Fucking Eeehhhhhhh
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Why is this a bad thing? If they don't want to be in constant pain anymore or be a burden on the living, I don't have a problem with it (ss long as the reasons for euthanasia remain consistent).
I just see a very fucking slippery slop coming up.
Please elaborate. Everyone should have full control over their body and mind, so not allowing people to suicide legally just seems wrong in general. If you want to kill yourself, you should be able to. At least you won't give some random train conductor a PTSD after you splash all over his front shield.
Yeah, that was the only downfall I could see, hence why I stated the restrictions staying consistent. No assisted suicides for someone who got dumped or whatever.
It affects old people to 99% percent.
What if it becomes the standard and not the exception? Old and sick people may feel forced to kill themselves to not be a burden on their children or the state. That's unacceptable.
You can measure the health of state/culture/people/tribe/individuals on how they treat the elderly.
The gift that keeps on givin. What's wrong with that?
Slip to what?
In my country a woman recently killed her mother and then commuted suicide. The mother was ~70 and paralyzed, the daughter had to take care of her 24/7, she couldn't afford to pay someone else to do it.
I honestly don't see the problem with this, the only ones butthurt about euthanasia are christcucks.
Gonna need sauce on that for reasons.
Well im not christfag but I dislike it anyway.
Leftist slippery slope.
I don't think old people would feel pressure to top themselves because of family.
Personally, I think they'd do it for their own benefit - growing old is going to suck for a lot of people, and if their bodies just can't cope anymore and need aid from machines just to live, I think that would be the final straw for a lot of them.
At this time in society, with an ageing population and people living far far longer on pensions than was originally planned, letting the elderly choose to take their lives peacefully could have a positive effect for the nation in the whole. It may sound heartless, but it's true.
Great argument.
Back to Holla Forums you go
Might as well legalize bestiality then, right?
doesn't mention what it says in the suicide note, but I watched them say it on TV, she did it because her mother was very sick, in the article it says that not only was she paralyzed but she couldn't even talk
The Canucks already did that, bud.
didn't Obumer do it a long time ago too?
So I dont have to pay SS to the old fucks who ruined my country? Great.
Maybe I'm just spoiled by my conservative family which has become rare in Europe and I don't see the reality in which most people live. I just know that my grandmother would give everything she has, even her life, if she thinks it would make my life a little bit easier, although she still wants to live. I don't want her to think that for even a second. There are physically handicapped people who have more barriers than most old people and still manage to find the will in themselves to live. Very often wishes for death are often results of bad pain treatment and similar things.
And Iknow it's a bit emotional / irrational but I don't give a fuck about the states money when it comes to the lives of my kin. A people who's forced to kill the elderly to scrape by doomed anyway.
Serious question OP,
Have you ever watched somebody you loved waste away for years with Alzheimer's?
Denying these people a coup de grâce is inhumane.
where can we sign King Faggot up?
If you kill yourself, you win.
Pretty soon they'll offer it to fat people, and we'll all be saved.
I have one in my family, uncle's wife who have late stage multiple sclerosis.
Fuck, it's worse than death.
I feel uncomfortable just too look at her, know that her eyes are looking but nothings there but her own mind, locked up in a shell.
I wish for her to die, hell I would consider doing it for her out of mercy even.
I am so glad my country passed this law. Living here makes me want to die.
It's already here!
For me it is all the elderly on my mother's side. My great grandmother lived until she was 104, but she was gone mentally for more than a decade. My grandmother and grandmother are younger but already diagnosed. The next few years are going to get really bad.
On my fathers side, nobody has ever lived to their 70s, except my father's stepmother. I almost hope I end up like them. As awful as colon cancer is, I'll take that over my brain rotting away.
A big part of the reason I support assisted suicide is I anticipate needing it when I am old.
Also my maternal grandparent's siblings are all already dead. All Alzheimers. They live long, but they do not die well. There is no dignity in living like that.
Wew, you sound like a leftist faggot.
Doctors can now prescribe death as cure to illnesses. Whatever happened to the Hippocratic Oath?
/r/atheism is that way -→
There's nothing here to suggest they are prescribing death. It's more likely you have people who come to the conclusion themselves due to unbearable pain
I understand m8, a lot of grandmothers would feel the same. I'm sure if this was made legal, there would be barriers present to prevent the elderly euthanising themselves out of pressure or to benefit the next of kin.
One solution might be that the euthanising agency has to inform the next of kin of the elderly's intentions.
My grandmother on my father's side is full Alzheimers, doesn't recognize anybody anymore. Makes me kinda want to put a part in my will about killing me if my mind goes completely…
is 100% correct, the state could attack and cripple dissenters and then euthanize them because "they said they wanted to die if they were crippled" and people would just accept it.
