Villains from film, books, japanimu, etc
Who are some non-cape villains who would make fucking incredible cape villains?
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A majority of James Bond villains apply, but I think Dr. No is the most capey.
Fu Manchu is always a good choice for any proper villain role, as well.
you do realize Fu Manchu was Shang Chi's father and nemesis, yes? and in "Masters of Kung Fu" Doom revealed Manchu was one of the few men in existence he considered a rival?
Nope, didn't know that at all. I only ever remember him as a book/movie villain. I'm not surprised he's been in comic books, but I didn't expect him to be in a Marvel comic book.
I think a lot of Kojima's could work easily as cape villains. They all have that kind of disconnection from reality.
Shota Mantis best villain.
A lot of fighting game villains work. Especially when games like Street Fighter and Mortal Kombat have comic books now.
we already have Lord Zed
I would love a comic about the evil schemes of Max Headroom, but only so long as he only ever appears on screens and monitors, never in person.
too bad Watch_Dogs 2 made a SJW landwhale rip-off of him, now that's probably all anyone would associate with that "style"
These motherfuckers right here.
Volgin would be fucking rad as a cape villain.
download all collection here:
I think op means villains who weren't originally supervillains in western super hero comics that would work well in said comics.
like this motherfucker!
I'd probably prefer the reverse, who can we save from comics and turn into characters in other places? If they didn't completely fuck up the wolverine and iron man anime by not making them anything like the great trailers they both had we could have gotten something really great. With a lot of luck, maybe the new MvC wont suck too.
No Yamazaki?
I think he's the only character I've ever heard of with some 'inner demon' bullshit that he suppresses by out crazy-ing it.
Mein negger
Vince McMahon
But we already have Zoom
Didn't Zoom get beat like a bitch in New 52 before Rebirth happened?
I couldn't even come up with one but those are all great
Soros is already the closest thing we have to a real-life supervillain.
It's surprising how much he looks like Palpatine.
How did Fu Manchu feel about the Mandarin?
He even comes with his own tights, and came back from the dead sorta for no adequately explained reason. He practically already is a cape villain.
Didn't DIO also get beat like a bitch
DIO dies like a sneaky bastard fighting dirty against Jotaro then getting destroyed by a punch so powerful it shattered his stand. Zoom doesn't even die this time. Flash just runs super fast after believing he couldn't go faster and then does. Like always. Leading him to beating Zoom and… arresting him. Zoom's still in prison.
I know Dr. Doom once referred to Mandy as "a poor man's Fu Manchu".
I wonder what either of them think of The Yellow Claw, or Master Khan?
gb2 Holla Forums, suck Trump's dick while you're at it.
what the fuck?
Panther Claw
It's already confirmed the chans have been invaded by CTR and shills. It's safe to assume such people who behave like this are either or.
That's Molasar, from The Keep (1983).
In the book, he's a vampire, but in the film he's a sort of golem-like demon. He's only really visible in a couple of scenes, because the FX guy died while filming, but he gives off this amazing Darkseid vibe.
Thank you user.
I'm probably pulling this out of my ass, but I believe he thought Mandy was a brutish Neanderthal and old Mandy thought him to be a sissy nerd.
pls email [email protected]/* */ if you're a cat named sakamoto and want a cute furret to lick your paws
Hey man, im just trying to help.
You got not idea where the liquid has got to. Which is why i suggested data recovery because you have the time to back it up before shit hits the fan it now.
But if your going to be this way, then i hope it catches in fire, and your mothers laptop becomes a fucken door stop.
pls email [email protected]/* */ if you're a cat named sakamoto and want a cute furret to lick your paws
Its only bad to miss out on if you're wanting a relationship. Dating should lead to marriage and if you believe its a trap then I suppose you answered your own question.
There is a point but that boils down to my own personal reasoning and don't want to push that onto you as if its fact.
pls email [email protected]/* */ if you're a cat named sakamoto and want a cute furret to lick your paws
Wow is it 2007? Teyhard and behind
If you are a man, it's not your looks, but lack of confidence
She did this shit by 1200$. Her career was so so fucked up, too many niggers in her porning curriculum vitae.
The next step was in Dubai. Dogs fucked her and too many sandniggers shit on her mouth. Now she can't eat solid foods.
Python 2 is abandoned, any new versions of libraries and anything new is made for python 3.
a dude with the retarded name of getterd
Good morning /hoc/. What are you up to to- Oh. Just my fellow North American brethrens flinging shit at each other like usual. Carry on.
He's certainly no hero of mine, because he's only interested in lining his pockets. The same can be said about a lot of post-Soviet politicians.
t. Slav
B-KO just wanted some retard C-KO pussy.
