for
Meat is the source of my health. Get your blood tested there is no way you are not prepared diabetic.
I will try to post the book I work off of for diet later on today, been meaning to pdf it for you lads.
what kind of moron are you?
Finding clean uncontaminated water is no east feet, and largly relies on circumcstance however it is possible;
In many more rural comunitys you can find wells connected to aquafers springs ect. Ask your local aurhoritys:
Townhall, chamber of comerce, local ranger stationans, startpage and see if somthing turns up.
Just because you can't filter everything doesn't mean it's "nothing". It's a lot already, more than most of the population does.
I am a regular blood donor and my blood is incredibly healthy I've been to pathologists too to check on things like b12 levels and I am excelling.
I'm not trying to shill anything but proper health and hygiene to Holla Forums and as I said would happen everyone has an intense emotional reaction to it. If anyone is interested about the source of disease and all mankinds ailments start researching arnold ehret.
Have you never questioned why it is mankind and his domesticated animals that live in constant sickness and disease requiring medicines and unnatural proceedures to live poorly until their 60s and then die?
To achieve the health and vitality of the wild beasts you have to understand that all you've had forced down your throat about health from the ZOG is wrong. Hell if you even just google the "blue zones" of the world where everyone lives to their 100s they are all living plant based.
Do you not question why you have to brush your teeth and require years of painful readjustments impossible without technology just to have a healthy mouth? Among a thousand other examples it is all to do with what you are naturally evolved to eat.
I've heard Reverse Osmosis is the best water filtration. Such systems have to be installed under your sink though & they're fucking expensive.
A distiller is much cheaper, but then there's the matter of re-mineralizing the water.
For now I just have the cheapest solutions available: a Brita filter on my kitchen sink & a charcoal filter on my shower head. This doesn't eliminate everything, it keeps enough in the water to slowly kill/emasculate me, but it's all I can afford right now.
Filtering your shower water is important because you're absorbing far more of those chemicals through your skin.
My mother has well water, which was fine for a few years until nearby drilling introduced iron into it & now it turns everything orange.
The commies! They want to take our bodly fluids!
Which is meat. I think you might be seeing benefits of fruit in that maybe you avoid grain, which is the real killer. But you're still going way over on sugar with a fruit diet, your glucose and insulin have to be off the charts.
We're not evolved to eat it however if we have to unnaturally harvest it and then chemically alter it just to "digest" (I say digest because we dont digest meat properly at all).
Fruit sugar is natural and very different to refined sugars. The problem is dietary fats and many diabetics adopting 80/10/10 and fruit based veganism improve quite a lot.
I avoid grain of course because it is also unnatural for us to eat, are you paleo by chance? They're a lot closer to achieving perfect health than SADers or other fad diets and I know they exclude grains
Diabetes isn't caused by sugar it is caused by the body being unable to eliminate it. When the body is clogged with fat and cholesterol around the cells and all it can't expel the sugar in the bloodstream.
Even though the sugar from fruit is quickly absorbed, it's also quickly expelled and the absorption is slowed down due to all the fiber found in fruit. Plus the fructose in fruit isn't nearly as concentrated the way processed sugars are.
Fructose also is very different to glucose and it doesn't cause insulin to be released iirc,
This is biologically false. Fructose is NOT quickly absorbed, glucose is. Fructose must be processed in the liver before the body can use it.
Absorbing and expelling sugar exploits the insulin delivery system, the pancreas. Overuse of this leads to it being unable to work, thus diabetes.
The fat you refer to is not a cause of diabetes, it is a symptom of a diet that promotes insulin production. Insulin is itself the most weight-gain causing substance known to science. Incidentally, it is the thing that has allowed bodybuilders to balloon to comic proportions as of late.
You say unnaturally harvest it as though killing is not necessary? Or perhaps you mean modern feedlot farming. That i will admit is terrible, but the solution is not abandoning meat, it's using natural and holistic herding methods like those pioneered by Allan Savory.
Also, when you herd this way, you get the benefit of healthier soil left behind, so you can grow more of your precious fruits and vegetables if you really like.