Do you know that most doctors don't even take that?
Furthermore, keeping some people alive forever just for the sake of it is far more immoral than letting them die peacefully with dignity.
granted, this is Europe but don't you think it's just a little fucked? A bunch of Jewish (((psychiatrists))) probably pushed this girl to this point. But hey, it's not a slippery slope though so let's just throw out the Hippocratic oath and see where it goes. This is progress and change after all, you afraid of progress? Where panels of Jewish beauracrats and Jewish psychiatrists can decide your depressive delusions that you're better off dead are actual reality and fine and healthy?
Seems like a good organ harvesting gig too, I know Israelis are into that
What happens when the state decides to stop paying your medical costs (non-burgrrs) and "euthanizes" you with your "consent" they extracted from you while you were doped up on morphine?
That's a lot more difficult to do than the current 'shoot them in the back of the head/robbery gone wrong method' though.
I really need to check up on how other countries deal with this.
Why do you think the psychiatrists pushed her into it when she says she had always wanted to die?
Psychiatrists shouldn't push people into it but that's another issue than helping people to die
Technically, it's just regular suicide.
A doctor let a glass of poison on their table. This is 100% legal. They choose to drink it. Suicide.
Could probably still be construed as negligence or assistence. At least if there was someone to prosecute.
It's a net positive. Trivializing murder is ultimately a long term goal. Abortion takes care of the babies, euthanasia takes care of the elderly and indigent. The biggest issue is that the current crop of euthanasia laws focus on some perceivable variable constituting a cause for death, but removing that is the next step.
Death should be a right, of course, without cause. That's the next evolution.
Soldiers should be euthanized instead of being trotted out for things like Wounded Warrior Project.
It's not a different issue because it's part of the same slipper slope
What happens when the state denies you your death, preferring to keep you alive for years in a rotting body with a broken mind, so the kike doctors can drain your bank account and the public coffers?
No, because you can have one without the other.
I also don't think doctors will encourage people to die
Really? When's the last time you had full control?
Do you decide when to grow each hair on your head?
Do you dictate at all times the thoughts that go through your mind?
Are you aware of all the processes that go into working your various glands and organs?
When sick, can you suddenly tell your body not to show any symptoms?
Do you even know how or why you make decisions? Do you first decide to decide? Or do you just do it? If you just do it, are you in full control?
This thinking of "it's MY BODY" is what has led to the massive amounts of abortion and faggotry. The delusion that one's ego is the only thing that matters is the cause of all the degeneracy in the world. Selfishness and self-centeredness is the root of our troubles. For an individual to be allowed to choose when they get to die is a horrible thing. Suicide is the coward's way out. Man up, play the hand your dealt, do the best you can with what you have, focus on doing good for others, and die proud and unafraid when it's your time.
Laws have a way of not preventing what they're aimed at. It's not like bestiality being illegal stops people from doing it. Just like drug use and murder, laws don't address the core causes of why people do destructive things. That's a much more personal topic and enforcing opinions (which is what a law is) is punishing a symptom.
That's like killing individual wasps without ever going near the wasps nest and calling for more electro-racket swingers.
Yeah sure, (((doctors))) won't encourage anyone to die because their organs are totally worthless, inst that right Moishe d'Israel?
What is your theory about the organs exactly?
All Canadians should be euthanized. Lets stop the suffering
Patient Wakes Up as Doctors Get Ready to Remove Organs
It's better than slowly dying a painful death in a hospital bed. I don't see the problem here, assuming they don't just let any patient an hero.
Are you automatically considered an "organ donor" unless you opt out in your country user?
Not yet but very soon, the PM talked about it just a few days ago. I ain't giving them shit, if my brain dies so does everythig else, I don't want parts of me to keep on living. The only way I'd donate is if it was for someone I know and care about.
I can't even disagree with this.
t. Ontariocuck
Are there any links to blood rituals of the Jews and the fact that Israel has the largest organ harvesting black market,and one of the biggest traficers of human sex slaves?
They import women from Russia by claiming they have a job,but in reality they're going to be sex slaves.
Perhaps when they become inconvenient they're killed and their organs are harvested.
It being illegal helps adds an additional consequence for doing it, which stops people from doing it.
If you kill your citizens they win.
There is nothing wrong with euthanasia.
I plan to go this way myself.
Rather that than spend months and years in some facility staffed by white-hating foreigners. This is the reality of assisted care, folks. Somali, Mexican and Flipino retards taking all their hatred out on old people.
Better to die peacefully and by choice and be reborn as a son of a Holla Forumsack.