Did her tits transform into arms?
Pillar men would work as both capeshit villains and a pro wrestling Heel faction
MGS always felt like a western movie with an anime plot.
That guy was always an asshole.
47 isn't even a villain though.
Literally nobody that he's hired to kill is innocent or good in any way.
He's more of a neutral party that tends to be hired for offing shitty people.
Though I guess you could play him as a psycho mass murderer that slaughters everyone in his path to the target.
It basically is considering how much of a westaboo Kojima is. Snake was initially visually based on Rambo and named after Snake Plissken.
At worst, you could say 47 is an anti-hero, but even that's kind of a stretch.
Yeah, that's what I'm getting at. He's more of an anti-hero than Frank Castle.
Frank will go out of his way to bring as much pain to his targets as possible while 47 kills his targets as quick as possible and just sort of shrugs it all off as long as he gets that sweet blood dosh.
I was surprised they never used him for the Hercules comic when he fights modern internet "gods".
Sauce? Is that from one of the battle royale films?
Pics #4 and 5 are respectively, Prisoner KSC2-303 and The Man, from Versus.
First time I've seen Versus mentioned anywhere.
It's so hilarious when that guy has 3 laser sights on his katana at the end.
I love how The Man assembles his scabbard from several pieces, then pulls a single long sword blade from it, and how Chibi keeps losing his gun, and pulling another out of his ass, one with the price tag still on it.
And yakuza zombies with their butts on fire because the director thought it was funny.
I like that director because he says Commando is the greatest film ever made. MY BOY!
The great thing about language barrier in movies is that some countries tend to remember some movie stars from their cheesiest movies. Here older people love Commando, Cobra and Predator movie so much because it's less about talking and more about gun toting fun time. There's stickers of Commando and Cobra still on sale everywhere and you can see it stuck on many trucks.
Verses reminds me of Xenogears' a bit
For me, the first act is Reservoir Dogs, the second act is The Evil Dead, then the third act is Highlander.
Who's the forth guy?
Мой негр.
Min neger.
Isn't that the girl that sings the ong from As Told by Ginger?
I swear to god, JR's commentary needs to become a thing
Jared "Kiddie Ogler" Fogle.
Has Herc ever fought mythological figures like Achilles?
I think Ape Escape's villains could at least be fun, and I've always liked Gol's design.
Surprised I haven't seen Eggman here yet, but perhaps he doesn't count since he's been in comics
I like the idea of Mayhem being a villain
He did wear a cape in the cartoon adaptations, similar to Mario's.
That's not a cape. More like a fucking blankie. Eggman is the last human in a world full of anthromorphic creatures and he's not even a furry. Poor guy can't even bury his cock in someone's pussy. No wonder he turns evil.
Akira was shit.
Fixed that for you buddy
Most old school animei villians could work as cape ones.
Why is Griffith there? This is a list for villains.
Sauce for pic 3
sauce for pic 5
Apollo from Olympos.
Very pretty, and utterly terrifying.
Damn a lot of Japanese villains really would make good cape villains.
He reminds me of emperor pilaf for some reason.
Not trying to be political but I thought this pic was funny.
yes, 47 is totally a viola. maybe even a cello.
Because they're mostly the near exact same trope copy and pasted multiple times
what/who is that?
The fashion industry.
This looks like a job for Wonder Woman
I'm glad Toku monsters are fashion now.
I could seriously envision that as a cape villain.
What the fuck is even the point of these runway costumes that fags design for cocaine addicted models?
Do they really think anybody will wear this shit, or is it some fucked up BDSM humiliation shit going on?
Less so than cape villains.
in theory such costumes are a declaration of aesthetic genius and design tendency for the line
the problem is they come off like all the pretentious bullshit that plagues the art community. Somehow no one's actually told them their shit sucks
This is what boggles my mind.
How is it possible to completely surround yourself with the most pretentious retards on the planet without slipping up even once and having someone call your complete lack of sanity out?
Not even the most hardcore of tumblards can manage that shit, yet fashion designers still have these shows on a constant basis.
Hmm, it's a lot like the comic industry when you put it like that.
Looks like a TIE Interceptor.
It's not really for public wear, it's to show that the people who work at fashion companies are creatively capable minds that consumers and shareholders can trust, I'm assuming. Basically what said.
Of course they all come off as fucking crazy but I guess the fashion industry has always been that way.
Tell that to Jared Leto.
That model looks like Spock.
Leto's mentally unwell.
The borg?
I'm not sure. Maybe he's just good at pretending?