Fools like you and the anons above who think that knowledge about our water being complete shit = tinfoil belong in the filter. Much like xenoestrogens need to be filtered out of the water, you need to be filtered out of Holla Forums.
More filter fuel.
I almost feel bad for filtering so many anons but it makes it easier to read posts of actual substance and not just some retards yelling "shill!" and posting pictures of tinfoil hats in relation to birth control in the water. It's such common knowledge that even the MSM will touch on it but no one does anything, and when the smarter denizens here try to discuss it and do something about it, it's not Holla Forums related? Get the fuck out of here. How is the government knowingly poisoning us not fucking Holla Forums related?
I only drink my own water hue hue hue
My tap water is shit; probably because the water infrastructure here is 90yrs old (in parts).
I priced out in-home filters, replacement elements and membranes. It came out about the same as buying bottled from a local supplier.
Spotted the Jew.
Prove that you are right.
Go cower underneath your chemtrails. Bottled water is just a way to part idiots from their sheckles. Chances are if you live in a place where the IQ is high enough to have modern plumbing the water is fine. Exceptions being poor cities like flint who are too dumb to replace ancient lead pipes when their corroupt mayor buys garbage surface water and doesnt treat it or hicks who get fucked by fracking companies.
If water becomes precious enough, it can be a currency like anything else. In Dune, the natives of a desert planet have so little water that they collect and preserve every drop. Instead of their jewelry being made of precious metals, they wear necklaces and armbands and so on that hold water inside to show off their wealth.
Fuck off retard
Sicc get fuccboi.
poland spring has flouride
general rule with bottled water is
IF IT SAYS pure, they have to list any other added ingredients on the lable, to a point. aquafina is tap water but is sent through purification
BUT if the lable says SPRING WATER
they do not have to list ANYTHING and almost 99% of the time "spring water" has all sorts of bad shit
"le learn chemistry xdd im sooo much smarter den uuuu xdddd i have no school monday so my mom lets me stay up late!!!"
I think aquafina actually advertises that they use reverse osmosis for it on the bottle. That's the cocacola water before they add the cocaine plant extract and sugar right?
Jesus, most of you niggers are fucking retarded. Drink out of a river or pond instead of drinking tap water then. See how much fucking better it is than tap water. Idiots.
t. Environmental engineer
Any water has fluoride in it because it's naturally occurring. The question is how much, and fluoridealert has it p8sted as one 9f the better ones. I believe Nestlé Pure had the lowest but not by too much, and they are expensive as shit.
I don't care if you filter it or not, what I want is water that isn't purposely contaminated in the first place. Here is the list I drew from:
That's bordering on demoralization shilling, and also wrong. I've been avoiding drinking tap for a few months and now regular tap tastes like pool water, chemical as fuck, I don't drink it at all.
As for the shower, I found some promising leads with this:
It seems to be the concensus pick for filtering out chlorine and chloramine (chlorine plus ammonia). I'll try combining it with an in-head filter of some kind to improve taste and see how it goes. If it works well, I might put something similar in my kitchen sink, we will have to see, but I'm ordering the shower ones this week.
The problem with tap water has nothing to do with the light molecules or organics, save for something like free benzene rings, as their effects will give you long term diseases. Your main problem is taking out the heavy metals, this can be difficult as they are more than likely in an aqueous state, think essentially as difficult as taking NaCl out of the water. Something like Pb(NO3)2 is far worse than any organic, a little bit of charged lead introduced into your brain will cause permanent brain damage which cannot be repaired.
First what you should do is get a small sample from the water source you drink. And put it in a pot and boil it down until all the liquid is gone. You won't know what organics might have been in it but you will know how much salts there were. All the white powder if you have other colors besides white your fucked.
Now what can you do with these salts? You should send them to a lab to be sure, they can only tell you the atoms which made up the substance not normally the molecules unless they do some wet chemistry.
Lead poisoning is no joke, that's why I get my water from those stupid water machines outside of supermarkets because the machine itself flash points the water. The filtering of the organics using something like a gravity filter is meaningless if you aren't taking out the heavy metals, and heavy poisoning cannot be undone unlike some of those lighter molecules.