I understand that argument but you've gotta consider what's worse - people being kept alive against their will suffering intensely and constantly with no end in sight, or people being encouraged to opt for euthanasia because they are unlikely to recover?
People are living to be older and older, living far past when they "should" have died. Is it really living at all spending years in a hospital bed?
Good. Suicide was considered an honorable death in ancient civilizations. In Greece, Rome, Japan, etc, etc, falling on your sword was the only way for a warrior to regain honor after being defeated. That's because our ancestors were not terrified of death like we are. Back then life was a constant struggle and they had to face death every day. It made them stronger people.
Today death is so taboo and people are so weak that you can’t even say the word “dead”. Grown men talk like scared little girls and say “passed on”. An irrational fear of death is the sign of a weak society. From "death before dishonor" to “passed on". How pathetic.
That's not what I said at all. It's obviously a bad idea for someone who just has a cold, but if someone has a terminal illness and is being kept alive by artificial means for YEARS, what's the point? That sounds like torture. No life at all, just years laying in bed watching shitty TV, suffering endlessly, all dignity lost with nurses and doctors wiping your ass and changing your diapers, tubes shoved down your throat and in your arm, shit constantly beeping at you and the smell of death lingers. Fucking terrible.
It shouldn't be forced on anyone, though.
Jews want goys to suffer as long as possible in expensive hospitals, to rake in the shekels.
Unfortunately, the euthenasia method is the Inuit tradition of sending people out on ice floes.
To what? Eugenics, the death penalty?
The main argument against it is that if euthanasia is legalized, it will be encouraged by insurance providers who wants to stop paying out for lost causes, and also that greedy family members may encourage sick elderly relatives to choose euthanasia so they can hurry up and split the assets.
Both are valid concerns, but I think they are far outweighed by the current reality of people being kept alive against their will, wasting away and suffering for years.
If someone wants to kill themselves it doesn't matter what the laws say they'll do it anyway.
Anti suicide laws only affect people who physically can't commit suicide on their own.
Denying someone who is paralysed from the neck down suicide is fucked up.
Libertarian arguments, everyone.
He is right though if someone kills himself what can they do send him to corpse prison?
Have you ever had an original thought in your life?
What punishment could a person possibly care about if they plan to off themselves? You dumb bastard.
After watching my grandpa die a slow and agonizing death at the hands of Obamacare I am okay with these kinds of laws if someone can prove their condition is terminal.
sadly don't think that's the case here, get fucked leafs.
What severely ill people need are good HARD DRUGS. Pain management will take away most of their will to die, its just the ridiculous war on drugs has spilled over to the terminally ill.
I would love to see terminally ill folks given the opportunity to use whatever drug can relieve their pain.
So if they want to die we just strap them down and give em a lot of drugs then watch them slowly die in a drug induced delirium instead
I just think if they are just high enough to eliminate the pain they will definitely have a much more optimistic attitude towards their last days.
Prince was performing until is last few days while high on Fentanyl, which can knock out an elephant. I'd say it was effective against his chronic pain, but he OD'd because he had to use illegal methods to obtain it without supervision.
Prince, honorary Aryan
You refuted yourself.
I'm a HUGE proponent of this being legalized in more U.S. states. My mind/soul/body…
nah if the Law is just and enforced by the community, it works pretty well.
See Philippinnes under Duerte. Druggies BTFO everywhere.
Laws aren't made to stop actions, you nigger, they're meant to punish them. Making murder illegal doesn't stop murderers, but what it does is give you an excuse to lock up and execute murderers.
hey retard, even in euthanasia legal states like oregon one must be certified by two dr.'s as having 6 months to live and generally approving the act. and like said, why live through the torture of being "cared for" by the nigs and rapefugees and methheads that you despise? Go visit any old folks home user, just do it. Expensive, cheap, doesn't matter. All are staffed by low IQ brown people and they all hate you.
I don't know what comes after this life but there is some bits of proof for reincarnation and most of those cases are reincarnated into a similar cultural milleu. First clue that the process may not be as random and/or karma-like as suspected. On the spiritual side of things this one monk one time at monk camp said that the worst thing for a human was to die in a state of fear/terror because that can propel the soul into some undesirable place/state and to avoid it as best one can. Hey, we take what clues we can get, eh? So given that, I've decided that I won't die that way. Even if I'm brutally attacked by a Somali scumbag I'll go out fighting with glee and my last act will be to pull out his eyeballs with my bare hands and crush them all while smiling and praising Kek. But I refuse to go into the next life as an old invalid under the care of my enemies.