I dunno. Have you heard his music? It's pretentious nonsense. One man can only fake so long before going full retard for real.
Could work
I really love this film.
That is The Key Man from Tokyo Gore Police.
thank you user.
Maybe he really is damaged.
Betty always wear cape. It's called… your mom. MYEH HEH HEH HEH HEH HEG
Fun Fact: Calypso did actually get a comic going into why he's such a dick Well at the very least why he can grant wishes
Well Calypso can work as some kind of cross of between Lex Luther and Dr. Strange you have to go to contestants to get to the usable villains, like good ol' Needles Kane who could as easily run afoul of Batman as he could the Punisher
Good choice
Since someone made a companion thread, bumping this one back from the dead
I always love how Calypso twisted the winner's wish. Except for the guy with two giant wheels. Nigga just met his dad and told him to fuck off.
My favorite is Hammerheads ending in 2. And as shit as 4 was, getting to actually play as him driving a Nuke Truck is great It's also such a simple concept too. I don't know why Wacky Racers was re-booted as gritty grimdark thing when they could have just done a TM comic. Probably would have caught on. Or hell I brought it up in the other thread but Vigilante 8/Interstate 76 is also great subject matter.
pick one
Is that from a video game?
Nabiki is a villainess now? She's the most opportunistic and the hottest of the three Tendou sisters. Too bad they rarely put her in the spotlight.
I wish there's a doujinshi where she decided to become a pimp and turning all the girls including Ranma to become her bitches
The ultimate bitch. Proto-tumblrina, archetype of current tumblr users.
But aren't most tumblrinas left wing while Ayn Rand was objectivist? If you mean her personality and behavior then I can get your point.
That doesn't even make sense, have you read anything she wrote?
but she's an objectivist
My opinion was based more on her married life. She keeps insisting to have an open marriage. Her husband relented and cucked to her demand so she can fuck any guys she fancy. But the moment her husband sleep with another girl she went completely nut and treat him like shit even in front of his friends and family.
he may lead a group of murdering rapist lunatics, but that moment when the pulled that box out with the revolver, I wanted to know his story
Who is that semen demon in the first pic?
Ah I see now. Thanks user.
B-ko Daitokuji from Project A-Ko.
A spoiled rich kid, genius inventor, and queen bee with a creepy lesbian crush on a ditz named C-Ko, and seeks to destroy her amazonian tomboy BFF A-Ko with flying powered armour and giant mecha piloted by evil schoolgirls. Imagine Tony Stark as a high school mean girl.
It started out as a hentai in the Lemon Cream series that got derailed, and they could never come up with good names, so they just ended up as "Girl A, Girl B, Girl C". The name is a play on Jackie Chan's Project A.
It's one of my favourite animes to introduce people to the sheer lunacy of the genre. It's just like a sampler of everything good about really bad animoo.
Oh man the horrible dubbing. C-Ko voice actor sounds like she yelled all her lines and the teacher sounds less enthusiastic. My young self going to have shit fit over the horrible dubbing but my current self just enjoy the corniness.
Also the teacher wore pretty skimpy clothing for a school teacher eh.
Dubbing this bad in an official release is a rare treat these days, we should savour it.
Hows the sequels?
A-ko was the first anime I watched back in the day. From that, I've managed to get a hold of the official movie artbook (twice! the first one got lost) and a hold of the manga compilation that every western fan swore to be damned didn't exist as well as the original laserdiscs and all that that other nerd shit. To me, A-ko sums of 1980s anime the same way KLK does about today's shit.
And the sequels are all terrible and you should pretend they don't exist. They're terrible in the exact same way Disney direct-to-video sequels like Beauty and the Beast 3 and Mulan 2 are terrible.
Sequels? I'm only aware of the original 6 episodes, and I enjoyed them.
Starting from episode 5, it changes direction and goes into an alternate universe where A-Ko and B-Ko are post apocalyptic monster hunters.
The first A-ko movie was that, a movie. It was theatrically released. The rest of the shit that came after it were OVAs.
Were they any good?
Compared to the original movie, no. Not in the slightest. The original Project A-ko movie was lightning in a bottle.
My man, you have great taste
Sauce on last pic?
Tokyo Gore Police.
should've guessed
Is it any good?
Well, I liked it. It made my friend throw up.
If you liked Machine Girl, it's by the same guy.
It has fake ads for colourful boxcutters marketed to schoolgirl wrist cutters, and a PSA telling you not to suppuku.
Im curious why he was never brought back, with comicbook movies now in the main stream and Gelette with their hero robot mascot, Im suprised Peppsi wasn't brough him back.