I do industrial water treatment. Some states have stricter enforcement than others. The west coast is pretty good
Threads like this are the greatest source of butthurt for traitors and fools. Every Holla Forums ancientfag knows full well of the purposeful poisoning of the worlds wells and waterways.
Be it fluoride salts, fluoride waste products purchased from China, petrochemical estrogen, and every other substance that was not found in water two hundred years ago.
So when an user gallivants into the thread throwing reddit/tumblr tier memes into the wind, it immediately sticks out like a sore thumb.
t. Bullshit artist
Video will cause shills to grind their teeth.
naturally occuring flouride != flourosolisic acid that is added to drinking water
(it is added to "spring" water too just like how they add chlorine to it too)
That's the idea dumb dumb. They're not the same thing, so I'd rather have the untreated water.
Also source me on that about bottled water being flouridated, I'm not buying that.
It's real. The sources are degenerate but not all bottled water is equal, my friend.
[citation needed]
I add back a pinch of himalayan rock salt. best water in town.
Alright fuck it I'll just buy the "pure" one until I can filter my own.
What kind of distiller you got? Anything I could put in a apartment?
This is what I bought. Just never open it while it's working. You could get burned really badly.
welp now I'm paranoid
Have you tested the water after distillation? I'm sure someone has and would make a stink if it didn't work as advertised but you never know. Regardless, would you say it was a solid investment?
Sweet was already scoping that one. What's your exact formula for remineralizing? And do you find that it distills away chlorine elements?
You can get BPA-free containers, like the ones used in RVs. There's even smaller ones in the shape of fuel cans like you see straped to expedition vehicles.
If you really don't like plastic at all, then you can get metal cistern, but it'll probably cost more. Anyway they're not hard to find, because they're often used for supplying water to farm animals out in the grazing fields.
Otherwise there's glass and ceramic containers, but those don't store as much. I guess wooden barrels also, if you can find some.
Either way, you'll have to regularly treat any stored water with a small amount of bleach, to inhibit growth of algae and such (read up on this in RV/camping and survivalist books). But ideally you'd like to also flush out the old water entirely after several months, while you still have easy access to water. You can always use it to shower or clean stuff or water plants, so it doesn't have to go to waste.
Very cold temperature also has a similar effect on plastics, so don't drink water or other beverage that was kept in freezer inside plastic container. Some people do this to cool their drink down, but it's a bad habbit. In that case, just put your drinking glass in there instead.
For long-term use, you're probably better off with metal containers, but for short durations and emergency, BPA-free plastic should be ok so long as you can keep it in mild temperature and away from sun exposure.
Nah I've moved away from plastic everywhere else the storage is the next to go. I figure the distiller and filters will be metal and glass (hopefully not much plastic there) and then I will store in glass or stainless steel containers that I rotate constantly.
I truly don't look forward to bleaching my water. If I rotate every week would it still be an issue?
What's it like arguing from a such a state of profound ignorance?
Stop pandering to these faggots that don't care about their own central nervous system. They are all alcoholics who would rather slowly commit suicide that fight back by getting healthy.
That video was fantastic. At first I was confused, as I thought it would be a Jew heckling for some shekels, but his voice wasn't whiny enough for that. Then, when he got to the good stuff, it all made sense.
Here is a Vegan setting a world record natty deadlift. 672 lb @ 176.6 lbs Bodyweight. I can't wait for you to tell me you are so much stronger and how he could lift even more if he just ate dead carcasses.
1. He is nigger
2. Probably still on steroids
3. Could also just be lying
4. Not an argument, one exception actually helps prove the rule dumbass
Uh, I like drinking alcohol, but don't want fluoride. F1te me m8.
Anyone got any filter recommendations?
Read up the thread, I posted a shower in line filter I'll be trying out, and an user showed me to a tabletop distiller that I also will be trying out.
I didn't see any, I just saw a lot of arguing over whether (((they))) really drug our water or not.
Boom the shower filter
Boom the distiller