I never said you don't have any control, I said you don't have full control. I'm also pointing to the fact that most people misplace their identity as the dictator of their being, rather then working in harmony with their unconscious aspects. This doesn't mean that someone can't make decisions, it means that people place their conscious attention too high on a pedestal, leading to much confusion and suffering.
For suicide to be honorable it requires pain, and must not be done to avoid duty.
A Doctor shouldn't be allowed to preform euthanasia because it breaks his oath, and breaking oaths should carry the death penalty.
No it doesn't. Where did you get that garbage?
A doctor has to obey the wishes of the patient. If he doesn't, then he should fucking quit and make room for a doctor that cares about the patient.
It's one thing if you're dying but you can still move around and do stuff. But if all you can do is just "exist", what's the point? You can't help anyone, and every day you're forced to live you rack up more bills that can't be paid. I'd rather die than force my family into debt.
Everyone against euthanasia deserves to die an extremely long and agonizing death.
If someone wants to die than they should be able to.
It displeases the Christcucks because they sperg when Jesus isn't in control of someone's death. Because fuck your suffering: my stupid fantasy-world remaining intact is what's important.
Pain management is covered by the government here, hard drugs are often not the best option with nerve blocks and other more advanced treatment offering more effective and longer lasting relief with less side effects in most cases. Every patient responds differently though so hard drugs are also an option. Doctors don't like prescribing them that much because they often get addicts using up their prescription too quickly and then trying to get their personal information so they can beg/threaten them for more pills.
But you can measure it even better based on how the elderly laid the foundations for the present. Did they invest in their children's future? Or did they accrue debt, open the borders, erode morality, and expect their children to pay for lavish retirements before the country degenerated into a mongrel failed state?
does autism count as an incurable disability?
fuck off shill. libertarianism is actually good, this is why shills shill against it constantly. they even try to call it anarchy
I've always wondered, what, in a libertarian society, stops a group of people from taking over a sector of the economy, then creating a microeconomy within it.
Then they slowly expand this and create a situation exactly like today.
I don't care about libertarianism tbh fam, I just like my public roads, parks, sidewalks, sewage system, and the fact that I get to enjoy all of these things without directly paying tolls for them.
120 leafs burning in Hell
Imagine being a young doctor, fresh out of school, new job, new people, ready to begin your dream of helping the sick.
"Dr. user, we need you present for the euthanasia."
That is a interesting question.
Living in Canada is pretty dreary shit. I'm not surprised.
i think its more about if you see someone doing it, like a parent or spouse you can stop them and not be charged with assault or something
what, this thread hasn't been derailed by poutine niggers? I'm surprised
appeal to emotions fallacy
quick, somebody get the news out to cuckerberg et. al.
Can't wait for when certain races are seen as unworthy of life and given the 'voluntary' death sentences.
There's a natural, moral order to the universe. Execution is solely for men who've committed crimes against other men. It cannot be visited on another, or even oneself, just because he's in pain.
If man suffers, it's in atonement for sin. If our drugs and medicines can't alleviate his pain, then obviously it's his cross to bear. It's his duty to fight through it until the end. We shouldn't help him shirk his duty. We shouldn't help him violate the divinely ordered natural law.
Maybe. But euthanasia would ideally be reserved for people with incurable terminal illnesses. And even then, only for those people that want to die. If they're past the point where they could even consider that decision, like with advanced Alzheimer's, then the family should be allowed to decide.
Where do you draw the line at an acceptable level of medical care? 200 years ago we couldn't treat many things that are trivial today, and those people died slowly and terribly or just killed themselves/asked someone else to kill them. 200 years from now, we'll be able to treat terminal diseases that we can't hardly touch now, like cancer and Alzheimer's. So using what medical technology is currently capable of dealing with as a metric to divide who deserves to suffer and who doesn't is kinda silly.
Euthanasia isn't execution. It's suicide with good reason. Though it doesn't really matter right now in our age of decadence, in the past when resources were limited would you not think it would be quite honorable for an elderly and sickly man, who cannot contribute to his people's well-being and only drain from them, to go out into the cold and accept death? I can think of few things more respectable than that.
Where is the duty or responsibility in suffering endlessly and being a burden on your family and those who care about you? That seems more cowardly than embracing death when you know you've played your role.
This. We belong to God and have no right to murder ourselves.
Before, they were shooting themselves in the back of the head.
Now, it's euthanasia.
How convenient - now you can get someone killed legally!
Wtf Canadians
And these clinics business and financial wealth demands customers, as in people who they need to kill.
It's fucking creepy.
Less creepy than a nursing home?
If God gives someone an extremely painful and certain death disease, they're supposed to just suffer endlessly? You'll probably say yes to that, so where do you draw the line when medical technology is keeping them alive long past they would have died naturally?